Monday, April 13, 2020

Politics and Coronavirus related links 041320

US accuses Russia of huge coronavirus disinformation campaign

Officials warn of coronavirus spread in the United States: Trump says coronavirus in the U.S. is "under control" just hours before top health officials say the spread of the virus is not a matter of "if", but "when"

Rush Limbaugh Claims The ‘Common Cold’ Coronavirus Is An Effort To ‘Get Trump’: The conservative radio host declared communists and the media have “weaponized” the “common cold.”

The Establishment v Bernie Sanders, Coronavirus & the Stock Market | The Common Good w/ Robert Reich

Trump says he can reassemble a health security team quickly (he can't): After disbanding his global health security team, Trump says he can reassemble it quickly. It'd be great if that were true, but it's not.

Trump defends huge cuts to the CDC's budget by saying the government can hire more doctors 'when we need them' during crises

Trump's Sharpie Is Ready For The 'Caronavirus'

The Coronavirus Is Us: We live in an interconnected world, where borders are porous, more like living membranes than physical walls.

Trump Interrupts Coronavirus Briefing to Ask Fox Reporter About His TV Ratings

Bernie Sanders talks coronavirus on the campaign trail

Who the Hell Wants Another Four Years of This?  Will the deserted subways be enough? Will the empty arenas and ballparks be enough? Is the plunging stock market enough? When the ambulances start hauling away the old folks down the block, will that be enough?

Trump dodges responsibility as coronavirus spreads and markets crash

Public health experts warn Trump's history of lying about crises is a 'real problem' as he downplays coronavirus and contradicts the CDC

Sanders, Biden cancel rallies because of coronavirus fears: The Tuesday evening rallies in Cleveland are the first presidential events to be canceled due to the outbreak so far.

Coronavirus could heavily disrupt election processes. States should prepare by adopting vote-by-mail

Donald Trump is the very worst person to handle the coronavirus crisis: The president responded to the pandemic with denial and blaming foreigners. His incompetence and selfishness will be lethal

Faced with a public health crisis, our president is utterly clueless: Public health officials must coddle and cajole our baby-dictator to get anything done. Meanwhile, people are dying

Mike Pence Is the Worst Person to Lead a Coronavirus Response: The former Indiana governor presided over the state’s worst ever HIV outbreak. His ignorance made it worse.

Trump's Chaotic Response to Coronavirus & What's Next for Democrats | The Common Good w Robert Reich

McConnell "was absent from negotiations over a coronavirus relief package, spending Friday in Kentucky at a judicial event with Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh."

Senate Republicans Sit Out the Coronavirus Crisis: Given the circumstances, they could really use a plan.

Australian official who met with Ivanka Trump, AG Barr last week tests positive for coronavirus: The positive test for Australian Minister of Home Affairs Peter Dutton comes nine days after he said he met with the two and other officials during a trip to the U.S.

Trump is breaking every rule in the CDC’s 450-page playbook for health crisis: The communication chaos on coronavirus is eroding the most powerful weapon we have: Public trust

Bernie goes full FDR in national address on the coronavirus pandemic and suddenly, all too briefly, he’s the president we need: Forget free tuition, legal pot and climate change for the moment..


Right Wing Can’t Decide If Virus Is No Big Deal, or Big Deal and China’s Fault: LIE VS. LIE.  For the first time ever, Team Trump, so adept at lying, is confused about which lie to tell.

There’s a Giant Hole in Pelosi’s Coronavirus Bill: The legislation passed by the House doesn’t actually guarantee paid sick leave to most American workers.

Trump didn't push for more coronavirus testing because he was concerned that high infection numbers might dent his reelection chances, report says

Rep. Louie Gohmert is single-handedly holding up House coronavirus bill before it can be sent to Senate

A Deadly Lack of Leadership: The president congratulates himself.

CDC urges halting gatherings of 50 people or more

FACT CHECK: Trump's Accusations About The Obama Administration And Swine Flu

2020 Time Capsule #4: Trump Is Lying, Blatantly

Trump Now Claims He Always Knew the Coronavirus Would Be a Pandemic: The president tried to rewrite his history with advising Americans about the coronavirus. His own words prove him wrong.

191 House Republicans vote against slashing costs for prescription drugs

Here Are the 8 Senators Who Voted Against the Coronavirus Relief Package on Wednesday.  To which party do you think they belong?

Coronavirus Updates, Corporate Bailouts and the Stimulus Package | The Common Good with Robert Reich

Coronavirus bill would include cash payments: The Republican proposal also includes emergency aid for small businesses and industries such as airline companies.

Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows


Trump, promoting unproven drug treatments, insults NBC reporter at coronavirus briefing: NBC News' Peter Alexander asked Trump to respond to Americans who are scared by the pandemic, which triggered the president to reply with an insult.

The GOP coronavirus relief package is a dream for big corporations, and a nightmare for struggling Americans

Trump’s Most Faithful Don’t Really Care If He Botched The Coronavirus Response: His loyal supporters wanted someone to break things and knock over tables – and if thousands more wind up dying because of Trump, well, that’s how it goes.

Gordon Brown says nationalism is preventing global action from tackling coronavirus

During a Pandemic, Trump’s ‘Bullshit’ Will Be Deadly: The president cannot recognize, much less deal with, reality.

Mike Pence as Chief of the Coronavirus Task Force

Make Elizabeth Warren the Coronavirus Czar: Trump isn’t up to the job of managing a crisis. We need a work-around.

Trump Suggests States Need to Bribe Him With Praise to Get Federal Assistance for COVID-19: “But, you know, it’s a two-way street,” the president said of states desperate for equipment. “They have to treat us well, also.”

Priorities USA begins $6 million blitz of anti-Trump coronavirus ads: The Democratic super PAC went up with a new ad on coronavirus in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin on Tuesday.

Reich: Trump's cuts have exacerbated danger of coronavirus

The virus claims another American victim

'All Of This Panic Could Have Been Prevented': Author Max Brooks On COVID-19

Is “COVID-19” Donald’s “Weapons of Mass Destruction?”

Power in a Time of Coronavirus

Joe Biden Releases Blistering "He Knew" Digital Ad Hitting Trump For F@#$ing Up Coronavirus Response

The Malarky Report: Biden Announces Shadow Briefings To Counteract Trump’s Lies

Kentucky vs. Tennessee on coronavirus may be the best example of 'elections matter' in decades

Congress passes coronavirus package, but much more is needed

Historic $2-trillion stimulus deal reached amid pandemic

A Cruel Motive for a Costly Delay: Republican senators threatened to block trillions of dollars in aid amid the coronavirus pandemic to deprive low-wage workers of needed help.

How Coronavirus Made Andrew Cuomo America’s Governor: New York’s brash leader has risen to the occasion as the nation looks for a comforting leader during the public health crisis brought on by coronavirus.

Rantin' Randy's Rant 3/26/20 Dump The Trump
MSNBC’s Morning Joe and Mika bash Trump for ‘whistling past the graveyard’ as coronavirus claims hundreds of lives per day

Ex-Fox reporter debunks Trump’s hunch-based coronavirus policy with shocking charts



Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak


The November election is in jeopardy.  Save it with mail-in voting.

Congress' new stimulus bill doesn't do enough to protect voting in November. The next bill must

What It Will Take to Protect the 2020 Election: We know how much it will cost to safeguard voting from effects of the pandemic. Congress approved only one-fifth of that.

Coronavirus response includes $400 million in election assistance. Will it be enough?  Costs include printing and postage for millions of mail-in ballots


Medical Expert Who Corrects Trump Is Now a Target of the Far Right

WISDOM OF THE ELDERS: How to stay in it for the long haul: We asked some longtimers how they’ve paced themselves to stay the course.

After considering $1 billion price tag for ventilators, White House has second thoughts

Trump struggles with tone in virus crisis, aides urge more empathy

Let's talk about Trump shipping PPE overseas....

Let's talk about what's going to happen....

Let's talk about government assistance and advice....

Let's talk about Joseph Lowery's lesson to us all....

Let's talk about what $1200 checks can teach us....

Let's talk about the troops you'll see....

Let's talk about what the rich are teaching us about the future....

Let's talk about the prepping community and a heart to heart....

Let's talk about a ray of hope and Mary....

Florida Gov. DeSantis Accused of Illegally Excluding Reporters from Coronavirus Presser

New Orleans mayor says she would have canceled Mardi Gras if Trump administration had warned about coronavirus dangers

Biden Goes After ‘Reckless’ Trump Claim That Hospitals Are Using Too Many Face Masks: “This is ridiculous and completely false,” the former veep said of the president’s claims that medical workers were misusing protective supplies.

Our biggest viral threat

Letters From the April 6, 2020, Issue: The rest is commentary, etc…

Right Now Congressional Dems Are to the Right of the GOP: The party’s leadership is failing the test posed by the coronavirus.

The Coronavirus Doesn’t Have to Disrupt Our Elections: We have ways to keep voters safe. Now we just need to use them.

‘People Should Not Be Forced to Put Their Lives on the Line to Vote’: Bernie Sanders and Wisconsin Democrats want to delay the state's April 7 primary to keep voters safe, But, so far, the election's still on.

Pelosi responds to claim that impeachment distracted Trump from virus

Let's talk about religious facilities right now....

Let's talk about 7 pitches and opportunity....

MUST-SEE: Fox host ENDS interview as doctor RIPS Trump’s “weak” response ON AIR

Rantin' Randy's Rant 4/2/20 A Brave New World with an idiot in charge

Let's talk about where Americans can find leadership....

Trump’s Brand Is Chaos: “Stupidity has a knack of getting its way.”

We’re Off

Trump thinks he can use the pandemic to win again: Will the media help him?  First the media attacked Trump — now it's heaping praise on him for acting normal. Remember George W. Bush?

Churchill vs. Vaudeville: Who Would You Prefer in a Crisis?

Trump Minimizing and Sugarcoating Coronavirus Perils

Trump’s Pandemic Response: Pander to CEOs, Abandon Workers

Satire/Rosie Sorenson - Time Magazine’s Person of the Year


#DemocracyNow - Top U.S. & World Headlines — April 3, 2020

Let's talk about PR in a time of crisis....

Trump says states need to "work out" competing bids for medical equipment for themselves

Fact-check: Trump says some states aren't in jeopardy from the virus, denies saying it would go away by April

Trump Falsely Claims He Inherited ‘Empty’ Stockpile

Saluting the Heroes of the Coronavirus Pandumbic | The Daily Show

Bernie Sanders Pushes Postal Service To Protect Letter Carriers In Coronavirus Crisis: Carriers have lacked ready access to sanitation and protective gear, and some were reportedly pressured to work despite showing symptoms of illness.

Trump Was Right: Cuomo Admits New York Has 'Stockpile' of Ventilators

Trump administration ended pandemic early-warning program to detect coronaviruses

Trump adviser: Trump 'took a gamble' that coronavirus would go away with warmer weather

Rantin' Randy Rant 4-4-20 Enemy of the states

Philly should reopen Hahnemann for coronavirus — and keep it open after | Opinion

Trump: ‘Complainers’ should have stocked up on supplies before coronavirus crisis


New York surgeon writes haunting letter about rationing care for patients who don't have the coronavirus

Safety Advice If You Must Visit the Grocery Store: Deliveries are safer during the coronavirus pandemic, but sometimes a store visit is unavoidable. Here are the precautions to take.

Trump 'severely mentally troubled' and must resign from coronavirus response, mental health group warns: World Mental Health Coalition urges president's impeachment or resignation for 'dangerous detachment to reality' that is making pandemic worse

Coronavirus Failures Show Trump Is Clear and Present Danger to the United States: Seven "pro-contagion activities" by Trump increased the coronavirus death toll in the United States.

The fight between Science & Greed. Between Facts & "People are saying". From a Navy vet to Mobly.

Malcolm Nance: Trump does not care if Americans live or die.

Malcolm Nance: Trump is killing Americans with his incompetence.

Let's talk about what we've learned....

During A National Crisis, Trump Fires Two Men Of Honor For Telling The Truth

States Can't Fight Coronavirus on Their Own—And the Founding Fathers Knew It

Opinion: Trump Is Gutting Our Democracy While We’re Dealing With Coronavirus.  The president’s firing of the intelligence watchdog who validated the Ukraine whistle-blower complaint is his latest threat to the rule of law.

Brutal Political Ad Calls Out Trump Coronavirus Testing Failures | NowThis

Scoop: Inside the epic White House fight over hydroxychloroquine

Trump holds "financial interest" in pharmaceutical company that produces hydroxychloroquine: NYT
Trump and his allies have financial ties to companies that manufacture untested drug he’s touting for COVID-19

Experts warn about big dollar fraud in $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief package: Former watchdog warns one program could be "be defrauded in massive ways."

Trump has nominated one of his lawyers to oversee coronavirus relief funds: White House lawyer Brian Miller has been selected for oversight of a $500 billion bailout fund.

Trump removes watchdog tapped for virus rescue oversight

Trump removes watchdog at head of committee overseeing coronavirus relief funds: The move comes as Trump’s critics take aim at a wave of presidential actions and comments that stand to re-shape the ranks of independent federal watchdogs.


‘What do you have to lose?’: Inside Trump’s embrace of a risky drug against coronavirus

Letters From the April 13, 2020, Issue: Making the case…, etc.

What the GOP Is Doing While You Struggle to Breathe

The Coronavirus Will Test Whether We’ve Learned Anything From 9/11: Many of us would be happy to exchange some basic rights for safety right now, but we have to be vigilant about protecting our liberties.

Mixed Message

Trump Administration Using Relief Funds To Bail Out Churches, Pay Pastor Salaries

A Historian Speaks to the Current Moment

Joe Biden Outlines New Steps to Ease Economic Burden on Working People

Pence Blocks Fauci, Birx from Appearing on CNN after Network Stops Airing Full White House Coronavirus Briefings

Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller made last-minute changes to Trump's error-riddled coronavirus speech before he delivered it

AMERICAN IDIOT - Supporters Turn on Trump for ‘Flat-Out Lying’ About Coronavirus: ‘He’s Got No Idea What the Hell He’s Doing’

The Revolution Is Under Way Already: Far from making Americans crave stability, the pandemic underscores how everything is up for grabs.

Trump keeps hiring and firing.  No wonder the pandemic response is such a mess.

Noam Chomsky on Trump’s Disastrous Coronavirus Response, Bernie Sanders & What Gives Him Hope

Naomi Klein: Sanders “Broke the Spell” of Neoliberalism as Trump Pushes Coronavirus Capitalism

With Each Briefing, Trump Is Making Us Worse People: He is draining the last reserves of decency among us at a time when we need it most.

Trump Says 'We're Not Getting Any Calls From Governors' About Shortages, Contrary To Reports

National polling shows reality is starting to catch up with Trump's abysmal coronavirus response

History Repeats Itself, First as Tragedy, Then as Farce

COVID-19 Is Manufactured Chaos

“The American Disease”: Only the Overthrow of the Oligarchy Will Cure It

Coronavirus pandemic reveals GOP’s soft civil war

Trump’s COVID-19 crisis has brought out his inner authoritarian — and his corruption is about to get much worse: columnist

Identified Cases of Coronavirus: How Trump Sells His Bill of Goods

Do You Want to Wait until One Hundred Years Later

He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus

Joe Biden: My Plan to Safely Reopen America.  An effective strategy to beat the virus is the ultimate answer to how we get our economy back on track.

Trump Lashes Out at Fauci Amid Criticism of Slow Virus Response

US's global reputation hits rock-bottom over Trump's coronavirus response: International relations expert warns policy failure could do lasting damage as president insults allies and undermines alliances

Graeme Keast: possibly the greatest rant you’ll ever see

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