Monday, April 13, 2020

Ecology and Pollution related links 041320

Incoming EPA Official Believes Burning More Fossil Fuel Will Fix Climate Change

California moves to allow voters to switch party registration on Election Day

Federal probe involving Giuliani is reportedly 'moving forward': Are the officials investigating Giuliani alerting the public in case Attorney General Bill Barr tries to pull the plug on the probe?

North Dakota OKs expanding Dakota Access Pipeline, setting up legal fight with Standing Rock

Israeli researchers develop technology producing water from air: Researchers at Haifa's Technion–Israel Institute of Technology say they have developed a standalone system capable of producing water from air, including in desert regions.

How Native tribes are taking the lead on planning for climate change

10 Years Ago, We Pledged To Help Haiti Rebuild. Then What Happened?  Hundreds of millions in aid went to U.S. corporations and the U.S. military. A fraction went to Haitian institutions.

A Clear Menace: Why glass luxe construction is destroying the world

Voices From the Front Lines of a Climate Direct Action Campaign: “We are removing our consent from this system, and we are not asking for anyone’s permission.”

EPA seeks public input on cleanup plan: To address contaminated soil in 'Middleground Island'

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: Climate Crisis will reshape finance

Martin Sheen on the Environment and War

Adapting to rising seas, schools move to the rafters and cats swim

Do Animals Have Emotions? Baby Elephant Cried For 5 Hours After Mother Rejected Him.  Elephants are known to be incredibly emotional creatures, and have even been witnessed grieving over the bones or body of a deceased friend or family member.   Even cockroaches have unique personalities.   “Convergent evidence indicates that non-human animals have the neuroanatomical, neurochemical and neurophysiological substrates of conscious states along with the capacity to exhibit intentional behaviors.”

The New “Roaring” Twenties

Climate change blamed as huge mounds of rotten seaweed spoil pristine beaches in Mexico: Piles of sargassum, which smells of rotting eggs and turns sea water brown, covers Rivera Maya coast

Emissions of potent greenhouse gas have grown, contradicting reports of huge reductions

Coronavirus and the Terrifying Muzzling of Public Health Experts

Trump Admin Failed to Protect 241 Species From Extinction

Why Melting Sea Ice Could Lead To New Kinds Of Weather

Refugees Are Fleeing Climate Change

Governments Are Failing To Adapt To Sea Level Rise

Rescue Facts: How climate change affects refugees

Climate refugees in Western New York

United Nations rules you can't deport climate change refugees | Sheila Gunn Reid

Planet SOS from Palau to Alaska: Where will climate refugees go when the tide rises?

Tornadoes devastate Tennessee, killing at least 22 people

Undercover investigation exposes senseless rush to kill coyotes at New York wildlife killing contest

Richard Powers on the Standing of Trees: The author of The Overstory hikes through the Great Smoky Mountains  and discusses giving personhood to nonhumans.

A Smiling Understanding

Lies in the White House, Cancer in Our Neighborhoods

California Fires and the Search for Home

Butterfly Protectors Join Toll of Murdered Environmentalists

How One Man Turned His Backyard Garden Into a Full-Fledged Community Farmers Market : When Jamiah Hargins grew too many lemons and herbs, he created an informal crop swap that has turned into an official farmers market in his Los Angeles community.

Drifting Poisons Cause Damage

What is at Risk from Climate Change and What We Can Do Now

Think Exotic Animals Are to Blame for the Coronavirus? Think Again.  Scientists have fingered bats and pangolins as potential sources of the virus, but the real blame lies elsewhere—with human assaults on the environment.

Bad Times: Jenny Offill’s new novel of dread.

After the Uprising: The Anpo treaty protests and the unmaking of Japan’s postwar left.

Fukushima: Nine Years Later Still Glowing (w/ Kevin Kamps)


He Sued Chevron and Won. Now He’s Under House Arrest.  Chevron is using the U.S. courts to avoid paying out $9.5 billion for environmental damage—and to silence lead lawyer Steven Donziger.

War Is an Enormous Threat to the Climate Movement: Unless challenged, U.S. military power imperils any serious response to the climate crisis.

DEA-led operation nets more than 600 arrests targeting Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación

Letters From the March 30, 2020, Issue: A deeply rooted story… The Iowa debacle… The forgotten foreign policy… They’ve crossed a line…

California Is Fighting Trump for Clean Air: The president has overturned a 50-year waiver that allows the state to set its own standards—but California, allied with other states, is fighting back.

Life in Pieces: Jenny Offill’s fragmented novel for the end of the world

Pondering a Sick Extinction?

Will the Global Response to the Coronavirus Give Climate a Nudge?

Spring 2020, a Season of Hope and Dread: This spring, with its simultaneous burgeoning of daylight and illness, is a reminder that nature doesn’t have a meaning or a personality or a moral code.

The Fight to Keep the Mediterranean Free of Oil Drilling: Activists are winning important fights against hydrocarbon exploration in the Mediterranean—but so much is still at stake.

Watch a Garden Come to Life in This Absolutely Breathtaking Time-Lapse | Short Film Showcase

How a Human Rights Lawyer Went From Hero to House Arrest: Lawyer Steven Donziger helped win a $9.5 billion judgment for rain forest cleanup. Then Chevron hit back.

For Trump’s EPA, Back to Normal Means More Pollution

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