Saturday, June 22, 2019

Veterans related links 062219

VA may owe veterans millions in refunds but knowingly hasn't paid them for years, probe finds

Access and manage your VA benefits and health care

Using Life Stories to Connect Veterans and Providers

STRIDE program to keep hospitalized Veterans mobile

Optimizing Function and Independence Through STRIDE (STRIDE)

Volunteers are a priceless asset to the Nation’s Veterans and to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VAMC Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Locally to Help Veterans

Mary Ellis, Legendary Female WWII Pilot, Passes Away At 101

VA chapel Bibles get moved in name of ‘religious neutrality’

A beautiful garden is now blossoming at a women veterans' community in Philadelphia

Haven Women (Helping Achieve Veteran Empowerment Now)

VA MISSION Act, Community Care Access Program Now Underway: The VA MISSION Act aims to boost patient access to care and community care benefits.

MISSION Act guidance available in booklet

Veterans Now Eligible for More Private Health Care Options: New MISSION Act aims to provide greater access to high-quality care

Increasing Veterans' access to health care: The MISSION Act strengthens VA’s ability to deliver trusted, easy to access, high quality care at VA facilities, virtually through telehealth, and in your community. That means you get the care and services you need, where and when you need them.

Competing in pain, Navy Veteran captures medals in wheelchair division of Golden Age Games

Access and manage your VA benefits and health care

What Do You Really Know About Military Behavioral Health Technicians?

VA Overcharged Disabled Vets on Home Loans: Inspector General

Wait Time for Burial at Arlington Can Be Nearly a Year

How to Use the VA's New Urgent Care Benefit

Find Military Friendly Jobs

Pentagon Effort Underway to Make DD-214 Digitally Accessible, with More Privacy

Fallujah Vet Will Be First Living Medal of Honor Recipient from Iraq War

Family Receives Purple Heart 75 Years After Veteran Sold it for Food

2019 VA Disability Compensation Rates

Justice Department Won't Appeal Agent Orange Ruling Benefiting Blue Water Navy Vets

VA Rolls Out New Private-Sector Health Care Programs

Vets Denied VA Home Loans if They Work with Cannabis

VA on Track to Cure Nearly All Patients with Hepatitis C

Air Force Allows Sikh Airman to Wear Turban and Beard

The Warning Signs of Suicide and What to Do

VA Looking to Hire More Former Medics, Corpsmen

The Lone Sailor Statue Dedicated at Utah Beach During D-Day Ceremonies

VA health care facilities to go smoke-free: VHA Modifies Policies to Increase Quality of Care to Veterans

Can VA and community-based care coexist?  New York State Health Foundation (NYSHealth) says yes

`We were helping the war effort’: Humble World War II Veteran oldest former military member to ever compete at National Veterans Golden Age Games

#VeteranOfTheDay Navy Veteran Edward Bishop

Procopio Decision Final: Blue Water Navy Veterans get Presumption for Disability Claims
     This week the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced it will NOT appeal the Procopio v. Wilkie Decision. This decision extends the presumption for VA disability claims to the Blue Water Navy veterans who served off the coast of Vietnam and who were exposed to toxic chemical defoliants during the Vietnam conflict.
     In January 2019, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington D.C., in a 9-2 decision extended presumptive VA disability benefits to the Blue Water Navy Vietnam veterans who were exposed to toxic chemical defoliants. The DOJ had until June 28, 2019 to decide if it wanted to appeal the decision. The FRA is listed as a "friend of the court" by the petitioner Blue Water Navy Veteran, Mr. Procopio.
     The FRA wants to thank Shipmates that weighed in on this issue through the FRA Action Center. The association still supports the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act (H.R.299 & S.1195) that will ensure that the VA interrupts (sic.) Procopio correctly and expands presumption for certain Korean veterans and benefits to children with spina bifida with at least one parent who served in Thailand.
See: FRA NewsBytes June 7, 2019

House Armed Services, Military Personnel Subcommittee Markup NDAA
     Led by Chairwoman Rep. Jackie Speier (Calif.) and Ranking Member Rep. Trent Kelly (Miss.), the House Armed Services Committee, Military Personnel Subcommittee unanimously approved its portion of the FY2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA-H.R.2500).  Key provisions in the markup include:
     No TRICARE fee increases.
     Prohibiting the Department of Defense (DoD) from realigning or reducing military medical end strength until analyses are conducted on impact on combat readiness, quality of care and the availability of health care services for beneficiaries.
     Requiring DoD to conduct a review policy and submit a report on suicide among members of the Armed Forces.
     Providing the full 3.1 percent active duty annual pay increase that keeps pace with civilian pay.
Requiring DoD to develop an assessment tool to measure health and safety hazards in DOD housing to include privatized housing.
     Mandating exposures to burn pits and blast events to be recorded in a service member's medical record.
Increasing maximum reimbursement amount from $500 to $1,000 for state licensure and certifications of a military spouse due to relocation.
     The FRA opposes the controversial plan to cut more than 17,000 military medical billets over three years and welcomes the two-year delay provided in the House subcommittee markup to determine the impact on access and quality of care for beneficiaries. The subcommittee markup will go to the full House Armed Services Committee for their markup and then onto the full House for consideration.
     The Senate Committee has already marked up its version of the defense authorization bill (S.1215) and the bill is awaiting consideration by the full Senate in two weeks. Once both chambers pass their version of the NDAA, a conference committee will be appointed to resolve the differences between the two bills. Once that occurs both chambers will vote on the final bill, and if approved by both chambers the bill will go to the President to be signed into law or be vetoed.
See: FRA NewsBytes June 7, 2019

Discharge Petition for SBP/DIC Offset Repeal
     Rep. Joe Wilson (S.C.), sponsor of the FRA-supported SBP/DIC offset repeal (H.R.553), has filed a Discharge Petition for the legislation. A discharge petition allows a bill to be released from committee and sent to the House floor for a vote if a majority of Representatives (218) approves the petition. The SBP/DIC offset for survivors, is sometimes referred to as the Military Widows Tax.
     Eliminating the DIC dollar-for-dollar offset to SBP annuities for eligible survivors would correct an inequity that has existed for many years. Each payment serves a different purpose: DIC is a special compensation paid by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to the survivor when a military member's death is service-connected. SBP annuities are paid by the Department of Defense (DOD), reflect the longevity of the service of the military member. They are usually calculated at 55 percent of covered retired pay for retirees who elect to participate. It ensures their family has a guaranteed income after his/her death.
     Members are urged to use the FRA Action Center to contact their U.S. Representative to ask them to support the discharge petition.
See: FRA NewsBytes June 7, 2019

VA MISSION Act Implementation
     The FRA-supported VA MISSION Act was signed into law on June 6, 2018.  NED Tom Snee and DLP John Davis attended the bill signing ceremony at the White House. A year later the law is being implemented by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Under the new law, the Veterans Health Administration will undergo structural changes that give veterans greater access to the health care they earned.
     Fully implementing this new law is going to take years. Among other things, the VA has to integrate community care programs, update payment systems and conduct a review of the department's assets and infrastructure. These major changes to VA structure are scheduled over the next several years with progress review dates for accountability.
      Another important provision of the new law is the expansion of the VA Caregiver Program that was expanded to include benefits for all badly disabled veterans. Previously it applied to veterans disabled after 9/11/2001. The FRA will continue to monitor implementation of all these important provisions of this law to ensure that veterans continue to benefit from this new law.
See: FRA NewsBytes June 7, 2019

D-Day 75th Anniversary
     President Donald Trump attended a ceremony celebrating the 75th anniversary of the World War II invasion of Normandy, France by Allied troops, commonly referred to as D-Day. Attendees at the event included American D-Day veterans. The event honored those who participated in the largest naval invasion in history that eventually lead to the end of the war in Europe.
See: FRA NewsBytes June 7, 2019

VISN 4 Announced on June 7, 2019, a New Crescenz VA Medical Center Director.  
Karen Flaherty-Oxler, MSN, RN, Experienced Nursing Leader and retired rear admiral of the United States Navy, appointed to Lead Medical Center in Philadelphia.   She will oversee delivery of health care to approximately 60,000 veterans with an operating budget of more than $540 million. With nearly 3,000 employees, the Crescenz VAMC operates 309 inpatient beds and conducted nearly 530,000 outpatient visits last year. The Crescenz VAMC also operates outpatient clinics in Marlton, Horsham, and West Philadelphia in Pennsylvania and Camden and Sewell in New Jersey.
CONTACT: David Cowgill, Communications Manager, PHONE: (412) 822-3536

Female Veterans Are Fastest Growing Segment of Homeless Veteran Population

Sacred Duty: A Soldier’s Tour at Arlington National Cemetery

Same Day Mental Health services for Veterans

Veterans and Transitioning Military Get a Free Year of LinkedIn Premium: Includes over 14,000 LinkedIn Learning courses

As a VA healthcare leader, Dr. Glennon Park ensures that Veterans receive the best emergency care
As Section Chief of the Emergency Department at Minneapolis VA Health Care System, Dr. Glennon Park directly impacts emergency medicine practices at VA.

#VeteranOfTheDay Navy Veteran Thomas Jerome Hudner Jr.

Leo LaCasse survived three crash landings and evaded 4,000 enemy troops during World War II: Highly decorated hero now resides at a VA Community Living Center

VA mental health therapy in your living room: Houston Veterans get mental health care at home using remote video app

Inadequate Oversight of Contracted Disability Exam Cancellations

Meet Marine Corps Veteran, Walter Wojcik

Bernard Cambia is Fit For Life

Meet Betty: 80 going on 39

VA health care facilities to go smoke-free

The VA will now let you go to civilian urgent care centers


Senate Unanimously Passes the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act

‘Blue water’ veterans bill clears Senate, heads to White House for final signature

Complications Associated with Phototherapy at the Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System

Horse Therapy ~ Peyo The Love Stallion Visits Sick People

TREA "The Enlisted Association" Washington Update.  DOJ Decides not to Appeal the Decision in Procopio.  GOOD NEWS FOR NAVY BLUE WATER VETERANS.  The Solicitor General submitted a motion to SCOTUS to dismiss Gray v. Wilkie as a moot case, as DoJ has decided not to appeal the decision in Procopio.  This means Procopio is now law of the land: "The Solicitor General has decided not to file a petition for a writ of certiorari in Procopio, and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will follow Procopio's interpretation of the Act going forward."

Borne The Battle 149: WWII Weekend Part One: Pearl Harbor Survivors Richard Schimmel and William Bonelli

Nurse Practitioners can discover a career leading and shaping Veterans’ healthcare during the 2019 AANP National Conference in Indianapolis. Learn about VA nursing careers at the American Association of Nurse Practitioners National Conference, June 18-23, 2019.

#VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran John Edgar Keogh

A salute to a fallen soldier, 47 years later

Agent Orange (Live) Kate Wolf

#VeteranOfTheDay Army Air Forces Veteran Edwin W. Hays

Paralyzed Marine pays it forward and stays ‘Oscar Mike’

Combat Veteran roommates share stories, healing experience at VA North Texas

Army Veteran takes scenic route across country to reach Anchorage, National Veterans Golden Age Games

Community Care - Emergency Medical Care

Veteran Community Care – Urgent Care

VA Deputy Chief Barbara C. Morton receives Gears of Government Award for improving how VA serves Veterans and their families: Deputy Chief of the Veterans Experience Office Barbara C. Morton was recognized for better understanding the needs of Veterans and their families.

#VeteranOfTheDay Army Nurse Corps Veteran Lille Margaret Steinmetz Magette

Competing on behalf of Native American tribe, Marine Veteran earns gold medals at Golden Age Games

Hey Pete Buttigieg. I haven’t met you. This is crazy. Here’s my number. So call me maybe?

VA exceeds hiring goal of mental health providers by the thousands

VA receives awards for innovation in health IT

VA receives awards for innovation in health IT: Nine VA programs focused on improving Veterans’ experiences and business processes win accolades

Collaboration and human-centered design are keys to new digital Disability Compensation Claim Tool

#VeteranOfTheDay United States Army Air Corps and Air Force Veteran Howard C. McDonald

VA North Texas maximizing patient health, independence, through intense rehabilitation program

VA’s Vet Centers to host open houses to celebrate initiative’s 40th anniversary

VA OIG Audit Report: VA’s Administration of the Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology Next
Generation Contract

Veterans Advisory Commission 12-12-2018

I could not find the March 2019 meeting of the Veterans Advisory Commission at the following site:

Never Forgotten Memorials


Would you like assistance in upgrading your discharge? 

National WWI Museum and Memorial monument, other sites vandalized overnight

Best Stolen Valor Fights 2018! Instant Karma - Instant Justice

Veteran Community Care: Overview

JUNE 20, 2019

VA Vet Center rededicated to honor fallen North Ogden Mayor, National Guard Veteran Maj. Brent Taylor

Milwaukee and Madison VA team up for tai chi seminar, promote healing, mental clarity

Alleged Deficiencies in Out of Operating Room Airway Management Processes at the Colmery-O’Neil VA
Medical Center within the VA Eastern Kansas Health Care System, Topeka,Kansas


Alleged Unapproved Acquisition of a Robotic Surgical System for the W.G. (Bill) Hefner Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Salisbury, North Carolina

Trump takes credit for passing veterans bill that passed under Obama

Perry County Woman Sentenced For Role In Defrauding Disabled Veteran

Treating PTSD: Stay Connected

Increasing Veterans' access to health care: The MISSION Act strengthens VA’s ability to deliver trusted, easy to access, high quality care at VA facilities, virtually through telehealth, and in your community. That means you get the care and services you need, where and when you need them.

Six Ways to Combat Heart Failure

Target Your Anger with AIMS App

Cool Down Your Summer Workout

Boost Your Brain Health After TBI

Get Checked: Say Yes to the HIV Test

VA pension benefits

Borne The Battle #150: Benefits Breakdown – 75th Anniversary of the VA Home Loan Program

Explore providing specialized care to Veterans as an orthopedic surgeon during the American: Orthopaedic Association Annual Leadership Meetings in San Diego
Learn about VA careers in orthopedics at #AOAmtg, June 25-29, 2019.

Team Red, White and Blue connects Veterans to their communities with social and physical activities
Team RWB wants you to join the more than 160K Eagles across the Nation

#VeteranOfTheDay Marine Corps Veteran Scott S. Jensen


Vet360 and Veterans Signals programs recognized by FedHealthIT: VA's Veterans Experience Office receives 2019 FedHealthIT Innovation Awards

Texas VA awarded contract for TeleMental Health Hosting Facility

#VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Kenneth M. Wessner

Spinal injury Veterans do some home cooking: Residents plan, prepare and share community meals

VA releases Request for Information, seeks strategies for ways to end Veteran suicide

Scientists display medical innovations at `VA Research Day’ in nation’s capital

2019-06-20 Full Committee on Veterans’ Affairs held a legislative hearing on Pending Legislation

Remains of Air Force officer MIA since 1967 returning home, ending 50-year vigil

The Inequality Hidden Within the Race-Neutral G.I. Bill: While the G.I. Bill itself was progressive, much of the country still functioned under both covert and blatant segregation.

Criminal Justice and Racism links 062219

How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about

Let's talk about the censorship of hate speech....

75 years after D-Day, African-American veteran tells his story of service and slights during World War II

IncogNegro: Poetic Reflections of Race & Diversity in America

A veteran died in police custody. His body was returned to his family with some organs missing

One Man’s Quest for a Memorial to Sugar Land’s Bitter History

Domestic Violence Is The Most Common Killer Of Women Around The World: A U.N. report revealed that 87,000 women were murdered last year, and over half were killed by intimate partners or family members.

Pastor Kevin R. Johnson: A parent's fear: That could have been my son

Cops are expected to run toward danger. Here's the toll that takes

In Los Angeles, only people of color are sentenced to death: The county’s prosecutor has won death sentences for 22 defendants, none of them white, report shows

Trump digs in on Central Park 5: 'They admitted their guilt'.  The president, who once called for the five to get the death penalty, offered no apology even though the convictions were vacated.

Two men wrongfully convicted of 1976 murder freed after 43 years behind bars

Federal Ban on Female Genital Mutilation Ruled Unconstitutional by Judge: Dr. Attar and Dr. Jumana Nagarwala were defendants in a case struck down by Judge Bernard Friedman.

Let's talk about Phoenix PD and Barbies....

Let's talk about the bigger question in the Bella Thorne scandal....

Let's talk about my friend who was at the shooting today....

When Slaveowners Got Reparations: Lincoln signed a bill in 1862 that paid up to $300 for every enslaved person freed.

Editorial: Congress should approve the proposed Standing Bear national historic trail

On Juneteenth, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee makes case for reparations for descendants of slaves

Mitch McConnell's reparations comments belittle the issue

AMENDMENT XIII to  the Constitution

This data-stealing malware has returned with new attacks and nasty upgraded features: Large parts of the Scranos operation were taken out in April - but it's already back and the criminals behind it seem more determined than ever, adding a trojan and a cryptojacker to their adware scheme.

New York Could Become First State To Be Completely Done With Private Prisons

How a Young Joe Biden Became the Architect of the Government's Asset Forfeiture Program: A tale of the War on Drugs, Joe Biden, Bill Weld, and how civil asset forfeiture came to be.

Man accused of double-murder livestreamed police chase on Facebook

Economics and Corruption related links 062219

Citizens in Distress: The mental strain of a no-deal Brexit

Both right and left should fear the justified rage of Remainers: Pro-Europeans find themselves derided or ignored even as their numbers swell

Sixteen Million Rising - The UK's First "Grassroots" Pro-European Radio Show!  "You write the songs! You make the news! And we will be with EU, whatever..!"

Brexit would be a crying shame, says D-Day veteran

U.S. Requiring Social Media Information From Visa Applicants

Big tobacco secretly bankrolling anti-NHS think tank whose bosses donate thousands to Tory leadership contenders, an investigation reveals: British American Tobacco is funding the Institute of Economic Affairs, which has called for the NHS to be abolished, while previous funders include sugar and soft drinks companies

Denmark Moves to the Left as Nationalists Suffer Deep Losses

Collaborations, not tax breaks, are better for growth

Carole Cadwalladr keynote speech

pet hates toys

How Brexit Broke Britain and Revealed a Country at War With Itself

Britain’s wartime generation are almost as pro-EU as millennials

Workers With Disabilities Are Making Cents Per Hour — and It’s Legal

America's Real Economy: It Isn't Booming

Eight reasons Tory MPs keep getting it wrong: When it comes to Brexit, poor cognition is the curse of Britain’s governing class

Reaganomics killed America's middle class: This country's fate was sealed when our government slashed taxes on the rich back in 1980

Permission granted: 50s Women win historic case to judicial review on pension rights

Tory leadership: Jeremy Hunt's bid to be new party leader

EU view of Tory leadership candidates deeply critical, say sources: Boris Johnson viewed as Trump-like figure while Dominic Raab accused of ‘making things up’


Michel Barnier warns Tory leadership hopefuls that EU will never renegotiate Brexit agreement

Don't start pining for Theresa May: she was unspeakably dire and this disaster's on her

Brexit: Labour announce bid to block new Tory PM from suspending parliament to force through no-deal


More merry pranksters take the Tories' Electric Fool-Aid Acid Test: Andrea Leadsom, Mark Harper and Rory Stewart all trip up as they launch their leadership campaigns

UK suffers from shortage of seasonal fruit pickers this summer

Parliament faces 'mortal retribution' from voters if Brexit is blocked -Johnson

Boris Johnson Brexit plan difficult or impossible, says Philip Hammond: Chancellor casts doubt on viability of Tory leadership favourite’s promises

Clarke and Dawe - The Front Fell Off

Brexit: Leaked cabinet note admits UK not ready for no-deal exit on October 31, blowing hole in Boris Johnson leadership pledge: Building up adequate stockpiles of medicines for a no-deal Brexit will take ‘six to eight months’, leaked cabinet note says

High Time: Judy Wicks launches statewide nonprofit devoted to keeping hemp and cannabis local

Letter, 6/8: Medicaid delays defy voters' will

The Spectator

Think Corbyn is a ‘danger to Britain’? Here’s how you’ve been brainwashed

OK, everyone. I think it’s time I told my Boris Johnson story. It’s a story about the time as foreign secretary where Johnson committed a straightforward resigning offence, got caught out, then got away with it.

Bumboys, hot totty and piccaninnies: Boris Johnson's long record of sexist, homophobic and racist comments

Senior doctors accuse Government of deliberately underfunding NHS to accelerate privatisation plans: Department of Health says motion passed by BMA has ‘no relationship with reality’

Rory Bremner gave a hilariously accurate impression of Boris Johnson's campaign launch speech

Brexit: MPs may have missed last chance to stop future PM forcing through no deal, says senior Tory
‘I have really struggled very hard to think of every available opportunity and I can’t currently think of any more’

Levaquin Cipro Avelox Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic Toxicity FDA Pharmaceutical

Rory Stewart vows to ‘bring down’ Tory leadership rival Boris Johnson over no-deal Brexit threat: The international development secretary said MPs would set up parliament outside the Palace of Westminster if the frontrunner for PM tried to lock them out

Revealed: Climate change denier makes big donations to Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt.  Tory hopefuls under fire for accepting cash from company linked to major ‘climate science denial’ group. Johnson has yet to declare the funding, ‘raising questions about who else is bankrolling him’.

The race to wield the no-deal scalpel

Boris Johnson is the Howard Hughes of this Tory leadership race: Courtiers are keeping Johnson from his subjects like a porphyric king they daren’t parade in public

Exclusive: Activists Threaten Wildcat Strikes If Boris Johnson Commits To No-Deal Brexit As PM.  "We will make the country ungovernable," say coalition of left-wing campaigners.

No deal is 'extremely serious' for Northern Ireland, warns Tory MP
Chair of MPs’ committee hears concerns from locals about Brexit and return to violence

Bernie Sanders Proposes New Economic Bill of Rights

Armed forces veterans are demand a second People's Vote on Brexit

Divided, pessimistic, angry: survey reveals bleak mood of pre-Brexit UK: ‘I can’t recall such despair,’ says top pollster, and 72% of population fear divisions will get worse

“If I said I had been a convict the British would probably have given me more respect” – a retired EU official reflects on Brexit, his relationship to the UK, and the future of Europe

Kenneth Clarke: ‘If there’s no other way you’ve got to bring the government down’: The Tory veteran talks of his dismay at the ‘fantasies’ of the leadership race and his fears if Boris Johnson becomes PM

New foreclosure crisis hitting after shady lenders targeted black seniors for reverse mortgages

Silence is golden as Boris's lectern wins Tory televised debate: Rory Stewart’s calculated weakness played to viewers at home, but the elephant in the room won the day

Private firms raking in millions as people forced to pay ‘extortionate’ fees to apply for UK status.  Exclusive: Immigration lawyers warn people eligible for UK status risk being ‘thrown into the hostile environment’ after visa system outsourced to French firm Sopra Steria

Flood of hard Brexiteers aims to change face of Tory party: Cabinet ministers who voted ‘remain’ have seen Eurosceptic membership increase in their constituencies

Have we learned nothing?

Travelling with your pet abroad will change after Brexit - these are the rules you should be aware of: A no-deal Brexit could cause chaos for pet owners

U.S. Debt Clock

Rededication of Chaplains Memorial in Medal of Honor Grove

CEO of JPMorgan — Which Gets $14B a Year in Handouts — Rails Against Socialism

Melinda Gates: Capitalism needs work, but it beats socialism and the US is ‘lucky’ to have it

'Shameful' Milestone: Congress Goes Record 3,615 Days Without Raising Federal Minimum Wage: "The federal minimum wage of $7.25/hr is a starvation wage. Every worker deserves a living wage of at least $15 an hour," tweeted Sen. Bernie Sanders

Amazon Led a Tax Rebellion. A Year Later, Seattle Is Gridlocked

West Virginia Republicans Are Still Trying to Punish Striking Teachers

London rough sleeping hits record high with 18% rise in 2018-19: Sadiq Khan blames crisis on welfare reforms and lack of investment in social housing

Bank of England keeps rates unchanged as it cuts growth forecast to zero: Prospect of no-deal Brexit blamed for dragging back UK economy as rate left at 0.75%

I know all about death warrants from my extensive training in the army, confirms Mark Francois

Dark side of reverse mortgage industry: Predatory lending hits seniors

July 11-13, 2019: Philadelphia

The Battle Between West Virginia Teachers and Republicans Is About to Get Ugly

Here's how Finland solved its homelessness problem

Only in America: Bankruptcy Due to Health Care Costs

Luxembourg Becomes First Country to Make All Public Transit Free

8-year-old living in homeless shelter wins New York chess championship: 'I want to be the youngest grandmaster'

The myth of a 10-year grace period, Brexit and trade talks with the EU: Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg was wrong about this but he’s never corrected his mistake, and the myth persists. What is the claim and why is it wrong?

New PM faces losing Commons confidence, Tory MPs warn: Recall of Chris Davies leaves Conservatives with working majority of just three MPs

ANALYSIS: How today’s Tory chaos could leave Boris Johnson without a majority as Prime Minister.  With one by-election guaranteed and potentially another on the cards, the Tories’ loosening hold on power could be removed altogether by the time their new leader is elected.

Brexit: Carney rejects Boris Johnson's no-deal trade claim: Bank of England governor says UK would be hit automatically by tariffs on exports to EU