Monday, December 25, 2023

Military related links 122523

H.R.1277 - Military Spouse Hiring Act.  03/01/2023 - Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2670 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024.  Passed the house July 14, 2023, by a 219-210 vote.  This bill was finished being discussed by the whole House of Representatives today. Although the bill enjoyed strong bipartisan support at the committee level, most Democrats were unable to support its final approval due to several amendments that were adopted on the floor. Thus, with four Republicans voting against it and four Democrats voting in favor, the NDAA was enacted on Friday morning by a vote of 219-210.  The bill had 1500+ amendments offered. Only 365+ were included in the final passage.  View amendments at:

07/27/2023 - Passed Senate with an amendment by Unanimous Consent. Now that both chambers of Congress have approved their versions of the NDAA, a conference committee will be appointed to resolve the differences between the two bills. This bill will be voted on by both chambers and if approved, sent to the president to be signed into law.  08/04/2023 - Message on Senate action sent to the House.  09/19/2023 - On motion that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and request a conference Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 393 – 27.  The Speaker appointed conferees.  09/20/2023 -Ms. Houlahan moved that the House instruct conferees.  Message on House action received in Senate and at desk: House requests a conference.  On motion that the House instruct conferees Failed by the Yeas and Nays: 205 – 214.   09/28/2023 - MODIFICATION TO CONFEREES - The Chair appoints the following conferees on H.R. 2670 in lieu of their appointments on September 19, 2023: From the Committee on Financial Services, for consideration of subtitle J of title X of Division A, secs. 1085 and 1086, title LXVIII of Division E, Division I, and Division J of the Senate amendment, and modifications committed to conference: Mr. McHenry, Mr. Luetkemeyer, and Ms. Waters. Agreed to without objection.


H.R.2693 - Pay Our Coast Guard Parity Act of 2023.  04/18/2023 - Referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. 04/19/2023 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation.


H.R.3165 - Military Housing Transparency and Accountability Act.  05/09/2023 - Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services. 05/22/2023 - Sponsor introductory remarks on measure.


H.R.3253 - Reservist Pay Equity Act of 2023.  This bill increases the rate of the differential wage payment tax credit from 20% to 50% and requires that the maximum dollar amount of such credit be adjusted for inflation after 2023. The credit is allowed to employers for their employees who are active duty members of the uniformed services.  05/11/2023 - Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means


H.R.4365 - Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2024.  06/27/2023 - Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 93.  09/13/2023 - Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 680 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 1435 and H.R. 4365. The resolution provides for consideration of H.R. 1435 under a closed rule and H.R. 4365 under a structured rule. The rule provides for one hour of general debate on each measure with one motion to recommit allowed.  09/19/2023 - Rule H. Res. 680 failed passage of House.  09/21/2023 - Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 712 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 4365, H.R. 1130 and H. Res. 684. The resolution provides for consideration of H.R. 4365, under a structured rule; H.R. 1130, under a structured rule; and H.Res. 684, under a closed rule. The resolution provides for one hour of general debate on all three bills.






S.596 - Military Spouse Hiring Act.  This bill expands the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) to include the hiring of a qualified military spouse. (The WOTC permits employers who hire individuals who are members of a targeted group such as qualified veterans, ex-felons, or long-term unemployment recipients to claim a tax credit equal to a portion of the wages paid to those individuals.)  03/01/2023 - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance. This bill expands the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) to include the hiring of a qualified military spouse. (The WOTC permits employers who hire individuals who are members of a targeted group such as qualified veterans, ex-felons, or long-term unemployment recipients to claim a tax credit equal to a portion of the wages paid to those individuals.)  A qualified military spouse is any individual who is certified by the designated local agency as being (as of the hiring date) a spouse of a member of the Armed Forces.


S.1823 - BAH Restoration Act.  This bill increases the monthly amount of the basic housing allowance for members of the uniformed services inside the United States. Specifically, the monthly amount of allowance for a member must be the amount of the monthly cost of adequate housing in the area, as determined by the Department of Defense, for members of the uniformed services serving in the same pay grade and same dependency status as the member.  06/06/2023 - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Armed Services.


S.2226 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024.  07/11/2023 - Committee on Armed Services.  01/19&20/2023 – Numerous amendments were considered.  07/27/2023 - Passed Senate under the order of 7/27/2023, having achieved 60 votes in the affirmative, with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 86 - 11.   Now that both chambers of Congress have approved their versions of the NDAA, a conference committee will be appointed to resolve the differences between the two bills. This bill will be voted on by both chambers and if approved, sent to the president to be signed into law.


Early Bird Brief - July 10, 2023


Jesse Jackson: Military prowess provides neither peace nor strength


Marine Corps without confirmed commandant for 1st time since 1910 after GOP senator's blockade

The Pentagon says Sen. Tommy Tuberville has held up more than 250 nominations.


U.S. Space Force, Designed to Dominate Everywhere: The U.S. military has enough money to dominate everywhere, along with a new Space Force, the sixth of the armed forces.


The Tuberville military blockade is Republicans’ mess to solve, Biden says: Yet GOP lawmakers have mostly avoided confronting the senator on his procedural hold.


Ike Was Right: ​Congress Must Say No to Military Contractors.  The world Eisenhower warned about has materialized. We need more members of Congress to stand up to the arms industry.


NATO Is a Warfare Alliance, Not a Force for Global Peace or Stability: Zelensky walked away with a declaration of years of military subsidies, a virtual blank check to make Ukraine a forever proxy to maintain US hegemony.


How Extreme Can Our Military Get?  I worry about how much more extreme and violent this country has become in this century of failed wars.


The Enormous Dangers of Military AI Reveal the Need for International Regulation: The international community must unite to establish global norms, regulations, and institutions for the safe and responsible development and use of AI in military contexts.


USS Canberra: US commissions first Navy warship in foreign port – July 22, 2023


More Military Spending Will Save Democracy: So the "liberal" New York Times says


How the Military Can Save Affirmative Action: Service academies like West Point have figured out how to diversify admissions without sacrificing high standards—or running afoul of the Supreme Court. Civilian colleges should do the same.


Executive Order on Advancing Economic Security for Military and Veteran Spouses, Military Caregivers, and Survivors


President Biden approved the most significant changes in decades to the military legal system, including steps to ensure that sex assault prosecutions are independent of the chain of command.


Biden nominates Adm. Lisa Franchetti to be chief of naval operations


UPDATED: Adm. Lisa Franchetti Sworn in as 33rd Chief of Naval Operations


Navy, Marine Corps Roll Out 'Brandon Act' Policy to Improve Members' Access to Mental Health Treatment


CFPB Report Identifies Issues with Increased Servicemember Use of Digital Payment Apps

Annual report also highlights other financial challenges facing the military community


Statement by Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth on the 75th Anniversary of Executive Order 9981


For 50 Years, Recruiting a Volunteer Military Was Salesmanship. Now, Few Are Buying.


Smoking Gun: U.S. Military Spending, By the Numbers.  A visual breakdown.


‘F’ Stands for Failure: Billed as the future of U.S. tactical air power, the F-35 fighter jet program is a trillion-dollar boondoggle.


One Question: What Is the True Cost of U.S. Militarism?  A panel of experts weighs in.


First Person Singular: We'll Stop When Wars Do.  As the perpetual war machine churns on, CODEPINK won’t stop fighting for an ‘economy of peace.’


Two US Navy sailors arrested on charges of sharing secrets with China


Waste of War: Hot Minute, Finest Hour, Build v Wreck, Cut Rate.  The waste of war, including the massive diversion of the fruits of our labors to the war system, seems overwhelmingly stupid and maladaptive.


Peace Is Dying While War Is Thriving: Why ?  All Christians everywhere should look within to consider why peace is dying and war is thriving.


Ignoring 4.5 Million Deaths: A review of Norman Solomon’s War Made Invisible


Many military families are struggling financially. They could soon get a big pay hike


FACT SHEET: President Biden to Sign Executive Order Implementing Bipartisan Military Justice Reforms,of%20Military%20Justice%20(UCMJ).


Defense Secretary Releases Plan to Keep Top Jobs Filled Amid Senate Blockade of Promotions


An Exceptional Military for the Exceptional Nation: The perpetual wars you aren't supposed to notice


'Oppenheimer' Doesn't Fully Depict Atomic Bomb's Consequences: While slick and enjoyable, Christopher Nolan's biopic falls short in showing us the true costs of nuclear warfare.


See where Sen. Tommy Tuberville is blocking 301 military promotions.  Data shows the sweep of military officers caught up in a dispute between Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville and the Pentagon is spread across the world.


US Navy joins Army, Marine Corps in having no Senate-confirmed leader, in historic first


Why U.S. Arms Deals Always Fail: The biggest obscenely profitable war profiteering corporations benefit enormously whether the US sells weapons or gives them.


Getting Up to Speed on Hypersonic Weapons


Democracy Needs Healthy Debates About War and Peace: Congress spent the last “military spending” debate rehashing the culture wars — not the nearly $1 trillion Pentagon budget itself.


Female soldiers in Army special operations face rampant sexism and harassment, military report says


Faced With Evolving Threats, U.S. Navy Struggles to Change


Three service secretaries to Tuberville: Stop this dangerous hold on senior officers


Writing About War: Powerful, blunt, and accurate words should remind us that war is inherently horrible and also profoundly anti-democratic.


Is the Pentagon the Elephant in the Climate Activist Room?  As long as we ignore the Pentagon's role in perpetuating climate change, our fight to protect the planet is incomplete.


Ending Wars to Build Communities at Home: An interview with U.S. Representative Ro Khanna.


Book Excerpt: Repetition and Omission: How wars are made invisible in the media.


Senate confirms Army and Marine chiefs, bucking Tuberville logjam.  But Democrats aren’t declaring victory yet as more than 300 more officers are in limbo.


Senate gets around Tuberville to confirm Joint Chiefs chairman


Exclusive: Biden aides in talks with Vietnam for arms deal that could irk China


Smedley Butler, West Chester, Pa. performance. – September 23, 2023


Film ‘Blue Beetle’ takes a shot at the US Army’s tainted School of the Americas


Strategically Located, Guam's Defense Posture is Growing


VFW Calls on Sen. Tommy Tuberville to Lift Hold on Military Promotions: VFW sends letter to Senator, while VFW National Commander admonishes “this is not the way Congress should do business”


Concerns Rise Over Military Suicide Rates; Here’s How the USO is Trying to Help


Top US general appears to take shot at Trump during retirement speech – September 29, 2023


Why on Earth Are We Still Building Aircraft Carriers?  They’re antiquated and susceptible to attack. But they employ a lot of people in a lot of congressional districts.


Gen. Mark Milley, retired Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman sits down with Lester Holt – October 2, 2023


Military Barracks: Poor Living Conditions Undermine Quality of Life and Readiness


After Recruit Death, Navy SEAL Community Will Impose Forcewide Urinalysis to Root Out Performance Enhancing Drugs


Military Health System Mental Health Hub


The Suicide CPR Initiative at USU Builds Interventions to Reduce Military Suicide Risk


DOD Announces New Actions to Prevent Suicide in the Military


Gen. Mark Milley: The 60 Minutes Interview – October 8, 2023


The Good in Us by Mary L. Trump.  At the Water's Edge.  The myth of America First.


Hear what the Israeli ambassador to the US says about plans for Gaza after war – October 15, 2023


Military analyst: Hamas is losing the second phase of their plan already – October 15, 2023


First on CNN: US Navy warship near Yemen intercepts multiple missiles, US officials say


Travis King, Army private who fled to North Korea, charged with desertion


NDAA 2023 Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Open Season


Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation (QRMC) is set to be completed by January 31, 2025, will focus on compensation and benefits, including military basic pay.  Memorandum on Fourteenth Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation


The government is currently operating under a Continuing Resolution that expires on November 17, that provides government funding at current levels.   The debt ceiling agreement passed in May 2024 stipulates that if Congress does not pass its FY 2024 appropriations (spending) legislation by January 1, 2024, a one-year continuing resolution with a 1 percent cut to all federal agencies, including the Defense Department and the Department of Veterans Affairs, will go into effect.


TRICARE Open Season will commence on November 13 and conclude on December 12, 2023. During this period, beneficiaries have the opportunity to enroll in or make changes to their health care plan for the upcoming year.


U.S. Navy Sailor Pleads Guilty to Transmitting Sensitive U.S. Military Information to Chinese Intelligence Officer


Military suicide rates mostly steady over past decade


Senators could force confirmation vote on Navy, Air Force leaders


Arab American Institute


US to build new nuclear gravity bomb


Military Service Members and Election Officials Blast ‘Voter Intimidation’ by Private Groups

A Navy Captain demands answers for what he calls an effort to 'interdict my right to vote'


US Marine Corps commandant hospitalized following medical emergency


Schumer moves on military nominations after Marine Corps general hospitalized


It’s shockingly easy to buy sensitive data about US military personnel.  A new report exposes the privacy and national security concerns created by data brokers. US senators tell MIT Technology Review the industry needs to be regulated.


Fighting Hamas deep in Gaza City, Israel foresees control of the enclave’s security after the war


The Pentagon’s Flailing Campaign Against Hate.  How the military continues to downplay the spread of extremism in its ranks.


Senate confirms three military officers as Sen. Tuberville holds up hundreds more


No retroactive benefits for veterans past deadline, Supreme Court says


2022 Demographics Report - Military OneSource


Senate confirms Gen. David Allvin as Air Force chief of staff


No. 2 Marine confirmed by Senate amid top Marine’s health crisis


Pentagon Fails Its Financial Audit for the Sixth Straight Year


He thought his daughter was killed by Hamas. Instead Emily Hand will turn 9 as a hostage in Gaza.


Truth in War Remains Hard to Ascertain


New documentary offers a peek into the triumphs and struggles of Muslim chaplains in US military


Short Changed: Why Are Women Still Not Safe Serving in the US Military?


US military aircraft crashes in sea off Japan, at least one dead


As US Army transforms, it’s gleaning lessons about high- and low-tech fighting from Ukraine, Israel

Young Bang, principal deputy assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology, said the effectiveness of high- and low-tech fighting was "pushing into our guiding principles."


Airpower Experts: US Needs More than 100 B-21s to Meet Future High Demand


'Forever Chemicals' in Thousands of Private Wells Near Military Sites, Study Finds


Air Force awards Boeing $2.3B contract for 15 more KC-46s


Ukraine Update: Assisting Ukraine is the best U.S. defense program in decades – November 29, 2023


2025 – 250th anniversary of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps.


Workers Are Getting Paid to Do Nothing at Los Alamos National Laboratory.  The nuclear weapons complex is so mismanaged that employees are collecting full salaries to play chess and catnap.


"The Madness of Militarism," the 2023 Ellsberg Lecture by Norman Solomon


What's in the $886 billion defense bill headed to Biden's desk – December 14, 2023politi


Pennsylvania National Guard soldiers called up for deployment


Can Palmer Luckey Reinvent the U.S. Defense Industry? | WSJ


Immovable Force Blocks Military Promotions


Militarism vs. Our Shared Humanity


Warfighter Brain Health Hub

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