Monday, December 25, 2023

Message to My Readers 122523


Well, it turns out that the May 28, 2023, update was not the last, after all.  Since then, a lot has happened.


I had ampullary cancer.  I underwent a 7-hour Whipple surgical procedure, performed by Dr. Sanjay Reddy at Fox Chase Cancer Center.  Seven of the twenty-three lymph nodes that were removed from me were found to have cancer.  The head of the pancreas that was removed from me was found to have cancer.  The cancer cells resembled a signet ring.  The surgery was done on June 23rd; thus, I am now 6 months post-op.  I have completed 8 of 12 scheduled chemo-therapy treatments, overseen by Medical Oncologist Dr. Efrat Dotan at Fox Chase Cancer Center, which should be completed by mid-February.  The treatments cause some side-effects, which are uncomfortable but tolerable.  None of the quarterly CT scans have shown any cancer in me.  So, I am optimistic about the outcome, at least as optimistic as a person of my age can be.


Meanwhile, back to the other business of concern.  It has been about 7 months since my last blog update.  Here is another update of this blog.


This time it is 396 pages of links to the news covering the last 7 months.  They appear in the categories listed below, including Veterans; Criminal Justice and Racism and Ageism and other discrimination; Economics and Coronavirus; Economics and Corruption and Healthcare and Education; Ecology and Pollution and Climate Change; Politics and Coronavirus; Politics; Terrorism; Military; and General and Miscellaneous (includes spirituality, music, etc.).   Don’t forget to click on the items in the column on the right to open the pages for those categories.  Then, click on the link to each article for details pertaining to that headline.


Regarding the coronavirus pandemic, it seems to have been relegated to the “old news” category.  As a nation, we seem to have put it into the rear-view mirror.  However, new strains are emerging and all are encouraged to get vaccinated.  For more info on Covid-19 in Pennsylvania, see:      


Most of the coverage of coronavirus can be found in “Economics and Coronavirus” and/or “Politics and Coronavirus” related links in this update.


The war of resistance by Ukraine against the Russian invasion about 22 months ago continues.  Ukraine, with financial and material assistance from various other nations, including the U.S., has so far been able to repel many Russian initiatives; however, this is slowing due to the slow-down of U.S. support, being delayed by our own Congress.  Most of the coverage of the Russian war against Ukraine can be found in “Terrorism” related links in this update.  Millions of refugees have resulted from the war.


The world is in a great struggle to determine if the dominant form of government will be authoritarianism or democracy.  Even here in the United States, long known as the world’s beacon of democracy, there is a question about whether democracy can survive without another civil war.  It must be noted that democracy is not a spectator sport; rather, one must participate in the democratic process by supporting your preferred candidates and legislative initiatives and voting in every election.     


We must continue to resist tyranny, fascism, authoritarianism, racism, sexism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc.  The three impurities of life are avarice, anger, and ignorance.  What others need from us is respect, kindness, and love.  The more respect, kindness, and love that we give to others, the more respect, kindness, and love we get in our lives and the better we feel about ourselves.  The 8 billion human beings on planet earth need to cooperate more with each other and compete less with each other.  We all need to learn how to equitably and sustainably share the resources of the earth with each other and with all other species on planet earth.


Peace and love to all.  Feedback is welcome.  My contact information is:




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