Sunday, June 14, 2020

Politics related links 061420

Trump Moves to Strip Hong Kong of Special U.S. Relationship: The president also said the United States would terminate its membership in the World Health Organization and end its substantial funding of the group because of China’s influence there.

GOP operatives worry Trump will lose both the presidency and Senate majority

End the political convention as we know it: The parties don’t need mass televised gatherings, whether or not there’s a pandemic. They need to reconnect with the American people.

Trump opens the door to unbridled corruption of your tax dollars: The IG community has been an effective bulwark against corruption for the last four decades. Republicans, who were once their greatest champions, have not only deserted them, they have also abandoned any pretense of serving the larger public good.

‘Not exculpatory’: Just-declassified transcripts prove Flynn lied – ‘he also betrayed America’

Declassified calls show Flynn discussing sanctions with Russian envoy: Incoming DNI John Ratcliffe released the already declassified call summaries on Friday.

Let's talk about why Trump can't break up with Twitter....

Let's talk about the light at the end of the tunnel....

We Need Justice for George Floyd

Which Senate Seats are up for Re-Election in 2020?

In days  of discord, a president fans the flames

Trump Vetoes Student Loan Forgiveness Bill

In a sad week for America, Trump has fled from his duty

Trump encourages “MAGA” fans to gather, Repeats military threat

Fire, pestilence and a country at war with itself: the Trump presidency is over.  A pandemic unabated, an economy in meltdown, cities in chaos over police killings. All our supposed leader does is tweet

Ted Cruz, Trump, and other Republicans are pushing a payroll-tax cut that would do little for families suffering financially due to coronavirus

Let's talk about a missing takeaway about news interactions this week....

Rantin' Randy's Rant 5-30-20 Tweety Turd theartens to send US Troops

Trump Given False Credit For Bush- And Obama-Era Space Program

Soldiers of the boogaloo: David Neiwert on the far right's plans for a new civil war.  Author of "Alt-America": What happens this year will be a "key turning point" on the path from democracy to fascism

Pelosi Tells America To Ignore Trump And Not Take The Bait

Trump's slow-motion Friday night massacre of inspectors general

Who Checks the Executive?  Trump is attacking the final safeguard against executive abuses: The President has defied Congress and gummed up cases in court.  Now he’s firing the inspectors general

Why Did Mike Pompeo Want His Watchdog Fired?  His vague explanations for asking President Trump to dismiss the State Department’s inspector general don’t add up.

People Are Dying, the Economy Is Collapsing and Trump Wants You to Look at This Squirrel: The rats in Trump’s abandoned hometown are fighting each other and resorting to cannibalism as the virus has shuttered businesses and restaurants and cut off their food supply.

Ignore Barr’s Bullshit—‘Obamagate’ Show Trials Are Coming: You have to give the AG props for his pure, brazen line of BS, and his deep knowledge of how to make the press corps swallow and regurgitate even his most outrageous lies.

The era of stupid: President Trump’s moronic behavior is the defining feature of American life

'Obamagate' backfires: Documents show Biden, Obama acted properly

The only culprit in the unmasking scandal is the Trump administration

‘Obamagate’ Is Trump’s Name for the Crimes He’s Trying to Commit Himself

Barr’s Flynn dismissal motion portends greater abuses ahead: The attorney general has openly enlisted as an arm of the Trump campaign and brought the full powers of his office with him

WHY THE UNCLE JOE-CAN’T-INTERNET CRITICISM IS MOSTLY MALARKEY: Joe Biden is definitely losing the internet—but the North Star of his campaign is the normie voter, which means it shouldn’t become a meme factory. The golden rule: “Does this work for Joe?”

Team Biden has a message for the haters: Look at the scoreboard: The campaign is pulling ahead in crucial states won by Trump in 2016, it says.

Before the coronavirus, Joe Biden offered stability. Now he’s talking bold change

Facebook employees go public with disagreement over Zuckerberg's handling of Trump: "I work at Facebook and I am not proud of how we’re showing up. The majority of co-workers I’ve spoken to feel the same way," tweeted one Facebook employee.

The Psychopath in Chief: I spent hundreds of hours with Donald Trump to ghost-write ‘The Art of the Deal.’ I now see a deeper meaning behind his behavior.

Letters From the June 1/8, 2020, Issue: What’s the matter with San Fran?… Unspoken rules… The source of our disagreement…

Democracy Dies in Dysfunction: There are clear steps we can take now to ensure fair and functional elections in November—but time is quickly running out.

The Supreme Court Has Given Its Blessing to Public Corruption: With its Bridgegate decision, the Supreme Court put another nail in the coffin of our corruption laws.

Trump’s New Press Secretary Fits Right In: Everywhere you look, the president has appointed people who undermine their job’s essential reason for being.

Journalism Cannot Be a Covid-19 Casualty: Here’s the plan Congress must include in stimulus measures to provide muscular support for journalism.

Barr Drops the Case Against Flynn

How Trump haunts the dead: Our terrible president’s awful habit of attacking people who can’t defend themselves

With Trump, the Pathology Is the Point

Trump to pull US out of third arms control deal

Can Trump send US military to stop violence at protests?

Why Donald Trump Wants to Make Safe Elections a Partisan Issue

45 States Allow the Kind of Voting by Mail Trump Considers Fraudulent

Fox News poll: Biden opens up 8-point lead over Trump.  Biden leads by 17 points among voters aged 65 and older and by 13 points among independents.  Biden leads by 20 points among women and Trump leads by 7 points among men.  Trump has a 30-point lead among rural white voters, while Biden has a 64-point lead among black voters.  Biden leads Trump by 9 points on the question of who is better suited to handle the pandemic, and he leads by 17 points on the issue of health care.

Voting by Mail: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

'The Bible is not a prop': Religious leaders, lawmakers outraged over Trump church visit
The widely criticized photo-op was the president's idea because he "wanted the visual," sources told NBC News.

Jim Hightower: What's the Gimmick in Trump's Plan to 'Rescue' the Public Postal Service?

What's a presidential campaign without a sex scandal?

Mitch McConnell’s Moral Bankruptcy

Editorial: Dolan delivers the church to Trump and the GOP

Voting is the fundamental basis of democracy

Method and Madness

Rantin' Randy's Rant 6-2-20 The dictator seeks sending in troops against the Amrican people

Lindsey Graham Proves Again That He's A Total Scumbag

Rep. Steve King ousted in Iowa GOP primary, NBC News projects: House Republicans stripped the longtime lawmaker of his committee assignments after outlandish statements.

Live results for the June 2 primaries: Several states are holding primaries on Tuesday. Here are the races to watch.

Facebook employees stage virtual walkout to protest Trump posts

With 'counterfeit ballots' theory, Barr starts to go over the edge: It's one thing when the chief law enforcement official looks like a political operative; it's vastly worse when he looks like a foolish political operative

Opinion: How We Broke the World. Greed and globalization set us up for disaster.

James Mattis Denounces President Trump, Describes Him as a Threat to the Constitution: In an extraordinary condemnation, the former defense secretary backs protesters and says the president is trying to turn Americans against one another.

I Cannot Remain Silent: Our fellow citizens are not the enemy, and must never become so.

Military Leaders Send Missives to Troops: ‘Stay True’ to the American People

Former Marine commandant on nationwide protests: 'The time for being silent has passed'

Ex-Defense Secretary William Perry joins Mattis in condemning Trump: The military “was never intended to be used for partisan political purposes,” he wrote.

Esper Reverses Course Again, Orders Troops Out Of D.C.: This is the second time this week he’s made the call and broken from Trump on the need for a military response to the anti-racism protests

Let's talk about the generals....

Tinker, Tailor, Mobster, Trump: What happens when a Confidential Informant becomes President?

EU Says Russia Should Not Yet Rejoin G7, Despite Trump Plan

G7 leaders reject Russia's return after Trump summit invite

Brookings Scholar To NYT: Merkel No Longer Wants To Be The Same Room As Trump

Malcolm Nance: Trump makes Benedict Arnold look good.

Let's talk about people wearing certain patches....

‘Performing facism': Masha Gessen on Trump’s dictatorial turn.  Author Masha Gessen on the line between Trump’s performance and actual authoritarianism: “Does he know that that is fascism? Does he care? It doesn’t matter. That is his idea of power.”

'Trump is showing us what he thinks power looks like and sounds like': Former CIA analyst Gail Helt along with writers Masha Gessen and Anne Applebaum discuss the president's threat to use active duty U.S. troops to combat protesters and the violent clearing of protesters for a photo op this week.

Bully Barr should be reviled, not given award

FROM BUNKER TO BIBLE, TRUMP REACTS FEEBLY TO A NATION IN PAIN: One minute the president declares solidarity with peaceful protesters; the next, he has them forcefully removed

Trump promises Stone won’t serve prison time: ‘He can sleep well at night!’  The pledge from the president represents his latest intervention in the case of his longtime political adviser.

Emotions erupt over anti-lynching bill as Sen. Rand Paul holds up passage

Trump Uses the Military to Prove His Manhood

350 Action: It's Time for Trump to Resign

Security Perimeter Around White House Expanded By Several Blocks

The Story Behind Bill Barr’s Unmarked Federal Agents: The motley assortment of police currently occupying Washington, D.C., is a window into the vast, complicated, obscure world of federal law enforcement.

Barr says he didn't give 'tactical' command to clear Lafayette protesters

Donald Trump orders 9,500 US troops to leave Germany: White House says move due to more Nato defence spending, not tensions with Angela Merkel

Source Claimed Trump And Family May Leave On A Private Jet Amid National Chaos: We can only hope this is true!

Rantin' Randy's Rant 6-6-20 Evangelicals are alright with Donnie holding the Bible upside down

Biden formally secures Democratic presidential nomination

Former George W. Bush Staffers Form PAC to Back Joe Biden

One man stands between Joe Biden and the US presidency – Mark Zuckerberg: Donald Trump knows that Facebook can help him win in November, and Zuckerberg has too much to lose by censoring him

We Should Take Women’s Accusations Seriously. But Tara Reade’s Fall Short.  I would vote for Joe Biden even if I believed Reade’s account. Fortunately, I don’t have to sacrifice morality to political necessity.

A Fourth Inspector General Bites the Dust

The Fight for the Soul of the Democratic Party Is a Fight for the Future: Henry Wallace, FDR’s vice president, argued 75 years ago that Democrats had to go big on economic and social and racial justice. That’s still true.

Little Donald’s Sneeze

Look at How Much Sense It Makes to Do the Green New Deal Right Now: We can get out of this depression and save the planet all at once.

Want to Push Biden Left? Focus on These Appointments.  Appointments will have a major impact on whether a potential Biden administration delivers on progressive policies. Here’s what the Left should push for now.

Want a Real Election This Fall? Enact Vote-by-Mail.  Mail-in voting could be crucial to a safe and fair election this fall.

Astra Taylor: Bernie Sanders’ Exit Is an Indictment of Our Broken System—Not His Campaign
Voter suppression was stronger than Bernie Sanders’ voter turnout plan. And the pandemic has made things worse.

David Sirota: The Democratic Party’s Tyranny of Decorum Helped Sink Bernie.  Sanders could have gone harder against Biden, but ultimately it was the establishment that stood in his way.

Class Traitors, Welcome to the Revolution: Many liberal professionals who supported Elizabeth Warren took their votes to Joe Biden, not Bernie Sanders. But they may still join a future left electoral coalition if they can face their own precarity.

Bernie Lost Because America Doesn’t Have a Strong Labor Movement

Black Voters Are Ready. Are We?  Bernie lost with Black voters, but the Left will win if we commit to deep organizing work to earn their trust.

Perry Rosenstein: Building a Foundation for Art and Social Justice: As president and founder of the Puffin Foundation, Rosenstein nourished independent journalism.

To Win Elections, Should the Left Be Nicer on the Internet?  There are signs that antagonistic Bernie supporters may have discouraged coalition-building with winnable Warren voters.

Public Citizen News

‘I Believe in Building Systems’: Stacey Abrams outlines a vision for a fairer and more democratic society.

Empower Women, Save the World: How a global research institute is reframing foreign police through a feminist lens.

80 lawmakers demand Trump ditch any thought of resuming ‘dangerously provocative’ nuclear arms tests

Bernie Sanders Robbed In RI and PA?

Colin Powell: President Trump has drifted away from the Constitution

A Timely Warning From the Generals

DONALD TRUMP: GOP recruits army of poll watchers to fight voter fraud no one can prove exists
Voting rights advocates worry the effort will target and intimidate minority voters.

On Winning a Majority of Delegates in the Democratic Presidential Primary

Georgia secretary of state launches investigation after 'unacceptable' voting problems: Long lines, lack of voting machines and primary ballots plagued those at the polls in some precincts.

Amy McGrath Takes Narrow Lead Over Mitch McConnell in Kentucky Senate Race, Poll Shows

The elite military club that's scorning Trump

Trump Throws Insane Tantrum Over Losing by 14 to Biden

Robert Reich: The Deadly Fox News-Trump Syndicate

The Panic Room President

Rantin' Randy's Rant 6-9-20 Bunker boy can't make today about him

Study suggests Democrats should be running more ads about Biden, fewer about Trump: It’s almost impossible to change minds about the president.

Bernie Sanders Is Not Done Fighting: The senator on the protests, his phone calls with Joe Biden, and when to compromise.

The Quiet Demise of the Separation of Church and State

American Psycho: Jared Kushner—climber, sycophant, snob—is the perfect avatar of elite incompetence for our times.

America, this is your chance.  We must get it right this time or risk losing our democracy forever

'Everything about this is irregular': Ex-judge tapped to review Flynn case blasts Trump DOJ
The retired judge, John Gleeson, said the Justice Department had improperly bowed to the president's will.

Trump signs international religious freedom executive order, visits shrine

President Trump calls for support for international religious freedom in new executive order: The president is calling on administration officials to tackle religious persecution wherever its found.

Trump signs executive order promoting global religious freedom

Donald Trump Signs Executive Order to Make Religious Freedom a Foreign Policy Priority

President Trump’s Executive Order on Advancing International Religious Freedom

Ignore the optics. Trump’s executive order could jump-start the cause of global religious freedom.

Executive Order on Advancing International Religious Freedom

Advancing International Religious Freedom

The Strength of America’s Apolitical Military: Statement by Former U.S. Ambassadors, Military Officers, Senior Officials

Read Gov. Mills' full statement on President Trump's visit to Maine

‘Blood in the water’: Dems get unexpected opening against Trump in Iowa: After breaking hard for the president in 2016, the swing state appears to be having second thoughts.

Canadian MP Niki Ashton Unites with Bernie Sanders and Progressive International

Why Russia will keep poking America’s racial wounds

Election Fraud

Georgia's elections were a catastrophe, but they weren't an accident: Georgia's election debacle was a disaster many saw coming. Will Republican officials take steps to fix the problem ahead of November?

Bernie backs insurgent in Kentucky, Engel's challenger in New York: Sanders endorsed Charles Booker against national Democrats' preferred candidate in the Kentucky Senate race, Amy McGrath.

Abrams Slams Georgia Leaders For ‘Incompetence’ And ‘Malice’ In Election Disaster | All In | MSNBC

Liberal Redneck - Rural Antifa Panic

Making Sense of Populism: This article places Europe’s current populist explosion — in left, right, and nonpartisan versions — in context. Above all, it emphasizes populism’s status as the political child of the thirty-year-long decline of party democracy. It offers a balance sheet for each populist variant, focusing in particular on the left populist experiments, and it closes with a proposal for a class-based socialist alternative.

Was Keynes a Socialist

Can Trump be Charged with (fill in the blank)? There's Only One Accurate Answer to that Question.

Rantin' Randy's Rant 6-11-20

G.O.P. Platform, Rolled Over From 2016, Condemns the ‘Current President’

The Rise of Strategic Corruption: How States Weaponize Graft

Poll: Democrats, Independents, GOP All Turning on Trump Amid Coronavirus, Protests: Trump lost support in almost equal measures from Democrats, independents and Republicans amid the coronavirus pandemic and widespread protests.

Trump Is Threatening to Subvert the Constitution: A president cannot just make Congress disappear when he wishes.  [LDH comment: Perhaps VP has been whispering in his ear.  I won’t be surprised if he refers to the Congress as the Duma in a Freudian slip.]

Barr sends a message: Don’t ever investigate the President again

When Donald Trump tried to stage a coup: Was June 1 the turning point? Last week our president tried to send the Army into America's streets. Aides pushed back, but it was a close call

The Republican congressman who could get booted for officiating a gay wedding: First-term Rep. Denver Riggleman of Virginia faces potential ouster on Saturday at a drive-thru party convention.

Biden calls for greater LGBTQ+ protections on 4th anniversary of Pulse nightclub shooting

Trump administration won’t say who got $511 billion taxpayer-backed coronavirus loans

Lindsey Graham Serves Up 50 Frivolous Subpoenas.

Mike Flynn case: Former Federal Judge Calls Out Barr's Corruption

Team Trump warns rally attendees they can't sue over COVID-19: Trump wants people to show up and cheer for him during a pandemic - indoors, with strangers - and if they get sick as a result, that's their problem.

Analysis: Why QAnon supporters are winning congressional primaries


Anarchism is a political theory, which is skeptical of the justification of authority and power, especially political power. Anarchism is usually grounded in moral claims about the importance of individual liberty.

Here’s Why I’m Donating to the Trump Campaign (and You Should, Too)

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