Saturday, May 2, 2020

Message to My Readers 050220

I hope that you are each taking care of yourself and are appropriately hunkered down while still getting socially-distanced exercise. 
I hope you enjoy the extra sections in this publication that emphasize the COVID-19 situation and related developments.  Since my late update of this blog on 4/13/20, there have been 1.5 million new cases in the world for a new total of 3.4 million, 120 thousand new deaths in the world for a total of 240 thousand, nearly 600 thousand new cases in the U.S.A. for a total of 1.1 million, nearly 44 thousand new deaths in the U.S.A. for a total of nearly 66 thousand, over 25 thousand new cases in Pennsylvania for a total of nearly 50 thousand, over 2 thousand new deaths in Pennsylvania for a total of almost 2,700, nearly 9 thousand new cases in Philadelphia for a total of over 15 thousand, and over 5 hundred new deaths in Philadelphia, for a total of over 6 hundred.
Everyone wants to crank up the economy, but we must be careful not to break the health care system, the mortuary system, the cemetery system, etc.  In our rush to get back to work, we must be careful not to cause a greater number of people to get sick and possibly die.  Just getting to work without being exposed can be a challenge.  Then, having working conditions that are not conducive to social distancing can also result in exposures.  Having a limited amount of testing, the results of which are not widely shared, can also be a restricting factor.
We must be careful and not take too many risks with our own lives or those of others.  Remember, we have a duty to our fellow citizens to not to expose them to something we may be knowingly or unknowingly carrying. 

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