Wednesday, December 21, 2022

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Central Pennsylvania family puts wounded soldiers first


A Vietnam Peace Story - Jun 6, 2022


VA Veterans Experience Office Community Catalyst Award (VEOCC)


H.R. 303 – Retired Pay Restoration Act. This bill allows the receipt of both military retired pay and veterans' disability compensation with respect to any service-connected disability. Under current law, only individuals with service-connected disabilities rated at 50% or more receive both without offset.  Individuals who were retired or separated after at least 20 years of military service due to a service-connected disability shall be eligible for the full concurrent receipt of both veterans' disability compensation and either military retired pay or combat-related special pay. 01/13/2021         - Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  03/08/2021 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs.


H.R. 333 - Disabled Veterans Tax Termination Act.  This bill modifies provisions related to military retired pay. Specifically, the bill authorizes veterans with a service-connected disability of less than 50% to concurrently receive both retired pay and disability compensation. The bill also makes qualified disability retirees with less than 20 years of retirement-creditable service eligible for concurrent receipt, subject to specified reductions in retired pay.  01/15/2021 - Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  03/08/2021 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs.


H.R. 1282 – Major Richard Star Act.  This bill provides that combat-disabled uniformed services retirees with fewer than 20 years of creditable service may concurrently receive, without reduction, veterans' disability compensation and retired pay or combat-related special compensation.  02/24/2021 - Referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  04/12/2021 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs. 10/25/2022 - Assigned to the Consensus Calendar, Calendar No. 4.


H.R. 1361 - Advancing Uniform Transportation Opportunities for Veterans Act, known as the AUTO for Veterans Act.  02/25/2021 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs. 04/12/2021 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity.


H.R.1585 - Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


H.R. 1836, Guard and Reserve GI Bill Parity Act of 2021.  03/11/2021 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  06/16/2021 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity. 01/12/2022 - On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 287 – 135.  01/13/2022           - Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


H.R.1972 - Fair Care for Vietnam Veterans Act of 2021.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


H.R.2127 - Toxic Exposure in the American Military Act or the TEAM Act.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


H.R.2250 - Department of Veterans Affairs Information Technology Reform Act of 2021.  03/26/2021 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  06/22/2021 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Technology Modernization.  11/17/2022 - On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 414 - 2, 1 Present.  11/17/2022 - Received in the Senate.


H.R.2368 - Conceding Our Veterans' Exposures Now And Necessitating Training Act of 2021 or the COVENANT Act of 2021.  This bill establishes a presumption of service-connection for certain illnesses related to exposure to airborne hazards or open burn pits and addresses the care available through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for veterans with illnesses they assert to be related to exposures during their service.  Specifically, the bill establishes a presumption of service-connection for certain illnesses becoming manifest in covered veterans to a degree of 10% or more. Under a presumption of service-connection, specific conditions diagnosed in certain veterans are presumed to have been caused by the circumstances of their military service. Health care benefits and disability compensation may then be awarded.  A covered veteran is any veteran who served on or after August 2, 1990, in Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, or the United Arab Emirates; or served on or after September 11, 2001, in Afghanistan, Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Uzbekistan, the Philippines, or other countries the VA determines to be relevant.  Among other elements, the bill

requires the VA to provide medical examinations for veterans who submit a claim for disability compensation for an illness not listed in the bill but that is asserted to be related to airborne hazard or open burn pit exposure; authorizes the VA to stay pending claims for disability compensation related to the service and illnesses covered by this bill until the implementation of the bill; and

provides VA hospital care, medical services, and nursing home care to covered veterans. 04/05/2021 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  06/22/2021 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


H.R.2372 - Presumptive Benefits for War Fighters Exposed to Burn Pits and Other Toxins Act of 2021.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


H.R.2436 - Veterans Burn Pits Exposure Recognition Act of 2021.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


H.R.2569 - Veterans Agent Orange Exposure Equity Act.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


H.R.2580 - Palomares Veterans Act of 2021.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


H.R.2607 - FASTER Presumptions Act.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


H.R.2825 - Fort McClellan Health Registry Act.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


H.R.2935 - VA Beneficiary Debt Collection Improvement Act.  This bill addresses the administration of debt related to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) programs and benefits.  Specifically, the bill prohibits an individual from incurring a debt to the United States that arises from participation in a VA benefits program and is attributable to the failure of the VA to process information according to its timeliness standards.  The VA must notify an individual if it has made an overpayment to the individual and include in the notice information on the right to dispute the overpayment or request a waiver of indebtedness. The VA is prohibited from taking action regarding an overpayment until 90 days after the notice is issued, except in specified circumstances.  The VA is prohibited from charging interest or administrative costs for debts related to its disability compensation program, pension program, or educational assistance program.  The bill extends from 180 days to one year the deadline by which an individual may request a waiver for relief from paying a debt related to VA benefits.  Additionally, the VA is prohibited from seeking to recover a debt if it determines the cost to the VA to recover the debt would exceed the amount of the debt itself. The VA must establish an administrative process for the dispute of a debt's existence or the amount of the debt. The VA is prohibited from deducting from an individual's VA benefits to offset a debt if the amount of the debt is being disputed.  04/30/2021 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  05/03/2021 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.  05/04/2021 - Ordered to be Reported by the Yeas and Nays: 22 - 6.


H.R.5481 - To name the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in Forest City, North Carolina, as the "Master Sergeant Jerry K. Crump VA Clinic". 10/05/2021 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs. 11/14/2022 - On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by voice vote. 11/15/2022 - Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


H.R.5721 - VA Infrastructure Powers Exceptional Research Act of 2021 or the VIPER Act of 2021.  This bill addresses research activities of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), particularly those within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA).  First, the bill provides statutory authority for the VHA's Office of Research and Development to serve veterans through a full spectrum of research, technology transfer, and application.  Next, the bill exempts VA research activities from the Paperwork Reduction Act, including research conducted via the Office of Research and Development.  The VA is authorized to appoint statisticians, economists, data scientists, and other professionals within the VHA.  The bill provides a three-year authorization for the VA to enter into transactions, other than contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants, with nontraditional contractors to carry out extramural basic or applied research. Such transactions must meet specified criteria (e.g., the research must not be duplicative of other VA research under another program). Additionally, the VA must notify Congress within 30 days of entering into a transaction and must provide specified information and records to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and Congress upon request.  The Office of Research and Development is authorized to establish a grant program for certain individuals employed by specified research institutions to conduct research related to health care furnished by the VA.  The GAO must study the amount of time dedicated for research for clinician-scientists appointed by the VA.  Finally, the bill updates the process by which the VA uses commercial institutional review boards in sponsored clinical trials.  10/25/2021 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs. 11/02/2021 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  11/17/2022 -                Pursuant to section 2 of H. Res. 1464, and the motion offered by Mr. Carter (LA), the following bills passed under suspension of the rules: H.R. 5721, as amended.  11/17/2022 - Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


H.R. 5916 - Wounded Warrior Access Act.  11/09/2021 -                 Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  11/29/2021 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs.  09/14/2022 - Pursuant to section 11 of H. Res. 1339, and the motion offered by Mr. Hoyer, the following bills passed under suspension of the rules: H.R. 5916, as amended.  09/15/2022 - Received in the Senate.


H.R. 6411, Support The Resiliency of Our Nation's Great Veterans Act of 2022, known as the STRONG Veterans Act of 2022.  01/18/2022 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  01/20/2022 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. 06/23/2022 - On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by voice vote.  07/11/2022 - Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


H.R.6482 - Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


H.R.6722 - To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in French Camp, California, as the "Richard A. Pittman VA Clinic". 02/15/2022 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs. 03/28/2022 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. 11/14/2022 - On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by voice vote. 11/15/2022 - Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


H.R.6863 - To designate the medical center of the Department of Veterans Affairs in Memphis, Tennessee, as the "Lt. Col. Luke Weathers, Jr. VA Medical Center" 02/28/2022 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  03/28/2022 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. 11/14/2022 - On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by voice vote. 11/15/2022 - Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


H.R.7277 - Improving Oversight of the Veterans Community Care Providers Act of 2022.  03/29/2022 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs. 04/05/2022 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. 1/17/2022 - Pursuant to section 2 of H. Res. 1464, and the motion offered by Mr. Carter (LA), the following bills passed under suspension of the rules: H.R. 7277, as amended.  11/17/2022 - Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


H.R.7299 - Strengthening VA Cybersecurity Act of 2022 or the SVAC Act of 2022.  This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to enter into an agreement with a federally funded research and development center to provide a cybersecurity assessment of at least 3, but no more than 10, high-impact VA information systems and the effectiveness of the VA's information security program and information security management system.  The VA must submit a plan to Congress to address the findings of the assessment.  The Government Accountability Office must review the assessment and the VA's response to the assessment and report its findings to Congress.  03/30/2022 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  07/14/2022 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Technology Modernization.  11/17/2022 - Pursuant to section 2 of H. Res. 1464, and the motion offered by Mr. Carter (LA), the following bills passed under suspension of the rules: H.R. 7299, as amended. 11/17/2022 - Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


H.R. 7500 - Fiscal Year 2022 Veterans Affairs Major Medical Facility Authorization Act.  04/14/2022 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  05/10/2022 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  05/17/2022 - On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 402 – 2.  05/18/2022 - Received in the Senate.  09/14/2022 - Passed Senate without amendment by Voice Vote.  10/10/2022 - Signed by President.


H.R. 7735 – Improving Access to the VA Home Loan Benefit Act of 2022.  05/12/2022 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  05/17/2022 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity.  09/14/2022 - Pursuant to section 11 of H. Res. 1339, and the motion offered by Mr. Hoyer, the following bills passed under suspension of the rules: H.R. 7735, as amended.   09/15/2022 - Received in the Senate.


H.R.7846 - Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2022.  The 8.7% COLA will increase the amount paid to veterans and their survivors effective December 2022, and will be reflected in January 2023 compensation payments.  05/19/2022 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  06/07/2022 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs.  07/19/2022 - Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held.

09/14/2022 - Pursuant to section 11 of H. Res. 1339, and the motion offered by Mr. Hoyer, this bill (and others) passed under suspension of the rules.  09/15/2022 - Received in the Senate.  09/22/2022 - Passed Senate without amendment by Voice Vote.  10/10/2022 - Signed by President.


H.R.7903 - To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic located in Canton, Michigan, as the "Major General Oliver W. Dillard VA Clinic".  05/27/2022 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs. 06/13/2022 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity. 11/14/2022 - On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by voice vote. 11/15/2022 - Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


H.R.7925 - To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic located in Palm Desert, California, as the "Sy Kaplan VA Clinic".  05/31/2022 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  06/13/2022 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  11/14/2022 - On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by voice vote. 11/15/2022 - Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


H.R. 7939 – Student Veteran Emergency Relief Act of 2022.  06/03/2022  - Referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, and in addition to the Committees on Armed Services, and the Budget.  06/13/2022 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity.  09/14/2022 -                 Pursuant to section 11 of H. Res. 1339, and the motion offered by Mr. Hoyer, the following bills passed under suspension of the rules: H.R. 7939, as amended.  09/15/2022 - Received in the Senate.


H.R. 8260 – Faster Payments to Veterans’ Survivors Act of 2022.  07/01/2022 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  07/14/2022 - Referred to the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.  09/14/2022 - Pursuant to section 11 of H. Res. 1339, and the motion offered by Mr. Hoyer, the following bills passed under suspension of the rules: H.R. 8260, as amended.  09/15/2022 - Received in the Senate.


H.R. 8660 - Post-9/11 Veteran Business Acceleration Act.  This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to collaborate with the Small Business Administration to implement a pilot program to provide financial assistance (in lieu of educational assistance) to eligible individuals under the Post-9/11 Educational Assistance Program for the purpose of (1) establishing and operating a new qualified business enterprise, or (2) operating an existing qualified business enterprise. Eligible individuals are those who (1) are entitled to 36 months of educational assistance under the Post-9/11 Educational Assistance Program, (2) are not in bankruptcy proceedings at the time of application, and (3) meet credit score requirements.  08/05/2022 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


H.R.8750 - Expanding Veterans’ Options for Long Term Care Act.  This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to implement a three-year pilot program to assess the effectiveness of providing assisted living services to eligible veterans, including by assessing the satisfaction of veterans participating in the pilot program. Eligible veterans are those who (1) are eligible for assisted living services as determined by the VA; and (2) are already receiving nursing home level care paid for by the VA, are eligible for such care from the VA, or exceed the requirements for domiciliary care paid for by the VA but do not meet the requirements for nursing home level care paid for by the VA.  The Inspector General of the VA must report to Congress on the pilot program, and the VA must submit a follow-up plan to address any deficiencies that are identified in the report.  08/26/2022 - Referred to the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


S. ____ - To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to expand or otherwise modify an existing national cemetery to ensure that full military honors are provided at such cemetery, to require the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to jointly submit to Congress a report containing a proposal to increase national cemetery capacity and an assessment of the criteria for interment at Arlington National Cemetery, and for other purposes.'s%20National%20Cemetery%20Act%20of%202022_Final.pdf


S. 344 - Major Richard Star Act.  This bill allows a veteran with a combat-related disability and fewer than 20 years of creditable service to receive retirement pay, without reduction, concurrent with disability compensation.  02/22/2021 - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

03/17/2021 - Referred to the Committee on Armed Services.


S.437 - Veterans Burn Pits Exposure Recognition Act of 2021.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


S.565 - Mark Takai Atomic Veterans Healthcare Parity Act of 2021.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


S.810 - Fair Care for Vietnam Veterans Act of 2021.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


S.927 - Toxic Exposure in the American Military Act or the TEAM Act.  This bill requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to expand health care, benefits, and resources for veterans with conditions related to exposure to toxic substances.  Specifically, the bill expands eligibility for VA hospital care, medical services, and nursing home care to include veterans who (1) were exposed to toxic substances, radiation, or other conditions, and were awarded certain medals (e.g., the Armed Forces Service Medal); (2) are eligible for inclusion in the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry; or (3) have been identified by the Department of Defense to have been possibly exposed during service to an open burn pit, toxic substance, or specified hazardous sites. (A burn pit is an area used for burning solid waste in open air without equipment.)  The bill establishes a presumption of service-connection for diseases associated with exposure to certain toxic substances and that become manifest within a certain time period; the VA must specify such diseases and requirements through regulations. Under a presumption of service-connection, specific conditions diagnosed in certain veterans are presumed to have been caused by the circumstances of their military service. Health care benefits and disability compensation may then be awarded.  The bill also requires the VA to take specified actions to (1) evaluate scientific evidence regarding associations between diseases and exposure to toxic substances; (2) train its health care personnel on identifying, treating, and assessing illnesses related to such exposure; and (3) provide resources to veterans exposed to toxic substances.  03/23/2021  Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  04/28/2021 - Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Hearings held. On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


S.952 - Presumptive Benefits for War Fighters Exposed to Burn Pits and Other Toxins Act of 2021.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


S.1039 - A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to improve compensation for disabilities occurring in Persian Gulf War veterans, and for other purposes.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


S. 1147 - Retired Pay Restoration Act.  This bill authorizes the receipt of both military retired pay and veterans' disability compensation with respect to any service-connected disability. Under current law, only veterans with service-connected disabilities rated at 50% or more receive both without offset. 

Individuals who were retired or separated from military service due to a service-connected disability shall be eligible for the full concurrent receipt of both veterans' disability compensation and either military retired pay or combat-related special pay.  04/15/2021 - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Armed Services.


S.1151 - Palomares Veterans Act of 2021.  On August 10, 2022, the President signed into law the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022’’ or the ‘‘Honoring our PACT Act of 2022’’.


S.1198 - Solid Start Act of 2022.  This act permanently authorizes and expands the Solid Start program, which is an outreach program for veterans in their first year of separation from the military.  Specifically, the act requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to coordinate with the Department of Defense to collect updated contact information during transition classes or separation counseling for members of the Armed Forces who are separating from service; explain the existence and purpose of the program;

call veterans three times within the first year of separation; publish information about the program in booklets and on the VA website; provide women veterans with information tailored to their health care and benefit needs; provide information on access to state and local resources, such as Vet Centers;

gather and analyze data that assesses the effectiveness of the program; ensure calls are tailored to each veteran's needs by conducting quality assurance tests; and prioritize outreach to veterans who have accessed mental health resources prior to separation from the Armed Forces.  Under the act, the VA is authorized to (1) encourage members of the Armed Forces to provide additional contact information if they are unreachable following their separation, and (2) follow up on missed phone calls. 04/15/2021 - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  09/19/2022 - Passed Senate, under the order of 9/15/22, with an amendment by Unanimous Consent. 09/29/2022 – In the House, Pursuant to section 10 of H. Res. 1396, and the motion offered by Mr. Hoyer, the bill passed under suspension of the rules.  10/17/2022 – Signed by the President and Became Public Law No: 117-205.


S. 2159 - A bill to designate the community-based outpatient clinic of the Department of Veterans Affairs located at 400 College Drive, Middleburg, Florida, as the "Andrew K. Baker Department of Veterans Affairs Clinic", and for other purposes.  06/22/2021 - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. 02/03/2022 - Passed Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. 02/07/2022 - Received in the House. 11/14/2022 - On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by voice vote.


S. 2513 - Brian Neuman Department of Veterans Affairs Clothing Allowance Improvement Act of 2021.

07/28/2021 - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. 11/17/2021 - Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Hearings held. 12/15/2021 - Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Ordered to be reported without amendment favorably.


S.3025 - Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act of 2021.  This bill modifies and implements policies and procedures related to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care and benefits for veterans who have experienced military sexual trauma (MST), which is generally defined as physical assault of a sexual nature, battery of a sexual nature, or sexual harassment that occurred while the veteran was serving in the military.  The VA must report on MST in the digital age.  In the case of any veteran who claims that a covered mental health condition (e.g., post-traumatic stress disorder) based on MST was incurred or aggravated by active service, the VA must accept specified diagnoses and evidence as proof of service-connection.  The VA may not deny a veteran's claim of compensation for a covered mental health condition based on MST without first (1) advising the veteran that nonmilitary evidence and behavioral evidence may constitute credible corroborating evidence, and (2) allowing the veteran an opportunity to furnish the corroborating evidence or advise the VA of potential sources of such evidence.  The Veterans Benefits Administration must conduct an annual special focus review on the accuracy of the processing of claims for disability compensation for disabilities relating to MST.  Additionally, the bill (1) expands access to mental health care at VA facilities for survivors of MST, and (2) requires the Government Accountability Office to report on access to such care for individuals who have experienced MST.  10/20/2021 - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. 03/01/2022 - Committee on Veterans' Affairs. Reported by Senator Tester with an amendment in the nature of a substitute.  Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders.


S.3369 - Max Cleland VA Medical Center Act.  12/09/2021 - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  07/28/2022 - Passed Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. 07/29/2022 - Received in the House. 11/17/2022 - On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 359 – 62.


S.4359 - Senator Johnny Isakson VA Regional Office Act of 2022.  06/08/2022 - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.  07/27/2022 - Passed Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. 11/17/2022 - On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 418 - 2, 2 Present


S. 4543 - James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023.  07/18/2022 - Committee on Armed Services. Original measure reported to Senate by Senator Reed. With written report.  Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 445.


S.4700 - Equal Access to Contraception for Veterans Act.  08/02/2022 - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


S. 4802 – Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2022.  09/08/2022 - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.  09/14/2022 - Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably.  09/29/2022 - S.Amdt.6290 Referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.


S. 4951 - Reduce and Eliminate Mental Health Outpatient Veteran Copays Act or the REMOVE Copays Act.  This bill prohibits the Department of Veterans Affairs from imposing or collecting any co-payment for a veteran's first three mental health outpatient care visits in a calendar year. However, such prohibition must not apply with respect to the imposition or collection of copayments for medications. 09/27/2022 - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.


PA House Bill 1868 - An Act amending Title 63 (Professions and Occupations (State Licensed)) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for military and veterans' licensure.  Signed in House, June 30, 2022. Signed in Senate, June 30, 2022.  Presented to the Governor, July 1, 2022.  Approved by the Governor, July 7, 2022.  Act No. 35 of 2022, July 7, 2022


VA offers benefit debt relief to Veterans affected by recent hurricanes,-PRESS%20RELEASE&text=Ian.&text=the%20category)%20or%20call%20800%2D827%2D0648.&text=beneficiaries%20can%20contact%20the%20Health,calling%20866%2D400%2D1238.


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The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is -- Navy Electrician’s Mate 1st Class Edward L. Conway, 29, of Auburn, Illinois, was assigned to the battleship USS Oklahoma, which was moored at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, when the ship was attacked by Japanese aircraft on Dec. 7, 1941. The USS Oklahoma sustained multiple torpedo hits, which caused it to quickly capsize. The attack on the ship resulted in the deaths of 429 crewmen, including Conway. He will be buried in Decatur, Illinois, on Nov. 12, 2022. Read about Conway.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is -- Navy Machinist’s Mate 1st Class Keith W. Tipsword, 27, of Moccasin, Illinois, was assigned to the battleship USS West Virginia, which was moored at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, when the ship was attacked by Japanese aircraft on Dec. 7, 1941. The USS West Virginia sustained multiple torpedo hits, but timely counter-flooding measures taken by the crew prevented it from capsizing. The attack on the ship resulted in the deaths of 106 crewmen, including Tipsword. He will be buried in Beecher City, Illinois, on Nov. 15, 2022.  Read about Tipsword.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is -- Army Cpl. Delbert L. White, 20, was assigned to Company D, 2nd Engineer (Combat) Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division. On Dec. 1, 1950, White and many other 2nd ID soldiers were captured by the Chinese People’s Volunteer Force (CPVF). After reviewing conflicting reports, the Army determined and declared March 18, 1951, as White’s date of death. Interment services are pending. Read about White.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is -- Army Pfc. Roy J. Searle, 22, was assigned to Company D, 1st Battalion, 357th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division. He was mortally wounded during enemy engagement on Dec. 9, 1944, and was reported to have died near Rehligen, Germany. Interment services are pending. Read about Searle.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is -- Army Air Forces Staff Sgt. George E. Davies, 27, was assigned to the 345th Bombardment Squadron, 98th Bombardment Group, 9th Air Force. On Aug. 1, 1943, the B-24 Liberator aircraft on which Davies was the assistant engineer crashed as a result of anti-aircraft fire during Operation Tidal Wave. Following the war, his remains could not be identified. Interment services are pending. Read about Davies.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is -- Army Staff Sgt. James Rotunno, 27, was assigned to Company K, 3rd Battalion, 157th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division. His unit was engaged in the Battle of Reipertswiller in France when it was surrounded by German forces. On Jan. 20, 1945, his unit and four other companies attempted a break-out through German lines. Rotunno was among those killed the following day and his body could not be recovered. Interment services are pending. Read about Rotunno.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is -- Army Air Forces 1st Lt. Paul W. Schmidt, 20, was assigned to the 161st Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, 363rd Tactical Reconnaissance Group, 8th Air Force. On March 23, 1945, Schmidt was last seen piloting his F-6D Mustang fighter in an attack on an enemy train near Sedenhorst, Germany. He was declared missing in action, and there was no evidence he had been a prisoner of war. The War Department issued a presumptive finding of death on March 24, 1946. Interment services are pending. Read about Schmidt.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is -- Army Pfc. Clinton E. Smith Jr.,19, was assigned to Company D, 1st Battalion, 157th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division. In January 1945, his unit was engaged with German forces during the Battle of Reipertwiller in France. Smith was killed in an artillery strike on Jan.14, and his body could not be recovered. Interment services are pending. Read about Smith.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is -- Army Cpl. Leo J. Barlosky, 24, was assigned to the 7th Chemical Company, Aviation, when Japanese forces invaded the Philippine Islands in December 1941. Intense fighting continued until the surrender of the Bataan peninsula in April 1942. Barlosky was among those captured and held at the Cabanatuan POW Camp, where he reportedly died on July 27, 1942, and was buried. Interment services are pending. Read about Barlosky.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is -- Army Air Forces 1st Lt. John B. Thomas, 23, was assigned to the 345th Bombardment Squadron, 98th Bombardment Group, 9th Air Force. On Aug. 1, 1943, the B-24 Liberator aircraft Thomas was the piloting crashed as a result of anti-aircraft fire during Operation Tidal Wave. Following the war, his remains could not be identified. Interment services are pending. Read about Thomas.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is -- Navy Cmdr. Frederick R. Schrader, 31, was the commander of Carrier Air Group Eleven on the USS Hornet. On Oct. 13, 1944, Schrader’s F6F-5 Hellcat fighter was shot down during an attack on Toko Seaplane Base on Formosa, now known as Taiwan. There was no evidence he exited the aircraft before it crashed, and no rescue attempts were possible. Interment services are pending. Read about Schrader.


VFW Action Corps Weekly, October 10, 2022




October 2022 Veteran News by James Ulinski ( ):

[I hope this email reaches you and your families in good health and enjoying the last quarter of 2022!

Several Pennsylvania senators tried again to get a week designated as MST Awareness Week (S.R. 348), but it seems doomed once again, since at least a few senators either feel MST is not worthy of having an Awareness Week, or they do not believe the numbers are significant enough to warrant one. These cave dwellers need to get their heads out of their butts and start serving us and not pandering to their party. The latest Military Sexual Assault Report shows “Tragic” Rise in Cases according to the Pentagon.

For Fiscal Year 2021, 8.4% of female service members and 1.5% of male service members contacted experienced unwanted sexual contact, according to the report. It was the worst year since 2006 for women and the second worst year for men. "The findings of the Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military for Fiscal Year 2021 underscores crimes of sexual assault and sexual harassment are pervasive and remain a persistent and corrosive problem” according to Lt. Alyson Hands. To read the entire 6-page article written by Heather Mongilio, September 1, 2022, google “Latest Military Sexual Assault Report Shows Tragic Rise in Cases, Pentagon Officials Say.”

Currently, according to the American Legion, the VA “deducts the retirement pay of veterans with a disability rating of less than 50%.” “These veterans who have been forced into medical retirement are being penalized for their injuries, and there is no excuse for it.” “Disability compensation and retirement pay are two different payments, and should be treated as such.” For those of us familiar with how PA counts our disability income into our tax exemptions for school, etc. we can see how this should not be!! “The American Legion stands with disabled veterans and is urging Congress not to continue this denial of retirement benefits.” “The Major Richard Star Act would repeal this draconian offset for those medically retired due to injuries sustained in combat” and allow them to receive both their retirement pay and disability compensation with no forfeiture! This legislation needs our support, as the House will not return until after the November elections, leaving little time for the Act to be passed.

Kudos to Lee Horowitz and Don Logemen for continuing their fight to get Navy Club (Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard) of the United States of America recognized by Pennsylvania by getting a seat on the State Veterans Commission. FYI---the Navy Club is the 4th oldest veterans’ group! ALSO----they were key in getting the 250th Anniversary of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps to Philadelphia, which will bring tourists, publicity, and tax dollars in 2025!

“VA physicians will begin screening all department patients for military-related toxic exposures starting in November, 2022.” “Estimates are that about 3.5 million troops from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan may have suffered enough exposure to burn pit smoke to cause health problems.”

Veterans of all eras are now eligible for caregiver benefits. “Before Oct. 1, 2022, only veterans who served before May, 1975 or after September, 2001 were eligible for the benefits.” The Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers “is designed to support and compensate full-time caregivers providing at-home assistance to severely wounded veterans.”

The new 3-digit suicide crisis line has gone live (as of July, 2022). Anyone can dial 988 and then press 1 to be connected to trained counselors. “The current National Suicide Prevention Lifeline phone number, 1-800-273-8255, remains available to people in emotional distress or suicidal crisis.”

Breast cancer screening is being expanded to more women veterans (remember men---we can get breast cancer too). Detecting breast cancer early is essential to reduce the chances of death. The DAV are VVA are also working to get MST more of a legislative priority.

I get quite a few questions about Camp Lejeune, so I’ll give you the news I have. “Section 804 of the act, Federal Cause of Action Relating to Water at Camp Lejeune, allows veterans who worked or lived at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune for not less than 30 days between August 1, 1953 and Dec. 31, 1987 to seek compensation from the federal government for physical ailments related to exposure to contaminated water.”

“The right to file a claim is limited to those whose illnesses were manifest before the date of enactment. The settlement comes with an offset; if you receive compensation, you VA benefits will be offset by the contaminated awards. However, you will continue to receive your disability benefits.”

The VVA is recommending veterans wait to file for compensation until the regulations for section 804 have been codified. If you are approached by a law firm, do not make any commitment until you have consulted with a VSO (Veteran Service Officer) or county veterans service officer who provide free legal services to veterans.” *VVA Veteran Magazine, September/October, 2022, Page 5, Middle Column.

Coatesville VA is offering the latest booster shot for COVID and also offering flu shots. Pretty sure other VA Centers are doing the same. After getting COVID about 2 months ago, I will be getting my COVID booster in November with my wife, (waiting period for booster depending on when you got COVID).

Kudos to Kirk Fernitz, Director, Community & Congressional Affairs for continually sending me monthly information to benefit veterans!

Flu & COVID-19 Vaccination Tent is Open at Coatesville VAMC
The drive-thru vaccination tent is open and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Schedule your flu shots and COVID-19 vaccinations at (610) 383-0239.  

Getting a flu shot protects you, your family and your community.  Also if needed, you can get vaccinated for COVID at the same time you get a flu shot – one visit, two vaccines by calling (610) 383-0239.

Influenza Vaccine - available to all enrolled Veterans. Please bring your VA health care ID and wear a loose-fitting short sleeve shirt and mask. Veterans can request to receive their flu vaccine during their scheduled Primary Care, Specialty, and Mental Health appointment.

COVID-19 Vaccine - booster shots are available to ALL Veterans and everyone authorized under the SAVES LIVES Act.  Please bring your COVID-19 vaccination card, VA health care ID (if you are an enrolled veteran) and wear a wear a mask, and a loose-fitting short sleeve shirt.

Call (610) 383-0239 today to schedule an appointment. Review the campus map to find the entrance to the drive-thru vaccine clinic off of New Jersey Ave.

Eligible Veterans can also receive a no-cost seasonal flu shot at one of more than 60,000 Community Care Network (CCN) in-network retail pharmacies and urgent care locations. Find your nearest in-network community location at will need to present a valid government-issued identification, such as a Veteran Health ID Card, Department of Defense ID card, state-issued driver's license or ID card.

PACT-Act - On October 1, 2022, the VA expanded the eligibility for VA health care for certain Veterans as part of the PACT Act implementation.  The PACT Act includes exposures to a wide variety of agents, including nuclear, chemical, and physical (such as sound, vibration, noise, and x-rays) that are part of the military environment.  This expansion will increase health care eligibility for hundreds of thousands of toxic-exposed Veterans. 

Veterans will be in one of three established categories:

  • Category 1 Veterans are those who participated in a toxic exposure risk activity, as defined by law, while serving on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training
  • Category 2 Veterans who were assigned to a duty station in (including airspace above) certain locations during specific periods of time;
    • On or after August 2, 1990, in the following countries: Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, or the United Arab Emirates 
    • On or after September 11, 2001, in the following countries: Afghanistan, Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Uzbekistan, or any other country determined relevant by VA
  • Category 3 Veterans are those who were deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Freedom’s Sentinel, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation New Dawn, Operation Inherent Resolve, and Resolute Support Mission.


Tickets on sale for the USMC 247th Birthday Ball at the Brookside Country Club (850 N. Adams Street, Pottstown, PA 19464)on Saturday, November 12th. Time—6-10 PM and Price is $45 per person. Anyone interested can contact Tom Hyland at or 610-476-7425. Advanced ticket sales only---no walk ins will be accepted! Deadline is November 1, 2022!

Veterans who served in the following locations and time periods are also eligible to enroll in VA health care effective on enactment (August 10, 2022):

  • Republic of Vietnam (between January 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975), 
  • Thailand at any US or Royal Thai base (between January 9, 1962, and June 30, 1976)
  • Laos (between December 1, 1965, and September 30, 1969)
  • Certain Provinces in Cambodia (between April 16, 1969, and April 30, 1969)
  • Guam or American Samoa or their territorial waters (between January 9, 1962, and July 31, 1980)
  • Johnston Atoll, or a ship that called there, between January 1, 1972, and September 30, 1977


Some examples of Toxic Exposures include:



Herbicides (Agent Orange) used during Vietnam era, burn pits, sulfur fire in Iraq, Camp Lejeune water supplies, pesticides used during Gulf War, depleted uranium, industrial solvents

Air Pollutants

Burn pits, oil well fire during Gulf War, sulfur fire in Iraq, Atsugi (Japan) waste incinerator, sand, dust, and very small, fine particles or liquid droplets

Occupational Hazards

Asbestos, industrial solvents, lead, radiation, vibration, noise, fuels, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), and special paint used on military vehicles


Nuclear weapons and testing, x-rays, depleted uranium

Warfare Agents

Chemical weapons, Project 112/Project Shipboard Hazard and Defense (SHAD), herbicide tests and storage, and chemical experiments


To find out if you are eligible:


      Submit a VBA claim:

·  Call 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411)

      Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry: HOME - Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry (

                I am hoping to have information (did this last year) on our need to have our final wishes, DD-214, burial wishes, insurance papers, and other documents in locations where our spouse/significant other can find the info in November’s email newsletter. I have heard from and personally seen where a veteran dies and the spouse/significant other has no clue what to do. This is a time of difficulty for those we leave behind----we should make that as easy for them as we can. Preparation is the key!! If you have suggestions for possible inclusion in that email (or any topic) ---feel free to email me.

Lee, Don, and I could always use more help with our legislative efforts. If anyone has the desire to be involved, please let me know. Thank you!

“If you sit back and don’t get involved, you may someday wish you did.” Ulinski

Have a great month and stay safe!  Jim]


The Navy Turns 247.  The U.S. Navy was founded on October 13, 1775, with the Department of the Navy established in 1798. The Navy's mission is to “maintain, train and equip combat-ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas," and it does so with warfare specialities that include aviation, surface warfare, nuclear submarines, special forces and support services.  There are approximately 341,000 sailors serving actively in the U.S. Navy today with an additional 59,000 reserve personnel.


Supreme Court Weighs Exception to Vets Disability Deadlines


DMVA Digest: A publication of the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs – October 12, 2022


Head of VA vows to hire 45,000 nurses in 3 years to address shortage


A moral injury for America’s veterans: Retired Lieutenant Colonel Scott Mann hopes his new book, 'Operation Pineapple Express,' will help fellow veterans


To receive the FREE VBC Magazine, contact us!


Oyler Wu Selected for Cold War Veterans Memorial





10475 12TH STREET




The site for the Cold War Veterans Memorial (CWVM) has been identified in the Master Plan for the Pritzker Archives & Memorial Park Center (PAMPC).


The National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial is a new national monument to be built at the National Mall in Washington D.C. The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for July 14, 2022. Our goal is to dedicate the completed Memorial in 2024.




The Last Surviving Veterans


Echoes of the Vietnam War - The Mind Benders 25 min mark


Echoes of the Vietnam War - Kiss Lori for Me


Echoes of the Vietnam War - No Limit


Veterans Experience Office Community Catalyst Award - Oct 9, 2022


Camella Jane Jones


Over 41,000 VA Patients Warned of Delayed Care Due to Troubled Electronic Records System


2022 Veterans Day Free Meals and Restaurant Deals and Discounts


We’re excited to announce the winner of the #StillServing Top Dog competition is Hannah!  Congratulations to her and her veteran owner, Jill.


Agent Orange Newsletter - 2022


VA invites the public to dispose of unused medications and prescriptions during nationwide ‘VA Medication Take Back’ days


Doctor Sentenced for Accepting Illegal Kickback Payment in Return for Writing Prescriptions for Compounded Drugs


Slidell Woman Pleads Guilty to Misappropriating Military Veteran’s Funds


Daniel Smith, Army veteran and one of the last children of enslaved Americans, dies at 90


Former Defense Secretary Ash Carter dies of heart attack at age 68


Nearly 113K claims already filed for PACT Act benefits


Fewer Black Vets Got Advanced COVID Treatments at VA Hospitals During Pandemic, Study Finds


Outrage over NFL brain injuries; silence over military brain injuries


Comprehensive Healthcare Inspection Summary Report: Evaluation of Leadership and Organizational Risks in Veterans Health Administration Facilities, Fiscal Year 2021


Homecoming 250 Navy Marine Corps is a charity created to host the main celebrations of the Navy and the Marine Corps 250th birthdays (in 2025) in their birthplace – Philadelphia and the Delaware River.


Additional Actions Needed to Fully Implement and Assess Impact of the Patient Referral Coordination Initiative


VA announces funding opportunities to help Veterans experiencing homelessness




Soldier Accounted For From Vietnam War (Finger, S.)


Prior to The Wall ceremony, VVA has sponsored a “Massing of the Colors” in honor of the 40th Anniversary of The Wall. Color guards from chapters and state councils across the country will join us in a salute to those we lost and those of us still surviving….


Same War, Same Traumas: Vietnam Veterans Demand Better Treatment.  Puerto Rico’s aging veterans are still battling for equal access to mental health services from the country for which they fought.


VA received nearly 113,000 claims under PACT Act, urges veterans to submit claims quickly


Hearing on the Department of Veterans Affairs Implementation of the SFC Heath Robinson Honoring our PACT Act on November 16, 2022


VA to Review Burn Pit Registry in Wake of Report Calling for Complete Overhaul


Deficiencies in Lethal Means Safety Training, Firearms Access Assessment, and Safety planning for Patients with Suicidal Behaviors by Firearms




U-Haul Receives Distinguished Award from VVA


Why You Should Think Twice Before Throwing Away Old T-Shirts


2022 Veterans Day Free Meals and Restaurant Deals and Discounts


Number One Realist by Nathaniel L. Moir


Declassified 1986, thanks to Ann Mills Griffith: CIA Report on POWs/MIAs in SE Asia


Promoting Safe Storage of Firearms Can Sway Service Members, Vets, Study Finds


Controlled Substance Public Disposal Locations - Search Utility;jsessionid=7jYsVpxa5xbuaQOPLTDdCstInP5_qjjK0RvCZ9H_.web2?execution=e1s1


From VVA National Treasurer Linda Schwartz: Filing Extension for 2022 VVA Financial Reports: The deadline for filing Chapter and State Council 2022 Financial Reports has been extended to January 1, 2023. Questions, please contact Deborah Johnson at


A popular medical software is failing veterans with visual impairments: More than a million VA patients are blind or have low vision.


Community Healing Ceremony: The event will be hybrid. Choose your preference at time of registration. In-person registrants will receive final confirmation by 11/7 .


Let our numbers be known


Tango Alpha Lima: Retired U.S. Army Old Guard Sergeant of the Guard Chelsea Porterfield


Honor & Remembrance: Find places to honor and remember those who have served.


OUR KOREAN WAR STORY: Frozen limbs of Bob Smith


Time for a fresh look at the Army Alumni idea


Your VA claim exam questions answered: Two newly updated FAQs


#VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Dwight Eisenhower


AARP, Blue Star Families team up to help female Veterans, military spouses find employment

Find free employment resources from AARP and Blue Star Families


Deep discounts from Fitbit for Veterans in November: Fitness tracking devices can help manage physical activity, sleep and overall wellness


247th Marine Corps Birthday Message


Veteran Town Hall with Secretary Denis McDonough – Nov 9, 2022


On November 8, 2022, all Veterans enrolled in VA health care will be eligible for new toxic exposure screenings


VA will prioritize delivering benefits to Veterans with cancer under PACT Act


Paxlovid reduces risk of Long COVID


Feds to vets: Beware of scammers charging you to file for benefits


Finalists in $20 Million VA Suicide Prevention Competition Showcase Proposals


‘Continue the healing’: How thousands of volunteers put faces to names on the Vietnam memorial


Between Kanye and the Midterms, the Unsettling Stream of Antisemitism: For American Jews, this fall has become increasingly worrisome. On Thursday alone, the F.B.I. warned of threats to New Jersey synagogues and the Nets suspended Kyrie Irving.


33rd Allied Mission to Israel April 20-30, 2023


JWV Sar-El/Volunteers for Israel (VFI) Mission.  (Optional Mission – help support the Israeli Defense Forces).  April 16-19, 2023


FRA today Magazine, October 2022


National Veteran Health Equity Report 2021: Focus on Veterans Health Administration Patient Experience and Health Care Quality


Armistice Day: Soldiers and Vets for Peace.  All public ideals of peace with all other peoples were discarded on June 1, 1954, when the US government renamed Armistice Day as Veterans Day.


Volunteers Repair Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial After Vandals Struck


Remember The 27 Crusaders


VFW Magazine, November/December 2022


VFW Magazine, November/December 2022


VA Merges White House Hotline With Main Call Center


I Have Seen the Rain - 2017


Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services Articles of Interest October 2022


Live Whole Health #145: Tai Chi fundamentals: Standing side support.  Tai Chi fundamentals in just 90 seconds


You Asked, We Answered: All about updated COVID-19 booster vaccines.  What is different about updated COVID-19 booster vaccines?


Veteran manages MST, finds her calling to help others: Army Veteran says VA mental health care helped her regain control of her life


Center for Women Veterans Book Corner: Aurea Franklin


#VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Phyllis J. Wilson


AARP, Blue Star Families team up to help female Veterans, military spouses find employment

Find free employment resources from AARP and Blue Star Families


Twelve senior VA leaders chosen for prestigious presidential award for service


For Tradition and Americanism, Marty Costello Keeps Memories Alive: The third generation Radnor Township native continues to fight for rights and freedoms.


Joe’s Place in Wayne Closes After 75 Years Amid COVID-19 Restrictions


American Legion Post 418 at 401 E Lancaster Ave., Wayne, PA, 610 989-1361



Meet Jesse Brown — A US Hero Who Made History In America’s Forgotten War


‘We’re Still Fighting’: How MOAA Helps Veteran Caregivers


‘The Wall’ Turns 40: Reflections on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial


MOAA’s 2022-23 TRICARE Guide


VFP GOLDEN RULE PROJECT.  We aim to advance Veterans For Peace opposition to nuclear weapons and war, and to do so in a dramatic fashion.


Election-denying veterans are unusually dishonorable


MAPS: Preserving and Restoring Military Aviation


WWII’s Ritchie Boys proposed for a Congressional Gold Medal


Republican state attorneys general promise challenges to VA’s new abortion rules


Fast facts about new toxic exposure screening for Veterans: Enrolled Veterans can be screened at VA medical centers, clinics


DMVA Digest: A publication of the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, November 23, 2022




November 2022 Veteran News by James Ulinski on November 18, 2022 (

I hope this email reaches you and your families in good health, getting ready for a great Thanksgiving and safe/enjoyable Holiday Season to end 2022!

This will be my last email for this year (no email news in December).

Before I tell you about a very serious subject, I am very proud to congratulate a close friend of mine, and outstanding friend of veterans and their families, Len Johnson, former State DAV Commander. Len was just gifted a new, retrofitted Chevy Traverse from TrueCar’s 8th Annual “DriventoDrive” initiative. Kudos to Len for his outstanding nonstop work and Kudos to George Edward Brown for sharing this! George does a fantastic job, sharing information with veterans and others!


I wanted to give you valuable information on how to prepare for our death, to make it easier for your remaining spouse/loved one’s.

WHAT IF------ you died tonight or in the next week, month, year???? Do you feel comfortable that your spouse/significant other/family will know what to do? What did you want done? Where to find important information to make their hurt less difficult?

This topic, I have found through experiencing the death of veterans with the surviving spouse/partner/family is not an easy one for discussion, but one that needs to be done while we are able to do so. It reduces an already terrible situation by alleviating a lot of mystery/anxiety on what the spouse/partner/family needs to know. Preparation is the key and many of us have failed to do this!

You most assuredly should discuss the topic of death and your conditions (if any) with your family honestly.

Have you told him/her/them exactly what you want/don’t want in the form of medical interventions. Do they know what stage of illness you would choose to forego certain therapies or artificial life support? Share and discuss your advance directives with him/her/them.

Does he/she/them know who you put in charge of making medical decisions if you can no longer make them. Your health care proxy or surrogate medical decision maker needs to understand and agree to carry out your wishes and desires pertaining to end-of-life care. Reinforce, this is your death being discussed and you want your wishes fulfilled in how that is carried out!

You need to think about your beliefs about death and do you need any spiritual figures involved. Do you or your spouse/partner/family need any psychological, emotional, spiritual support or care.

Have you created a “bucket list” of things you want to accomplish with the time you have left? Write this list down and try to work on it!

Have you thought about your personal belongings? If you have family friends you wish to give something to, make sure they know and it is written down. This includes mementos, pictures, items, etc.

Have you left letters or videos for any member/s of your family/friends?

Does anyone else besides you know the passwords for your computer or safes?

Who do you want present at your funeral visitation and/or interment/cremation?

Do you want flowers or donations made instead of flowers to a specific charity?

Is there a music preference you want, certain songs, your life in photos/video displayed?

Do you want a special prayer, poem said?

Which funeral home do you want to use (make sure you address this sooner rather than later) and talk to the director? Do you want to be embalmed, cremated, buried? What type of casket/box for ashes do you want? Do you want to write your own obituary? Who do you want invited? Where do you want buried, local cemetery, family plot, national cemetery? Or, do you want your ashes (if cremated) scattered somewhere?

What do you want inscribed on your headstone/grave marker?

Do you want a celebration of life, a wake, memorial service, or something else?

Should I prepay expenses for the funeral, burial, cremation, etc. or, do you want someone to handle this for you?

Your important documentation should all be in one safe place (if possible, in a fireproof/waterproof safe)! This includes; birth certificate, Social Security card, passport, will, trusts, financial statements, insurance policies, mortgage documents, etc. Inform your intended executor of the estate and other trusted family members of the location of these documents!

Create an Advanced Directive (also known as a Living Will), which is a legal document outlining your wishes for medical treatment, in case you cannot communicate them yourself. This lets people know what you want and don’t want for life saving treatment and other medical treatments. This also can have your choice of life support or not, pain management, etc.

The Advanced Directive can also have your wish for cremation or burial.

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for your death is to write a will. Without a will (legal document), the state will determine how your assets will be divided, which may not be the way you wanted it done. You should also designate an executor in your will who will be responsible for carrying out the wishes contained in the will. Once the will is completed, make sure your executor, your spouse/significant other, and any other trusted member have a copy, plus you should have a copy with your important documents!

Identify and appoint a power of attorney (POA) to make decisions on your behalf should you not be able to do so. This POA can be for financial, healthcare, or both. There is paperwork involved for this, so make sure you follow your state laws. Again, once done, give copies to the people you trust.

If you have not purchased life insurance, you should consider this. Gets very pricy as we enter later stages of our life. You should talk to a funeral director (with your spouse/significant other) to let them know you are a veteran, what you want done after death, etc. A good funeral director can be immensely helpful in your preparations, including costs incurred for burial/cremation.

You can also decide on a formal service (more somber), memorial service (less formal and can happen after you are cremated/buried, or a celebration of life (reflects on celebrating your life rather than focusing on your death). They are just preferences for you to choose.

You need to make sure your digital assets are taken care of: Social media accounts, domain names, online banking and financial accounts, investment accounts, email accounts, photos and other files stored online, and other online accounts.

When we die, the funeral director needs to be notified asap. If you are a disabled veteran and 100% T&P (total and permanent), your spouse/significant other may be entitled to monthly compensation from the VA. Make sure your spouse/significant other knows to contact the doctor who pronounced/will pronounce the death to see if you died as the result (direct or indirect) of your rated injuries/illness/es. If they are in your VA Medical Record, they do not have to be specially the ones you were getting VA check for. Example---if your VA record shows hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, etc. that are listed by the VA as causes of injury/illness---but they were not what you were rated for---your spouse/significant other can still get a VA check each month---IF it is determined one or more caused directly or contributed to your death. I suggest someone (you wanted to help your spouse/significant other when you die calls the veteran organization you most trust to help in this case. For me it is 2 of our DAV State Service Officers. Important---do this asap after death or as we are dying. I have chosen 4 disabled veterans I trust to help my wife through the process.

Have you made clergy arrangements?

Provide the Funeral Director with a copy of your Discharge, i.e., DD214, VA claim number if known, and veteran’s Social Security number. The Funeral Director should (ALWAYS---double check to make sure he/she applies for you) apply to the Department of Military Affairs for the amount allowable toward burial expenses and also, the allowable from Social Security for burial.

The Funeral Director should also apply to the Department of Military Affairs for an American Flag to drape over the casket/urn.

If you are a member of a Veteran Organization, contact the Post Commander to ask about providing Military Services, Firing Squad. Or Pallbearers, if wanted/needed.

If you have Veterans/GI Insurance, contact the County Veteran Service Officer for assistance completing the insurance forms. If you have Commercial Insurance, contact the agent for the company that insured you.

Your spouse should contact the Social Security office to file for any benefits that may be available for her/him and for any children.

Your County Veterans Service Officer should also assist the spouse and (if any) children in obtaining any benefits they may be entitled to, such as: Survivor’s Death benefits from the VA a Headstone, if buried in a Private Cemetery.  Provide the County Veterans Service Officer with the following when applying for benefits:

1.     Copy of the Veterans service record (Discharge)

2.     The Veteran’s VA claim number, if there is one.

3.     Social Security number of the Veteran, Spouse, and Dependent Children.

4.     GI Insurance policies (if any).

5.     Information regarding marriage (Certificate), birth dates of children (if dependent), if any prior marriages existed, and information regarding when and how dissolved (death/divorce).

6.     Copy of the Death Certificate of the Veteran. ***Important----what the cause of death and any contributing circumstances is key for possible monthly death allowance from the VA (have a knowledgeable Veteran Service Officer from the DAV, American Legion, etc. assist you!


Name: _____________________________________________________________

Home Address: ______________________________________________________

Date of Enlistment: ________________Place: _____________________________

Date of Discharge: _________________Place: _____________________________

Branch of Service: ___________________________________________________

Date of Birth: __________Place of Birth: _________________________________

Date of Marriage: _____________Place (City&County: ______________________

Government Life Insurance (if any): ________________Policy # (Amount)_______

VA Claim Number: ___________________SSN#: ___________________________

Records Located: ____________________________________________________

Received Compensation (if any and amount): _____________________________

Pension (if any and amount): ___________________________________________

VA Office where Veteran’s Records are kept: ______________________________

*This information should be kept in a safe place and easily accessible in case of a veteran's death or incapacitation!

Pre-Need Burial Eligibility Determination

Many people (my wife and I already did this sometime ago) and received our approval for burial/cremation in a Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery. Doing this in advance is not a must, but in my mind, a smart thing to do. Once eligibility is determined, veterans and eligible family members will be entitled to some or all of the following at no cost:

Burial in any open VA National Cemetery, including opening and closing the grave, grave liner, perpetual care of the gravesite, Government-furnished upright headstone, flat marker, or niche cover, burial flag, and Presidential Memorial Certificate. Note---special requirements for internment at Arlington!!

You can get VA Form 40-10007, Application for Pre-Need Determination of Eligibility for Burial in a National Cemetery. Proof of military service via a DD 214 is needed, but the VA will attempt to locate documents that you or the eligible party cannot locate.

Death Notification Checklist

Government Agencies

Social Security Administration, 800-772-1213 (everyone).

Veteran’s Administration (if deceased was formerly in the military).

Defense Finance and Accounting Service, 800-269-5170 (military service retiree receiving benefits).

Office of Personnel Management, 888-767-6738 (if deceased is a retired or former federal civil service employee).

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service, 800-375-5283 (if deceased was not a U.S. citizen).

State Department of Motor Vehicles, (if deceased had a driver’s license or stated).

Financial Companies

Credit and merchant card companies.

Banks, savings and loan associations, and credit unions.

Mortgage companies and lenders.

Financial planners and stockbrokers.

Pension providers.

Insurance and Annuity Companies

Life insurers and annuity companies

Health, medical, and dental insurers.

Disability insurer.

Automotive insurer.

Mutual benefit companies.

Credit Reporting Agencies

Experian, 888-397-3742, P.O. Box 9701, Allen, Texas 75013

Equifax, 800-525-6285, P.O. Box 105069, Atlanta, Georgia 30348

TransUnion, 800-680-7289, P.O. Box 6790, Fullerton, California 92834


Professional associations and unions.

Health clubs and athletic clubs.

Automobile clubs.

Public Library.

Alumni clubs.

Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, Veterans’ organizations and clubs.

Do Not Contact Lists

For a fee of $1.00 you can list the deceased name on the Deceased Do Not Contact List which is maintained by the Direct Marketing Association. All members of the Direct Marketing Association will delete the deceased name from their mailing lists once the name has been posted. The website is

Credit Reporting Agency Notification

It’s recommended you send a copy of the death certificate to each of the three (3) Credit Reporting Agencies I have listed for you on the previous page. Send as the “Requesting Party” and for the “Deceased”, Name, address and phone number/s of the “Requesting Party” and Name, Date of Death, Date of Birth, Location of Birth and Social Security No. of the “Deceased”.

List the addresses of the deceased for the past five (5) years starting with the most recent. Also list your relationship to the deceased---i.e., Spouse, Personal Representative of Estate, or other. Include on each of the three (3) agencies “Deceased” Do Not Issue Credit and request the current copy of the deceased credit report! Make sure you keep records of this!!

Notifying the VA of a Death

It is very important that the spouse or someone she/he designates notify the VA ASAP after the death of the veteran. If the deceased received VA benefits, or the VA provided any benefits (such as retirement checks) after the deceased passed away, the VA may require the executor of the estate to pay them back. The best way to notify the VA when the veteran dies is through the National Call Center at 1-800-827-1000. I suggest you always write the name, date and time of call, and what you/they said.

If you qualify to receive benefits and have filed the proper claim information (A Service Officer can be immensely helpful) you can check on the status of the claim by calling 1-800-827-1000.

Other suggestions

Have (this is a repeat) at least 3-4 veteran (preferably) friends (with their phone numbers) you have asked to help your surviving spouse get through the difficult process of losing you and making sure all bases have been touched!

Make sure your spouse knows the number of a Service Officer for a major organization such as DAV, VFW, American Legion, etc. to contact as quickly after the death. I recommend a State Service Officer, if possible.

Any letters, emails, information you wanted your spouse/significant other, family to know about your time in service, how you loved them, pictures, tape/video, etc. readily available with the other important information.

Remember-----we never know when death will finally take us, so make sure you have anything I have covered or things you have thought of readily available and location clearly conveyed!

I tried to incorporate lots of different things I have thought about/known about, but, as always, this email can be expanded upon (I excluded major expansion information on many topics to keep this email readable). However---you can never have enough information on this topic. You can Google specific topics for more detailed information).

Feel free to send me an email with tips you have on this topic or ideas for future emails. AND------by all means, feel free to share and pass on this information.

If you have friends, know of other veterans who might benefit from monthly emails like this, please tell them to send me an email at and I will add them to my growing list. There is strength in sharing with others, news that could help them or their families and friends!

Wishing all my veteran friends, families, and friends of veterans a most joyous Holiday Season and a wonderful beginning to the New Year!! 

Stay safe!



Traumatic Brain Injury May Contribute to Unexplained Rise in Military Suicides


VFW Action Corps Weekly, November 21, 2022


Get Recommended Screening Tests and Immunizations for Men


The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is -- Army Cpl. Tommie T. Hanks, 27, of Fort Worth, Texas, was assigned to Company E, 2nd Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division. On Nov. 26, 1950, he was reported missing in action while his unit was attempting to withdraw from east Ch’ongch’on River near Anju, North Korea. Following the war, his remains could not be recovered and there is no evidence that he was a prisoner of war. Hanks will be buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, on a date yet to be determined. Read about Hanks.


The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is -Army Pfc. Francis P. Martin, 25, of Scranton, Pennsylvania, was assigned to Company D, 1st Battalion, 157th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division. His unit was engaged in battle with German forces near Lichtenberg, France, when he was wounded and reported missing. With no body recovered and the Germans never reporting him as a prisoner of war, on Jan. 17, 1946, the War Department issued a finding of death. Martin will be buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia, on a date yet to be determined. Read about Martin.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is -- Army Staff Sgt. James Rotunno, 27, of Brooklyn, New York, was assigned to Company K, 3rd Battalion, 157th Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Division. His unit was engaged in the Battle of Reipertswiller in France when it was surrounded by German forces. On Jan. 20, 1945, his unit and four other companies attempted a break-out through German lines. Rotunno was among those killed the following day and his body could not be recovered. He will be buried in Rutherford, New Jersey, on a date yet to be determined. Read about Rotunno.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is -- Army Air Forces Staff Sgt. Walter Nies, 23, of Eureka, South Dakota, was assigned to 96th Bombardment Squadron, 2nd Bombardment Group, 15th Air Force. On Jan. 24, 1944, the B-17F Flying Fortress bomber on which he was serving as a tail gunner was shot down by enemy fighters. The crew was captured by Germans, and Nies was among those sent to Stalag Luft 6 prisoner of war camp. Nies died on May 28, 1944, after being shot. He will be buried in Eureka, South Dakota, on a date yet to be determined. Read about Nies.


Vision for Excellence, Issue 32


The Camp Lejeune Justice Act - Evaluating and Understanding the Benefits with Answers to

Frequently Asked Questions: Ensuring You Understand the “Offset”


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Resources for Energy Assistance this Winter


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13 places that offer free wills or trusts for Veterans


DMVA Digest: A publication of the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, November 30, 2022


SERVING PENNSYLVANIA'S VETERANS.  No Warrior Without Help.  All Volunteer Organization.  We are prepared to assist Pennsylvania Veterans from all Service Branches, Components, and eras.  PAWW is an independent statewide non-profit 501©(3) organization providing support to Pennsylvania Wounded Warriors, Veterans in Crisis, and their families.


Outage affects 988 suicide prevention hotline, VA offers alternatives


VA will launch new life insurance program in January, making life insurance available to more Veterans than ever before


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Inspectors General ask the question: How can we make telehealth better? – Nov 30, 2022


National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day


Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 2022


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Benefits at 10% Disability | Give Holiday Cheer to Veterans in Need | 10% Off Engagement Rings

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs sent this bulletin at 12/07/2022 05:30 PM EST


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The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is Army Air Forces Staff Sgt. Michael Uhrin, 21, of Metuchen, New Jersey, was assigned to 369th Bombardment Squadron, 306th Bombardment Group, 40th Combat Wing, 8th Air Force. On Oct. 14, 1943, the B-17F Flying Fortress bomber on which Uhrin was serving as a radio operator was shot down by enemy fighters. The surviving crew reported he was killed before the plane crashed. Following the war, his remains could not be identified. He will be buried in his hometown on a date yet to be determined. Read about Uhrin.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is Army Pfc. James L. Miller, 21, was assigned to Company K, 3rd Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division. He was reported killed in action on July 30, 1950, when his unit took part in the unsuccessful defense against North Korean forces near the town of Sangju, South Korea. Following the war, his remains could not be recovered and there was no evidence that he was a prisoner of war. Interment services are pending. Read about Miller.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is Army Pfc. William L. Simon, 20, was assigned to Company G, 2nd Battalion,109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division. He was reported killed in action on Nov. 5, 1944, when his unit was engaged in battle with German forces near Hürtgen, Germany. Following the war, his remains could not be recovered and there was no evidence that he was a prisoner of war. Interment services are pending. Read about Simon.


VA employee sues department over new abortion policy: A Veterans Affairs health care employee working in Texas sued the department Wednesday over its new abortion policy, saying the change violates her religious beliefs as well as state law.


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DMVA Digest: A publication of the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, December 14, 2022


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