Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Military related links 061522


Gigantic, Vietnam-Era Amphibious Vehicles Make Surprise Landing on NJ Beach: They were en-route down the East Coast when engine failure forced them ashore.



Mental health, from a military perspective: As the Biden administration announced a new military and veteran suicide prevention strategy the week before Veterans Day, The Well spoke to a veteran and an active-duty military member about their experiences.



Navy commissions USS Oregon (SSN 793)



Documents Reveal Sea Burials for 13 USS Indianapolis Sailors



Number of Soldiers Booted for Vaccine Refusal Doubled from Last Month



Military Health System: Sharing Health Data is Optional for Many MHS Beneficiaires



Space Force Looks to Build Up ISR Capabilities



Army Doctor Earns Top Honors at Air Assault School at Fort Campbell



Lt. Gen. Place Addresses Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention



How Health Care Providers Can Mitigate Burnout



MHS Video Connect



New policy keeps HIV-positive troops deployable, bars involuntary separation in some cases



FBI seizes retired general’s data related to Qatar lobbying



'It's about time': Biden instates first woman service chief during historic change of command



Protecting servicemembers from predatory lending



'People Over Pentagon' Proposal Would Take $100 Billion From Pentagon to Fund Social Programs

"The Lee-Pocan bill disproves the claim that there's not money to feed the hungry, care for the sick, cut child poverty, or protect the planet," said one proponent.



Early Bird Brief – June 13, 2022



US service member in Germany infected with monkeypox



Military abortion options expected to be debated in annual defense bill process



H.R.7900 - To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2023 for military activities of the Department of Defense and for military construction, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes. 05/27/2022 - Referred to the House Committee on Armed Services.  05/31/2022 – Referred to a bunch of different subcommittees.  scheduled to be marked up in the full committee (HASC) on June 22. The Senate Armed Services (SASC) Personnel Subcommittee is scheduled to markup its portion of the FY2023 NDAA on June 14 and the SASC markup will occur on June 15-16.  Once approved by the full committees the bills will go to the floor of their respective chamber to consider floor amendments and be approved. After both chambers approve their version of the NDAA a conference committee will be appointed to resolve the differences between the two bills.  Once the differences are resolved the final bill will be submitted to the House and Senate for approval. If approved by both chambers the bill will be sent to the President to be signed into law or be vetoed.


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