Saturday, January 25, 2020

Politics related links 012520

Democrats shouldn’t let Republicans off the impeachment hook

Pompeo after Soleimani strike: 'The Europeans haven't been as helpful as I wish that they could be'

Yale psychiatrist urges Pelosi: Request 72-hour mental health hold on Trump after Iran attack.  Yale psychiatrist: Pelosi can request "72-hour hold" of Trump after he responded to impeachment with Iran attack

Melania Trump says her New Year’s resolution is ‘peace on the world’

Letters from an American January 2, 2020

Trump briefed Graham on airstrike, but kept Dems in the dark

Impeach: The Case Against Donald Trump.  Why President Trump has left us with no choice but to remove him from office, as explained by celebrated Supreme Court lawyer and former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal.

Humiliating footage resurfaces of Trump with no clue who Iran's Soleimani is

Trump’s obsessive anger towards CNN may have just caused him to make a major confession: columnist

Trump used to accuse Obama of trying to ‘start a war’ with Iran to get re-elected

Top republican suggests changing senate rules to begin Trump impeachment trial within days

Twitter slammed for letting Trump threaten to commit war crimes: ‘He’s using your network to start a war’

Trump blasted for tweeting USA flag — with no words — as world worries he may have started war with Iran

Trump slammed for confusing morning tweet on Suleimani killing

Rural America set to lose political power after 2020 census

Scoop: Trump officials tried to stop Iraqi expulsion vote

Iran vows to enrich uranium "without restrictions"

Questioning Authority is Difficult But Important

Anti-Putin activist says Russian government likely scared by Trump’s attack on Iran

What Trump has done to the courts, explained: No president in recent memory has done more to change the judiciary than Donald Trump.

Mar-a-Lago Guests and Israel Had More Prior Knowledge of Strike on Soleimani Than Democratic Leaders: Trump was dropping hints to guests at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida days before the attack, telling them to expect something “big” very “soon” in Iraq

Trump claims his 'Media Posts' on Twitter now count as official notification to Congress about any plans to attack Iran

Kurt Bardella Impeachment witness John Bolton says he'll testify. House Democrats should call his bluff.  What Congress does — or doesn’t do — will be used as a blueprint for whoever comes next.


Bernie Sanders: Trump administration hasn't a clue about what it's doing

Key GOP senators don't want to subpoena Bolton

Finland’s Female Prime Minister Bans President Trump

Pompeo Tries To Blame Obama For Trump’s Escalation Of War With Iran

Trump Is Holding His First 2020 MAGA Rally at a Tax-Exempt Megachurch: Tax-exempt churches are federally prohibited from engaging in politics.

Bernie Sanders: America must end high-stakes testing, finally invest in public education.  Across the country, teachers, parents and students are pushing back against an ineffective and punitive standardized tests regime. I stand with them.

Mnuchin seeks delay of proposed disclosure of secret service spending on presidential travel until next year

Shadow group provides Sanders super PAC support he scorns

Real quid pro quo: McConnell keeps funds flowing to Collins' campaign, gets her vote on impeachment

The LA Times joined the growing group of major papers calling for Trump's impeachment

Trump has run out of options and is asking US allies for help with Iran, but they've already abandoned him


Poll: Democrat Mark Kelly leads incumbent McSally in Arizona Senate race

Putin Moves to Heighten Russia’s Role After Suleimani Killing: The Kremlin is expected to leap at a chance to further undermine U.S. credibility in the Middle East.

The Only Winner of the U.S.-Iran Showdown Is Russia: A crisis tailor-made for Vladimir Putin.

Putin invites Merkel to Russia over Iran crisis: The German chancellor will travel to Russia to meet President Vladimir Putin this coming Saturday. The pair plan to discuss the Iran escalation as well as the conflicts in Ukraine, Libya and Syria.

US allies see Middle East strategy vacuum that Putin can fill: America’s partners in NATO reach out to Russian leader as they distance themselves from deadly airstrike in Iraq on top Iranian general

The Centrist’s Dictionary: What Corporate Democrats Really Mean When They Use Terms Like ‘Purity Test’

Anti-War Pragmatists and Pro-War Fantasists

Progressives push for votes to block funding for war against Iran

War With Iran is Trump's Reelection Campaign

Graham threatens to 'take matters in our own hands' if Pelosi doesn't send articles of impeachment to Senate: "My goal is to start this trial in the next coming days, not let Nancy Pelosi take over the Senate," Sen. Lindsey Graham said.

American Cancer Society says Trump doesn't get credit for drop in cancer deaths

When did it become acceptable to kill a top leader of a country we aren’t even at war with

Why did the pentagon ever give Trump the option of killing Soleimani

Why did the Pentagon ever give Trump the option of killing Soleimani?

The House of Representatives may not be done impeaching Trump

Graham In Danger Of Losing Senate Seat In 2020 After Dem Challenger Ties Him In New Poll

Facebook won’t limit political ad targeting or stop false claims under new ad rules

What Is McConnell Hiding In His Military Records?

Preet Bharara to Georgia congressman: You've hit a shocking new low

Call Trumpism what it is: a cult

Trump’s unhinged rally stunt underscores case for reining him in

Report: Trump Cited GOP Senate Impeachment Pressure As Reason to Kill Soleimani

Trump killed Soleimani to win support in impeachment trial, Wall Street Journal casually mentions

Marianne Williamson drops out of 2020 race

Let's talk about Trump blinking and the possible outcomes....

Let's talk about what two sayings can teach us about a plane....

Let's talk about decentralizing diplomacy....

Let's talk about the great man theory....

Let's talk about what we can learn from unwanted house guests....

Pelosi ends standoff with Senate Republicans over impeachment articles: She said she'll send articles of impeachment to the Senate next week.

Democrats attack Bloomberg for running imperial campaign: The billionaire businessman says he's sticking to his principle of not accepting donations, and therefore not participating in debates.

Trump urges Republicans to vote against war powers resolution: 'Just another Democrat fraud'

Trump thumbs his nose at Congress over war powers


Who Does Maryland’s Governor Really Work For? Who Does Maryland’s Governor Really Work For?

NYC Bar Association Asks Congress to Investigate the Attorney General

Pompeo Aligns U.S. Foreign Policy With Christian Zionists

Get Rid of the Presidential Pardon: One person shouldn’t have this kind of monopoly power over the criminal justice system.

How Trump Threatens the Constitution: The framers devised a system of checks and balances to save us from someone just like him.

Can We Survive the Post-Truth Era?  How Donald Trump’s perverse brand of B.S. took over American politics.

Rantin' Randy's Rant 1/11/20

Bloomberg pledges to help fund Democratic nominee even if it isn't him


Ocasio-Cortez creates PAC to push back on the Democratic Party ‘blacklisting’ rule

Sanders picks up coveted union endorsement in New Hampshire: Candidates for the Democratic nomination have spent months battling for the backing of SEIU Local 1984.

A 'confused' Trump tried to take credit for the Ethiopian prime minister's Nobel Peace Prize

Mitch McConnell Refused to Meet With Group That Funded His Polio Recovery: Without the March of Dimes, he might have been among the people with disabilities arrested for protesting the Senate health bill.

Elizabeth Warren Has Made Disability Rights Central to Her Campaign: The candidate’s engagement with #CripTheVote is a sign that disability politics has finally gone mainstream.

Opinion.  Donald Trump Is No Dick Cheney.  Republican foreign policy was once defined by clashing world views. Now it’s defined only by loyalty to the president.

White House says Trump will issue new rules to expand ‘constitutional prayer’ in public schools

George Conway and Neal Katyal advise Pelosi on how to trip up McConnell’s impeachment plans

Let's talk about how there can be only one and a question from a mom....

Has The GOP Been Forever Changed By Trump?

How 4 more years of Trump could send the US down the path toward corrupt oligarchy

Pelosi Alerts House to Be Ready to Send Impeachment Articles Next Week: In a letter to lawmakers, Ms. Pelosi moved to end an impasse, paving the way for the third presidential impeachment trial in history to begin as soon as Wednesday.

Unredacted emails show OMB officials knowingly engaged in conspiracy to hide illegal action by Trump

Exclusive: Americans say Soleimani's killing made US less safe, Trump 'reckless' on Iran

House approves resolution aimed at trimming Trump’s power on Iran: Vote falls largely along partisan lines

Kentucky Republicans push restrictive voting law after landmark Democratic win

The Hidden History of the War on Voting: Who Stole Your Vote and How to Get It Back

Susan Collins working with small group of GOP senators to allow impeachment witnesses

The White House Office of Self-fulfilling Prophecy. How donnie won the Nobel Peace Prize Friday, B&B

KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America

How to dump Trump: Rick Wilson on Running Against the Devil

CIA 'believes Russia has more than one Donald Trump sex tape and second source claims it DOES exist': BBC's Washington correspondent Paul Wood claims to have sources who also believe Russia has blackmail evidence on President-elect

Barr and Pompeo shift justification for Iran strike from 'imminent' threat to deterrence

Russians hacked Ukrainian gas company at center of impeachment

Opinion.  Trump’s Frightening Vision of the Presidency Is on Trial, Too: The president believes that what is good for him and what is good for the country are indistinguishable.

Be prepared to fight a dangerous new wave of disinformation during the Senate trial

Mitch McConnell hit with formal ethics complaint over Trump impeachment: Statements ‘directly contradict his oath of impartiality’

Lev Parnus & John Bolton. Will the GOP turn their backs on justice? Monday baby, a big week ahead.

White House expects GOP defections on calling witnesses in Senate impeachment trial


The UK is abandoning its alliance with Trump as the United States 'withdraws from its leadership around the world'

Let's talk about what Parnas gave up....

Giuliani associate Parnas says Trump 'knew exactly what was going on': An indicted associate of President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani said in an interview that Trump "knew exactly what was going on."

Former mafia prosecutor: It sounds like Trump associates were plotting 'a mob hit' against Marie Yovanovitch

Rantin' Randy's Rant 1/14/20

McConnell lacks the votes for Trump’s preferred impeachment plan

“HE IS ON FOX NEWS. HE IS IN CALIFORNIA. HE IS EVERYWHERE BUT DOING HIS JOB”: AS THE UKRAINE PLOT THICKENS, MIKE POMPEO IS MISSING IN ACTION.  The Secretary of State has yet to defend his deposed ambassador, Masha Yovanovitch, in public—leading many in the diplomatic community to question his commitment to the State Department.

It's in the Senates hands, now what? The power of a rainbow. It's Wednesday baby!


Pelosi impeachment manager is calling for McConnell’s recusal from Trump Senate trial

State Department abruptly cancels briefings on Iran, embassy security: Congressional staffers sought updates following the president's decision to kill a senior Iranian general.

Impeachment descends into darkness

Virginia Becomes the 38th and Final State Needed to Pass the Equal Rights Amendment
But the ERA still has a long way to go.

McConnell moves to lockdown press for Trump trialChris Hayes: “Mitch McConnell thinks this trial will look bad for his members. And that's why he wants you to see as little as possible.”

Why Mitch McConnell must allow Senate to call witnesses in Trump’s impeachment trial: Showing bias and confessing that one’s mind is not a blank slate is one thing. Acting to confirm that one’s mind is entirely closed is quite another.

Democratic presidential candidates don’t have a plan for Mitch McConnell – or 2020: Democrats don’t want a lecture on how easily legislation can be blocked by McConnell.

Bernie Sanders can’t win – Right?  If he goes unchallenged, he can win Iowa and New Hampshire.

What the Constitution actually says about a Senate impeachment trial: While the Constitution is not often specific, when it comes to impeachment, the words are fairly clear.

Pelosi restricts McConnell to a narrow impeachment path: Democrats are advancing the quaint notion that the purpose of a job in public service is to serve the public

Trump Privately Obsessed With Bernie Sanders’ Popularity and Socialism’s Appeal: Despite projecting confidence at the prospect of facing the senator, the president has asked multiple advisers how Sanders would perform in battleground states like Pennsylvania.

Devin Nunes Now Remembers Call With Lev Parnas

Sanders’ wife on feud with Warren: ‘This discussion is over’

Trump’s dangerous move to hasten gun exports: The administration’s plan to reduce oversight on arms exports will have deadly consequences at home and abroad

Watchdog: White House violated law in freezing Ukraine aid

Kasparian: Sanders Supported Women In Positions Of Power When It Wasn't Popular, Warren Story Makes No Sense


Wolf Blitzer Interview Of Mike Pence In Israel Nixed Because CNN Is ‘All Impeachment, All Of The Time’

Ukraine Announces Investigation Of Giuliani For Yovanovitch Surveillance

Trump Called Nepal And Bhutan ‘Nipple’ And ‘Button’ In Intel Briefing: Time’s John Walcott.  The national security reporter says on CNN that the president is alarmingly out of touch in White House intelligence sessions.

Rachel To Lawrence: Lev Parnas Knows ‘The Truth Will Become Known’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Bernie Sanders says Citizens United has been a disaster.  Is he right?

Citizens United gave the wealthy too much power: The real problem with Citizens Unites is not legal.  It is political.

Nancy Pelosi Lays Into ‘Shameful’ Facebook In Blistering Remarks: “They have said very blatantly, very clearly, that they intend to be accomplices for misleading the American people, with money from God knows where.”

Trump has drained away our ability to hold him accountable

Pig In The White House: Conservatives Rage At New Book Mocking Trump

Trump gets huge boost from anti-abortion group: The Susan B. Anthony List and its partner PAC will launch the $52 million effort to back the president’s reelection and protect Senate Republicans’ majority.

U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz accused of creating sex game with 'points' for sleeping with staff

The Real Impeachment Trial: It’s not happening on the Senate floor. It’s happening on cable news and on social media.

Pence's outrageous op-ed holds deeper meaning

Rantin' Randy's Rant 1/18/20

Why Are Militia Groups Descending on Virginia?  Groups are warning of gun grabs and internet blackouts. In reality, the new gun measures are widely supported by Virginians.

The Resignation of Russia's Government

Ted Lieu tells Devin Nunes to 'shove it' after Republican colleague threatens lawsuit

Anti-abortion group reveals $52M budget to help Trump, Senate Republicans in battleground states

Trump’s Evil Is Contagious: The president has shown us exactly what happens when good people do nothing.

Alan Dershowitz claims abuse of power isn’t an impeachable offense: On “The Beat With Ari Melber,” Trump impeachment lawyer Alan Dershowitz previewed his defense strategy to Ari, arguing that abuse of power isn’t an impeachable offense.

The Demagogic Personality: In the midst of World War II, the U.S. government commissioned a psychological profile of Adolf Hitler. The results may have something to teach us about destructive charismatic personalities today.

Picture of Pam Bondi and Lev Parnas emerges after she joins Trump impeachment defense: Parnas’ lawyer tweeted out the photo of the former Florida attorney general along with #TheyAllKnew.

‘Alternative law:’ Constitutional scholar on the Dershowitz defense of Trump.  Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe looks at Alan Dershowitz’s likely defense of Trump ahead of the Senate impeachment trial: “Alan is completely wacko on this.”

Let's talk about what happens if you can't dance to the movement....

Let's talk about the US, UK, Canada, and contingency plans....

Let's talk about Darkness, edge, art, and whether or not it matters....

‘Are you kidding me?’ Monica Lewinsky reacts to Ken Starr joining Trump’s impeachment defense team

Trump scalded for adding Dershowitz and Starr to impeachment team: ‘Invite clowns — expect a circus’

‘Jealous’ Trump mocked as a ‘self-loathing manbaby with crippling insecurities’ after latest Bloomberg rant

The View’s Meghan McCain changes topic from GOP senator’s slur to Democratic senator’s clothes

Trump picked Dershowitz to lead impeachment trial because he’s ‘magnificent on TV’: report

Trump team, House managers trade sharp views on impeachment

House Democrats say that Senate must eliminate the threat that the President poses to America’s national security

John Brennan: Trump most ignorant, incompetent individual to hold presidency.  The new book "A Very Stable Genius" by Washington Post reporters Carol Leonig and Phil Rucker also details a president with a fundamental lack of understanding for basic geography. John Brennan says, "Well the book provides rich detail of what we have seen everyday for the last 3 years: That Donald Trump is the most ignorant as well as incompetent individual who has ever held the office of the presidency. I worked for 6 presidents."

NOT A JOKE: TRUMP IS LOOKING INTO MAKING BRIBERY LEGAL.  “It’s just so unfair that American companies aren’t allowed to pay bribes to get business overseas. We’re going to change that.”

If the Senate Won’t Call Witnesses, The House Can Do So Again

Barr dropped into Giuliani meeting at Justice Department in previously undisclosed encounter

This Week in Politics: Ten Years After Citizens United

House Lays Out Case for Trump’s Conviction Days before Senate Trial

Reverting to his usual level of dishonesty, Trump made 81 false claims last week

Dershowitz distances himself from White House response to Democrats’ impeachment charges

The Willful Ambiguity of Putin’s Latest Power Grab

Ex-GOP lawmaker who met Parnas multiple times breaks ranks and calls him ‘credible’: ‘Everything he’s saying is true’

Nunes aide communicated with Parnas about Ukraine, campaign messages show

‘You cannot expect anything but fascism’: Pedagogy theorist on how Trump ‘legitimated a culture of lying, cruelty and a collapse of social responsibility’

WATCH: Cop goes viral after calmly shutting down Trump-loving ‘Gun Girl’ with some simple logic

White House adviser warned colleagues Nancy Pelosi would eventually bring Trump down: ‘She’s an assassin’

Rand Paul adopts Trump’s ‘mafia style of doing business’ and wants ‘severe consequences’ for rogue GOP colleagues: op-ed

Trump’s new impeachment defense team has been on Fox News over 350 times in the past year

Trump finally gets his TV-ready lawyers — thanks to impeachment.  The president tapped a lineup of celebrity lawyers, including some who spent years needling the Clintons, for his Senate impeachment trial.

Sean Hannity: “Lying, propagandizing, I guess pays for people. It pays pretty well.”  Hannity: “Great gig, I guess, if you can get it”

After explosive evidence from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas is released, Fox News scrambles to downplay its impact

Lev Parnas says Trump ordered Yovanovitch's firing 'at least 4, 5 times'

Fox News rushes to downplay GAO report that found Trump broke the law by withholding aid from Ukraine: Many Fox personalities pushed conspiracy theories about the timing of the report

STUDY: Trump sent 657 live tweets of Fox programming in 2019.  Insipid morning show Fox & Friends accounted for nearly a third of them

Journalists denounce “security crackdown” against them for Senate impeachment trial

Fox News has long denied there was any crime related to Trump's impeachment. The GAO just said otherwise.  It’s been Fox News’ mission to deny and distract from the basic facts here

Fox News says it's too late for Parnas documents. But a judge only just allowed their release.

Sean Hannity dismisses Lev Parnas’ connection to Trump: “There were probably 400 other people that got pictures with Trump that day”.  Hannity: “People that lie and that are convicted of lying become the most valuable asset and guest on these fake news channels”

Evidence from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas reveals context of John Solomon's involvement in Ukraine plot.  Solomon used his Hill columns to smear Marie Yovanovitch on behalf of Ukrainian prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko

In the middle of gaslighting the country on Ukraine, John Solomon launches a new gaslighting website

Fox's Diamond & Silk liken Donald Trump to Black people during Jim Crow.  Fox Nation host Diamond: “The same tactics” are being used against Trump as were “done to our ancestors back during the Jim Crow day”

Sean Hannity reportedly earns $36 million a year — here's how the 'King of Cable News' spends his money

Organizer of upcoming pro-gun rally accuses Virginia Democrats of plotting false flag attack against his event: Philip Van Cleave of the Virginia Citizens Defense League is trying to put the best face on his event in mainstream press interviews while filling his supporters’ heads with conspiracy theories

As Virginia gun rally approaches, Alex Jones and his Infowars outlet hype prospect of violence: Jones invited white nationalist Richard Spencer to the upcoming Virginia event and compared it to the deadly 2017 Charlottesville rally

Extremists have used 4chan to mobilize and threaten violence over gun safety legislation in Virginia: Users in these mobilizing threads have called for violence at a January 20 rally in Richmond

Fox Nation’s Tomi Lahren on proposed Virginia gun safety laws: “Stop coming for the Second Amendment” or there will be a civil war in the U.S.  Lahren: Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam “is clearly concerned about a major uprising and he should be.”

Richmond Gun Rally: Is A Virginia Cop Giving 4Chan’s /pol Board Inside Info?

CNN pro-Trump pundit Steve Cortes says his tenure with the network is “almost done,” attacks media as “enemy of the people”

Fox News figures complain that Pelosi wore pink while signing articles of impeachment, liken her pens to bullets

Fox News and Wash. Examiner deny new story of Russian hacking of Burisma.  And if it did happen, they say, it was really Hunter Biden’s fault

Trump adviser and Fox host Robert Jeffress told LGBTQ teenager who “seriously contemplated suicide” to change her sexual orientation

NY Post lends credence to Trump's lie that he “saved” insurance for people with preexisting conditions: The Trump administration is currently supporting a lawsuit to get rid of the entire Affordable Care Act, which is what actually “saved” insurance for people with preexisting conditions

Fox News anchor Bret Baier says Trump's impeachment will “have an asterisk” because it was “done across party lines”

New emails show Stephen Miller slamming Rupert Murdoch over immigration. At Fox News, it's clear that Miller has won.

Eric Trump tells Laura Ingraham his family got “out of business” after Donald Trump became president: Fox News chyron identified Eric Trump as “Executive Vice President, Trump Org” during segment

Philadelphia City Planning Commission meeting agendas and minutes

Pocan Endorses Sanders, Giving Him a Boost in Wisconsin: Wisconsin Democratic Rep. Mark Pocan is endorsing Bernie Sanders for president, giving the Vermont senator a boost in the battleground state three months before its primary.

Ranked Choice Voting

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?

Fox News, Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda: For nearly a quarter of American adults, Fox News is their only cable news source. It tells them what Trump wants them to hear.

What a Bernie Sanders Presidency Would Look Like: The possibilities of an “organizer-in-chief.”

What an Elizabeth Warren Presidency Would Look Like: Warren is a “visionary implementer.”

Warren’s an Ally. We Need a Leader.  Elizabeth Warren isn’t the president we need in this moment.

Ethics Expert Names The GOP Members Of Congress Who Are ‘Compromised’ By Russia

National security reporter shares rumor Trump’s Russia adviser was compromised by Russia

Thousands Take to the Streets in Virginia for Gun Rights Rally

At tense Virginia rally, demonstrators reject extremists, defend law-abiding gun owners: The rally has focused national attention on Virginia's attempts to enact new gun regulations, pushed by Democrats who took control of the Statehouse.

'Online and vulnerable': Experts find nearly three dozen U.S. voting systems connected to internet.  A team of election security experts used a “Google for servers” to challenge claims that voting machines do not connect to the internet and found some did.

Letters to the Editor: Reforming the GOP, etc.

'Our task was to set Americans against their own government': New details emerge about Russia's trolling operation

Powerful Sculpture Reflects the Heartbreaking Impact of School Shootings

Mitch McConnell Plans To Hold Trump’s Impeachment Trial In The Middle Of The Night With No Evidence

WATCH: VA Sheriff: We Will NOT Enforce ‘Unconstitutional’ Gun Control Laws

Sallie McFague Remembered

Grade Presidential Candidates on Farm and Food Issues


The Phantom Momentum of Bernie Sanders

The Last Bus Stops in Iowa on Feb. 3: It can’t come too soon for caucus-goers anxious about Trump, inundated by campaigns

Progressives Need a United Front for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren

I'm asking Santa for 'thoughtful consumer information'

Happy New Year from the Conserva-Myth Party

Impeachment has been a messaging disaster for the White House. Why won't the press say so?

Greider Told the People

America's Do-Nothing Senate

Democrats Can Win the Medicare for All Debate and the 2020 Elections: Focus on Medicare for All’s savings, not its costs.

Mary Sanchez: Next up for the Trumpist right: Attacking the Supreme Court?

In Trump World, Fiction Is Just as Strange as Truth: There’s no escape from the vortex of lies and transgressions.

2019: Ten Reasons to be Thankful

Trump Followers Living in Another World

Here's the big question: How does Trump personally benefit from war with Iran?  Trump's only motivations are ego and self-interest. Escalating this massively dangerous clash with Iran serves both

Trump, Troll-in-Chief, wags the Impeachment Dog by Going to War with Iran

Politics In The Spirit

Year Ends on Hard Note for Trump and Press

Corbyn, Sanders, and Warren: the Bogus Comparison.  The lesson is not that Democrats need to be centrists—but that they’d better get serious about trade, or right-wing populists like Trump will keep eating their lunch.

“Then, I have an Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as President.” – “King” Donald Trump

Who Really Rules El Paso?

The Athletes Who Fought Back in 2019

Democracy Now | The struggle to vote, from the suffragettes to today

Life Awaits

Dana Milbank: Trump’s Deepening Demagoguery

'Constitutional Nonsense': Trump's Impeachment Defense Defies Legal Consensus.  The president's legal case would negate any need for witnesses. But constitutional scholars say that it's wrong.

John Roberts Has More Power Than Mitch McConnell Would Like You to Think. But Will He Use It?


In a break from tradition, I am endorsing all 12 democratic candidates

Alan Dershowitz once said you can be impeached without committing a crime

The time Mar-a-Lago got $17M for nonexistent hurricane damage.  Thing 1/Thing 2: When Hurricane Wilma hit Florida in 2005, Donald Trump claimed a $17 million insurance payday on his property - the only problem is, there's no evidence any serious damage ever occurred.

3 Years In, 'A Very Stable Genius' Authors Say Trump Decisions Are 'More Chaotic'

Trump knocks authors of 'A Very Stable Genius': 'Two stone cold losers from Amazon WP'

A Very Stable Genius review: dysfunction and disaster at the court of King Donald

Lev Parnas calls on Bill Barr to recuse himself from investigation due to ‘conflict of interest’

BARR: “IT’S NOT A CRIME” FOR TRUMP TO DEMAND STAFFERS LIE TO INVESTIGATORS.  Isn’t that literally obstruction of justice?

Letters from an American January 16, 2020

Letters from an American January 18, 2020

Letters from an American January 19, 2020

Letters from an American January 20, 2020

Letters from an American January 21, 2020

Letters from an American January 23, 2020

Trump's impeachment team is so worried that John Bolton could sink his defense that it has drawn up plans to make him testify behind closed doors

Authority Bias: Too Much Obedience Makes You Do Stupid Things

That Uplifting Tweet You Just Shared? A Russian Troll Sent It: Here’s what Russia’s 2020 disinformation operations look like, according to two experts on social media and propaganda.

The White Evangelical Church Has Failed Us All

'Inexcusable': Hillary Clinton, Who Lost to Trump in 2016, Won't Commit to Helping Bernie Sanders Win in 2020.  Former secretary of state claims "nobody likes" Vermont senator, currently a leading presidential Democratic candidate and the most popular elected politician in the country.

The two big trials tomorrow. "The Arch of the Moral Universe." Our Family, Monday baby!

Trump’s lawyers shouldn’t be allowed to use bogus legal arguments on impeachment

Barr once contradicted Trump’s claim that abuse of power is not impeachable

Mitch McConnell: ruthless operator determined to triumph for Trump.  As the president’s impeachment trial opens, the Senate majority leader looks like the ideal figure to have on side

McConnell drops two-day limit on opening arguments

McConnell makes last-minute handwritten changes to Trump impeachment trial rules: The sudden revision in the Senate's organizing resolution ensures that House Democrats' evidence will be admitted.

Rantin' Randy's Rant 1/21/20

Mitch McConnell’s insulting message to America: Who cares what you think?

Trump impeachment: GOP-led Senate rejects amendments, approves rules of trial.  After a marathon debate, the GOP-led Senate approved the rules of impeachment.

Trump Losing To All Democrats In Fox News Poll

Bernie Sanders Has Stuck To The Same Message For 40 Years

Perspective: I was a 60’s socialist.  Today’s progressives are in danger of repeating my generation’s mistakes

Mitch McConnell Brags About Blocking Obama For 2 Years, Then Laughs About It

Why Aren't the American People Marching in the Streets Over McConnell Cover-Up in the Senate? The American public has now proved that it will tolerate just about anything except sign-stealing in baseball and a bad decision on The Bachelor.

Lady Gaga rips Mike and Karen Pence: “You are the worst representation of what it means to be a Christian”

Tulsi Gabbard Files $50M Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton for ‘Russian Asset’ Claim


Donald Trump nominates man whose firm tripled price of insulin to regulate drug companies: Alex Azar would be ‘a star for better healthcare and lower drug prices’, Mr Trump said

Worldism versus Nationalism

Nationalism and Internationalism

Nationalism versus internationalism: The roles of political and cultural elites in interwar and communist Romania

Opinion: The Far Right Says There’s Nothing Dirtier Than Internationalism — But They Depend on It.  They are less parochial than we think — and that’s dangerous.

Internationalism and Nationalism: II. The Proletarian-Internationalist Concept of the Nation


We Wrote a Book: “Unmaking the Presidency”

Unmaking the presidency: A book discussion with Susan Hennessey and Benjamin Wittes

UNMAKING THE PRESIDENCY: Donald Trump's War on the World's Most Powerful Office

Unmaking the Presidency: Donald Trump’s War on the World’s Most Powerful Office

Unmaking the Presidency: Donald Trump's War on the World's Most Powerful Office

Unmaking the Presidency: Donald Trump’s War on the World’s Most Powerful Office

Unmaking the Presidency: Donald Trump’s War on the World’s Most Powerful Office.

Sanders Takes Double-Digit Lead in New Hampshire Poll After 14 Point Jump Since December: "Prepare for establishment meltdown."

A timeline of key events in the Trump-Ukraine story


Ep. 19: The Sad Downfall of Elizabeth Warren

State Dept. releases docs that show how Giuliani's smear campaign against Yovanovitch reached Pompeo: The State Department has released a group of documents that show how Rudy Giuliani's smear campaign against U.S. Amb. Marie Yovanovitch reached Secretary of State Pompeo, via the Oval Office. The documents were sought as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by ethics watchdog American Oversight. The Last Word talks with the group's executive director about what they've learned so far.

Citing Betrayal of Oath, Watchdog Group Files Formal Ethics Complaint Against McConnell Over Trump Impeachment: "The public declarations by Senator McConnell that his role in the impeachment process is to coordinate with the White House and thereby make a mockery of the trial directly contradict his oath of impartiality."

Trump BREAKS TWEET RECORD, Loses Mind Over Impeachment

Rantin' Randy's Rant 1/23/20

Marsha Blackburn shares what book she's reading during Trump Senate trial

‘A warning sign for the GOP’: Two new polls reveal Trump’s misogyny could cost him the election

Our ‘democracy is now in question’ warns GOP pundit as Republicans block trial witnesses and evidence

Fox host slams Trump’s terrible lawyers: ‘If I were the President watching this, I would not be pleased’

Japan's Leader Vows to Boost Nation's Role in US Alliance

Democrats struggle to count to four

Schiff gets choked up during emotional speech: Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) gets choked up during day three of the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump and says Trump could do "a lot" of damage in the time leading up to the 2020 election.

Dalai Lama says Donald Trump has a 'lack of moral principle':  This article is more than 6 months old
Tibetan spiritual leader also reiterates that his female successor must be ‘attractive’

Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start World War III … to Speed Up the Second Coming

World leaders convene in Jerusalem to remember the Holocaust and counter anti-semitism

Let's talk about Joe Rogan endorsing Bernie Sanders....

Holding a City Hostage Is ‘Peaceful’ Now?  I’ve been to peaceful protests before. The gun rally in Richmond was not that.

False and Misleading Claims at Impeachment Trial

Trump Impeachment Lawyer Utters ‘Biggest Lie Ever’ Told On Senate Floor: White House counsel Pat Cipollone faced swift backlash over one particular claim.

'A testament to cowardice': Vindman's attorney responds to Blackburn tweet

Trump now says he's open to entitlement cuts, including Medicare

Pompeo Attacks NPR Reporter With F-Bombs, Demands She Point To Ukraine On A Map (She Did)

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