Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Ecology and Pollution related links 050819

Why Did People Abandon this Pennsylvania Town? | What on Earth?

Thanks to Brexit, I've got 30 days to leave my home in France: When we applied for the right to remain in France after Britain leaves the EU, we discovered that we don't meet a basic income criteria that we had never before been told existed

This Mine Fire Has Been Burning For Over 50 Years: Centralia, Pennsylvania was once a bustling mining center, but a hidden, underground fire has turned it into a smoldering ghost town.

FL Senate gives right to grow veggies in the front yard a green thumbs up


Countdown to 2020 and the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day

Just 20 minutes of contact with nature will lower stress hormone levels, reveals new study

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Naomi Klein make powerful video no North American should miss

Pentagon’s endless war brings endless pollution

One climate change scientist takes on a roomful of sceptics.

Earth at 2° hotter will be horrific. Now here’s what 4° will look like. | David Wallace-Wells

David Wallace-Wells, "The Uninhabitable Earth"

In ‘The Uninhabitable Earth,’ Apocalypse Is Now

The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells review – our terrifying future

New Climate Books Stress We Are Already Far Down The Road To A Different Earth

Book review of The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming by David Wallace-Wells

University of Alaska, Fairbanks: Murie Auditorium

Terrifying proof of global warming | 60 Minutes Australia

Five-question interview with Denis Hayes, coordinator of Earth Day 1970, 1990, 2000 and ... 2020.

'You did not act in time': Greta Thunberg's full speech to MPs.  Read the full text of the speech Greta Thunberg gave to MPs at the Houses of Parliament


For these readers, every day is earth day

Top Scientist: 5G Is ‘Criminally Insane’ & Will ‘Fry Living Things’

U.S. Moves to Stop All Nations From Buying Iranian Oil, but China Is Defiant

Resistance Is Futile

Adopt or gift a HeroRAT: Adopt a HeroRAT and help people to live, work, and play without fear or disease

How Kenya’s Push for Development Is Threatening Its Famed Wild Lands: Kenya is pursuing a plan to build an extensive network of roads, power lines, dams, and renewable energy infrastructure. But many of these projects, including wind farms and geothermal facilities, are being constructed in the nation’s iconic parks and wildlife areas.

The environment + you: Your stories

Global Hunger Has NGOs Worried. Is Smart Ag the Way Forward?

COURT AFFIRMS YELLOWSTONE MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD, BLOCKS MINING EXPLORATION.  Victory: Lucky Minerals’ exploration license ruled invalid, taking plans for exploratory drilling “off the table”

Endangered wolf pups born in captivity join dens in the wild

New Poll: 71% of Independent Voters Want Candidates Who Pursue Climate Action

Five Years In, the Flint Water Crisis Continues Its Deadly Toll

Federal Judge Rules That The Public Has No Right To Know About Dakota Pipeline Spills

Zero-Waste Bees Wax Food Wraps

Maine just became the first state to ban Styrofoam

Australia Has Cut Its Plastic Bag Use By 80 Percent In Just 3 Months

Supervolcanoes in the Pacific Northwest

South Africa is Bracing for an Electoral Storm Over the Climate Crisis (1/2): Prof. Vishwas Satgar provides a climate justice critique of South African political parties: What are the commitments of the ANC, DA, and EFF to a deep, just, life-sustaining transition?

Calves exported for Dutch veal brutally beaten, jumped on and hit in the face, hidden cameras reveal
Illegal violence towards Irish calves exposed – as Ireland planning to increase numbers sent abroad

TRUMP GIVES BIG OIL GREEN LIGHT TO KILL WHALES, DOLPHINS, PEOPLE: The administration just gutted regulations put in place to prevent another Deepwater Horizon spill, which killed 11 people and 150 whales and dolphins, and a million seabirds.

What is the Green New Deal? (And why we need it now)

Nature in worst shape in human history with 1 million species at risk of extinction, massive UN report warns

Children Change Their Parents’ Minds about Climate Change: Study of students schooled on the issue showed them going on to shift their elders’ attitudes

US climate objections sink Arctic Council accord in Finland

Trump White House quietly cancels NASA research verifying greenhouse gas cuts

American Spring LIVE: Episode 1 - Birth and Rebirth

Scientists gear up for forthcoming asteroid near-miss: In 2029, a one-in-a-millennium asteroid close encounter will happen, witnessed by billions of people. Richard A Lovett reports.

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