Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ecology and Pollution related links 022319

Summary of the Green New Deal

AOC’s Green New Deal has the backing of every major 2020 candidate

'They're killing us': world's most endangered tribe cries for help: Logging companies keen to exploit Brazil's rainforest have been accused by human rights organisations of using gunmen to wipe out the Awá, a tribe of just 355.

Trump's wall bulldozers have arrived at Texas' National Butterfly Center

#TaxCutTracker: What we know about the effects of Trump's tax plan. Have you done your taxes yet? Some early filers are complaining that their refunds are a lot less than last year’s. Stephanie Ruhle and Ali Velshi’s #TaxCutTracker breaks down what’s happening with that raise President Trump promised with his tax cut plan. Weighing in: Senior Fellow at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, Howard Gle

'Mass Invasion': Russian Islands in State of Emergency as Hotter Planet Drives Polar Bears to Hunger
Since December, residents of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago have spotted more than 50 bears, who are "chasing people and entering residential buildings"

Documents Show Police Using Private Security Firms to Target Anti-Pipeline Organizers Fighting Line 3 Project: "I don't understand why I'm being looked at as a criminal when a corporation is proposing to destroy my water," says Winona LaDuke. "I am not a criminal, I am a water protector."

Bolsonaro Government Reveals Plan to Develop the ‘Unproductive Amazon’: The Amazon rainforest—valued today for its human and natural diversity, and vital to maintaining global climate stability—is seen instead as a physical obstacle that must be overcome to benefit the advancement of Brazilian agribusiness and mining commodity development and export

Everglades open for oil drilling after court ruling: A Tallahassee appeals court reversed a decision by the state’s Department of Environmental Protection Tuesday, ultimately granting Kanter Real Estate the authority to drill.

Trump intervenes in support of coal plant owned by major donor

Government Criminalizes Off Grid Living: Tiny Homes Banned In US At Increasing Rate

There’s a Vanishing Resource We’re Not Talking About: Humans are losing our cultural diversity even faster than we’re destroying the planet. Yet that diversity could be key to surviving environmental extremes.

After Youth Activists Storm Their Offices, 13 More House Members Agree To Support a Green New Deal: Thirty-five representatives now support the ambitious climate agenda, but many Democrats refuse to commit.

This Community Built a Democratically Controlled Water System. Now They Have To Defend It.  Across El Salvador, water rights are under threat from corrupt politicians and corporations.

Former Koch official runs EPA chemical research: Previously undisclosed documents obtained by POLITICO show David Dunlap began working on the issue almost immediately upon arriving at EPA in October.


Across Europe, students demand climate change action: Thousands of students picketed across Europe on Friday, skipping school to demand action on climate change, the New York Times reports.

Trump Plan is a Threat to Clean Water: In a proposed amendment to the Clean Water Act, Trump’s EPA threatens to leave over a third of Americans’ drinking water unprotected.

New study estimates 4 of 10 insect species will go extinct within the next few decades

Heartbreaking Butterfly Center Video Shows Bobcat At Risk From Border Wall

Members of Congress will ‘put pressure on the EPA’ to address PFAS-contaminated water

The Ruby Mountains—A Gem Worth Fighting For

Ecuador’s Ceibo Alliance Offers an Antidote to Reckless Industrialism: Besieged rainforest peoples build Indigenous power to halt oil drilling

Fuel to the Fire: How Geoengineering Threatens to Entrench Fossil Fuels and Accelerate the Climate Crisis

Holloman Air Force Base receives notice for groundwater contamination: Officials at the base said they have been working with the New Mexico Environmental Department on the issue since last year when the contamination was confirmed.

Air Force Pledges Cooperation Over Toxins Near Former Base: Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson is pledging cooperation with the state of Michigan over toxic chemical pollution near a former military installation.

78 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump

Chapter 56 The Earth as a Living Organism


It’s Time to Take the Gaia Hypothesis Seriously

Is Earth A Living Organism?

Interior Dept.'s Push To Limit Public Records Requests Draws Criticism

Talking Climate: When Facts are Not Enough - Public Lecture featuring Katharine Hayhoe, Texas Tech University

The European Union Just Voted To Ban Single-Use Plastics By 2021

What to Do About Massive Population Growth: The populations in the poorest countries on earth are doubling every few decades. That necessarily leads to conflict over scarce resources such as land, food and work -- and to more migration to Europe. But there are solutions.

Bill Gates Donates $15 Million to Campaign Pushing GMOs on Small Farmers Around the World

Civilsation Could End - But That's Not the Worst Thing

Biologist Predicts how Civilization Collapses Soon: Guy Mcpherson

Humanity on the Edge of Extinction | Anders Sandberg | TEDxVienna

January’s U.S. Temperatures: On the Mild Side (Believe it or Not)

Acting EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler has delivered almost everything a coal baron could want

Germany to close all coal plants by 2038 in shift to renewable energy

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