Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Economics and Corruption related links 010919

Neoliberalism And The Rationalization Of Corporate Tyranny

Agency: Government workers could do painting or carpentry work to help pay rent during shutdown

What's the Internet Doing to Our ... Oh! Look at This!

China Grabs 3.4 Million American Jobs

How Swedes and Norwegians Broke the Power of the ‘1 Percent’

NAFTA 2.0: The US Mexico Canada Agreement is a Fraud

How Aristocracies Are Born: Our country is on track to be run by the children of billionaires. Our ancestors recognized this and took action. We can too.

NAFTA 2.0 Will Help Corporations More Than Farmers

Common-Sense Food Stamps

Volcker at Twilight

Mars and Other Fantasies

How Capitalism Has Screwed Women Over

Privatization Is Not an Option

The AgriCULTURE Attitude

America's Wealth Floods Into Already Wealthy Cities

What Abbey’s ‘Desert Solitaire’ means in these trying times: The book turns 50 this year, and is more relevant now than ever.

TRUMP’S TRADE WARS HURT ALL OF US IN FARM COUNTRY: When agriculture suffers, all Iowans do — even those who've never set foot on a farm.

Labor’s Challenge to the New Democrats in Congress

Learning From 3.7 Percent Unemployment: It’s More Than Just a Number

The Trump Tax Cut: Heavy Costs, Little Benefit to the Markets

Pax Vobiscum: Who are the patriots in the Age of Trump?

Break up Facebook (and while we're at it, Google, Apple and Amazon): Big tech has ushered in a second Gilded Age. We must relearn the lessons of the first, writes the former US labor secretary

The Demise of American Denim?

Hubris at the Feast

With Amazon HQ2, Be Careful What You Wish For

What's Wrong with the Economy, and What Can We Do About It?

Now the Hard Part

US-Led ‘Great Power Rivalry’ Causing Instability in Asia

Calgary Olympic Bid Goes Down in Flames

'The Trump brand has lost its mojo,' as condos lose value and golf business drops

A woman’s rights

Just Write Families Checks: Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker have bold new plans to fight poverty, but they miss out on simpler strategy: a child allowance.

Marijuana Comes to Coalinga: The weed business promised to save this struggling California town. So far, it’s been a bust.

NC bills would legalize possessing up to 4 ounces of marijuana for personal use

Trump issues executive order freezing federal workers' pay in 2019

Feds to furloughed workers: Try bartering for rent

Which Is Worse, Trump or Brexit?  The answer will depend on what the left can make of what comes next.

Who’s Afraid of a Sex Workers’ Union?  A movement for sex workers’ rights is gaining momentum in Spain—but it’s facing opposition from the national government and some feminists.

Yanis Varoufakis’s Internationalist Odyssey: The former Greek finance minister is on a quest to unite the global left.

Atlas Weeps: Alan Greenspan and Adrian Wooldridge’s strange elegy for capitalism.

Your Ex Sucks, but Capitalism Sucks More: Another reader asks about her trash-talking 10-year-old son.

Give Your Heart Out!  A list of 10 charitable organizations to help out this holiday season.

The Shortest Way Home: Keith Gessen’s new novel examines a Moscow caught at a crossroads.

Mortality rates rising for Gens X and Y, too: Reduced US life expectancy is not just the Baby Boomers

Why Is Life Expectancy Falling in US?

Mortality in the United States, 2017

Taxpayers Dish Out $54,000 For Mar-a-Lago Party Tents For New Year’s Eve: The public eats the costs of a bash at Trump’s Florida resort while federal workers go without pay amid the partial government shutdown.

FIRST PERSON | Remission

HUMANIST DILEMMA | How Do I Tell My Sister She Can’t Have My Sperm?

Eliminating Female genital mutilation – World Health Organization says there is no health benefit and United Nations calls FGM a human rights violation



Further Comment: In Search of the Good Guys: There are good guys under capitalism. They’re just the ones actively subverting it.

Hard-Pressed American Farmers Left Out In The Cold By New 11-Nation Trade Treaty: Aussie, Canadian farmers celebrate treaty Trump nixed, while U.S. wheat producers fear Japan market collapse.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Dares Congress To Halt Congressional Pay During Shutdowns

Austerity results in ‘social murder’ according to new research

How Austerity Ripped the World Apart: How the Worst Idea America Ever Had Came to Rule the World

Myth Fighter Blog

Why I am so tired of “doing the Semmelweis” Saturday, Jun 25, 2016

A journalist shines a harsh spotlight on biomedicine’s reproducibility crisis

How To Elect Democrats Who Actually Answer To Workers

Federal workers union sues Trump admin over government shutdown

US Corporations Are Micromanaging Curricula to Miseducate Students

How the global market for legal marijuana exploded in 2018

The Battle Over NAFTA 2.0 Has Just Begun: Progressives must fight strategically to improve it—if they don’t, the consequences could be devastating.

No Space to Be Human: Work on the Amazon assembly line.

Trump’s Gentrification Scheme to Enrich Real Estate Developers: A tax loophole intended to help the poor is funneling money to wealthy investors.

Brains remember more easily with drawings than written notes

Trump says the Treasury is taking in 'MANY billions of dollars' from the tariffs on China. The only problem is that US companies are paying the price.


Alcohol and Opioids Are Different Risks

Trump Got Rolled

"Yellow vest" protesters in Paris and Green New Dealers at home: Enemies, or future comrades?
Implacable opponents? Maybe not: To succeed, the environmental movement must help build an economic future

Workers Petition Congress: Protect Our Pensions

GM Offers Proof to the World that Slashing Wages Isn't the Ticket to Profitability: German and Japanese auto manufacturers succeed despite sticking to a high-wage model.

Sanders–Khanna Bill Would Stop Monopoly Drug Pricing in the US


The Gray Wave Rises

Letting Go of Industrial Regulations Isn’t Bringing Back the Jobs

Executives Make Millions Misleading Cancer Patients. Here’s One Way to Stop Them: Cancer-treatment executives are reaping fortunes off misleading marketing. We should make that less profitable.

Trump’s Sugar High

Building a Green New Deal

Subsidize This

HELL-CARE IN MICHIGAN: My loved one was abruptly dropped by Medicaid, which is potentially life-threatening. This is what happens when politicians don't treat care as a right.

Court Challenge To FCC Media Rule Changes Moves Forward.

Kamala Harris: Everyone Gets Sick. And We Deserve Better.  What my mother’s death taught me about the health care system America needs.

As loans and aid dry up, U.S. farmers face fresh challenge from shutdown

US national debt reaches a new high under Trump

Trump attempts to pin blame for the stock market stumbles on House Democrats' threats to impeach him

Google shifted $23 billion to tax haven Bermuda in 2017: filing

Mark Zuckerberg halts Facebook stock sale as value PLUMMETS over privacy scandals: The controversial billionaire is facing hard times...

Senior Trump administration officials get raises during government shutdown as hundreds of thousands of federal employees remain without paychecks

Our retirement savings fuel a stronger nation

Mommy and data: “Femtech” companies are marketing themselves to women who are worried about having kids. Are these startups alleviating female anxieties or exploiting them?

Here’s How Blue States Can Pave the Way for Medicare for All: Democrats were elected on promises of affordable healthcare. This is what states can do even under Trump.

States Can Break Up Big Banks. Here’s How.  A healthy economy has no need for mega-banks.

Putin says Russia will supply soy beans, poultry meat to China

A tribute to Congressman Louis Thomas McFadden


The Relentlessness of Modern Parenting Raising children has become significantly more time-consuming and expensive, amid a sense that opportunity has grown more elusive.


Golden Age of Rich People Not Paying Their Taxes: An eight-year campaign to slash the IRS’s budget has left the agency understaffed, hamstrung, and operating with archaic equipment. The result: a hundred-billion-dollar heist.

Opinion: What Straight-A Students Get Wrong.  If you always succeed in school, you’re not setting yourself up for success in life.

Washington’s move to stifle Huawei will undermine itself

Canada should not let US dictate its politics: China Daily editorial

On Huawei and 5G, Canada must unapologetically pursue our national interest

U.S. and China tried to keep Huawei exec's arrest and trade war separate, but then Trump waded in

Huawei Arrest Raises Thorny Questions of Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy

U.S. health care spending grew 3.9 percent in 2017, reaching $3.5 trillion or $10,739 per person.  As a share of the nation's Gross Domestic Product, health spending accounted for 17.9 percent.

World Bank President Abruptly Resigns: Jim Yong Kim is leaving the World Bank nearly three years before the end of his term.

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