Saturday, November 10, 2018

Economics and Corruption related links 111018

What Is MMT And How It Works w/Stephanie Kelton

Ronald Reagan: "Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit."

Chinese billionaire Jack Ma says the US wasted trillions on warfare instead of investing in infrastructure


Trump Organization sues dead man's estate for $90,000: Todd Brassner died in his 50th floor Trump Tower apartment on April 7. The fire was caused by overloaded power strips inside his apartment.

Why we're marching: Scores of Brits in France head to London to demand People's Vote on Brexit

'More than half a million' march to demand people's vote on Brexit – live: Organisers say at least 500,000 have turned out for what they hope will prove to be the most important anti-Brexit demonstration since the referendum

Here’s a list of every vulnerable House Republican who voted to gut pre-existing conditions coverage: We also counted the ones who now say they support these protections.

At the Heart of Global Woes, 157 of World's 200 Richest Entities Are Now Corporations, Not Governments: From massive inequality to the climate crisis, these powerful corporations "are able to demand that governments do their bidding"

Unionized Baseball Players Making Millions Just Crossed a Hotel Picket Line

How Banks Slid Into the Payday Lending Business

The Deceptive, Shameful, Lucratively Funded War Against Rent Control: In California and across the country, landlord groups are waging a disinformation campaign to squash efforts to make rent more affordable.

Work Requirements Seep into Policy, the Evidence Be Damned: And Trump counts on this failed set of policies to cut vital public assistance.

Trump Suggests USPS Cut Retirement, Health Benefits in $80B Savings Package

Brexit will force me to choose between caring for my husband and looking after my parents

A Long Weekend Away

Tea Time

What Little She Had

A Guide to Statistics on Historical Trends in Income Inequality

Never mind the 1 percent: Let's talk about the 0.01 percent

In the US, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, study concludes

Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccine Program Caused 47,500 Cases of Paralysis Death

Meet the U.S. farmers who love Trump’s China trade war

"He wants them to suffer more": Inside Trump's China bet

U.S. job openings hit a record 7.1 million, exceed number of unemployed Americans

Hurricane Michael is a warning to check your homeowner’s policy

As Hurricane Michael looms, private insurers rise to take on the debt-ridden federal flood program

Fewer Households in Hurricane Florence’s Path Have Flood Insurance Than in 2013: Coverage rates have fallen over past five years even as coastal development in the Carolinas has increased

How Will 6% Mortgage Rates Deal with Housing Bubble 2?

Hedge Fund Billionaire Rode the Worst Trade of His Life All the Way Down

Nothing Lasts Forever, Not Even the Mighty Sears: A lesson in creative destruction as the once dominant retailer seeks bankruptcy protection.

Corporal Eugene Jacques Bullard: First Black American Fighter pilot

Scientists warn of Brexit brain drain

Poverty Is Over! So Why Are Republicans So Quiet About Their Chief Economic Accomplishment?

College Unrest: Why Joe Hill, Mother Jones and Cesar Chavez are Smiling

Iowa is a Trade Casualty

Are Low Prices Always a Good Thing?

Trump's NAFTA 2.0 is a Win for Big Oil -- But a Huge Loss for Workers and the Environment: While oil companies would reap benefits from the deal, workers at home and abroad would suffer.

The new NAFTA gets a few things right, and falls short elsewhere

Trump Subsidizes Companies That Send Jobs Overseas: The top 100 federal contractors now send over 8,000 jobs overseas a year — triple the rate under Obama.

Donald Trump Will Never Actually Go After Jeff Bezos And Amazon

Gross Hospital Negligence Does Not Exempt Celebrities

What We Do: The evolution of work.

When the Next Recession Hits: The government has less flexibility to address a financial crisis than it did during the last one.

Unfair Advantage: Stacy Mitchell On How Amazon Undermines Local Economies

The Garden Center

Capitalism And The Wage System


There Will Be No Middle-Class Tax Cut This Week. Or Next Month.

“One Nation, Indivisible” features excerpts from The Sun’s archives that speak to the current political moment.

Sunbeams NOVEMBER 2018

New study shows Brexit is drenched in fake news

Socialists Versus Landlords: Los Angeles DSA is harnessing anger over skyrocketing rent to get nonvoters to the polls in November.

Who's paying for these 'reports' on BBC Brexit coverage?

Ivanka Trump Set To Gain 16 New Trademarks In China, Including For Voting Machines: The president’s daughter and senior adviser nears a deal that raises more questions about how the Trumps mix private business with White House work.

Trump Administration Spares Corporate Wrongdoers Billions in Penalties

Letters From the November 12, 2018, Issue: Holding banks to account… A radical cure… Time for Amazonian outrage…   

Voters Must Catch On to Republicans’ Con on Health Care: The GOP’s duck-and-cover effort impedes a debate we need to have on providing universal coverage and increasing Social Security.

Ad Hoc Nation: The unmaking of the steady job.

Sleepwalking: Ottessa Moshfegh’s contemporary gothic.

Republicans are Coming for Your Social Security and Medicare: Senate Leader Mitch McConnell blames federal budget deficits on “entitlements,” not trillions of dollars in tax breaks for billionaires.

On Wall Street, Us R Toys

Dysfunctional Display in Farm Bill Standoff

Republicans Will Repeal Obamacare If They Get The Chance, Mitch McConnell Says: It’s a reminder of how big the stakes are in the midterm elections.

Commons vs. Capitalism

The Tariffs May Be Working—With One Exception.

Is the World Trade Organization Unfair to the United States?

Amazon’s $15 an Hour Minimum Wage and the Federal Reserve Board

Now Mitch McConnell wants massive cuts to social programs after GOP blew up the deficit: It’s an old story: Republicans give money to the rich, act surprised about the deficit and vow to slash spending

Robert B. Reich: The truth about the Trump economy

Gullible Patients, Gullible Voters: The Tale of Ketamine

Aging Well Can Be Expensive

Sears Didn’t ‘Die.’ Vulture Capitalists Killed It.

Share the Wealth? We Can Start Now – Here’s How.  Foremost among the forces: the large corporations that dominate our global economy

Growing Up with Vietnam

Trump learns: Live by the Dow, die by the Dow

California Union Nurses Help with Hurricane Michael Recovery

No One Really Knows What Americans Think About Abortion: Abortion is likely to be a big issue for candidates in the midterms. But research shows we don’t have a good way of polling voters on it.

Democrats prefer socialism to capitalism: poll

How Corporate Moderates Created the Social Security Act (...And Then Tried to Undermine It Later)

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