Sunday, February 7, 2016

Kakistocracy should be replaced by democratic socialism

Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.


Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.  Synonyms: free enterprise, private enterprise, the free market.


Communism is a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.


Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.


Aristocracy is a form of government that places power in the hands of a small, privileged ruling class.


Oligarchy is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people. These people might be distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, education, corporate, religious or military control. Such states are often controlled by a few prominent families who typically pass their influence from one generation to the next.  The iron law of oligarchy is a political theory, first developed by the German sociologist Robert Michels in his 1911 book, Political Parties. It claims that rule by an elite, or oligarchy, is inevitable as an "iron law" within any democratic organization as part of the "tactical and technical necessities" of organization.

Plutocracy is a form of oligarchy and defines a society ruled or controlled by the small minority of the wealthiest citizens.


Oligopoly is a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers.


Kake means iniquitous, evil, heartless, and corrupt.


Kakistocracy is government under the control of a nation's worst or least-qualified citizens.


Some may conclude that we now have a Kakistocracy resulting from the oligarchy.  Perhaps it is time for some democratic socialism.   POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

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