Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Politics related links 101718

Brett Kavanaugh’s Angry, Partisan, Trump-Like Opening Statement

American Bar Association: Delay Kavanaugh until FBI investigates assault allegations

Do we really want a man consumed with rage, self-pity, and hate on the Supreme Court?

Trump crippling FBI investigation into Kavanaugh: Drinking, witnesses, and Swetnick off the table

Report: White House Is Controlling Who FBI Interviews in Kavanaugh Investigation

I Taught At Holton Arms School When Christine Blasey Ford Was A Student

Trump committed ‘outright fraud’ in ‘dubious tax schemes,’ according to a big, new NYT investigation

New York City Is ‘Looking to Recoup’ Any Unpaid Trump Taxes, de Blasio Says

I Know Brett Kavanaugh, but I Wouldn’t Confirm Him: This is an article I never imagined myself writing, that I never wanted to write, that I wish I could not write.

Kavanaugh’s 1983 Letter Offers Inside Look at High School Clique

This Vicious Buffoon Is a Vessel for All the Worst Elements of the American Condition: Donald Trump, American president*, disgraces his office once more.

Trump can't use FEMA's wireless alerts to send personal messages — it's illegal: Public concern around privacy and abuse of power is offset by legislation put into place to deter any president from mishandling the alert system.

On Brett Kavanaugh and His Dream Job

Trump gained millions from questionable tax strategies: New York Times

BOMBSHELL: Trump Being Investigated For Tax Evasion And Fraud

Sarah Sanders defends Trump's comments about Christine Blasey Ford

Trump Mocks and Imitates Christine Ford at Campaign Rally, Crowd Goes Wild

Crowd gasped and loudly booed Lindsey Graham after his trailer park comparison to Dr. Ford

Lindsey Graham on Dr. Ford: This is what happens when you go through a trailer park with a $100 bill

Cowardly Susan Collins doesn't just run from reporters, she uses the cops to keep them away

Kavanaugh’s buddies wrote insanely misogynist newsletter column about Dr. Ford’s high school

Kavanaugh called himself an ‘obnoxious drunk’ and ‘prolific puker’ in 1983 letter to classmates

FBI 'investigation' into Kavanaugh has ignored more than 40 potential witnesses

FBI has not contacted dozens of potential sources in Kavanaugh investigation: With the investigation winding down, multiple individuals who have tried to contact the bureau have not heard back.

150 mental health professionals sign letter calling for psychological assessment of Brett Kavanaugh

Miami University's new Title IX policy opens door for assailants to directly question their victims

More Than 500 Law Professors Condemn Kavanaugh For ‘Lack Of Judicial Temperament’: Eight of the signatures in the letter to the Senate were from professors at Yale, where the Supreme Court nominee obtained his law degree.

BREAKING: Kavanaugh's Classmates Turn On Him

Trump confounds U.S. allies, and China may benefit from diminished trust in America, survey finds

Putin and Xi Outrank Trump in Global Confidence Poll: Merkel and Macron come out far ahead in a new Pew Research survey.

There’s Nothing Wrong With the Liberal Order That Can’t Be Fixed by What’s Right With It: Realists need to get a lot more realistic about the global legal system.


FBI confidential Kavanaugh report handed to White House, Senate: If the motion passes, there will be up to 30 hours of debate, followed by a final confirmation vote, possibly Saturday.

Texas rejects 2,400 online voter registrations as Oct. 9 deadline looms


Global Image of US Plummets as 70% of People Worldwide Have 'No Confidence' in Trump Leadership: Only 50 percent of the world currently has a favorable opinion of the U.S., according to Pew, compared with 64 percent of those surveyed at the end of Obama's presidency

Thousands of Texas voter registration applications filed using online tool could be invalid

Feinstein Slams ‘Incomplete’ FBI Probe of Kavanaugh

Dem operative used 16,000 ‘amateur sleuths’ to dig up dirt on GOP candidates — and now he’s ready to dump it

Why the FBI’s Kavanaugh Investigation Is So Troubling: The feds did not interview key witnesses — including former classmates who claim they can corroborate sexual misconduct allegations and lies under oath

Mitch McConnell, the man who broke America

Michael Avenatti says the Kavanaugh FBI investigation is a 'farce and is being run by Donald Trump'

Americans Cheering After Parkland Survivor, David Hogg, Rips Into Brett Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh’s Former Roommate Just Came Forward And Threw Him Under The Bus: Watch

‘Why Was The FBI Held back?’: Fox News’ Judge Napolitano Drops Truth Bomb On Kavanaugh

White House just confirmed our worst fears about FBI Kavanaugh report

This Ruling Is Why Conservatives Are So Hopped Up on Brett Kavanaugh: They want—and need—to outnumber people like Judge Chen in the federal judiciary.

Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath, Sen. Patrick Leahy says. And he showed some evidence to prove it.

Republicans Have Decided to Ignore All of Brett Kavanaugh’s Lies

Sen. Murray: Confirming Kavanaugh will tell women to keep quiet


Republican Sen. Ben Sasse drops a bombshell on the debate over Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court

An Injudicious Man, Unfit for the Supreme Court: This was a job interview, not a criminal trial. Kavanaugh, in his fury and pathos, failed the test.

Brett Kavanaugh’s Radical View of Executive Power: Trump’s Supreme Court nominee threatens to undermine the Mueller probe.


Don't Confirm Brett Kavanaugh, Says Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens

House Intel GOP Withholds Rohrabacher and Wasserman Schultz’s Russia Probe Transcripts: On Friday, Republicans on the House intelligence committee voted to declassify 53 interviews from its Russia probe. Just not all of them.

Trump Charges China—Not Russia—with Meddling in U.S. Elections

Our Investigative Reporters Explain the Trump-Russia Story: Mark Mazzetti and Scott Shane answer readers’ questions on Russian interference in the 2016 election, the Mueller investigation and their reporting process.

FBI Lacks White House Approval to Talk to Kavanaugh and Ford, Sources Say

2 Of Brett Kavanaugh’s Former Classmates Withdraw Support For Him: “We fear that partisanship has injected itself into Judge Kavanaugh’s candidacy,” write Michael J. Proctor and Mark Osler.

Opposition to Kavanaugh grows after Senate hearing: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Poll: More Believe Ford Than Kavanaugh, A Cultural Shift From 1991

Should sex harassment charges disqualify a political candidate? 56 percent of Republicans say no
Poll finds 81 percent of Democrats would definitely not support a candidate accused of sexual harassment by multiple people.

Mueller ‘downsizing’ with departure of 2 prosecutors: 'I think they wouldn’t be letting people go unless they’re winding down,' said a Washington defense attorney working on the Russia probe.

Rosenstein to meet with House Republicans on Oct. 11: The deputy attorney general has been in the hot seat over a report that he proposed secretly recording the president.

Collins and Manchin to vote for Kavanaugh, effectively ensuring his Supreme Court confirmation

Russia’s growing threat to north Europe: Sweden hugs its friends closer, but will it tie the knot with NATO?

Tribune editorial: Hatch attack on alleged witness is despicable

A leading Holocaust historian just seriously compared the US to Nazi Germany: “If the US has someone whom historians will look back on as the gravedigger of American democracy, it is Mitch McConnell.”

Minutes after Sen. Susan Collins announced her support for Brett Kavanaugh, the site to fund her opponent was so overwhelmed that it crashed

Secretary of State: Voter Registration Deadline is October 9

What do Russian disinformation campaigns look like, and how can we protect our elections?

Brett Kavanaugh proceedings: Can a Supreme Court justice be impeached?

George W. Bush made calls reassuring Collins about Kavanaugh

Susan Collins Tries to Have Her #MeToo Cake and Eat It Too: Either you believe Christine Blasey Ford, or you don’t.

Trump Looking At $400 Million Unpaid Tax Bill, Civil Penalties Could Take Everything He Owns

Lindsey Graham won't read the FBI report on Kavanaugh, but he's ready to vote

The Supreme Court’s legitimacy crisis is here: Brett Kavanaugh’s Senate confirmation will likely turn many Americans against the Court itself.

McConnell: Conservative revamp of the courts isn't done yet.  The Senate majority leader calls the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh a 'seminal moment' for the conservative movement.

A Victim’s Perspective on Sexual Assault

Chief Justice John Roberts Accused of ‘Cover Up’ for Sitting on Kavanaugh Misconduct Complaints

Kavanaugh's opening remarks are a master class in a common sexual abuser defense tactic

Willie Nelson - Vote 'Em Out (Texas - Rally for Beto)

“None of This Was Fair”: the Kavanaugh Nomination Marks the Triumph of Trumpism on Capitol Hill
For the President, the whole fight has been the kind of win he loves: divisive and loud, with enraged liberals sputtering and his political base riled up.

Here's "Something Bold" Democrats Can Do: Conduct the Kavanaugh Probe White House and GOP Refused to Have: "Instead of acting like the minority and like victims, Dems need to go on the offensive and act like a majority! Investigate, interview, and use the power of the media loudly, with courage and fervor!"

If The Rule Of Law Means Anything, Kavanaugh Must Be Impeached: If a federal judge can get away with lying to Congress, why do we even have sworn oaths?

Explosion of Anger, Promises to Oust Her in 2020 After Susan Collins Says "Yes" to Brett Kavanaugh
"Women in this nation will remember this. We will all remember this."

'Trump-Proofing the Presidency': New Report Details How to Stymie the Next Deeply Unethical Person Elected to the White House.  "The only silver lining is that because of Trump, we now know how to strengthen the system against future presidents who lack an ethical compass."


I believe survivors. I believe Christine Blasey Ford. And I still believe Anita Hill

America loses with Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court

Susan Collins goes all in for Kavanaugh – and for Trump

On guns, Americans agree more than they know

One year in, #MeToo Hasn’t brought the change we need

Democrats Just Confirmed Lots Of Trump’s Judges So They Could Skip Town: The resistance wilts in August.

Hometown paper drops a bomb on Devin Nunes and endorses opponent in scathing editorial

Video: Brett Kavanaugh’s Path to the Supreme Court

Video: Brett Kavanaugh’s Path to the Supreme Court

Susan Collins’s Elaborate Yes on Brett Kavanaugh, and Lisa Murkowski’s Straightforward No

The Penultimate Vote on Brett Kavanaugh

Waiting for Senators Outside the Room Where They Read the F.B.I.’s Kavanaugh Report

The F.B.I. Investigation of Brett Kavanaugh and the Politics of Thoroughness

Trump’s Mocking of Christine Blasey Ford and the Dark Laughter of His Audience

Did the Democrats’ Obsession with Having an F.B.I. Investigation Pay Off?

The Surreal Televised Aftermath of the Ford-Kavanaugh Hearing

Sexual-Assault Victims Confront Jeff Flake and Voice the Anguish of Millions

Mussolini is Strung Up (Graphic) 1945 Milan, Italy

The Rise and Fall of Benito Mussolini

Feds freeze Russian oligarch’s assets, Upper East Side mansion

Poll: Majority of Americans Say Kavanaugh Shouldn’t Be On the Supreme Court

We must change our culture and reform our laws: We are living through a new era of support for survivors of sexual assault as brave people continue to come forward to report what happened to them.

Trump apologizes to Kavanaugh on 'behalf of our nation,' says judge 'proven innocent': The president's unusual remarks came at the White House ceremonial swearing-in ceremony for the new Supreme Court justice on Monday night.

The Collapse of the American Empire?

Mitch McConnell just won the biggest battle yet in his long war on democracy: But his confirmation of Bret Kavanaugh has woken a sleeping giant – one that could ultimately cost him

Anderson Cooper shuts down Donald Trump Jr.'s lie

Kavanaugh Hearing Cold Open - SNL

Watch Pete Davidson Slam Kanye West for Pro-Trump ‘SNL’ Rant on Weekend Update: “Being mentally ill is not an excuse to act like a jackass,” comedian says of rapper’s rant and “off the meds” declarations

WATCH: Senator Mitch McConnell Floats Confirming a Supreme Court Justice in 2020

READ: Matt Deitsch Tweets to Senator John Cornyn ‘John, the Only Person Paid and Orchestrated to Spread Fear Is You’

Teacher's Quiz Causes Outrage For Separating Extremist Views Into 'Left' And 'Right' Sides

Local GOP Official Wants to Send Native American House Candidate ‘Back to the Reservation’

It’s Time for the Left To Unite Behind Bernie 2020: He’s popular, principled and there are no better options.

Antidotes to the Poison of Political Despair

Chief Justice John Roberts orders new investigation into Brett Kavanaugh: Fox News

Dear Republican Voters: Stop Blaming the Left. You're Trash. Own It.  It's weird how some mean words from a liberal can make conservatives vote for white nationalism...

Trump’s successful neutering of the FBI’s Kavanaugh investigation has scary implications
A proof of concept for further erosion of the FBI.

This week in Trump-Russia News: Russia takes a backseat to Kavanaugh drama

Trump Administration Seeks to Stifle Protests Near White House and on National Mall

Mitch McConnell Warns Democrats Not To Harass Trump By Investigating Him

Kavanaugh Yale classmate: The FBI investigation was a joke. I tried to help and was ignored.

Supreme Power Play

Collusion Is Not a Crime, Trump Campaign Argues

Faithful Execution of the Office and Laws: New Research on the Original Meaning of Article II

Democrats Have A Chance To Win One Of The Reddest Districts In The Country: If they do pick up West Virginia 3rd, it’d be the biggest party flip in a midterm since 1998.

UK Confiscating Oligarchs' Property If They Cannot Show Legitimate Source of Funds


Letters to the Editor We Need to Change Our Electoral System

Ohio Officials Show No Grace

Gene Lyons: Kavanaugh no judge of character

Why Women Don’t Report Sexual Assault: Delays should never be used to discredit accusers like Christine Blasey Ford.

Mr. Vice President, You Are One Big Phony

A New Roadmap for Getting Change Done: Victories of insurgent progressive candidates and reforms within the Democratic Party show a mandate to enact progressive legislation.

Cue the Visigoths: People are starting to realize Donald Trump is unfit to be president. But Trump is only a symptom, not the cause, of the threat to our democracy.

The 1 Percent Has a Dark Plot to Replace American Democracy With an Elite Plutocracy — And It's Working: How will American democracy resist their twisted goal of one-dollar, one-vote plutocracy?

Suspicions Confirmed, Woodward on Trump

Decoding the Rod Rosenstein melodrama: Distraction from Kavanaugh, or part of a larger plot?
Someone’s trying to destroy Rosenstein or lure the media away from the Kavanaugh scandal. Quite likely both

Trump’s stump speech is a con job

Stay Nasty

Nobody in the White House is Part of ‘The Resistance’: They admit Trump’s dangerous, but they’ll stick with him as long as he cuts billionaires’ taxes, deregulates corporations, and feeds the military-industrial complex.

Table Manners Make the Candidate

Men’s Bodies and the Politics of Abortion

Want to defend democracy? Start with your public librabry.

Kavanaugh Charade Is Coming Apart

Stiehm: A tale full of sound and fury

Ralph Nader: Where is the Democrats’ Contract with America 2018?

All the Anonymous BS That's Fit to Print: Self-Serving Newspapers Ditch Their Own Ethics Rules

Michael Moore Turns Up the Heat in Fahrenheit 11/9: The cinematic son of America’s industrial proletariat launches a blistering broadside.

Nothing Normal About Allegations Against Teenager Kavanaugh

Dana Milbank: Texas creates the perfect curriculum for the Trump age

This Is a Day of Horrors, Foreign and Domestic: These days, and the horrors they contain, are becoming far too normal.

Trump’s attacks on journalists seed violence: Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi may be the latest victim in a world where autocratic governments see journalists as fair game. 

Reporter says Saudis made gruesome ‘proof-of-death’ video of Washington Post columnist’s killing

Inside the Pro-Trump Effort to Keep Black Voters From the Polls: Breitbart staffer recruited Sanders activist Bruce Carter to get African Americans to support the Republican—or stay home.

Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, and the Rule of Pampered Princelings

Chief Justice Roberts Requests Tenth Circuit To Investigate Kavanaugh Ethics Questions

I Listened to All Six Trump Rallies in October. You Should, Too

Trump’s Government Isn’t Ready for a Crisis: Empty desks at FEMA and the State Department are symptoms of a bigger problem.

An open letter to the Democratic National Committee: Please resign, on behalf of the party and the country

How Do You Distinguish between Religious Fervor and Mental Illness?  It's not meant as insult to believers; the two states of mind can share many similar characteristics

Humanist Legal Society Launches with Press Club Panel July 19

The Truth about Mike Pence: An Interview with Author Michael D’Antonio

Humanists Disheartened by Masterpiece Cakeshop Decision

Statement on Family Separation at Southern US Border

Simultaneously Fighting for Secular Government and LGBTQ Rights

AHA Joins Groups Opposing Foster Care and Adoption Discrimination

Faith-Based Discrimination Bill Stripped from House Appropriations

Humanists File Supreme Court Brief in Bladensburg Cross Case

Humanists File Second Supreme Court Brief in Bladensburg Cross Case

Humanist Leaders Respond to Troubling New Task Force

Humanists Prevail in Challenge to Religious Activities in Douglas County Schools

Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Religion: Can They Coexist?

Godless Humanists Continue Fight for Equality in Federal Appeals Court

Atheists Seek to Close the Book on South Carolina Graduation Prayers

Eve of Battle

The Reason Julia Salazar Won: A core of true believers were the backbone of her campaign. How should they handle accounts of her dishonesty?

Reasons to Believe: 10 ways to respond to Brett Kavanaugh’s defenders.

Trump on Reporting a Sexual Assault

Breaking News: Seymour Hersh and the ambiguities of investigative reporting.

Letters From the October 22, 2018, Issue By Our Readers

Richard Ojeda’s Politics of Regret: Can a reformed Trump voter win over West Virginia?

In Search of the Lost Republic: Americans once believed that their government belonged to them. Can we again?

AOC Responds to Her Critics: After a high-profile national tour, Ocasio-Cortez defends her perceived missteps—and calls cynicism “the greatest enemy of the progressive left.”

Beto O’Rourke Fights the Clampdown in Texas: His campaign represents a real-time experiment for a party that is still struggling to define itself in the Trump era.

Comix Nation

A Woman Can Never Be Likable Enough: From an early age, we’re taught to please men. What if we got angry instead?

Kavanaugh’s Defenders in Congress Don’t Care About Process: The hearings reveal disparities in who gets to speak out—and who must remain silent.

Kavanaugh’s Testimony

Brett Kavanaugh Is a Liar—So Why Couldn’t Democrats Call Him One?  News reports are not helping by wrongly presenting the hearing as a “he said/she said” affair.

Letters From the October 29, 2018, Issue: The Gore-y truth…

CNN Poll: Majority oppose Kavanaugh, but his popularity grows with GOP

Educators denounce vote to confirm Kavanaugh who is unfit to serve on Supreme Court. 
NEA President: Only thing to do ‘for those who share disappointment in this moment: vote'

'This Is Pathetic': Progressives Furious as Schumer Rubber Stamps 15 More Right-Wing Judges for Trump: Critics angrily denounced Senate Democrats for helping the Republican majority "shape our country in Donald Trump's brutal image for decades to come"

'Definition of a Rigged System' as GOP Candidate for Georgia Governor Commits Massive Purge of Registered Voters: "We need UN election observers in Georgia...the state, not the country."

"Any 'Her' Will Do": Due Process for Boys Like Kavanaugh, But Feinstein Latest Target of Trump's "Lock Her Up" Chant.  "It's not just an assault on norms, the rule of law, and due process they claim to love, it's a downright creepy attempt at intimidating women."

Nikki Haley will resign as Trump’s UN ambassador at the end of the year

As Nikki Haley Resigns, Critics Forced to Clarify That "Pro-War, Pro-Imperialist" Sycophant for Trump Is No "Moderate": U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley "was probably the most pro-war, pro-imperialist high-ranking Trump official, and therefore the most beloved Trump official by the war-loving U.S. media. She held every conventional foreign policy view that has generated so much destruction."

Nikki Haley's resignation comes one day after an ethics watchdog requested an investigation into her acceptance of free flights on private jets

Petitions to Impeach Kavanaugh Surge as Organizers Say Not Even Supreme Court Justices 'Above the Law': "A majority of Americans opposed Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court and we believe a majority will ultimately support his impeachment as well," says Heidi Hess of CREDO Action

Marine Le Pen is hoping to come top in next year’s Euro-election: After a poor showing last year, the nationalists are resurgent

A Democrat leads in Virginia’s 10th: The district hasn’t sent a Democrat to the House of Representatives for 36 years

Apparently Jared Kushner Doesn’t Pay Income Taxes Either: ‘New York Times’ obtained documents that show president’s son-in-law has paid no income taxes from 2009 to 2016

Trump’s FEMA Chief just publicly shamed the victims of Hurricane Michael

Fox News was just busted trying to frame liberals for a riot in humiliating fashion

Trump Snaps When Asked How He Could Fall In ‘Love’ With A Brutal Dictator: ‘I’m Not A Baby’

People’s Vote March

A new authoritarian axis demands an international progressive front

Hillary Clinton: Bill's affair with Monica Lewinsky wasn't an abuse of power because 'she was an adult'

Kavanaugh Has Exposed the Savage Amorality of America's Ruling Class: How the DC establishment has responded to his confirmation controversy tells us an awful lot.

Elizabeth Warren releases DNA results indicating she has Native American heritage: Trump, who has said he would donate $1M to charity if Warren took a DNA test, replied bluntly to the news: "Who cares?"

Trump denies offering $1 million for Warren DNA test, even though he did

Get Off My Lawn: Trump Proposal Could Squelch Protests in D.C.

Thread by @SethAbramson: "(THREAD) The most important meeting in the Trump-Russia timeline isn't the June '16 meeting at Trump Tower—it's the August 3, 2016 meeting b […]"

Comment: Let's Have a War on Donald Trump: We need to be creative in finding ways to express displeasure toward the President, the only real check on his cruelty.

Smoking Gun: He's Lying!  If Trump’s nose had grown a quarter-inch with each lie, it would now be sixty-eight feet long.

Over the Wall: Lessons in Democracy from Mexico.  The same activists who helped López Obrador win his bottom-up campaign hope that his victory will interrupt  a cycle of corruption that has poisoned democracy even at the very humblest local level.

Ending the Silence: Advocates take aim at non-disclosure pacts that protect sexual harassers.

The Undoing of Progressive Wisconsin: From our upcoming issue of the magazine: How Trump's victory heralded the final stage of a national unraveling.

‘Not Good for a Democracy’: James Clapper, Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency under George H. W. Bush and Director of National Intelligence under President Barack Obama speaks out against the current President.

Going Local: In the age of Donald Trump, some of the most significant political battles are taking place on the local level.

Off the Map: The Oval Office Apprentice.  President Donald Trump has failed at many endeavors, but he has a real knack for pretending to be authentic.


Brian Kemp Advertisement Found on Grindr

Trump Holds Crazy Press Conference to Defend Brett Kavanaugh: A Closer Look

Trump blasts 'Pocahontas' Elizabeth Warren at rally

Beware of Preelection Polling Spin

Kavanaugh’s Victory Is a Loss for America: In a country with already-shaky institutions, a blatantly partisan Supreme Court is the last thing anyone needs.

How Do I Explain Justice Kavanaugh to My Daughters?

How Do I Explain Justice Kavanaugh to My Daughters?

The Wounds Won’t Heal: The fight over Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation has left the United States deeply divided.

The Rise of West Coast Democrats: How a different type of American liberalism could lead the party to victory

Why Won’t Democrats Move Left in the Suburbs?  They could win with more progressive candidates, but the leadership insists on cautious moderation.

Going for Broke: Today’s voters owe a lot of money. Do they care if their candidates do too?

The New Republic October Issue: The Evangelical Opposition

The Struggle for a New American Gospel: A liberal’s search for God and faith in a divided country

All the Rage: What a literature that embraces female anger can achieve

The Origins of America’s Enduring Divisions: For Jill Lepore, the United States has always been a nation caught between its sunny ideals and its darker realities.

False Concepts of Liberty, Pt. 2: Individual freedom and the public square

We Are Witnessing the Last Gasps of Centrism: While the Democratic establishment is blindly attempting to revive the neoliberal Third Way, the party’s base is embracing socialism.

The Democratic party went awol in 2016 – and is still missing: The party has no clear leader, no convincing analysis of why they lost the election, and no strategy to do better next time

Don’t Endorse Bernie Yet—Make Candidates Compete for the Left Vote: Keep the left lane open.

The Inside-Outside Approach to Bernie 2020: Endorse, but play the long game.

A Bold Foreign Policy Platform for the New Wave of Left Lawmakers: Socialists and other progressives are running for office on strong domestic programs. Here’s how their foreign policy platform can be just as strong.

How America Systematically Fails Survivors of Sexual Violence

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