Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Ecology and Pollution related links 101718

The EPA is set to expose Americans to more radiation and more mercury based on a killer quack theory

EPA turns to scientific outliers in effort to loosen radiation limits, saying a bit of exposure may be healthy

Potential Customers Beware: Popular DNA Testing Company is Almost Completely in Bed with Big Pharma

Vietnam Could Use Monsanto Cancer Verdict As Legal Precedent for Massive New Lawsuit, Top Government Official Says

MONSTER STORM HURRICANE MICHAEL GENERATING 31-FOOT WAVES WITH 145 MPH WINDS THAT WILL LEAVE SOME AREAS ‘UNINHABITABLE’ FOR MONTHS: "Hurricane Michael is a dangerous, catastrophic life-threatening storm," Dean said Wednesday. "The panhandle of Florida has never had a Cat 4 landfall in their history, and Michael could go down as the strongest hurricane to hit the U.S. in the month of October." The Florida Panhandle could see storm surges of up to 13 feet and flash-flooding from heavy rainfall, the NHC said. The chance of tornadoes will also increase Wednesday in parts of the Panhandle, the northern Florida Peninsula and southern Georgia.

World has a decade to bring climate change under control, say U.N.’s top scientists

We have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN: Urgent changes needed to cut risk of extreme heat, drought, floods and poverty, says IPCC

California’s apocalyptic fires are a side effect of modern life: The ‘new normal’ of a year-round wildfire season is a problem of our own making.

Future Generations Will Mourn What the EPA Did on 9/11: The White House wants to clear the way for frackers to release more methane, which poisons communities and torches the climate

The Rhinestone Cowboy

Climate change: A crisis that can’t be ignored.  According to a new UN report, the human race is running out of time to stop the deadliest effects of climate change.

EPA to disband a key scientific review panel on air pollution

Planet Earth Is Doomed. How Do I Go On?  Another reader asks how to respond to an alt-right wedding invitation.

Thankful to Avoid Prison, Acquitted Valve Turners Lament Lost Chance to Defend Planet-Saving Necessity of Pipeline Shutdown: "It's great that the defendants were found not guilty," said Dr. James Hansen, "but we missed an opportunity to inform the public about the injustice of climate change."

What's Not in the Latest Terrifying IPCC Report? The "Much, Much, Much More Terrifying" New Research on Climate Tipping Points: "This is the scariest thing about the IPCC Report — it’s the watered down, consensus version."

UN Experts Warn of 'Climate Catastrophe' by 2040 Without 'Rapid' and 'Unprecedented' Global Action: "The climate crisis is here and already impacting the most vulnerable," notes's program director. "Staying under 1.5ÂșC is now a matter of political will."

'Her Radiant Rolls' Put Her Over The Top: Alaska Park Names Its 'Fattest Bear'

Hurricane Michael survivors just publicly called out Trump’s FEMA for bungling relief efforts

North Carolina asks for $929M in Hurricane Matthew recovery, Trump administration offers $6M

Mammals cannot evolve fast enough to escape current extinction crisis

The World’s Climate Goals Aren’t Ambitious Enough: Two degrees of warming is too much, it turns out.

The New York Times Proves President Trump Is a Crook

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