Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Economics and Corruption related links 101718

Average annual expenditures and characteristics of all consumer units, Consumer
Expenditure Survey, 2013-2016

Average annual expenditures and characteristics of all consumer units, Consumer
Expenditure Survey, 2013-2016

People think the new Dad’s Army stamps are a cheeky comment on Brexit: With phrases like "Don't panic!" and "It won't cost you much...", the quotes on the 50th anniversary Royal Mail stamps have quickly got fans laughing

Don’t be fooled: Working Americans are worse off under Trump

Is Trump Mainly Rebranding NAFTA?  The economic impact—and political future—of the '94 trade deal's successor is utterly unclear.

Welcome to the Next Deadly AIDS Pandemic: The world thought it had fought the HIV virus to a stalemate—but its strategy was flawed in ways that are only now becoming clear.

Heart drug trials halted over Brexit fears

West Virginia poverty gets worse under Trump economy, not better

Multifocal interventions significantly reduce opioid overprescribing

Many women never heard of a 'baseline mammogram'

ECRI: Top 10 health IT hazards for 2019

Type 2 diabetes is being misdiagnosed in African-Americans, genetic study suggests: A genetic variant found in African-Americans significantly reduces the accuracy of the HbA1c blood test used to diagnose and monitor type 2 diabetes

15 Supplement Ingredients to Always Avoid: These supplement ingredients can cause organ damage, cardiac arrest, and cancer

The Body in Poverty: The decline of America’s rural health system and its toll on my family

The Municipal Bank: Compliance, Capitalization, Liquidity, and Risk

Nobel prize in economics won by Nordhaus and Romer for work on climate change and growth - as it happened: The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences has been awarded to two American men for work on climate change and sustainable growth

WELCOME TO POWER PULSE, our new monthly newsletter that will update readers on how we can all ensure that all young people have the systems of support they need to decide if, when, and under what circumstances to get pregnant and have a child.

The Nobel chemistry prize goes for work that harnesses evolution. The results: new enzymes and new therapeutic antibodies

The daily work of helping the vulnerable continues: It is this daily work in our communities — charting a path out of poverty — that we hope will be our proudest legacy. 

Ford Prepares for Mass Layoffs After Losing $1 Billion to Trump's Trade Tariffs, Report Says

Insect-filled chocolates, rat hair noodles, and maggoty orange juice: The reality of a Brexit trade deal with Trump

Bark if you want to stop Brexit: Wooferendum – in pictures.  Dogs and their owners gather for a march to Parliament Square

Trump Has Made Enriching Sheldon Adelson a Top Goal of U.S.-Japan Relations

Ten Years Since the Financial Crisis We're Still Getting Screwed: Banks have tougher regulations, but instead of borrowing less and reducing complexity, we have borrowed more as the global debts of governments, companies and households stands at $233 trillion.

Document: Chinese Intelligence Officer Indicted and Extradited to U.S. for Spying on Aviation Companies

The end of the middle class: Why prosperity is failing in America.  Sky-high rent, second jobs, and wealth-worshipping 1% TV shows—journalist Alissa Quart explains how the American dream became a dystopia, and why it's so hard for middle-class Americans to get by.

She Was Too Poor To Stay In School. Now She's An Inspiration To Rihanna

From Poverty To Rocket Scientist To CEO, A Girl Scout's Inspiring Story

The Dreams Of Today's Teen Girl Activists

Gentrification begets gentrification

Thought for Food as Farmers Hit the Wall


Froma Harrop: How about Medicare Advantage for all?

Monsanto-Bayer merger hurts farmers and consumers

Cheap Tricks With Economic Statistics: The Democratic Version

Two Pot Bills Pave the Way for Better Health Research, Decriminalization

The Three Big Lessons We Didn’t Learn from the Economic Crisis

Beware ‘The Bill’

New Legislation Would Put the Brakes on Wave of Ag Mega-Mergers

Trump’s China Tariffs on Solar backfire; American Natural Gas hurt, as US PV sales Soar

Henry Ford Would Fire Ford CEO Jim Hackett

Hurricane Florence Blows Open Harsh Realities of American Inequality


Is the World Bank Group Above the Law?  A fishing community in India challenges the bank’s private-lending arm in the US Supreme Court.

Americans Work Too Much Already: The Save American Workers Act would do nothing of the sort, but it would force many employees to log more hours.

A Small Nation That Thinks It’s a World Power: Brexit emerged from its supporters’ nostalgia for a supposedly glorious past.

Trump Wants to Make Union Pickets Illegal: Bloomberg reports Trump's new management heavy NLRB wants to question the legality of picket lines

Profit Before Kids: An Analysis of the Performance and Financial Practices of For-Profit, Virtual Charter Schools

Mr. Trump, If You Love Medicare, Improve It and Expand It to All: Can the U.S. afford to expand Medicare to all?  The real question is, can we afford not to?

Britain’s war on dirty money lacks oomph: It is strong on transparency but weak on enforcement

Here's a (partial) list of all the pre-existing conditions the GOP bill may not cover

How To Prevent Brain-Sapping Delirium In The ICU

No Wonder It Works So Well: There May Be Viagra In That Herbal Supplement

FACT CHECK: Trump's False Claims On 'Medicare For All'

Going slow on cannabis cafes can’t be a good thing

Here’s why Marriott workers are on strike

51 GOP Senators Just Voted To Cut $1.5 Trillion from Medicare and Medicaid To Give Super-Rich and Corporations a Tax Cut: The Republican budget, declared Sen. Sanders after its passage, "is not a bad bill. It's a horrific bill."

The Supremes v. the Unions: Recent rulings expose the high court’s anti-worker bias.

The Other Refugee Crisis: “I’m searching in vain for an antonym for the word ‘refugee.’ I need that word to characterize people, myself included, who feel compelled to stay in their states.”

Ties that Bind: Draconian employment contracts are creating a new form of indentured servitude.

‘This Is In Our Blood’: How striking West Virginians made history—again.

Nanny Nation: There’s one job Americans don’t mind giving immigrants.

Where There's Smoke, There's Fired: Employers are still dumping workers for using pot, even where it's legal.

On the Corner of Happy and Hypocritical: Why is the nation’s largest drugstore chain still selling cigarettes?

Legislation That Would Surreptitiously Steal Social Security’s $2.9 Trillion Surplus Has Been Defeated – But 97% of Republicans Voted For It

McConnell Blames Entitlements, Not GOP, for Rising Deficits

The Enduring Scam of Corporate Tax Breaks: Why these deals have remained popular in Washington despite the overwhelming evidence that they don't work

What Trump Gets Right on Trade: There’s an important truth behind his attack on globalization.

How Brexit Became a Political Circus: It’s turned into a stage for grandstanding and unprincipled ambition.

America’s Missing Labor Party: The history of strikes shows that, for lasting success, workers need to capture political power.

MMT Economics Explained - Dr. Stephanie Kelton Interview

Late Stage Capitalism is Killing America

Global Capitalism: Economic Nationalism

OP-ED: We’re all Bad Socialists and That’s OK: A Call for Wholehearted Praxis – Democratic Socialists of America

How Unions Can Solve the Housing Crisis: The labor movement once built thousands of low-cost co-op apartments for working class New Yorkers. It could do so again.

Steve Bannon’s European Dream: Europe used to serve as a utopian vision for the Left and a punching bag for the Right. Now it’s reversing.

Socialism and Feminism: We Can’t Have One Without the Other: Fighting capitalism and patriarchy at the same time.

Portrait of the Environmentalist as a Young Arsonist: Abby Geni’s new novel, The Wildlands, explores means and ends in the fight for animal and Earth liberation.

“Democratic Socialism Will Prevail”: An Interview with Ron Dellums in 1976.  Dellums, a democratic socialist member of the House of Representatives, was interviewed in the first issue of In These Times, saying “if democracy means anything, it should mean a government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people.”

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