Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Economics and Corruption related links 060619

U.S. can contain measles outbreak with these two simple steps

Why we must not let Europe break apart: The European project is in big trouble – but it’s worth defending.

The Brexit farce is about to turn to tragedy: Britain is paying for its ignorance of how the EU actually works

3 million senior citizens in the US are still paying off their student loans

Brexit: Behind Closed Doors Part 1

Homeless deaths: At least 449 reported in the past year

Millions of poor people may lose benefits as Trump moves to redefine poverty level: New rules may redefine who is poor, in order to slash benefits: Critics call it "mathematical gaslighting"

Brexit: Vince Cable stakes Lib Dems' claim as torch carriers for remain.  Lib Dem leader, buoyed by recent local election results, takes the fight to the Brexiters

General Motors is becoming China Motors

Prices for Mexican tomatoes expected to increase 40% to 85% with new tariff

Betty Boothroyd on her return to frontline politics to fight Brexit

Ex-Treasury chief: "No one wins a trade war"

Brexit: some points for consideration in the weeks ahead


Remain United

Mind menders: how psychedelic drugs rebuild broken brains.  The healing powers of illegal drugs like MDMA and psilocybin are finally living up to the hype – and they are already transforming our view of mental illness

To Be Sick and Not Rich: The Nightmare of Medical Care in America

Warren Mosler's Bank Reform Ideas

Seed of Doubt: A woman who believed she was conceived by an anonymous sperm donor discovers her biological father is actually her mother's former fertility doctor.

‘Cruel and inhumane’: Home Office threatens woman in coma with forcible deportation.  Exclusive: Fiancé of woman in vegetative state told that while medical treatment she was receiving was 'unlikely' to be available in India, this did not entitle her to remain in the UK

Pot legalization seemed sweet.  Then the national industry pounced.

Trump says U.S. farmers to get $15 billion in aid amid China trade war

Both parties frozen in terror as Brexit destroys the system

Medicare for all Dr Adam Gaffney Single Payer

‘This Is All We Can Afford’: Shrinking Lives in the English Countryside.  In Cumbria, a bucolic landscape masks growing poverty and isolation. As bus lines are cut and services dry up under austerity, older people are feeling new constraints.  Austerity has affected most of Britain’s rural areas, but Cumbria is particularly hard hit.

Revealed: Tory links to Steve Bannon’s far-right training school.  Academy for the Judeo-Christian West is a 'gladiator school' to train the 'next generation of nationalist and populist leade

Britain risks heading to US levels of inequality, warns top economist

Florida House Speaker Jose Oliva Calls Pregnant Women ‘Host Bodies’

This Man Is Prosecuting Boris Johnson Over His Infamous Brexit Bus Claim: "When politicians lie, enormous damage can befall everybody else."

Theresa May suggests UK health services could be part of US trade deal: PM insists Government remains 'committed to an NHS that is free at the point of use'

Monty Python: What have the romans ever done for us?

Moneyland by Oliver Bullough review – the shadow world of the super-rich: A clever and entertaining exploration of the parallel and poisonous realm of tax havens and shell companies

Corbyn resists Remainer pleas to back a second Brexit vote

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says It's 'Morally Wrong' That Housing Departments In NYC Are Underfunded

Angry farmers tell CNN that Trump’s trade war has pushed them to the brink: ‘I’ll never vote for him again!’

After two crashes, Boeing needs new leadership and big changes

Remain campaigners are sharing actor Sheila Hancock's 'most eloquent argument' for staying in the EU

Hands on Wisconsin: Donald Trump punishes supporters with tariffs

1 big thing: One nation, drowning in debt

The Tories have voted that animals can't feel pain as part of the EU bill, marking the beginning of our anti-science Brexit: The Tories have already decided to scale back huge parts of what makes Britain the country we're proud of – today it's animal sentience, and tomorrow it could be something far worse

There are herds of Tory leadership candidates as far as the eye can see – but not a principle in sight: It’s a measure of how low the bar has sunk, that if they manage to pose for a photo without soiling the chair, that puts them in the lead

Revealed: The Government's planned Brexit deal with Labour

Trump takes aim at Mercedes-Benz. Alabama, are you listening?

Bernie Sanders to call for ban on for-profit charter schools

Brexit: Endgame - The Hidden Money, with Stephen Fry

Brexit Party fundraiser is ‘Posh George’, once jailed in US after money-laundering sting: A former Ukip aide has returned from prison with a celebrity girlfriend and a new job

Arkansas passes law allowing rapists to prevent victims who want an abortion: Activists say state's blanket ban on the safest form of second trimester abortion could be ruled unconstitutional

Nothing In Trump Hotel Made In America, Investigation Reveals

Week in Review: A complete and utter waste of seven weeks

Morehouse College Graduates’ Student Loans to Be Paid Off by Billionaire. Video: During his commencement speech at Morehouse College, the billionaire investor Robert F. Smith pledged that he and his family would pay off the student debt for the entire graduating class.

European elections 2019: Electoral Commission reviewing Brexit Party funding

Congressional leaders cautiously upbeat after White House budget talks

Nigel Farage's Brexit Party refuses to rule out joining far-right EU group with Salvini and Le Pen
Matteo Salvini has invited the Brexit Party to join the European Parliament alliance

Poverty in the UK is 'systematic' and 'tragic', says UN special rapporteur

Pound has worst week for year on Brexit fears: Investors take flight after cross-party talks fail

Nigel Farage discussed fronting far-right group led by Steve Bannon: Footage shows Brexit party leader calling Bannon’s plan a ‘fightback against globalists’

Brexit: May refuses to confirm she will hold second referendum – even if MPs vote for one.  Labour MPs protest that proposal falls far short of their demand for a cast-iron commitment on face of withdrawal agreement bill

Trump's $16B payment to farmers sounds like a lot ... until you look at what they are really getting

Britain on the Brink of Boris Johnson and Chaos

Voting for the European elections has started in some EU countries: The publication of live national results and seat projections, as established by Kantar, will start on Sunday 26 May from 18:00 GMT+2 at the earliest. A first aggregated projection of the composition of the European Parliament can be expected shortly after 20:15 GMT+2.

Tom Watson: Labour must find backbone and back second referendum on Brexit.  The Labour party must urgently re-think its second referendum stance in order to realign itself with its members, Tom Watson says.

We asked all the 2020 Democrats how they’d fix child care. Here’s what they said.  The American child care system is failing everyone. Now it’s finally becoming an election issue.

Labour must back second Brexit vote or lose next election, Tom Watson warns: Deputy leader says far more Remain supporters than Leavers have abandoned the party

Scientists Discover That Fasting Triggers Stem Cell Regeneration & Fights Cancer

Paxman vs Boris on Newsnight

Alabama lab falsified scads of drug tests--and is owned by woman convicted of credit card fraud

Data Visualizations EU Elections Live

People’s will has changed: we don’t want Brexit

Britain’s coolest mayor is now Europe’s coolest MEP

Tony Blair: There is no Brexit compromise

Emotional support service for Europeans


On the Stubborn Whiteness of Environmentalism

GOP Tax Law Doing Little For The Economy, Even Less For Workers: Congressional Study.  Republican boasts about their new law have belly flopped, nonpartisan researchers conclude.

Illinois Senate passes marijuana legalization bill, sends it back to Illinois House

Brian Reade: Boris Johnson is a shallow, narcissistic, womanising liar.  He may be thought of as Theresa May's obvious replacement but he's loathed by several of his fellow Tories, and for good reason, writes Brian Reade

Legalization will not protect people from harm of prostitution

Donald Trump looking forward to 'fully independent Britain', says US national security adviser John Bolton: John Bolton insists that the US president "admires" Theresa May and has been "proud to work with her".

Elton John: 'I am a European – not a stupid, imperialist English idiot'.  The singer says Brexit has made him ashamed to be British, while performing in Verona during his final world tour

The Tories have voted that animals can't feel pain as part of the EU bill, marking the beginning of our anti-science Brexit: The Tories have already decided to scale back huge parts of what makes Britain the country we're proud of – today it's animal sentience, and tomorrow it could be something far worse

Brexit Minister Stephen Barclay visits Dover

Nigel Farage Is the Most Dangerous Man in Britain: He’s the most effective demagogue in a generation. Now he sets the agenda.

The Brexit Blog

Tory members are hijacking democracy: A tiny and unrepresentative group of voters should not be allowed to select a prime minister

Donald Trump interview: send in Nigel Farage and go for no-deal Brexit, says president.  ‘Don’t pay Brexit bill unless EU backs down’

Marine Le Pen & Matteo Salvini reject Nigel Farage's Leadership in Euro Supergroup: There was nothing surprising whatsoever about the revelation this week that Nigel Farage has been in discussions with Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right party formerly known as Front Nationale, and Matteo Salvini, the Italian politician who at a European elections rally in Milan, in 2009, notoriously called for racial segregation on Italian public transport. The two are currently in the process of forming a new political “supergroup” in the European Parliament, the “Europe of Nations”.

Anguilla eyes uncertain future after Brexit

Divided at home and diminished abroad, Britain now confronts a lost decade: Brexit limbo may be better than Brexit hell

Unions Did Great Things for the Working Class: Strengthening them could blunt inequality and wage stagnation.

W.Va. Senate GOP adds teacher strike ban to broad education bill

Republican Governor To VW Auto Workers: It’s In Your ‘Best Interest’ Not To Unionize

Vince Cable: There is no justification for the Trump state visit.  The US president will not be the last nasty piece of work to enjoy such pomp, but he is among the most dangerous

Let's talk about Hulk, China, rare metals, and Trump keeping his promises....

Stop bias against Brexit or face fine, BBC warned

Welsh Government will now campaign to remain in the European Union

COMPARE THE BREXIT: We've studied Theresa May's withdrawal agreement to see how it compares to a no deal Brexit or remaining in the EU. See below how they differ on the key issues that will affect people's day to day lives.

This latest no deal Brexit paper is full of false or misleading statements.

No Wonder Donald Trump Loves Brexit So Much: The U.S. wants to move the U.K. away from the EU’s set of trade rules and regulations toward the American one. Farage and Johnson are easy prey.

Trump is reportedly not worried about a massive US debt crisis as he'll be out of office by then

Can fasting help fight cancer?

Fasting: A New Way to Fight Cancer?

Fasting and Caloric Restriction in Cancer Prevention and Treatment.

Intermittent Fasting for Cancer Patients: Intermittent fasting is a style of eating based on cycling through periods of fasting and normal eating. Proven to boost weight loss, this style of eating has a number of other health benefits, including improved brain and heart health as well as protection against diabetes.

The Psychological Effects of Short-Term Fasting in Healthy Women

Can Intermittent Fasting Help Treat Depression?

Consumer Confidential: A former corn-syrup lobbyist is drafting new federal dietary rules (seriously)

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