Saturday, June 22, 2019

Criminal Justice and Racism links 062219

How for-profit prisons have become the biggest lobby no one is talking about

Let's talk about the censorship of hate speech....

75 years after D-Day, African-American veteran tells his story of service and slights during World War II

IncogNegro: Poetic Reflections of Race & Diversity in America

A veteran died in police custody. His body was returned to his family with some organs missing

One Man’s Quest for a Memorial to Sugar Land’s Bitter History

Domestic Violence Is The Most Common Killer Of Women Around The World: A U.N. report revealed that 87,000 women were murdered last year, and over half were killed by intimate partners or family members.

Pastor Kevin R. Johnson: A parent's fear: That could have been my son

Cops are expected to run toward danger. Here's the toll that takes

In Los Angeles, only people of color are sentenced to death: The county’s prosecutor has won death sentences for 22 defendants, none of them white, report shows

Trump digs in on Central Park 5: 'They admitted their guilt'.  The president, who once called for the five to get the death penalty, offered no apology even though the convictions were vacated.

Two men wrongfully convicted of 1976 murder freed after 43 years behind bars

Federal Ban on Female Genital Mutilation Ruled Unconstitutional by Judge: Dr. Attar and Dr. Jumana Nagarwala were defendants in a case struck down by Judge Bernard Friedman.

Let's talk about Phoenix PD and Barbies....

Let's talk about the bigger question in the Bella Thorne scandal....

Let's talk about my friend who was at the shooting today....

When Slaveowners Got Reparations: Lincoln signed a bill in 1862 that paid up to $300 for every enslaved person freed.

Editorial: Congress should approve the proposed Standing Bear national historic trail

On Juneteenth, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee makes case for reparations for descendants of slaves

Mitch McConnell's reparations comments belittle the issue

AMENDMENT XIII to  the Constitution

This data-stealing malware has returned with new attacks and nasty upgraded features: Large parts of the Scranos operation were taken out in April - but it's already back and the criminals behind it seem more determined than ever, adding a trojan and a cryptojacker to their adware scheme.

New York Could Become First State To Be Completely Done With Private Prisons

How a Young Joe Biden Became the Architect of the Government's Asset Forfeiture Program: A tale of the War on Drugs, Joe Biden, Bill Weld, and how civil asset forfeiture came to be.

Man accused of double-murder livestreamed police chase on Facebook

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