It Was a BlueWave Election — And Republicans Got
Drenched: Gaining control of the House is a big deal, but the country’s
anti-democratic electoral structures and many legitimately conservative voters
are very real.
Good Day for Democracy
Pulling a Con on the People
Beware of the Real Gremlins This Season
A bawdy house of bad right-wing ideas
Letters to the Editor: Minority Rules in USA, etc.
Strange Poll Results
Map to White House Starts On An Iowa Blacktop Road
Getting Past Gingrich: I’m ready for a Congress that
doesn’t prioritize hate speech and obstructionism over good governance.
2018 Midterms: Blue Wave, Red Undertow
The Day After
Midterm Takeaway: We Need a Lot More Democracy. Republicans banked this election on lies,
fear-mongering, and rule-rigging. It almost worked.
Blue wave meets red wall: Split decision for a divided
Breaking bad: Low-grade right-wing hack is now our
nation's leading law enforcement officer.
Diabolical scheme or screw-up? Matt Whitaker is a surprise pick as
acting attorney general, and not in a good way
Ten Midterm Takeaways
Robert B. Reich: America has rejected Trumpism: America
has rejected Trumpism
Political Brain Games
Refugee Muslim Women That Trump Wouldn’t Have Let In, Win
House Seats: They are Trump’s worst nightmare and the antithesis of what he
thinks America is or should be
Same Old Poison, Brassy New Salesman
Today is all about us — American democracy
Don’t be Flattered, Fooled and Flummoxed in Tomorrow’s
Gene Nichol: A mixed election result, but still progress
for the US and NC
Celebrities in Politics
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Politicon:
Socialism Without Socialists?
After an Election of Historic Firsts, the Real Work
Again, We Fight for the Vote
Opinion | Thought the election might restore some order?
Oh you poor, sweet child. The president
is only going to get worse.
Turn Rural America Purple
Letters to the Editor: Republicans Want to Cut Social Security
and Medicare, etc.
Dennis Kucinich, the Blue Wave and Hope for the Dems
Winning on Issues is the Consolation Prize
How Democrats can turn up the heat on Trump — and win the
battle of ideas
Gene Lyons: Trump’s base itching for a fight
We Call BS, Now, Will You Please Get Over This
Obama vs. Trump: A story of decline and hope for renewal
Cash Buys Elections—And Continued Fossil Fuel Dominance:
It’s happening right now in Virginia with Dominion Energy.
Defeating the Fasclican Party
‘Big Victory’: Another Trump Whopper
Why Pelosi Opponents Are So Wrong
A Puritan Cloud Over Pelosi's Blue House
Movement Against Nancy Pelosi Is a Classic Democratic
Circular Firing Squad: The anti-Pelosi movement is a mash-up of opportunism on
the part of a few wannabe leaders.
If It Takes the Rats to Wake Up Us and Congress, Bring
Them On! This Book Shows How!
By Law, the President Should Have to Give Daily Press
Democrats Won Big. Can They Go Bold, Too? The party's leaders have been far too
cautious in the past. Newer ideas could spark real change in who owns and runs
Dana Milbank: What happens when a stable genius leads a stupid
We’re All Spies, Now—And Not Even Trump Can Hide From Our
Prying Eyes: Amateur plane-spotters tracked Air Force One as it secretly made
its way to Iraq, demonstrating the power of readily-available tools to reveal
covert military operations.
Letters From the December 17-24, 2018, Issue: Down the
rabbit hole… Bird is the word… Forgotten victory… Dump the hump… Road map for
change… History repeats itself…
You Can’t Get Conservative White Women To Change Their
Minds: The great electoral opportunity of 2020 is not in converting Trump
voters. It’s motivating the large numbers of Americans who don’t vote at all.
What Was the Real Midterm Victory? The Democratic Party is used to writing off
much of the electorate. It can’t get away with that anymore.
9 Lessons From the 2018 Midterms: Progressives made
significant gains, but now they need to organize bigger, better, and smarter.
Democrats Are Finally Fighting for the States—and on
Election Night, They Won Big: Democrats have won back a third of the nearly
1,000 state legislative seats they lost during Obama’s presidency. Can they
keep the momentum going?
The Best News From the Midterms? Down-Ballot Democratic
Triumphs. These winners will be the big
names of our future national politics.
Loaded Phrases: The long, entwined history of America
First and the American dream.
Trump’s Choice for Acting Attorney General
‘Nude Selfie’ Obtained In Mueller Inquiry, Says Court
Filing By Indicted Russian Firm
Court document by Concord Management asks how details
about a “nude selfie” would threaten national security.
Trump issues executive order freezing federal workers'
pay in 2019
Letters From the January 7, 2019, Issue: The war on war…
The US as it should be…
Noam Chomsky at 90: On Orwell, Taxi Drivers, and
Rejecting Indoctrination: As agile as ever, he pulls no punches, decrying the
flaws of capitalism and abuses of governing power, sparing few politicians and
no parties.
The Yellow Vest Revolt: The French uprising was never
just about a fuel tax.
Letters From the December 31, 2018, Issue: The perils of
make-work… Government workers, unite!… The edible is political (web-only)…
George H.W. Bush, Icon of the WASP Establishment—and of
Brutal US Repression in the Third World
Obituaries have transformed the terror that Bush
inflicted, depicting it as heroism.
Actual Journalism Is Under an Asymmetrical Attack:
Far-right media isn’t playing by the same rules.
The White House Has Hosted a Predators’ Ball of
Corruption: Here’s how the incoming Democratic Congress can expose it and make
the case for bold reform.
The Best Strategy for the House Dems? Fight for Major
Reforms. Sure, the Senate will block
them. But pushing things like a Green New Deal and Medicare for All will
energize grassroots activists and supercharge the coming presidential primary.
A Mandate for Left Leadership: Lessons from the
neoliberal revolution.
Always Watching: The linked history of privacy and
surveillance in America.
Hawaii senator to donate salary earned during shutdown
California maneuvers to make bigger impact in 2020
Believe It: Atheism Less and Less a Political Taboo
If Social Media Is Making Us Worse, Can We Make It
What Patriot Prayer is Praying For
CHURCH & STATE | Cross Purposes: The Symbol of
America’s Majority Religion Can’t Memorialize Non-Christians
Godless Citizens in a Godly Republic: Atheists in
American Public Life
Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo: ‘We Will Continue To
Fight… Until The Rapture’
Middle America: How to Beat a Demagogue. How Scott Walker's loss in Wisconsin gives
the rest of the country hope.
545 people are responsible for the mess, but they unite
in a common con
Hemming and Hawing: Getting Away with It. I propose to all the women out there—take a
page out of the dude book, and audaciously actualize those goals!
From World Cup to the Specter of Fascism: How did the
rightwing authoritarian Bolsonaro claw his way to power?
Vox Populist: The Triumph of Do-It-Yourself
Democracy. Trump voters in swing states
say they want populist reforms, and have enacted progressive change via ballot
Mueller Is Telling Us: He’s Got Trump on Collusion. The special counsel is connecting the dots
and it doesn’t paint a pretty picture for the president.
NATION, INDIVISIBLE December 2018 “One Nation, Indivisible” features excerpts
from The Sun’s archives that speak to the current political moment.
ONE NATION, INDIVISIBLE January 2019 “One Nation,
Indivisible” features excerpts from The Sun’s archives that speak to the
current political moment.
Watch MSNBC anchor shred Trumpian claim that 'nothing
Elizabeth Warren Announces She Is Running for President
in 2020
How to Survive the Misinformation Age: Skeptical Inquirer
Takes on “Alternative Facts”
Maria Konnikova Wins Critical Thinking Prize from CSI for
“The Confidence Game”
The Politicization of Science: Skeptical Inquirer on a
Danger to Democracy
CBS Condemned by Committee for Skeptical Inquiry for
‘Sunday Morning’ Segment on the Paranormal
Skepticism Reloaded
Talking Science and Society at Church: Why scientists
need to be part of the conversation.
How Russian money helped save Trump's business
Mick West And Escaping The Rabbit Hole: Review
We Got a Blue Wave, But We Can Win So Much More—If We
Mobilize Now: This fight is for civilization’s survival—one that will require
the mobilization not seen since the civil rights movement.
Native Americans Scored Big Election Wins in Washington
State and Beyond: On Tuesday, Puyallup tribe members celebrated a landmark
police accountability initiative, as well as Native victories nationwide.
“Words Can’t Articulate the Joy”: Wisconsin Workers
Celebrate Scott Walker’s Defeat
How the Left Can Win in 2020: Primary Centrist Democrats
in Blue Districts. Progressives such as
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Deb Haaland and Rashida Tlaib show how insurgent
candidates can push the whole party left.
Democrats Must Do More To Turn Out Latino Voters in 2020:
This means dedicated voter outreach and a bold, progressive immigration
Good Candidates Won’t Be Enough in 2020—We Must Overhaul
Our Entire Voting System: There’s a growing national movement across party
lines for multi-member districts and ranked-choice voting.
Trump: Ask Warren’s Psychiatrist If She Thinks She Can
Win 2020. In a New Year’s Eve Q&A
with Fox News, Trump mocked Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s chances at the presidency,
suggesting a second term was in the bag.
John Kelly paints yet another dim portrait of Trump
Sarah Sanders Reportedly Struggling To Find New Job After
Ruining Career In Trump Administration
That's what you get for working for Trump!
Elizabeth Warren Compares Abortion to “Getting Your
Tonsils Out”
Letters From the January 14-21, 2019, Issue: Beyond
family… Fox lite… One more lesson… No nukes are good nukes… Laying waste…
It’s Time for
Fact-Checkers to Face the Facts: Even fact-checking sites feel the need to try
and find balance where there is none.
The 2018 Progressive Honor Roll: Progressives were on
the move this year, and they weren’t just resisting Trump—they were outlining
the alternative to Trumpism.
Why Were So Many Journalists Murdered in 2018? To date, 34 of them were killed in
retaliation for their work, nearly doubling last year's number.
Radical Centrists Will Decide the Democratic Primary: As
a scrum of candidates battles for the leftist vote, a dark horse could win the
nomination simply by standing out from the crowd.
The One Issue the Left and Right Can Agree On: Even
Tucker Carlson and Goldman Sachs are talking about the pernicious impact of
monopolies in the U.S.
The Great Myth Of The Anti-War Left Exposed
WATCH: Nancy Pelosi believes Trump could be indicted by
Mueller — even if Justice Dept. says no
Free the Free Press from Wall Street Plunderers
Letters to the Editor: ’Tis the Season to be Generous,
David, Goliath and Sister Mary
Why ‘Individual 1’ Is Owned By Vladimir Putin
Republicans Don’t Want Your Vote to Count: They’re trying
to overturn the will of voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, and maybe a state near
Trump’s Intriguing Definition of ‘Zero’
Disorder Defines Trump’s World
Heartland Holds the Key to Winning in 2020: Two years
after they sent Donald Trump to the White House, voters in the Heartland
broadly rejected his divisive agenda in a people-powered blue wave
How This Grinch Steals Democracy
Michael Flynn's sentencing memo is a puzzle — but the
clues look bad for Donald Trump
Michael Flynn's "substantial" cooperation with
Robert Mueller remains murky, but likely means big trouble for Trump
Impeachable Offense
10 Action Items for Democrats
Katrina vanden Heuvel: Congress takes critical step
toward reasserting its war-powers control
With Mueller, Patience Is Patriotic
Goodbye, Poppy. You Were Never One of Us.
With Glut Of 2020 Candidates, Progressive Democrats Need
To Get Their Act Together
First Step Post-Election – Open Up the Closed, Secretive
Congress: Currently, Congress is open for avaricious business, not for
productive democracy
The George HW Bush Hagiography Is the Elites' Finest
Michelle and Sheryl and That Itty-Bitty Swearword
Trump says his ‘gut’ is more reliable than everyone
else’s ‘brains’
especially on overlooked subjects, bring new vibrancy to our civic life. In
death, even flawed politicians can do us that final service.
National security analyst calls it ‘very problematic’
that Trump thinks it was acceptable for Soviets to invade Afghanistan
2019 will be the worst year of Donald Trump’s life
NBC Reporter Quits Over Network’s ‘Mechanical’ Support
for ‘Perpetual War’
Reporter Quits Over NBC’s Devotion To War
William Arkin
It’s a ‘Groundhog Day’ agenda on Beacon Hill
An impressive start for Senator Mitt Romney
British Spy Found Inside Bernie Sanders Campaign
Tucker: Leaders show no obligation to American voters
Spying On Trump: Was Obama Behind CIA, FBI Plan To Elect
Leaked Document Recommends False Flag Alien Invasion to
save Clinton Campaign
BREAKING NEWS! - "The wheels are coming off"!!
Orchestrated news lol
American Humanist Association Cheers Senate Resolution
Opposing Blasphemy Laws
New Latinx Humanist Alliance Launches at American
Humanist Association
American Humanist Association Welcomes Stiefel
Freethought Foundation Gift
American Humanists Will Defend Church State
Separation at the Supreme Court
Poll Finds Atheism Is No Longer a Political Taboo
Free Cyntoia: Demand the Tennessee Governor grant her
American Humanist Association Warns Against
Unconstitutional Pledge Behavior
AHLC Defends Victory Against Ocala, FL Prayer Vigil
Humanists Protest Body-Shaming Mormon Dress Code Policy
in Public School
A Teacher’s Guide to Religion in the Public Schools
Tennessee Public School Agrees to Halt Religious
Proselytization in Science Class
Humanists Warn Against NC Public School-Endorsement of
“See You At The Pole” Prayer
Leading Freethought Organizations Defend Pensacola Cross
Victory in Appeals Court
Congressional Staff Briefing - Women and Religious
Freedom: Synergies and Opportunities
Sessions details next steps for Justice Department's
religious liberty task force: "It cannot — it will not — be
tolerated," the attorney general said of attacks on people of faith in the
wake of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre.
Trump: I May 'Call a National Emergency' to Get Wall
Built. Read Newsmax: Trump Says he Could
Use Executive Power on Wall
The 36 wackiest lines from Donald Trump's totally bizarre
Cabinet meeting
Old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dance video goes viral as
supporters mock shaming attempt
Maine lawmaker abruptly quits the Republican Party after
winning re-election
New Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib not apologizing for
cursing out Trump in call for impeachment
Can Mitt Romney be an effective check on Trump?
First, let’s fix the political system
After South Africa’s Trump: An energized resistance
movement brought down Jacob Zuma, the postapartheid demagogue. But was
democracy saved?
The Operative: How John Marshall built the Supreme Court
around his political agenda
Resistance Training: What makes a protest powerful?
A Commons Problem: Public resources won't be adequately
protected by those with private interests.
Document: William Barr Memo on Obstruction Investigation
Veteran NBC News Reporter Resigns, Says Network 'Could No
Longer Keep Up With The World'
Trump to reveal his gutted version of the Endangered
Species Act. Say goodbye to nature now
Nikki Haley praises Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro
after he targets LGBT on 1st day in office
In her final days as United Nations ambassador, Nikki
Haley tweets praise for Brazil's new far right president
US halts cooperation with UN on potential human rights
violations. Exclusive: State department has ceased to respond to complaints
from special rapporteurs in move that sends ‘dangerous message’ to other
Why Is Trump Spouting Russian Propaganda? The president’s endorsement of the U.S.S.R.’s
invasion of Afghanistan echoes a narrative promoted by Vladimir Putin.
Trump Administration Now Has 4 Corporate Lobbyists
Serving as Cabinet Secretaries
Invisible pollutants and the tipping point for endocrine
disruption: How the introduction and inundation of hundreds if not thousands of
chemicals have literally changed—and damaged—the bodies and brains of millions
of people.
When facts no longer matter
Editorial: Mueller’s probe is pointing to President Trump
Our long national nightmare is just beginning - The
Washington Post
What If Democrats Have to Impeach Trump?
The Presidency or Prison - The New York Times
Lou Dobbs' Guest Ed Rollins Refers To Sitting
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez As A 'Little Girl': Long time Republican
political operative Ed Rollins found a new way to insult freshman congresswoman
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during a segment on Fox Business' Lou Dobbs Tonight.
Thank You, John Kelly: Trump seems to think he can be his
own chief of staff.
White House Hunts for New Chief of Staff
Constitution rules out immunity for sitting presidents -
The Boston Globe
Why have a chief of staff at all?
I Mean, Seriously—Would You Want to Be Trump's White
House Chief of Staff? Traditionally, of
course, you do your time as chief of staff, then go out and make beaucoup
bucks. But who wants a job that may lead to humiliation and indictment?
For U.S. Allies, ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis Is the Last Adult in
the Room
The Democrats' 2020 field is overrun by Washington
The midterms destroyed some conventional wisdom
Republicans sound like they haven't learned a thing
With Glut Of 2020 Candidates, Progressive Democrats Need
To Get Their Act Together
Democrats’ huge 2020 pack is a recipe for chaos
A crowded road to 2020 will yield the best Democrat
Maria Butina Pleads Guilty to Role in a Russian Effort to
Influence Conservatives
“I am proud to shut down the government for border
security,” says Trump.
Comey: "We Are Talking Again About Hillary Clinton's
Emails, For Heaven's Sake"
Kushner’s curious ties to MBS
When I Said North Carolina Wasn’t a Democracy, People
Called Me Crazy: They’re not saying that anymore.
Republicans’ post-midterm strategy – Thievery: GOP efforts are by necessity focused not on
reviving the party but on preserving the corpse — not on reaching out to the
growing parts of the electorate but artificially preserving the power of their
aging, white, rural voters.
Republican 'democracy' means handcuff successors and deny
people what they voted for
Will William Barr Be Trump’s Roy Cohn? The president wants an attorney general who
will defend him above all else. There’s reason to worry about his new nominee.
William Barr Is Jeff Sessions Without the Baggage
As Good an Attorney General as We’re Likely to Get:
William Barr’s statements raise serious questions, but he appears far more
qualified than the other candidates that Trump reportedly considered for the
Trump address alternative: Stormy Daniels to fold laundry
in her underwear on Instagram live
Manafort suffering depression, anxiety, gout in jail:
U.S. Supreme Court denies Va. House GOP's request to halt
implementation of new election map for 2019
READ: Indictment of Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Making All the Right People
Crazy: That includes Iraq War cheerleaders-turned-Never Trumpers with columns
in the Washington Post.
Democrats Start Investigative Gears, but Slowly
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