Beacon Hill needs to clean up marijuana law. Here are a
trio of pot bills for 2019
Spikes to keep out homeless people? That’s outrageous
U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World
Can a no-deal Brexit be stopped? Parliament is against a no-deal exit, but
cannot easily prevent it
The Malaysia Scandal Is Starting to Look Dire for Goldman
Sachs: A pioneering twist on third-world corruption might be the biggest
scandal the Vampire Squid has ever faced
Ilhan Omar: End Pharma's Greed to Restore America's
UK police advise shops to hire extra security for no-deal
Brexit: Fears about shortages may lead to panic-buying and crowd control
problems for retailers.
Farm Country Stood by Trump. But the Shutdown Is Pushing
It to Breaking Point. Pam Moore’s dairy
farm in Nichols, N.Y., is on the brink of financial ruin. “It has just been one
thing after another, after another, after another,” Ms. Moore said.
White House Intervened in Case of Trump’s Casino Pal
Steve Wynn: The move came just before the administration drafted new guidance
that could have paid off for the gambling boss, and months before his
The Shutdown Causes Some Parents To Pay Twice for Child
For Low-Income People, Generosity Is A Survival Tactic
The Far-Reaching Benefits of Medicaid Expansion
Elwood, Illinois (Pop. 2,200), Has Become a Vital Hub of
America’s Consumer Economy. And It’s Hell.
The rural town south of Chicago is now a crucial stop for
Amazon, Wal-Mart, IKEA, Home Depot, and other giant retailers. Developers had
promised growth and good jobs. So why is everyone so miserable?
The economy has made great strides since the recession,
but some weakness lingers
Over 5 million workers will have higher pay on January 1
thanks to state minimum wage increases
The failure of Trump’s trade and manufacturing policy
The bad economics of PAYGO swamp any strategic gain from
adopting it
Mitch McConnell Calls to Cut Social Security, Medicare
Amazon Is Becoming More Powerful Than You Realize: Retail
and Alexa are just the start of the path toward total domination
Trump's government shutdown is costing the economy at
least $1.2 billion per week
Prescription Drug Costs Driven By Manufacturer Price
Hikes, Not Innovation
Nobody Is Moving Our Cheese: American Surplus Reaches
Record High
Stephanie Kelton Has The Biggest Idea In Washington: Once
an outsider, her radical economic thinking won over Wall Street. Now she’s
changing the Democratic Party.
Should U.S. government guarantee jobs to all?
Stephanie Kelton, who was an economic advisor for the
Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, says the federal government doesn't have
to worry about how to pay for the progressive program. She telling Fareed
Zakaria how she came up with the job guarantee plan.
What Is MMT And How It Works w/Stephanie Kelton
Trump wants to bypass Congress on Medicaid plan: Block
grants for states would achieve conservative dream on health program for poor.
How France redistributes more from rich to poor
than Sweden: But protesters still denounce the “president of the rich”
Why pharmaceutical companies are on a shopping binge:
With the cost of R&D so high, it may make sense to spend money on a
Farm Labor Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO: Called upon to
challenge the deplorable conditions of the broader workforce that remains
voiceless, powerless, and invisible to mainstream America
The Importance of Improving America’s Elder Care — and
How We Can Do It
Putin wants a ‘Dark OPEC’ to control global oil and gas
Tax Cut Is Better (for Companies) and Worse (for Everyone
Else): Corporate America is saving more than expected, but taxpayers are on the
hook for it.
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is going to Canada for hernia
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse spotted near Westminster
Nation shocked as crap deal presented by incompetent
leader fails to secure outcome no-one wanted: Theresa May has had her arse
handed to her by parliament in a massive blow to fans of crap ideas everywhere.
Higher tolls during rush hour? This is what one region has learned
Ocasio-Cortez to join House panel overseeing financial
Market Swoon Isn’t All About Trump: It is demonstrating, though, just how
poorly the president will probably react when faced with real adversity.
volatile president meets an erratic market
China Strategy Isn't Working: The administration’s scattershot approach is
ineffective, if not harmful to U.S. interests. And it’s only amplifying
Beijing’s nationalist tune.
Forget about any side ‘winning’ this Brexit farce: The
Battle of Brexit is already over, but Mrs May, deep in her bunker mentality,
simply won’t accept it
First post-Brexit British car rolls off production line
Opinion: All schools and all students need
libraries. Dignitaries gathered recently
to celebrate a community campaign that opened a long-shuttered school library.
What does that say about our priorities and commitment to equity?
Why 2018 Was the Best Year in Human History! Once again, the world’s population was living
longer and living better than ever before.
We want you to stay: high-profile Germans urge Britain to
stay in EU
Welcome to the Westminster apocalypse. Have you thought
about theocracy instead? After May’s flame-out, Tories are claiming this
all-systems clusterfuck is an ‘opportunity’ – just like the second world war
BBC This Week Big John
Trump Wants to Restrict Access to HIV Meds for People on
In a move to cut Medicare costs, the proposed changes
would also affect people with cancer, depression and schizophrenia.
When Did It Become Acceptable For Americans With Mental
Illnesses To Freeze To Death?
Here Are Some Unexpected Effects of the Government
White House orders IRS to pay income tax refunds despite
government shutdown
Government shutdown hits small businesses, federal
Consequences of the government shutdown strike for the
private sector
A $20,243 bike crash: Zuckerberg hospital’s aggressive
tactics leave patients with big bills
I spent a year writing about ER bills. Zuckerberg San
Francisco General has the most surprising billing practices I’ve seen.
Let China Get to Yes on Trade: Slowing growth could lead
Beijing to compromise — but only if the U.S. lets it.
China’s team of crack trade negotiators will extract
their ‘pound of flesh’, experts say
China Offers Trump a Trade Peace Deal. It May Not Be
Tom Watson: Mr Speaker that is not a mere flesh wound.
Theresa May to consider axeing Human Rights Act after
Brexit, minister reveals
Unless It Changes, Capitalism Will Starve Humanity By
Millennials Are Ruining Trust Funds: Through the
organization Resource Generation, wealthy young people are giving away their
money to advance systemic change.
After Youth Activists Storm Their Offices, 13 More House
Members Agree To Support a Green New Deal: Thirty-five representatives now
support the ambitious climate agenda, but many Democrats refuse to commit.
PAYGO Is Based on a Fallacy: The U.S. government can
dramatically increase spending without raising taxes.
The Best Way To Argue Against PAYGO: There are limits to
government spending, but we haven’t reached them yet.
Why Government Spending Can’t Turn the U.S. Into
Venezuela: When poor countries fall prey to inflation, it’s not because they’re
“too socialist.”
Disaster Averted: How Unions Have Dodged the Blow of
Janus (So Far). Public-sector unions
defied the Right’s attempt to crush them—and were transformed in the process.
Socialist Feminism for the Rest of Us
The Key to the Key: A Socialist Feminist Rank-and-File
Crisis in Elder Care
Combating Toxic Masculinity
#MeToo Meets #BargainNow for Graduate Student Workers
Child Care for All
Patriarchy vs. the Co-op: Opportunities in the Housing
Cooperative Movement
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis permits jobless benefits for
federal employees working without pay
The shutdown has exposed the disaster that is
Trumponomics: When the president is proud to close government and proud to
slash taxes for the rich, American workers get shafted
Terence McKenna on the Source of Love
The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire
Health insurance CEOs earned $342.6M in 2017
Quirks in the reporting of executive pay at health
insurers Releases Hidden Gems of the
Fed to Probe Deutsche Bank Over Suspicious Danske
Inside and Outside the U.S. Capitol, Senator Murray
Shares #TrumpShutdown Stories from Washington State, Presses President Trump
and Senate Republicans to Reopen the Federal Government Immediately and Bring
Relief to Impacted Families and Workers
Jared Kushner Was My Landlord: A hellish year of no heat,
destroyed walls, and unflushed poop
‘Heroin Was My Life Preserver’: Why teenagers across the
country are finding love in heroin
The Truth About Finding a Satisfying Career: Why linking
your work to your interests can do more harm than good
The image that captured a nation at the breaking point
BREXIT ANGER - Baroness Boothroyd brands Corbyn a
'dithering leader' and Johnson a ‘charlatan’
How much is brexit costing?
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: 'I Don't Understand' Why
Federal Workers Need Food Bank Assistance During Shutdown
Shutdown Events: Every day the government stays closed,
hundreds of thousands of dedicated public employees—many of whom are union
members—go without pay, forcing them to make preventable sacrifices to stay
afloat. Find an event near you and take action.
Stop the Shutdown: More than 800,000 government workers
have been locked out or forced to work without pay since Dec. 22, 2018, in the
longest government shutdown in the history of the United States. This is a
needless and manufactured crisis that is affecting real families with real
financial responsibilities.
The steam has gone out of globalization: A new pattern of
world commerce is becoming clearer—as are its costs
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