Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Politics related links 082918

Is the Trump Administration Planning to Pressure States to Aggressively Purge Voter Rolls? We’re suing to find out.

Follow the Money: Tracking TV Spending on the Kavanaugh Nomination

A new Congress could restore the promise of the Voting Rights Act

Encouraging Progress in Prying Open Trump’s Finances: A judge has defined the Constitution’s anti-corruption clauses for the first time. And it’s not good news for the president.

Are the Last Key Campaign Finance Laws in Kavanaugh’s Sights? The SCOTUS nominee could support efforts to weaken the rules even further, his record suggests

Second political handicapper changes rating on Rothfus/Lamb race to ‘leans Democratic’

Poison pills toxic to reform

A very suspicious scandal just rocked Trump’s Kris Kobach in his Kansas Republican governor primary

Lawence O'Donnell: A Cheatable System | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Tulsi Gabbard: how a progressive rising star is a paradox for the left: The Hawaii congresswoman is backed by Bernie Sanders, but her controversial opinions have some progressives miffed

On Donald Trump's foreign policy, there is no method to his apparent madness

“No Way to Run a Superpower”: The Trump-Putin Summit and the Death of American Foreign Policy

Putin’s Not So Sure He Wants to Meet With Trump in Washington

Trump’s Shield on the Bench: Brett Kavanaugh’s criticism of United States v. Nixon should worry Robert Mueller.

A Courtier for the Imperial Presidency: For almost 20 years, Brett Kavanaugh has been a consistent voice in favor of maximal executive power and privilege.

The Day Trump Told Us There Was Attempted Collusion with Russia

A Theory of Trump Kompromat: Why the President is so nice to Putin, even when Putin might not want him to be.

Why I’m No Longer a Russiagate Skeptic: Facts are piling up, and it’s getting harder to deny what’s staring us in the face.

Byron York: Why Trump doesn't admit Russian election interference

Why Trump Has Such a Soft Spot for Russia

Russian scientist charged with treason following leak of hypersonic missile tech to the West SOFREP Original Content

Listen to Omarosa being fired by John Kelly

Getting To Know The DSA

A Winning Strategy for Democrats?

Don't Underestimate the Socialist Surge on the Left


Between Maria Butina and Sacha Baron Cohen, Conservatives Look Like the World’s Biggest Suckers:
She infiltrated the movement for Mother Russia. He infiltrated it for yuks. And righties fell for the act both times. Why?

Garamendi: Nunes should be removed as chair

43% of Republicans say Trump should be allowed to shut down media

Comment: The Good News About Donald Trump

Smoking Gun: Trump's Swamp

Taking It to the States

See No Evil: Indian Americans working for Trump are closing their eyes to their compatriots’ distress.

Over a Barrel: Gunmakers and the NRA: The relationship between the National Rifle Association and the gun lobby is symbiotic and deadly.

‘Nonviolence is Courageous and Daring.’  In December 2013, Catholic priest John Dear was dismissed by the Jesuit order after thirty-two years of service for being what it called “obstinately disobedient.” But that didn't stop his work for peace.

The Importance of Saying ‘Hell, No’

Off the Map: Trump's Zombie Brigade

Schiff blasts GOP for Russia probe conduct: 'That's how you obstruct an investigation, not how you conduct one'

It’s Not Just Kobach: Three Vote-Suppressing Secretaries of State Are Overseeing Their Own Elections
The glaring conflicts of interest are only getting worse.

Mike Pence's adoring gaze at President Trump

Would the American people be better served by a Movement for a People's Party?

Peter Strzok, F.B.I. Agent Who Criticized Trump in Texts, Is Fired

An 11-Year-Old Changed The Results Of Florida's Presidential Vote At A Hacker Convention. Discuss.
Veteran hackers have tried for years to get the world to notice flaws in voting machines. Now that they’ve got it, they have to wrestle with scaring people away from voting.

Movement for a People’s Party

What Do Those People Want?

The New York Times Strikes Out

LETTERS to the Editor

Young Democratic Socialists Bringing the Heat

Yes, the Planet Is At Risk

Dems Must Address Rural Voters

Minority rule

Knowing When to Turn Off the News: Ignoring bad news won’t make it go away. But when bad news hurts your ability to act, take a break.

Inside the GOP Rationalization Chamber

How to Cover a Revolution: Powerful Democrats were shocked by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s victory over ranking Congressman Joe Crowley in the Bronx and Queens, but the mainstream political press also ignored the young progressive populist’s groundbreaking campaign.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Driving New Energy And Money To Progressive Candidates
After defeating a Democratic Party boss, she’s a new kingmaker — and even the establishment wants in.

The Pitcher vs. The King: J.D. Scholten is a former professional pitcher making a run in Iowa’s 4th Congressional District. Can he make history with a defeat against Steve King?

Robert B. Reich: What are we going to do?

Gang of Five Justices Ignore Law, Will of Elected Representatives

The Supreme Court's five 'black-robed rulers'

What They Think They Know Makes Trump Supporters Dangerous

Recommendations for Engrossing Summer Reading and Viewing

Interest in Hitler Heats Up

When 1 Million Americans Voted Socialist

After the Attack in Annapolis, the Anger Stage of Grief


Pruitt won't be needing those tactical pants anymore. But Trump might.

Hackers break into voting machines within 2 hours at Defcon

Trump campaign takes arbitration action against Omarosa: The campaign filed an arbitration action against Omarosa Manigault Newman Tuesday for allegedly breaching a 2016 confidentiality agreement.

Trump tried to ban top aides from penning tell-all books: Sources say top officials were asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement prohibiting such books without the express permission of the president.

Omarosa claims to have secretly recorded Jared and Ivanka: The former White House aide is saying the president’s son-in-law and daughter offered emotional support after she was fired.

White House: It’s in ‘Public Interest’ for Staff to Skirt Ethics Rules to Meet With Fox News.  White House counsel Don McGahn exempted Bill Shine from ethics rules so he can have meetings with his former colleagues at Fox News.

Mueller Is Examining Roger Stone’s Emails

House Democrats seek to interview inflammatory 'alt-right' activist Chuck Johnson: Johnson says he will not cooperate with the toothless Democratic effort, but may have no choice if the House changes hands in the November midterms.

Manafort Turned to Kushner in Bid to Get Banker a Trump Job

Manafort trial has Ukraine freshly nervous about Trump: Good-government advocates say Ukrainian authorities will ignore the incriminating details from Paul Manafort's trial, fearful of losing Donald Trump's support.

Suffolk University poll showing that 58.6 percent of Ohio voters view Trump unfavorably, compared to only 34.8 percent who view Kasich unfavorably.

How Bill Browder Became Russia’s Most Wanted Man: The hedge-fund manager has offered a fable for why the West should confront Putin.

Former Obama Officials Are Riding Out The Trump Years By Cashing In: The revolving door takes a spin.

Jill Stein's campaign objects to Senate request for some Russia documents

Dems make history, and other takeaways from Tuesday's primaries

Reinaldo Iturriza: Chavismo and Its Singularities.  Well-known Venezuelan writer and theorist, Reinaldo Iturriza, addresses some of the key challenges that Chavismo is facing today in this Venezuelanalysis interview.

MISSOURI REPUBLICAN WHO SAID ‘HITLER WAS RIGHT’ WINS STATE HOUSE PRIMARY: “Jewish people can be beautiful people, but there’s ideologies associated with that that I don’t agree with...Jews today are a remnant of the tribe of Judah that rejected Christ.”

John Brennan: President Trump’s Claims of No Collusion Are Hogwash.  That’s why the president revoked my security clearance: to try to silence anyone who would dare challenge him.

Politicians & Elections: Politicians need votes, certainly, to win election and re-election, but they also need money. And while an individual's vote carries an expectation that the candidate will look out for constituents' interests if elected, a campaign contribution may carry an expectation that the money will get repaid in the form of favorable legislation, less stringent regulations, political appointments, government contracts or tax credits-to name a few forms of payback. So where is all this money coming from? Who's giving it? Who's getting it?


Rashida Tlaib on Democratic Socialism and Why She Supports the Palestinian Right of Return
The newly elected Democratic nominee for Congress talks about how she plans to help working-class Detroit and why she supports a one-state solution for Israel-Palestine.

We Can’t Confront Fascism Without Addressing White Settler Colonialism: Why Indigenous resistance is central to the fight against white supremacy.

What Today’s Socialists Can Learn From the 1970s New Communist Movement: An interview with Max Elbaum, author of Revolution in the Air.

Democratic socialism derangement syndrome? Why hysteria about the rise of the progressive left misses the mark: Election pearl-clutching is often related to fears that socialism endangers the wealth and power of America's elites.

An 11-year-old changed election results on a replica Florida state website in under 10 minutes

Taibbi: Censorship Does Not End Well. How America learned to stop worrying and put Mark Zuckerberg in charge of everything

Facebook Now Targeting Left Wing Pages As Predicted

Lying Don Gets Buggy

Trapped in The Donald’s Cuckoo Nest



What Is Wrong With That Man?


Roe v. Wade Is Yesterday's Fight

Barker | President Trump keeps the Bundy standoff alive


So Much Like Watergate, And So Much Worse

Parsing the Surreal From the Sensible in Trump’s Helsinki Performance: He made many bizarre comments, but he is right to want to reduce tensions with Russia.

John Brennan: President Trump’s Claims of No Collusion Are Hogwash.  That’s why the president revoked my security clearance: to try to silence anyone who would dare challenge him.

Harder wants to serve the people of the district

Beat Bad Grammar at the Ballot Box

Brennan fires new shot at Trump: ‘He’s drunk on power’

You Can't Handle the Truth! - A Few Good Men (7/8) Movie CLIP (1992) HD

The Left is Winning even when it Loses

Millennials will soon be the largest voting bloc in America

Millennials and Gen Xers outvoted Boomers and older generations in 2016 election

Evidence Indicates that Bernie Sanders is the Democrats’ Best Shot at the White House

Americans' Identification as Independents Back Up in 2017

New Hampshire Exit Polls

White House Counsel, Don McGahn, Has Cooperated Extensively in Mueller Inquiry

Former CIA Director John Brennan says Trump is "drunk on power"

Republicans are shaken after Helsinki — but still fear the wrath of Trump’s voters
Many Republicans still think they can win with “witch hunt” hysteria — and maybe with a little help from Moscow

Robert B. Reich: How to stop Trump's lie machine

Trump Gives Putin a Free Pass

Trump’s ‘Culture’ Comments About Immigrants Echo European White Nationalists’: The president continues to find allies in avowed racists.

Has It Happened Here? Can We Stop It From Happening Again?

Remind Me, What do Liberals Believe?

The Not-So-Grand Old Party

Who are the Real Extremists?

What exactly did Trump Promise Putin on Syria, START Nuclear Treaty?

Kavanaugh is a Political, Partisan Jurist

They Swore an Oath to Defend This Country

Does Trump Really Care About America?

The Most Incompetent Demagogue In History

Universal Voting Dissolves the Obstacles Facing Voters

SYNDICATED COLUMN: The Outlook for Democrats in 2020 Currently Looks Bleak

Facebook is So 2016

What’s Behind Trump’s Assault on Europe: Trump is attacking Europe and siding with Russia for political — and not just personal — reasons.

We are a deeply stupid country

Trump Is Not a King: A group of top former intelligence and military leaders are sending a message to the nation’s troops and spies: think twice before following the president’s orders in a crisis.

'We are not the enemy': 16 must-read editorials that capture the spirit of a free press

Amanpour: Stacey Abrams and Glenda Jackson

Cohen, Trump’s Ex-Lawyer, Investigated for Bank Fraud in Excess of $20 Million

Inside the Democratic war against hacks

Robert Anton Wilson DisinfoNation Interview

Santorum: If Mueller Doesn't Want To Be Accused Of McCarthyism, He'd Be Investigating Clinton

The Falling of the American Empire

America: The Farewell Tour

Column: GOP strategist grinds Trump into hamburger in new book, 'Everything Trump Touches Dies'

Noam Chomsky full length interview: Who rules the world now?

Fed Up (full length version)

Dems raise concerns over Bolton’s ties to Russia

Philadelphia needs Election Day workers | Opinion

‘Trump has got a real problem’: John Dean explains to CNN’s Tapper why McGahn could take down the president

Julian Assange OUTRIGHT DISMISSES Idea Russia Provided Leaked Documents To Wikileaks

Trump became president by criminal conspiracy. Let that sink in.

Duncan Hunter called for Articles of Impeachment against Rod Rosenstein on the House Floor

GOP fears Cohen set road to impeachment

Michael Cohen's Lawyer Says His Client Would Never Accept Pardon From 'Corrupt' Trump

Mueller wins more than a conviction in Manafort case: By convincing a jury that he has uncovered criminal behavior, the special counsel has likely insulated his larger probe from political threats.

A dark day for Trump. The darkest day for the presidency since Watergate.

Rep. Duncan D Hunter - California District 50

Cohen implicates President Trump. What do prosecutors do now?

GOP candidate Scott Wagner jokes Russians will help him win Pa. governor's race

Scott Wagner says he doesn't want workers knowing what he makes

GOP candidate Scott Wagner will veto any anti-same-sex marriage bill

Pa. GOP attacks socialism amid shifting views, surging DSA candidates

Wolf urges Democrats to help boost voter turnout

Cohen, Manafort and Trump: What’s Next?

Meghan Schroeder replaces Bernie O’Neill on 29th District ballot

Mega-donors Sheldon and Miriam Adelson pour $25 million into fight to keep GOP control of Senate

As Trump scandals mount, Republican Congress remains idle

Why Trump Supporters Believe He Is Not Corrupt: What the president’s supporters fear most isn’t the corruption of American law, but the corruption of America’s traditional identity.

Manafort, Cohen, Omarosa: This Is How It Always Ends for Trump’s Scuzzy Friends.  Far from taking a bullet, Cohen shot a proverbial one at the Con Man in Chief, and Manafort may end up doing the same. The train wreck of Trump’s life is finally being exposed.

South Africa blasts Trump over racially divisive tweet

After fast turn against Trump, Michael Cohen threatens to leverage secrets against the president

In case of Mueller firing, break glass: Democrats prep an emergency plan.  Congressional action and protest rallies are among the contingencies being planned if Trump tries to shut down the Russia probe.

Not just misleading. Not merely false. A lie.

White House blocks bill that would protect elections

David Pecker, CEO of National Enquirer Publisher, Granted Immunity in Michael Cohen Case: Publishing executive met with prosecutors to describe involvement of Cohen, Trump in hush-money deals to women ahead of 2016 election

If Trump shot Michael Cohen in broad daylight, here's what Republicans would say: You can just imagine the tweets, denials and equivocating that would follow a murder committed by Trump on Fifth Avenue, can’t you?

REPORT: What Michael Cohen’s father said that prompted him to turn against Trump

Trump can’t stop dissing John McCain

Mueller's 'speaking indictments' offer clues to strategy

Trump is in trouble, so he’s reaching for his ace in the hole: hate

Rudy Giuliani takes slight shot at Trump over his 'flipping' comments: 'The President is not a lawyer'

ALEC Launches Effort to Protect Gerrymandering From Judges: Efforts to strip power away from the judiciary or influence the makeup of the courts come as the 2020 census and subsequent redistricting loom

It’s not enough to impeach Trump, his entire presidency should be annulled — here is how

The Problem With ‘Electability’

Manafort Jury Holdout Blocked Guilty Verdicts on 10 of 18 Charges, Juror Says

"He doesn't have the standing to lick John McCain's boots" (referring to Cadet Bone Spurs)..

Cartoon: Truth Isn't truth

Trump visits a divided Ohio GOP as Kasich decides his daughter's college is more important

Cartoon: A profound commitment

'Abhorrent': British musician lashes out at Fox for using her song to sell 'bulletproof' backpacks

Indicted Republican congressman bravely threw his wife under the bus on national television

Michelle Obama responds to Lyft's free/low cost rides to November election polls

The McCain family issues a statement saying he is no longer receiving medical treatment

The Trump Organization is in the crosshairs of the Manhattan district attorney

Georgia Republicans fail in attempt to close nearly all polling places in a majority-black county

Senate Democrats would like to know: What really happened in Helsinki?

Foreign and Domestic Election Hacks

Monopoly or Democracy?


Female Candidates Must Move Beyond #MeToo

Waiting for Trump to Testify? Don't Hold Your Breath

Cyber-Reality and He Who Cries ‘Fake News’

Plastic gun blueprints are already out there; the guns will follow | Opinion

Trump Supporters, Hiding in Plain Sight

Donald Trump digs himself into deeper trouble — and his voters are finally noticing: Maybe it’s true that no one thing can destroy Trump. But immigration, Russia and trade are hurting him badly

Reich: Trump sees foreign danger in the wrong places

The Two Populisms

Crime of the Century or Garden-Variety Hack?

Seedlings of Change

GOP and Corporate Dems Gain When Democrats Run Against Putin

Is 'Q' the Greatest Hoax of All Time?

Old, Wise and Powerful: DiFi, RBG and Madame Speaker

SYNDICATED COLUMN: The Russia-Trump Conspiracy Theory is a Dead Letter. Here’s Why.

Time to Turn the Page on Electronic Voting?

Spy Shows Explore Shadows and Half Lights

Resistance Is In the Air

Good Golly, Ohio

Journalists are playing into Trump's hand

Remembering Donald Kaul

People's Vote campaign puts pressure on Labour leadership

A Religious Blitz on Our Government

CHURCH & STATE | The Kavanaugh Nomination: How Screwed Are We?

Tyrant: Shakespeare on Politics

Murray Bookchin - Forms of Freedom - Talk - 1985

Movement for a People’s Party

GOP Sen. Inhofe: McCain ‘Partially to Blame’ for Flag Ordeal Because He Was Mean to Trump

Donna Brazile Admits Donors Control Democrat Party

Impeachment Is the Cure for Our Constitutional Crisis: We must recognize the threat posed by a president who imagines himself to be above the law.

Andrew Gillum’s Stunning Victory Sets Up an Epic Governor’s Race in Florida: The differences between the candidates could not be more stark: visionary progressivism versus lockstep Trumpism.

Andrew Gillum’s Upset Reveals a Winning New Progressive Strategy: The results of Florida’s gubernatorial primary should serve as a lesson for the Democratic establishment.

Russiagate Is Far Wider Than Trump and His Inner Circle: It isn’t just the story of a few corrupt officials, or even a corrupt president. It’s the story of a corrupt Republican Party.

The President Is a White-Nationalist Mob Boss—and His Base Doesn’t Care: Diehard Trump supporters represent at most a quarter of the electorate, but dominate media discussions of the president’s standing. They shouldn’t.

John McCain and Russ Feingold’s Joint Effort to Restore Democracy: The two very different senators established a working relationship to challenge the money power that even in the 1990s was beginning to render the Capitol dysfunctional.

Why the Manafort and Cohen Convictions Are a Historic Turning Point: If a pro-Trump juror can send Paul Manafort to jail, it’s a safe bet that other Trump voters will sooner or later follow the evidence too.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Effect: The Democratic party’s new rock star is storming the country on behalf of insurgent populists.

Zephyr Teachout for Attorney General of New York: She has the experience, independence and toughness needed to transform the office and combat corruption at all levels.

The Right Is Working the Ref Yet Again. This Time on Facebook—and It’s Working.  Facebook caves to conservative critics by embracing Fox-friendly “news.”

Trump Amplifies What Was There All Along: We can fight to backtrack to when certain terrors were less explicit, or we can chart a new course.

The President Without a Party: The trials of Jimmy Carter.

The Siege of Chicago at 50: Todd Gitlin Remembers.  “There was an apocalyptic, confrontational spirit.”

What Is Freedom?  A personal reflection on how a generation tested the meaning of that word in 1968.

Seymour Hersh Against the World: Our most valuable living investigative reporter disdained those who cozied up to power.

Journalism in the Age of Trump: What’s Missing and What Matters.  Has the preoccupation with the president pushed aside other urgent stories?

Why the Supreme Court’s Voter-Purge Ruling Is So Damaging: The Husted decision fuels the GOP voter-suppression campaign—but citizens have a chance to fight back in this fall’s midterms.

Why We Need a Wider Foreign-Policy Debate: The establishment consensus has failed. Citizen intervention can change that.

Rewriting Europe’s Narrative: Nearly a decade of austerity in member states has undermined the European Union's economic promise, strained the bonds of solidarity, and paved the way for a resurgence of toxic ideologies. If the EU is to survive, it needs a new collective identity – and the ability to intimidate others.

The Threat to Western Democracy Starts at Home: The Western liberal order is not in crisis because of Russian disinformation campaigns and electoral interference. Western democracies must take responsibility for a crisis that, ultimately, is homegrown – nurtured by its leaders’ own failure to confront effectively the challenges of globalization.

Will the Foreign-Policy Establishment Learn From Trump’s Election Victory? The elites have reinforced a global order in which the “winners” are protected and the “losers” are ignored.

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