Friday, August 10, 2018

Politics related links 081018

Now We All Know What Putin Has on Trump

After Trump-Putin summit, Obama warns against ‘strongman’ politics: One day after President Trump's widely panned news conference with Vladimir Putin, former president Barack Obama marked the 100th anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s birth in Johannesburg by giving a speech about the “politics of fear and resentment.”

READ: Obama's full speech about the 'politics of fear and resentment'

Obama in South Africa: We are in 'strange' and 'uncertain' times.  "We now see much of the world threatening to return to an older, more dangerous more brutal way of doing business," the 44th U.S. president said Tuesday.

Schumer: 'Yesterday was one of the worst days for the U.S.' ever

For Republicans, ‘The Dam has broken.”  But for how long?

Putin’s Attack on the U.S. Is Our Pearl Harbor: Make no mistake: Hacking the 2016 election was an act of war. It’s time we responded accordingly.

Prayer, Guns Paved Path to GOP Influence for Accused Russian

RED HANDED?  ‘Putin’s Favorite Congressman’ Now Engulfed in NRA Spy Case: Maria Butina allegedly helped her Russian handler meet with a congressional delegation in August 2015. That’s when these lawmakers—one Democrat, one Republican—were in Russia.

National Security Council’s Intelligence Chief Is Leaving as John Bolton Cleans House: Michael Barry is the latest staffer on the powerful council to depart as National Security Adviser John Bolton brings on his own team.

Trump Decided Russia Indictments Should Come Pre-Summit, Sources Say

Top Voting Machine Vendor Admits It Installed Remote-Access Software on Systems Sold to States

Cambridge Analytica's Facebook data was accessed from Russia, MP says

Judge turns down Manafort's bid to move Virginia trial

It’s Time for Trump Voters to Face the Bitter Truth: Republicans elected a president who promised to take on D.C.—instead, Trump has presided over an extraordinary auction of access and influence.

Immunity sought for witnesses, venue change denied as Manafort trial nears

Heritage Action Advocacy Group Shifts to Bolstering GOP Candidates: The political sister organization of the Heritage Foundation aims to help conservative lawmakers

Photos just revealed Trump made a highly incriminating handwritten edit to his Putin defense walkback script

Congressman reveals GOP members refused to allow Dems to question Russian ‘spy’ Maria Butina and 30 other witnesses

James Comey just got very political with an unprecedented demand about Trump

Trump says he misspoke on Russian meddling

Auditor general expands elections audit after reports of Russian involvement

Trumping The Manchurian Candidate. Again.

Is Helsinki the Hitler-Stalin Pact of our Own Day?

Fix Democracy First

Broad coalition urges Minibus conferees to support provision to increase political transparency and save taxpayers money

New bipartisan poll confirms urgency to fix our democracy

Trump Is Coming Off as Putin’s Poodle, But That Actually Undermines Russia’s Main Goal: Trump isn’t as useful to Putin as one might think.

‘Unless They Pay a Price for It, They’re Going to Keep Doing It.’  Former U.S. ambassador to Russia says Trump can’t hold Moscow accountable by “winging it.”

How Much Damage Did Trump Cause in Helsinki?  The president’s disgraceful remarks could have disturbing results.

Kirstjen Nielsen: Russian Interference In Election Infrastructure Meant To ‘Cause Chaos’ For Both Parties.  The Homeland Security secretary was forced to clarify comments she made Thursday at the Aspen Security Forum.

Can Congress Subpoena The Interpreter From Trump’s Putin Meeting? Experts Aren’t Sure.  Some constitutional scholars want lawmakers to try anyway.

Republicans Tell White House To Reject Russia’s ‘Absurd’ Request To Question Americans: “To even entertain this shows to me how naive they are about what’s actually going on in Russia,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

FBI Director Chris Wray Says Russia’s Cyberattacks On U.S. Are ‘Very Active’: His tough remarks on Russia’s attacks follow a week of very confusing statements from President Donald Trump.

GOP Rejects Two Resolutions Affirming Support For U.S. Intelligence Community: The measures aimed to support agencies that have been undercut by President Donald Trump’s approach to Russia.

Grabien Jeanine Pirro 425925

When we all vote, we can change the world.

Ex-CIA Director: Russia Will Have Recorded Trump's Meeting With Putin and Will Use It Against Him

Report: Russian mob money helped build Trump business empire

House Democrats pick new slogan ahead of midterms: 'For the people'

The Declaration of Independence

No deal BREXIT would mean no more UK

Major Study Finds The US Is An Oligarchy

Georgia State Rep. Jason Spencer Screams Racist Slurs And Makes A General Fool Of Himself On Sacha Baron Cohen's 'Who Is America?'  There's so much about this clip that's appalling — from Spencer yelling the N-word to him "using his buttocks to intimidate ISIS" — that we don't even know where to begin.

This Baby Trump Balloon GoFundMe Wants The Blimp To Crash POTUS’s Military Parade

Edward Bernays and Group Psychology: Manipulating the Masses: “The systematic study of mass psychology revealed…the potentialities of invisible government of society by manipulation of the motives which actuate man in the group…[these studies] established that the group has mental characteristics distinct from those of the individual, and is motivated by impulses and emotions which cannot be explained on the basis of what we know of individual psychology. So the question naturally arose: If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it?”

Mitch McConnell Says Voters Won’t Tolerate the Obstruction of Supreme Court Nominees

GOP lawmakers introduce articles of impeachment against Rosenstein

GOP lawmakers introduce articles of impeachment against Rosenstein: The move by two top Trump allies came as the House is set to depart for a five-week recess and is unlikely to pass.

Right-wing Congressmen file articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

The bill to impeach Rosenstein isn't about Rosenstein. It's about greed.

US intelligence chief Dan Coats: 'I don't know what happened' in Trump-Putin meeting

GOP votes down Dem motion to subpoena interpreter from Trump, Putin meeting

Kavanaugh once suggested maybe the Supreme Court got it wrong on Nixon: Trump’s Supreme Court nominee isn’t so sure the court should have compelled Nixon to turn over the Watergate tapes in 1974.

Trump's campaign to demonize Mueller's investigation echoes failed Watergate strategy used by Richard Nixon: How the effort to discredit special counsel Archibald Cox backfired in 1973.

The NRA Is Awfully Quiet About Maria Butina: Why won’t the NRA comment on the arrest of the gun rights activist and accused Russian agent?

Trump's interpreter: Should she be compelled to tell what she heard during private meeting with Putin

Melania just fired back at Trump over his attempt to keep her from watching CNN

NYT: Trump was enraged Melania's Air Force One TV was tuned to CNN, issued Fox-only directive

A federal judge just shot down Trump’s attempt to block a major lawsuit from U.S. Attorneys General

Exclusive: White House stops announcing calls with foreign leaders

Trump just banned a CNN reporter for asking him “inappropriate” questions this morning

Thousands of Red Caps on Capitol Hill

'Legal war' breaks out between Trump and Cohen—a surefire disaster 100 tapes in the making

BREAKING: Judge throws out Iowa Voter ID law and reinstates early voting, Democrats celebrate

Abbreviated pundit round-up: Forget the lies. Only take notice when Trump tells the truth

What is the Hegelian Dialectic?

The ‘Dictatorship of the Proletariat’ in Marx and Engels


The ABCs of Communitarianism

Fundamentals of Voluntaryism

The Mind-Blowing, TERRIFYING Illustration You CANNOT UNsee!

Trump Denies He Knew Of His Son’s Trump Tower Meeting With Russians: Trump’s longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen reportedly said the president knew in advance about Donald Trump Jr.’s June 2016 meeting.

Michael Avenatti: 3 More Women Were Paid ‘Hush Money’ For Relationships With Trump: Asked if he had evidence that the women had relationships with Trump, Avenatti said: “Yes.”

Sen. Claire McCaskill Confirms Russian Hackers Tried To Infiltrate Her Office Network: McCaskill said she wants to hold the hackers and Russian President Vladimir Putin accountable.

The Mueller Investigation, Explained. Here’s Your Guide To The Trump-Russia Probe.  Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 campaign can be a lot to keep up with.

Trump Has Changed His Mind A Lot On What He Knew About The Trump Tower Meeting: The president’s claims about his knowledge and involvement in his son’s controversial meeting have constantly evolved.

President’s New Nightmare: Trump Organization CFO Subpoenaed, WSJ Reports: Donald Trump’s major money man could soon be in the hot seat.

Women dressed in 'Handmaid's Tale' garb protest Pence in Philly

Why I helped organize the 'Handmaids' protest of Mike Pence | Opinion

Another House Republican—and Senate candidate!—with potential ties to Russia

Attorney says he represents three more women who say they were paid Trump-related hush money in 2016

Pelosi burns through Republicans and their dirty little lies about Rosenstein

Putin invites Trump to Moscow after turning down trip to DC—and Trump says he's going

What could be worse for Republicans than Trump's meeting with Putin? A second meeting

The first Cohen tape caught Trump in a big lie, Michael Avenatti says there are a lot more to come

Tweet-struction: Mueller considering Trump's tweets in investigation of obstruction

Trump admin declares mission accomplished as hundreds of migrant kids remain separated

ICE set on deporting immigrant spouse of decorated military veteran within days

Trump has lied, denied—and been caught—so many times that it's hard to keep count

A Chilling Prediction From a KGB Defector in the 1980's

John Kerry lays out how abysmal Trump's Helsinki performance was in 'Face the Nation' interview

Hillary to Help Find $$ for Travel to Reunite Families Separated by Trump Baby Kidnapping Policy

This Should Go Viral - a Canadian Looks at the US and Tells It Like It Is

Missouri is About to Give the Blue Wave an Out of Town Tryout

Noam Chomsky on Mass Media Obsession with Russia & the Stories Not Being Covered in the Trump Era

Our socialist president

Venting about press, Trump has repeatedly sought to ban reporters over questions

Wolf to veto abortion ban if Roe falls; Wagner won’t commit

GOP governor candidate Scott Wagner should release his tax returns | Editorial

Wolf steps up election security efforts

From Italy to Hungary, the Trumps of Europe Are Rising to Power: The leader of Italy’s far right, an admirer of Trump, has suggested a “mass cleansing” of Roma.

Hey Democrats: Take a Hint from Labour and Ocasio-Cortez and Try Moving Left.  Democrats can’t win by mimicking left rhetoric—it’s going to take an actual left platform.

Wolfgang Tillmans: my two-year investigation into the post-truth era. Why are people today becoming so immune to facts? To find out, the photographer turned to politicians, activists, extremists – and even MRI scans

Riveting Documentary Sheds Light On 'Dark Money' In Montana Politics

Judge reveals the five witnesses given immunity in exchange for testifying against Manafort

Whistleblower emails indicate Stormy Daniels' Ohio arrest was planned by Columbus police

Trouble in Trumpland: Chief financial officer of the Trump Org subpoenaed by federal grand jury

Now Alex Jones is goading violence against Russia investigator—and Facebook still will not act

An open letter to an ‘unwashed conservative’

'Legal war' breaks out between Trump and Cohen—a surefire disaster 100 tapes in the making

Emails show Michigan GOP bragged about cramming 'Dem garbage' into gerrymandered districts

Massachusetts passes the NASTY Women Act to repeal 173-year-old abortion ban

Helsinki's Traitor Summit and tariffs may be hurting GOP, but it was Kavanaugh who started the slide

A detailed guide to the Carter Page/FISA documents

The Supreme Court nominee document fight isn't politics, it's existential to the idea of America

Americans actually like ‘socialist’ policies

Trump 'has no strategy' says German defence minister

Red-faced White House misspells name of European Commission president AND brags about the 'United Sates' in just a few hours

Don Adams RIP: an FBI agent who didn’t buy the official theory

Whoopi to Judge Jeanine: "Get the F--- out of the building!"

The game just fundamentally changed for Trump and the GOP.

Rubin: The GOP needs to force Trump to resign

Republican Congressman steps up, says he was 'sickened by the exchange' between Trump and Putin

Ten Reasons The Cohen Tape Is Worse Than Anyone Realizes and There Are More To Come

Kushner Dodges Subpoena, Judge Says Stop Playing “Game”. Game’s Over.

White House Stenographer Quit Because Trump is "Lying to the America People"

Cohen reportedly ready to throw Trump under the bus, Trump wants to shove Cohen in front of a taxi

Toomey, Van Hollen urge sanctions on indicted Russians

The Corporate Presidency

Dozens of states tighten election security -- by going back to paper

How inequality, immigration and modern media are undermining democracy

In ‘The People vs. Democracy,’ Trump Is Just One Populist Among Many

The People vs Democracy review – blood, soil and Trump as strongman-lite

If America's Democracy Fails, Can Other Ones Survive?  Yascha Mounk says the rise of populism isn’t over yet.

The People Vs. Democracy: Why Our Freedom Is In Danger And How To Save It

The ‘Witch Hunters’

On tyranny, populism—and how best to respond today: A book excerpt and interview with Madeleine Albright, former American Secretary of State and author of “Fascism: A Warning”

Rudy Giuliani: ‘Collusion Is Not A Crime’.  “The hacking is the crime. The president didn’t hack,” President Donald Trump’s attorney said.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Says She Has ‘At Least 5 More Years’ On Supreme Court: The justice compared her timeline to that of her former colleague, Justice John Paul Stevens, who retired at age 90.

Dem. Senator Says Her Office Was Target Of Hacking Attempt, Issue Is ‘Widespread’: Hackers are targeting “both Republicans and Democrats,” Sen. Jeanne Shaheen said.

Relax, Boomers: Socialism Is Good Now.  It’s going to be OK.

The publisher of the NY Times just fired back at Trump for misleading the public about their meeting

Trump just blamed the media for putting their own lives at risk in unhinged, disturbing Twitter rant

Pence: Press freedom is great, until reporters do something we don’t like

Giuliani: ‘Collusion is not a crime’

Donald Trump didn't tell the whole truth about the Russia investigation 7 times in 1 tweet

Trump lashes out at Mueller for alleged conflicts of interest

Here's why Giuliani's 'collusion isn't a crime' spiel doesn't matter for Mueller's probe

If Trump is lying, Rep. Darrell Issa says, that’s just what businessmen do: Issa, whose own business empire was built on shady dealings, previews how Republicans will respond if it turns out the president lied about what he knew and when.

Giuliani: Cohen and Trump's legal teams have severed ties

Mueller says Manafort earned $60M from Ukraine consulting

Trump blasts media, calls journalists 'very unpatriotic' for reporting on government affairs

Statement of A.G. Sulzberger, Publisher, The New York Times, in Response to President Trump’s Tweet About Their Meeting

Donald Trump's shutdown threat is big trouble for Republicans

Top Koch leaders vent frustration with GOP in the Trump era: “The divisiveness of this White House is causing long-term damage,” Brian Hooks, co-chair of the Seminar Network, said.

Koch political arm not supporting North Dakota's GOP Senate candidate Kevin Cramer

Bannon to Kochs: ‘Shut up and get with the program’.  ‘And here’s the program: Ground game to support Trump’s presidency,’ Bannon said in an interview.

Sanctions on Russia's Rusal could be lifted, Mnuchin says

Trump’s lawyer just stunned the nation with an abrupt reversal of their entire Russia collusion defense [WATCH]

Trump’s attorney general just announced a terrifying “religious liberty task force”

Trump just sent his aide to shout down CNN’s Jim Acosta and stop him from asking about Russia [WATCH]

Les Moonves Stays as CBS C.E.O. While Its Board Plans an Investigation

At Law Firms, Rainmakers Accused of Harassment Can Switch Jobs With Ease: Opaque hiring practices in legal industry often make prior sexual-harassment complaints easy to leave behind

Paul Manafort’s Trial Starts Tuesday. Here Are the Charges and the Stakes.  Questions about Russian involvement in President Trump’s 2016 campaign are not on the docket but hang heavily over the proceedings.

Giuliani accuses special counsel's office of acting in 'bad faith' over Trump-Mueller interview

Mystery Sting Targets U.S. Senator for Dirt on Russia Sanctions: Democrat Jeanne Shaheen is known for her vocal opposition to Vladimir Putin. Maybe that’s why someone tried to get her to give up inside information about anti-Russia sanctions.

In Florida, Not All Politics Are Local, as Trump Shapes Governor’s Race

Trump’s Lose-the-House Strategy: He might not mind Speaker Pelosi as a political foil for 2020.

Hillary Clinton steps up her involvement in the midterms

Wanna Beat Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee? Focus on Marijuana: Democrats have a really potent card to play against Brett Kavanaugh. Why aren’t they playing it?

Rudy Giuliani Says Collusion Is Not a Crime: A Closer Look

How President Trump's Defense Went From 'No Collusion' With Russia to 'Collusion Is Not a Crime'

BREAKING: Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting

Top Putin foe ramps up "Dossier" project to spill Russians' secrets

President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days

Poll: Almost a third of US voters think a second civil war is coming soon

Republicans Just Voted Against Defending Our Democracy Because They Don't Want to Defend It
There's no excuse—including bean-counting. The crisis is here and now.

Trump-Putin Documentary ‘Active Measures’ Sets August Release

Understanding Cult Psychology

Trump accuses Queen of keeping him waiting and denies being late to meeting

Trump lies about the queen of what 'they used to call' England

Horse-riding, gun-owning Democrat shakes up Idaho governor's race

Hatch claims Republicans didn’t block Democratic Supreme Court nominees

Orrin Hatch: 'We didn't treat their Supreme Court candidates the way they're treating ours'

Manafort on trial: A scorched-earth prosecutor and not a mention of Trump

Exclusive: Bannon blasts 'con artist' Kochs, 'lame duck' Ryan, 'diminished' Kelly

Bill Maher Exposes the Insanity of QAnon: Trump Used to ‘Walk in on Miss Teen USA Pageants’

Maher: ‘The Deep State Should Be the Man of the Year’

Monologue: Enema of the People | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Shrinking GOP, Stormy Setup, Trump Challengers | Overtime with Bill Maher (HBO)

New Rule: The Party of Putin | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Nancy MacLean: The GOP's Long Game | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Nancy MacLean, Conversation, 7 March 2018

How the Radical Right Played the Long Game and Won

Nancy MacLean in Maine : Democracy in Chains

Jack Rakove reviews Democracy in Chains

Readers Rankled By 'Democracy In Chains' Review

Democracy in Chains

'Democracy in Chains' book review, part two: Policies, think-tanks, law schools turned to securing property rights above all other social objectives

The Architect of the Radical Right: How the Nobel Prize–winning economist James M. Buchanan shaped today’s antigovernment politics

Nancy MacLean, Talk, 7 March 2018

Nancy MacLean on "Democracy in Chains"

White Russian meddling: Accused spy Maria Butina reportedly blew her cover because she got too drunk

Trump: I ‘destroy' careers of Republicans who say bad things about me

Pres Obama Brilliantly Destroys a Loaded FOXNews Question

Bribery Trial Reveals Jeff Sessions’ Role in Blocking EPA Action Targeting One of His Biggest Donors
His Senate office coordinated closely with Drummond Coal and its lawyers to derail an environmental cleanup.

Russia tasks Hollywood actor Seagal with improving U.S. ties

Conservative columnist: Sanders should be shunned after White House job

Fox News jackass Sean Hannity targets CNN reporter Jim Acosta, and Acosta isn't having it

Fact-checking the victimhood of Sarah Huckabee Sanders (spoiler: she lied)

The NRA says it's out of money ... and there is only one possible reply

The NRA suddenly named new leadership ... just before the Butina spy scandal broke

Senators want an investigation into Mar-a-Lago members getting their own Air Force One tours

A Slightly Informed Reflection on Some Reported Remarks by the Manafort Trial Judge

Under Donald Trump and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, National Parks drop policy of using science

Alex Jones endangered a Sandy Hook family's lives. Now he's demanding they pay his court costs.

Delaware Sen. Chris Coons: 'a treasure trove of thousands of hacked emails ... is a thing of value'

Women are getting ready to save the country with our votes this November. Men, not so much.


Judge slams Trump lawyer's stab at silencing Stormy Daniels's counsel

Vulnerable House Republican sympathizes with man who murdered wife because judge was 'unfair'

Top Republican laments how men 'railroaded' by family courts end up shooting 'unfair' wives

10 signs the Republican Party is now a full-blown cult

Trump voters have shown themselves to be hateful and violent. We must stop normalizing them

Four out of 10 Republicans are now okay with selling out their country to their Russian overlords

What's at stake in the Manafort trial? A whole heck of a lot legally and politically speaking

Trump's Census Bureau to pay millions to BANKRUPT company they awarded 2020 Census contract to

Why are Republicans so opposed to protecting November's election from Russian hackers?

Want to fight GOP voter suppression and gerrymandering? Elect Democratic secretaries of state

Leaked Emails Show Republicans, Big Business Colluded to Gerrymander Michigan Districts

Rick Gates Testifies He Committed Crimes With Paul Manafort

List of Republicans who opposed the Donald Trump presidential campaign, 2016


Apple banned Alex Jones’s Infowars. Then the dominoes started to fall.  Apple’s Infowars ban altered an industry overnight — and dealt a significant blow to fake news.

Trump Supreme Court pick: Presidents can ignore laws they think are unconstitutional

Meet the man behind the Trump-Russia investigation: the special counsel Robert Mueller

FDR Reminds Us To Criticize Corporate Democrats

The GOP Is Already Beaten: A bunker mentality without the siege.

#NeverTrump Conservatives Should Not Become Democrats: Lovely, dark, and deep.

Congress Is Weak Because Its Members Want It to Be Weak: There’s a constitutional crisis, but it’s not the one you think

Putin’s close ties to National Prayer Breakfast revealed: Researcher of right-wing religious fundamentalism “not surprised” by Russian connection to American conservatives

Why Mariia Butina wasn’t the only Russian attending the National Prayer Breakfast

Devin Nunes, in secretly recorded tape, tells donors GOP majority is necessary to protect Trump: ‘We’re the only ones’


Ken White The Manafort trial judge keeps yelling at prosecutors. That's not good news for the defendant.  Trial lawyers know that judicial grumbling is not a reliable predictor of results.

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