Sunday, October 31, 2021

Ecology and Pollution and Climate Change related links 103121

Seeds of Resistance: Native-led campaigns are at the forefront of today's climate and justice movements


Deb Haaland, A Living Testament: The path to becoming the nation's first Native interior secretary


A Postcard From the Red Road to DC: Traditionally carved totem pole brings attention to Indigenous sovereignty struggles across the United States


The Fine Art of Wildfire Awareness: Inside pyrosketchology—a tool to help Westerners prepare for, and live with, fire


75 Percent of Young People Are Frightened by the Future. That’s the Only Sane Reaction to Climate Change.  Climate change is already devastating the young, who feel abandoned by their governments and earlier generations.


The Case for Meatless Monday, Tuesday, etc.


100 Solar EVs Will Feed Power Back Into the Dutch Energy Grid: The Dutch city of Utrecht could become the first to implement a two-way ecosystem.


75 percent of young people are frightened about the future.  That’s a sane reaction to climate change


Regulatory Agency Capture: How the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Approved the Mountain Valley Pipeline


Is Climate Change On a Crash Course? (w/ Dr. Michael Mann)


Extreme event attribution: the climate versus weather blame game


Global Warming Tied to Hurricane Harvey: Harvey's record rainfall was three times more likely than a storm from the early 1900s


The Myth of Regenerative Ranching: The purveyors of “grass-fed” beef want you to believe that it solves meat’s environmental problem. But this is merely a branding exercise, not a climate solution.


A Lead Problem Worse Than Flint's: Hundreds of thousands of lead service lines in Wisconsin are a threat to public health, and communities of color are particularly vulnerable.


Arctic Horror Is Having a Comeback: Today’s fictional North is defined by nostalgia for an icier time.


Climate Change Is Killing American Workers, and Biden Needs to Act Quickly: The Biden administration must not only curb emissions. It also has to move swiftly to issue its planned OSHA regulation limiting the heat exposure that kills more workers every year.


Students around the world follow Greta Thunberg’s call to rally over climate change


A Journey of Faith: Jews Joining Native Americans Protecting Climate, Water, and Treaty Rights


Climate psychologist says neither gloom-and-doom nor extreme solution-obsessed optimism is the best way to discuss climate change productively


40 Million People Rely on the Colorado River. It’s Drying Up Fast.


Privileged Block Climate Progress


Hold the Sickle, CRP Needs a New, Bigger Hammer


Kudos to the Guy Who Foresaw the Ravages of Climate Change. Too Bad He Was Mocked.


A Climate Disaster Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes—And Politicians Still Refuse to Take Action


Gravitas US Edition: China turns off traffic lights amid power crunch


Letters to the editor


Gravitas US Edition: Europe's energy crisis to worsen with the onset of Winter


This New Solar EV Has a 1,000-Mile Range—But You May Never Need to Charge It: Both variations sold out in just 24 hours.


Follow the Money and the Smell of Gas


Groups Urge Inclusion of Revenue-Raising Oil and Gas Leasing Reforms in Reconciliation Package


How Execs at Bankrupt U.S. Oil & Gas Companies Pocketed Nearly $200M In Payouts While Leaving more than 10,000 Workers Jobless and at Least $10B in Cleanup Costs


We Seek To Block Sempra Energy From Passing $13 Million In Gas Costs On To Ratepayers


Pedernales Electric Co-op Attack on Solar


AIG: Stop Fueling the Climate Crisis


EU lawmakers vote to prolong fossil fuel gas subsidies until 2027: Campaigners voice dismay after rule permitting gas pipelines where energy is mixed with hydrogen


Air pollution linked to millions of birth complications across the globe: Scientists estimate millions of preterm births and underweight newborns worldwide can be attributed to long-term exposure to air pollution.


Free Steven Donziger: The environmental lawyer’s sentencing shows that laws protecting Chevron are much stronger than laws protecting the planet.


The World We Need: Sharon Lavigne's Story of RISE St. James


US/UK Blocking UN Effort to Enshrine Clean Environment as Universal Human Right: The stance puts the two powerful countries at risk of "standing against the common future of humanity."


UN Urges World to Act Now to Combat 'Looming Water Crisis': "The water is draining out of the tub in some places, while it's overflowing in others."


Big Oil Lobby Spending Millions to Gut Key Build Back Better Climate Provisions: Report.  "Make no mistake: If the Build Back Better bill wasn't a once-in-a-generation opportunity to invest in climate action, the fossil fuel industry wouldn't be pouring out millions of dollars trying to stop it."


API Spending Millions Lobbying Against Climate Solutions


White House to Restore Key Elements of Nation's 'Bedrock Environmental Law' Gutted by Trump

"The Biden administration is demonstrating a willingness to listen to those on the frontlines of the climate crisis whose lives and livelihoods are on the line," said one advocate.


Biden Administration’s Proposal a Positive First Step Forward in Restoring NEPA and Protecting Environmental Justice Communities: The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) took the first step in rolling back former President Donald Trump’s sweeping changes to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)


What if Eating Animals Was the Main Cause of the Climate and Biodiversity Crises?  The inconvenient truth for our species is that we need to adopt vegan lifestyles as a matter of urgency.


Steven Donziger and the Judicial Executioners of the Corporate State: Imprisoning the David to Chevron's Goliath is the latest outrage by a US judiciary now engineered to always favor the interests of capital.


Climate Journalism Is Coming of Age: It's still a work in progress, but the Covering Climate Now Journalism Awards point the way.


The Other Cold War: Russia’s battle against the climate.


Climate-Friendly Investment Funds Are a Scam: Wall Street is trying to fool investors into thinking they can get rich and save the planet at the same time.


Alberta’s oil & gas sector generated -$212M in corporate tax revenue last year.  Yep. You read that right. Negative $212 million.


The Hot New Back-to-School Accessory? An Air Quality Monitor.  Parents are sneaking carbon dioxide monitors into their children’s schools to determine whether the buildings are safe.


Is it Time for the World Court to Weigh in on Climate Change?  Vanuatu is maneuvering to call the question, hoping the UN General Assembly will ask the International Court of Justice to rule.


Why Investing in Libraries Is a Climate Justice Issue


A hotter and drier climate is set to hurt agriculture in the West and help farmers in Asia


Private Equity Is Quietly Keeping Fossil Fuel Companies in Business: Vulture funds have spent $1.1 trillion snapping up energy companies over the past decade.


Hear why William Shatner is ‘overwhelmed by sadness’ after space flight


Is Joe Manchin Aware That His Favorite Climate Technology Is a Total Bust?  The conservative Democrat is insisting that Biden’s Build Back Better Act include funding for carbon capture projects. But even the fossil fuel industry admits the tech is a nonfactor in fighting global warming.


Climate Change Is Killing Autumn: It’s too warm out for thick sweaters and hot cider. The fall leaves aren’t changing like they used to. But some people won’t let global warming spoil their cherished, Instagrammable seasonal traditions.


Paradise by John Prine


National Climate Report - September 2021


Fighting climate change down on the farm in Pennsylvania: There's more than 50,000 farms in Pennsylvania.


World's clean energy transition 'too slow': IEA


‘This is our last chance’: Biden urged to act as climate agenda hangs by a thread.  Failure to pass legislation to cut emissions before the UN summit in Glasgow could be catastrophic for efforts to curb global heating


The Sunrise Climate Activists Are Going on Hunger Strike: Galvanized by news that Senator Joe Manchin might kill the Clean Energy Payment Program, climate activists will fast in front of the White House to demand Congress pass the reconciliation bill’s climate measures.


Should a Tree Be Able to Sue the State?  What do suburban neighborhood spats, climate activism, and Indigenous traditions have in common? They’re all feeding into a growing movement to grant trees legal rights.


Biden’s Incredible Shrinking Climate Plan: Thanks to Joe Manchin’s stubborn defense of dirty power plants, the president is going to have to find another way to drastically reduce emissions—but it’s not clear how.


NOSB Oral Comments, Fall 2021


Follow Cornucopia’s NOSB Coverage


'Catastrophic and Irreparable Harm' to Wolves Averted as Wisconsin Judge Cancels Hunt: "We are heartened by this rare instance of reason and democracy prevailing in state wolf policy," said one conservation expert.


'Compromising' on Climate Is Horrible Politics, Deadly Policy, and Stupid Economics: At this stage, Democrats have offered Joe Manchin a basket full of polluter-friendly subsidies to prop up essentially non-existent carbon capture power technology, a watered-down clean power plan barely better than the status quo, or a meaningless carbon tax that mostly exists as a totem for an industry that pretends to care about the planetary damage it has caused.


New Multimedia Report Details Unprecedented 'Permian Climate Bomb' in Texas: "If the Biden Administration wants to be serious about its promise to demonstrate U.S. climate leadership, it must first clean up its own backyard."


The climate summit that could save the planet — or doom it: Why COP26 could be the 'last, best chance' to prevent climate disaster


Tech Billionaires’ Fantasy Cities Are Environmentally Catastrophic Tax Havens: Despite Marc Lore’s ambitions for Telosa, water wars seem more likely than flying cars in our dystopian near future.


Participant at MoMA


Leaked Documents Show Countries Lobbying Against Climate Action. What Does This Mean Ahead of COP26?  From fossil fuels to meat eating, countries asked the UN to remove key climate recommendations.


'Really Fantastic': Europe's Largest Pension Fund Announces Fossil Fuel Divestment

It's "a huge victory for the climate, human rights, and all life on Earth," said one activist.


'Manchin Wasn't Done' Killing Climate Action: Coal Baron Objects to Methane Fee.  "If Democrats want to avoid... midterm losses," said one critic, they can't "bow to Joe Manchin's burn-the-planet demands."


Climate Movement Hails 'Mind-Blowing' $40 Trillion in Fossil Fuel Divestment Pledges: "Institutions around the world must step up now and commit to joining the divest-invest movement before it is too late—for them, for the economy, and for the world."


Latest UN Climate Report Delivers 'Another Thundering Wake-Up Call': "Climate change is no longer a future problem. It is a now problem," said the UNEP executive director. "The clock is ticking loudly."


Fox Weather Doesn’t Deny Climate Change. It Just Ignores It.  On its debut day, the new streaming service treated climate as a separate issue, instead of acknowledging the way global warming drives the severe weather it covers.


The Electric Vehicle Revolution Needs a Recycling Revolution, Too: A well-regulated domestic program for recycling lithium batteries could be the key to making renewable energy truly sustainable.


Yep, it’s bleak, says expert who tested 1970s end-of-the-world prediction


Beyond Growth: Gaya Branderhorst, argues that once we start to open our minds to what new goal we can set for our economy, options become limitless


Five in Ten: Nancy Gillis, CEO of the Global Electronics Council


Oleg Anisimov Current Research: Climate change at arctic regions.  Modeling of permafrost and active layer.  Projections of the permafrost distribution and active-layer thickness under conditions of the changing climate.


The Climate Fight Will Seem Impossible—Until Its Sudden Victory: Only persistence can bring sweeping change. But that sweeping change sometimes comes sooner than you expect.


Exxon CEO accused of lying about climate science to congressional panel: Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney likens oil company bosses’ responses to those of tobacco industry at historic hearing

Ahead of COP 26, Worldwide Mobilizations Launched to Demand Big Banks End Fossil Fuel Destruction

"The era of fossil fuels is over, and people are rallying against fossil finance and those who run it."


The Battle Over the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Is About More Than Just Oil: Drilling in the Arctic Refuge would have devastating impacts on wildlife, beginning with caribou.


Ahead of COP26, Thousands Demand the U.S. Federal Reserve Account for Climate Risk: At Federal Reserve and fossil banking giant branches across the U.S., communities rise up in coordination with youth-led Fossil Free Future global mobilization.


In NYC: Hundreds Call on Federal Reserve to Dump Powell, Demand Citigroup Divest from Fossil Fuels

On the anniversary of Superstorm Sandy’s NYC landfall, hundreds of New Yorkers marched from the Brooklyn Bridge and rallied at Citigroup HQ and The NY Fed.

NYC actions were part of an ongoing global Day of Action, with disruptions targeting financial institutions in 50 cities on six continents.


Public Citizen Applauds Interior Department for Considering Climate Change Impacts of Oil Drilling

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