Saturday, May 2, 2020

Politics related links 050220

Obama endorses Biden for president, says he's the right person to 'guide us through one of our darkest times': Obama's endorsement came one day after Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., voiced his support for Biden.

The Moscow Project

The Money Behind Trump’s Money

Following the Money: Trump and Russia-Linked Transactions From the Campaign to the Presidential Inauguration

How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns

How Bernie Beat Polling and a Smear Campaign to Win His First National Office:  In June 1990 Sanders faced personal attacks and was down 10 points against a moderate Republican. He won.


The Big Idea: Mandatory Voting

The 7% Matter

The Swing Voter Chimera

The Future Socialists Want, And Centrists Fear: Are reds and red-scarers even talking about the same thing?

The Democratic Establishment Is Trying to Crush Bernie Sanders, But It Hasn’t Stopped Him
While the Democratic Party’s corporate wing helped Biden gain on Super Tuesday, Sanders’ left-wing vision is still popular—and can still win.

Despite His Losses, Bernie Sanders’ Agenda Is Winning: While Sanders lost in Michigan and other states, exit polls show voters want Medicare for All, an economic transformation and a nominee who will run on a progressive platform. Those demands aren’t going anywhere.

Bernie Just Laid Out a Humane Approach to Dealing with the Coronavirus. Biden Did Not.
In Sunday’s debate, Sanders made a clear-eyed case for taking the profit motive out of healthcare, while Biden railed against “revolution.”

The Future Belongs to the Movement Sparked by Bernie Sanders: Sanders may be out of the race, but by advancing a bold left agenda and putting capitalism on trial, he ignited a movement that will redefine American politics.

Journalists Slam ABC News For Suspending David Wright After Project Veritas Sting: The network said it would bar the veteran correspondent from political coverage after he privately criticized President Trump and called himself a socialist.

Bernie Sanders Started the Revolution. The Rest Is Up to Us.  Sanders ended his presidential campaign, but he’s laid a path to take on corporate power and win democratic socialism.

How Disabled Activists Are Fighting Isolation, Collectively: In the Bay Area, mutual aid projects are helping build community in a time of social distancing.

What Today’s Socialists Can Learn From the Heyday of American Communism: A 43-year-old classic text of Communist history has been rereleased this month. Young democratic socialists should dig in.

Warren would say yes if asked to be Biden's running mate: Senator Elizabeth Warren, on the day she endorsed Joe Biden for president, tells Rachel Maddow that she would say yes if asked to be Biden's running mate.

Sanders warns his loyalists it would be ‘irresponsible’ not to support Biden: Sanders criticizes his supporters who have so far resisted his vow to do whatever it takes to help Biden win the presidency

In unprecedented Treasury orders Trump’s name printed on stimulus checks

Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson, at the historic Cooper Union

Letters From the April 20/27, 2020, Issue: Thumbs up, thumbs down… Bye-Bye Bloomberg…etc.

Biden Is a Problem for Democrats in Pennsylvania: Activists are mobilized to win back this crucial swing state. But they’re not excited by Biden.

Biden Reaps Trio of Big-Name Backers Just When He Needs Bump

Louisiana pastor asks followers to send their stimulus checks to churches instead of buying food

What If Trump Wins?  The Washington Monthly explores the policy consequences of a second Trump term.

Can The Liberal World Order Survive Another Four Years of Trump?  Probably not. Here’s why.

What Would a Second Trump Term Do to the Federal Bureaucracy?  An EPA stocked with climate change deniers. A surgeon general sympathetic to anti-vaxxers. It could get grim.

Why a Second Trump Term Will Not Be a Horror Movie: Let’s hope it doesn’t happen. But if it does, we won’t be helpless.

How to Save Elections From a Pandemic: It’s never been clearer that the country needs to be able to vote by mail. Utah shows the way.

Does the Never Trump Movement Matter?  Most conservatives eventually embraced Trump. Here’s why a few didn’t.

US alerted Israel, NATO to disease outbreak in China in November — report: Israeli officials said to have debated threat five months ago, before public was aware of coronavirus, but ‘nothing was done’ by Health Ministry

Supreme Court to hold remote oral arguments in Trump financial records’ appeal

How Mitch McConnell Became Trump’s Enabler-in-Chief: The Senate Majority Leader’s refusal to rein in the President is looking riskier than ever.

Proof of Conspiracy: How Trump's International Collusion Is Threatening American Democracy.  Seth Abramson shows how Trump has conspired and colluded with leaders from Russia, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, from even before he won the presidency

We’ve never backed a Democrat for president.  But Trump must be defeated.

An Open Letter to the New New Left From the Old New Left: Now it is time for all those who yearn for a more equal and just social order to face facts.  By Former leaders of the Students for a Democratic Society

Texas Attorney General Threatens Criminal Charges for Groups Promoting Mail Voting

Collins makes it clear: She is sticking with Trump and McConnell

"Dont Get Fooled Again" Red Flags of Narcissist Relationships

Let's talk about reopening America and what a gate can teach us....

Let's talk about sunk costs and being wrong....

Let's talk about rights and responsibilities....

Let's talk about origin stories, blame, and irrelevant debates....

Biden has one VP pick that stands above the rest

Biden has one VP pick that stands above the rest

How embarrassing: Trump threatens to go full dictator — but can’t even manage to do that right

The Coming Dark Age: Promise and Peril

“We Are Not the Country We Think We Are”

Let's talk about what a Mandarin and Cameron Diaz can teach us....

Let's talk about Trump growing into the role of leader....

Let's talk about operators, the tacticool, and public gatherings....

Let's talk about UBI, McDonald's, prisons, and radical ideas....

BREAKING: Voter Fraud Confirmed In Kentucky: Electoral Office Confirms 175k Voters Were Added Back To Voter Rolls In 2019

Barr Is Doing the Dirty Work as Trump Gambles With Our Lives

Letters from an American April 21, 2020

Mitch McConnell rushes to confirm judicial nominees as Trump flounders in polls

McConnell says he favors state bankruptcy over more federal aid

McConnell says no ‘blue state’ coronavirus bailouts, effectively telling New York to drop dead

Trump eager to get out of White House, aides exploring ways to allow him to leave D.C.  A “frustrated” President Donald Trump is growing restless after a month of nationwide shutdowns, and top aides and campaign officials are exploring ways to allow him to leave D.C..

Why Trump Will Resign in 2020

There is no anti-lockdown protest movement: There are protests, but this isn’t a movement, and it’s not the Tea Party 2.0.


Our people are hungry.  We need a leader who will feed them

Burr sold townhouse for $900K to lobbyists who had business before his committees: report

America ‘has been abused by this president,’ former RNC Chairman Michael Steel

Tanzania President cancels $10billion Chinese loan; Refers to the Terms and Conditions As One That Can Only be Accepted by Drunkard Person.

Let's talk about satire, irony, parody, and a goat....

Let's talk about a Twitter Q and A (part 1 of 5)

Let's talk about a Twitter Q and A (Part 2).....

Let's talk about a Twitter Q and A (Part 3)....

Let's talk about a Twitter Q and A (Part 4)....

Let's talk about a Twitter Q and A (Part 5)....

Top U.S. & World Headlines — April 23, 2020

Comment: A Time For Heroes: This is a time for heroes, for people who will put serving and saving others above their own self- interest.

Religion and the Left: In the effort to pass the Affordable Care Act and the subsequent court fights to get it upheld, some of the most powerful opponents were conservative Christian institutions, from the Catholic Church to the evangelical, family-owned Hobby Lobby retail chain.

Middle America: What Happened to the Revolution?  The coronavirus pandemic has shown us that we don't need a return to normalcy—we need a Sanders revolution more than ever.

What Does ‘Small Government’ Buy Us?  There’s nothing like a rapidly spreading pandemic to bring home the fact that all of us need a generously funded, fully functioning government.

A State Proclamation of Sectarian Prayer is Unconstitutional, AHA Tells Arkansas Governor

Humanists Demand Texas School District Halt School Activities in Church

Humanists Call upon Governments to Protect Public Health, Close Churches through Upcoming Easter Weekend, No Exceptions

Humanists Tell Supreme Court Religion Must Not Limit Contraceptive Access

Humanists Oppose Extraneous Expansion of Education Secretary’s Power Under CARES Act

Marching toward Gilead

Humanists Celebrate Victory over Unconstitutional Display in Texas Public School

Court Upholds Florida’s Massive Christian Cross

Appeals Court Allows Fla. Beach Cross To Remain In Public Park

Humanists Argue Unconstitutionality of RFRA at the Supreme Court

Humanists Demand Texas School District Remove Another Christian Display

End Blasphemy Laws

Humanists Applaud Darwin Day Resolutions Introduced in Congress

Humanist Witness Provides Testimony at Congressional Hearing on Blasphemy’s Impacts

Breaking the grip of white grievance: The 2020 campaign is shaping up into a referendum on Trumpism.

Shot in Hell: Should Las Vegas’s machine-gun rental industry be the future liberals want for assault weapons?

The Supreme Court Will Consider Whether Adoption Agencies That Get Tax Money Can Turn Away Same-Sex Couples: A Catholic child welfare organization in Philadelphia wants to turn away same-sex parents while relying on public funding.


Judge rules against family in Kansas City vaccination lawsuit

At Least Roy Moore Won’t Be a U.S. Senator

The Faith Factor: American Voters Have Traditionally Supported Presidential Candidates Who Are Religious. Is That About To Change?

Believe It Or Not! In The U.S., No One Can Be Compelled To Profess Faith As A Condition Of Holding Public Office

Access Denied: The Supreme Court Is Hearing A New Birth Control Case -- Are More Restrictions Ahead?

A Full Docket: Several Church-State Cases Are Pending Before The Supreme Court

Bakker’s Flimflam: Religious Freedom Is No Excuse For Harming Others

Reproductive Rights And Church-State Separation: A Critical Nexus

Americans United Rallies To Protect Reproductive Rights At Supreme Court

Americans United Seeks Parity For Religious Books In Pa. County Jails

Officials Order TV Preacher To Stop Hawking Fake Coronavirus Cure

Wash. Football Coach’s Religious Rights Were Not Violated, Federal Court Rules

Christian Nationalists Seek Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination, Warns Author And Researcher

Knowledge Is Power: Americans Who Use Social Services Have Certain Rights. Why Does The Trump Administration Want To Take Them Away?

Welcome To The Resistance: Diane Ravitch's New Book Is A Powerful Defense Of Public Education

Utah Moves To Decriminalize Polygamy

Ala. Pushes For End To Yoga Ban In Public Schools

Russia Criticized For Religious Freedom Abuses

Republicans Admit They Lose When Elections Are Fair and Free.  This week: Voting rights. The Republican Party “would rather try to keep people from voting than lose,” David Daley tells Bill. Daley is a reporter who has written extensively about gerrymandering and voting rights — and fired up a generation of activists fighting for free and fair elections.

The Airy Ambivalence of the Moderate Politician

Could Hunter Biden Cost His Father the Election?  The GOP is turning a strategy it used against Hillary Clinton on Joe Biden

What Richard Hofstadter Got Wrong: The late historian and author of “The Paranoid Style in American Politics” misdiagnosed the fate of modern conservatism.

Nervous Republicans see Trump sinking, and taking Senate with him

Let's talk about alphas, wolves, Trump, and myths....

Let's talk with Deep Goat about Republicans admitting Russian interference...

Let's talk about which studies to believe....

America's Political Soul

Time to Merge Left

Trump skips briefing amid fears of overexposure: In a tweet, the president criticized the media’s “hostile questions” and said it wasn’t “worth the time and effort.”

Phunware, a data firm for Trump campaign, got millions in coronavirus small business help

Nancy Pelosi endorses Joe Biden for president

Speaker Pelosi vows to virus-proof November election with vote-by-mail provisions:  In the next battle in Congress for additional coronavirus relief for state and local governments, Speaker Pelosi says she will be supporting vote-by-mail provisions to protect the "life of our democracy."

Pat Toomey for governor? As he weighs in on Pa. coronavirus plans, insiders see a marker for the future

President’s intelligence briefing book repeatedly cited virus threat: U.S. intelligence agencies issued warnings about the novel coronavirus in more than a dozen classified briefings prepared for President Trump in January and February, months during which he continued to play down the threat, according to current and former U.S. officials.

New York Board of Elections Cancels Democratic Presidential Primary

Editorial: Dolan delivers the church to Trump and the GOP

In Conversation with Stacey Abrams: Voting in the Age of COVID & the Future of the Democratic Party

Who is the Unmasked Man @ the Mayo Clinic?? Why It's Bigly Vainman aka The VP! The Great Ripoff.

Andrew Yang sues over New York’s shutdown of presidential primary: The former Democratic candidate argues that axing the primary would deny voters due process and hurt down-ballot candidates.

Live Interview with David Weissman, re: electing a functional President.

Handwritten note shows how FBI official approached key Michael Flynn interview

Vote by Mail: Head of Postal Union Says Mailed Ballots Are Best Way to Secure 2020 Election

Trump: Never wrong, never sorry, never responsible

All of the heavily armed extremists who assaulted the tenants of our system today support Trump. I want those people to have as little political power in this country as possible because I think they are dangerous and illiberal. This is zero sum. They must be defeated.

American "fundamentalists" linked to Trump pour millions of "black money" into Europe, stimulating the far right

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