Saturday, January 25, 2020

Economics and Corruption related links 012520

The soaring stockmarket: America v China • Tencent’s Universal groove • Bolsonaro, one year on • Germany’s thriving Greens

Dominic Cummings’s plan to reshape the state: Why Downing Street thinks that to get anything done it must first fix the machinery of government

Oxford Professor Ngaire Woods on a Brexit UK's position in Trade deal negotiations

Brexit: EU citizens face paying £4,345 ‘teachers’ tax’ to work in UK for five years. Extra ‘red tape’ before teaching qualifications are recognised will also add to existing recruitment crisis, Liberal Democrats warn

General election 2019: Leaked document raises fresh concerns about GB-NI trade after Brexit

David Lawrence: Post-Brexit trade deals with the EU and the US will define our future. But MPs could be left without a say.  MPs who value Parliamentary sovereignty, and who understand the need for democratic accountability for post-Brexit trade deals, should support Caroline Lucas’s amendment, writes David Lawrence

Former BBC Newsnight and Panorama journalist claims the BBC are making ‘Fake News’ programmes

‘Trump Money’ Is Buying Silence as Unprecedented Payments Go to Farmers: The amount sent to farmers tops the auto-industry bailout by billions, and was delivered without congressional approval

Trump claims he wants to protect seniors.  He’s actually their worst enemy

US arms companies see stocks soar after Soleimani assassination as analysts predict Iran conflict: Killing of top Iranian commander sparks fears of all-out war with America

Govt rejects visa-free deal with UK

Workshops share traditional knowledge of 'cultural burns' as fire management

The Americans dying because they can't afford medical care

Meet the Corporate War Profiteers Making a Killing on Trump's Attacks on Iran: As long as the top executives of our privatized war economy can reap unlimited rewards, the profit motive for war in Iran—or anywhere—will persist.

'Approximately 100 percent' of tariff costs have fallen onto Americans, new research shows

Did Capitalism Really Win?

After Years of Wrangling, Kansas Leaders Reach Deal to Expand Medicaid: The bipartisan proposal announced Thursday must still pass the Legislature. The state’s past expansion efforts have stalled.

FDA Warns of 'Serious' Respiratory Problems With Gabapentin

The Trump Administration Is Punishing Defrauded Students: Betsy DeVos has made it impossible for them to get full debt relief.

1 big thing: China threat stumps 2020 candidates

New Law Aims To Help Americans Without Retirement Plans. Will It Work?

THE NEW OLD AGE: A Change in Medicare Has Therapists Alarmed.  Medicare revamped its reimbursement policy for physical, occupational and speech therapy in nursing homes. That has left some patients with less help.

Job market ends 2019 with disappointing 145,000 growth in payrolls

Fed Adds $83.1 Billion in Short-term Money to Markets: Top Fed official says some repo operations might be needed at least through April

Fed Adds Just Over $40 Billion in Temporary Money to Markets: Intervention comes as a weekend repo consisting of $23 billion in Treasurys, $17.9 billion in mortgages

What Is a Repurchase Agreement?

Federal Reserve Admits It Pumped More than $6 Trillion to Wall Street in Recent Six Week Period

The market will need the Fed again in 2020

Trump claiming to be a defender of preexisting conditions is pretty shameless: The president’s latest health care tweet shows he’s either lying or hopelessly confused about his own positions.


JFK to 911: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick - - a film by Francis Richard Conolly The Rise of the American Shadow Govt

Funding Opportunities: PHDC has funding opportunities tied to new programs and are issuing a Request for Proposals (RFPs) or Qualifications (RFQs).

U.S. Alcohol-Related Deaths Have Doubled, Study Says

Richest Republicans View Health Care Far Differently Than Poorest, NPR Poll Finds

Half of single seniors can't pay for the basics: Why Social Security's not enough

American farmer: Trump 'took away all of our markets'

Scientists find that tin found in Israel from 3,000 years ago comes from Cornwall: It proves that complex trade routes existed as far back as the Bronze Age

MIT’s Inconvenient Truth: The Epstein controversy is a symptom of a culture long overdue for a reckoning.

We have what it takes to tackle the HIV spike, but delay is not an option

TRUMP’S “PHASE ONE” TRADE DEAL IS ANOTHER CLASSIC TRUMP SCAM: China has “taken Trump to the cleaners.”

Doctor’s good work is a reminder of our common bond: "Dr. Deborah Frank is an example to us all that in the course of our daily lives, we can take actions to improve the lives of those around us." 

Trump’s trade deal with China is fake, and it hides a few unpleasant truths

Israel Emerging as a Worldwide CBD Leader

Rollback proposed for Michelle Obama school lunch guidelines

Report: Six Banks Reaped $18 Billion Last Year from Trump Tax Cuts

State Dept. releases docs that show how Giuliani's smear campaign against Yovanovitch reached Pompeo:  The State Department has released a group of documents that show how Rudy Giuliani's smear campaign against U.S. Amb. Marie Yovanovitch reached Secretary of State Pompeo, via the Oval Office. The documents were sought as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by ethics watchdog American Oversight. The Last Word talks with the group's executive director about what they've learned so far.

How could changing capital gains taxes raise more revenue?

City of San Diego Awarded GE Mass Surveillance Contract Without Oversight: San Diego is now home to the largest mass surveillance operation across the country


A De-escalation Exercise for Upset Students: A simple technique that takes just a few minutes can help an agitated student regain the state of mind needed for learning.

Trump in Palm Beach: Local security bill for 27 visits to Mar-a-Lago at $13.7M

'A National Disgrace': Trump Proposes Social Security Change That Could End Disability Benefits for Hundreds of Thousands.  "Donald Trump and his advisers know that this will kill people, and they do not care. Every current and future Social Security beneficiary must band together to defeat this horrific proposal, or else all of our earned benefits will be next."

In Its 50th Year, Davos Is Searching for Its Soul: Critics say the gathering of elites is out of touch.

Tucker Carlson says rising housing costs are “100 percent an immigration problem”.   Carlson: “Inviting people from other countries ... makes the state poorer and more crowded”

Fox News hypes the non-accomplishments of Trump's “Phase 1” China trade deal.  Fox host: “No matter what we got, would’ve been a win”

Labor 101 for Undergraduate Workers Seeking To Unionize: The Northeast Undergraduate Worker Convention is the nation’s first annual convention aimed at training undergrad workers in collective organizing.

Even in Bankruptcy, Coal Companies Can’t Stop Selling Out Workers: The industry sees its employees like it sees the Earth: Just another resource to exploit.

Where's That 15-Hour Workweek We Were Promised?

The grooming gap: What “looking the part” costs women.  If women don’t conform to beauty expectations, they’re paid less.

How US climate deniers are working with far-right racists to hijack Brexit for Big Oil

The Education Department Is Ripping Off Defrauded Students: Students who got defrauded by for-profit colleges were going to get loan forgiveness — until Betsy DeVos showed up.

Trump Touts Weak Trade Deals That Likely Won’t Benefit US Workers

Trade War was Deadly to Asia’s Poor

Robert B. Reich: American corporations are sacrificing workers and communities as never before

Scrooge Lives: A New Chapter in the History of Food Stamps

Business and the Rising Minimum Wage

The Trouble with Obamacare

Trump’s Economic Cruelty

In Historic Shift, Second Largest Physicians Group in US Has New Prescription: It's Medicare for All.   "Major changes are needed," declares the 159,000-member American College of Physicians, "to a system that costs too much, leaves too many behind, and delivers too little."

'Stop Brexit' activist Steve Bray tripped and attacked by 'young Brexiteers' outside Parliament

Boris Johnson falsely claims there is 'no evidence' of Russian interference in UK politics: Prime minister facing criticism for failure to publish parliamentary report on Russia

Trump Has Spent $115 Million On Golf Trips ― Or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary

Giving Children Vacations Instead of Toys Can Lead to Advanced Brain Development, Experts Suggest

Let's talk about the end of capitalism and Davos....

Cannabis and Bankruptcy: 2019 in Review

‘The damage is spreading’: As Trump’s manufacturing recession hits more sectors, ‘Job growth has slowed sharply’

Hidden hearing loss is hitting people of all ages. Neuroscientists are still debating why. Those affected can hear all right, but when it’s noisy, they can’t understand.

Regulatory Capture: USDA’s Organic Governance Board Dominated by Affiliates of Corporate Lobby

Let's talk about China, pandemics, and conveying calm....

Fix It Healthcare At The Tipping Point_0005.mp4

Brexit is a collective English mental breakdown: English people living on dreams of empire never learned to see others as equals

In 2019, more Americans went to the library than to the movies. Yes, really.

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