Acute Care Inpatient Psychiatric Unit (Urgent Care), 3900
Woodland Avenue, CMC VAMC Philadelphia, 7East/7West, 215-823-5800
More volunteers are needed to support residents in the
CLC (Community Living Center) and to function as Van Drivers. Contact:
Voluntary Service, North Building, 6th floor, room A637,
Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center, 3900 Woodland Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, 215-823-5800 Ext. 5868
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors
Get the professional wardrobe you need by a seasoned
stylists and make a great first impression without breaking the bank!
The USPS 'Healing PTSD' Stamp Will Raise Money for
Episode 35: Thanksgiving Special – The Best of the Happy
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
“December 7, 1941, remains one of the most-heartbreaking
days in our history as a nation,” said VFW National Commander William “Doc”
Schmitz. “And while we suffered tragic loss that day, our nation stood in unity
and quickly recovered. Today, I ask every American to pay their respects to
these patriots, and their loved ones, for making the ultimate sacrifice. You
will, and must, never be forgotten.”
‘The Girl in the Picture’ from Vietnam visits Philly this
week for two events recalling horrors of that war: After seeing the picture,
Lokumbe — who finished a three-year residence with the Philadelphia Orchestra
this spring — immediately composed a piece, his first for strings, Children of the Fire, which will be
performed at 6:30 PM on Saturday,
December 8, 2019, at the Episcopal Cathedral in West Philadelphia. It is
dedicated to Phúc — who will attend the performance and participate in a
conversation called “The Girl in the Picture: Remembering Vietnam” at the National Constitution Center on Friday, December
7, 2019, with the journalist and author Mark Bowden. Lokumbe will also
perform an excerpt from Children of the
Fire at the center. In addition to the complete Children of the Fire, the cathedral performance will include the
world premiere of Lokumbe’s First Breath,
Last Sigh: A Journey Called Life.
The 4 Underlying Principles Of Changing Your Brain
The Neuroscience of Behavior Change: Helping patients
change behaviors by understanding the brain
Creating new neural pathways
Exercise-Induced Neuroplasticity - Creating New Neural
How Experience Changes Brain Plasticity
Soldierstone: Hidden high on a remote mountain peak is a
humbling and mysterious Vietnam war memorial.
Five things to include on your nursing resume to VA:
Before applying for a nursing position at VA, make sure your resume addresses
these five concerns.
VA Photos of the Week: December 6, 2019
#VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Alfred DiGiacomo
VA Artificial Intelligence can be used to help diagnose
cancer: Pathologists at Tampa VA teach computer to recognize cancer cells
Global War on Terror Memorial crosses major hurdle
VHA launches Innovators Network FY20 investment cycle:
Three-day event introduces new investees to Spark-Seed-Spread Innovation
Accelerator Program
#VeteranOfTheDay Navy Veteran Victor Paradis
Here's how you can see the new WWI epic '1917' for free
Hiking Wheelchair Opens Up Outdoor Lifestyle To People
With Serious Disabilities
The virtual Wall of Faces features a page dedicated to
honoring and remembering every person whose name is inscribed on the Vietnam
Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. In
an effort to further preserve the legacy of those who sacrificed all in
Vietnam, VVMF is committed to finding a photo to go with each of the more than
58,000 names on The Wall. The Wall of
Faces allows family and friends to share memories, post pictures and connect
with each other.
The FDA is fast-tracking a second psilocybin drug to
treat depression: The magic mushroom compound was just given “breakthrough”
status for treating depression—again.
Jon Bon Jovi’s Foundation Builds 77 Homes For Homeless
VFW Action Corps Weekly
2019-12-05 Full Committee Markup on Pending Legislation.
On Thursday, December 5, 2019, the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee held a
markup hearing to consider H.R. 3495, the IMPROVE Well-Being for Veterans Act.
The bill passed the committee and can now be voted on by the full House of
Representatives. H.R. 3495 creates a three-year pilot program that would offer
grants to community providers who offer services that target factors that
contribute to suicide such as financial stress, relationship, stress,
readjustment and community integration issues, housing insecurity, and others.
The goal is to reach the two-thirds of veterans who commit suicide and have not
utilized VA prior to their suicides. Watch the hearing:
Anchors of hope: Evidence-based suicide prevention
practices make an impact
This year’s National Wreaths Across America Day takes
place on Dec. 14. Wreaths Across America’s annual escort to Arlington National
Cemetery kicks off on Saturday, Dec. 7. National President of American Gold
Star Mothers, Mona Gunn, will lead the caravan as this year’s Grand Marshal.
The escort will travel down the east coast, stopping at schools, memorials and
other locations to REMEMBER, HONOR and TEACH. It will make stops in Maine,
Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Washington D.C.
The escort’s final stop will be Arlington National Cemetery on the morning of
Saturday, Dec. 14.
Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that
returning home for burial with full military honors is Navy Fireman 1st
Class Leo T. Keninger, 20, was stationed aboard the USS Oklahoma, which
was moored at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, when the ship was attacked by Japanese
aircraft on Dec. 7, 1941. The USS Oklahoma was hit multiple times which caused
it to capsize quickly and caused the deaths of 429 crewmen, including Keninger.
Interment services are pending. Read about
Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is Navy Seaman 1st Class Orval A. Tranbarger, 20, was stationed aboard the USS Oklahoma, which was moored at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, when the ship was attacked by Japanese aircraft on Dec. 7, 1941. The USS Oklahoma was hit multiple times which caused it to capsize quickly and caused the deaths of 429 crewmen, including Tranbarger. Interment services are pending. Read about Tranbarger:
Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is Army Master Sgt. Harold F. Drews, 21, was assigned to King Company, 3rd Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division. For several days, his unit was engaged in intense fighting with the Chinese People’s Volunteer Forces near the Chosin Reservoir in North Korea. Drews went missing in action on Dec. 12, 1950. His remains could not be recovered. Interment Services are pending. Read about Drews:
Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is Army Sgt. 1st Class Riley Burchfield, 22, of Cleveland, was a member of Company D, 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division. He was captured by enemy forces near Kunu-ri, North Korea on Nov. 26, 1950. He reportedly died while in custody of the Chinese People’s Volunteer Forces at Prisoner of War Camp 5 in February 1951. Burchfield will be buried Jan. 10, 2020, in his hometown. Read about Burchfield:
Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that
returning home for burial with full military honors is Army Air Forces 1st
Lt. Steve Nagy, 23, of Lorain, Ohio, was a member of the 407th Bombardment
Squadron (Heavy,) 92nd Bombardment Group (Heavy,) 40th Combat Bombardment Wing,
1st Air Division, 8th Air Force. On Aug. 24, 1944, Nagy piloted a B-17G Flying
Fortress aircraft, carrying nine crewmembers, which was struck by German
anti-aircraft fire and crashed during a bombing raid over Merseburg, Germany.
Four crewmembers surviied and were captured by German forces, while five,
including Nagy, were killed. Nagy will be buried in his hometown. The date has
yet to be determined. Read about
Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is Navy Quartermaster 2nd Class Daryle E. Artley, 21, of Maywood, Nebraska, was stationed aboard the USS Oklahoma, which was moored at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, when the ship was attacked by Japanese aircraft on Dec. 7, 1941. The USS Oklahoma was hit multiple times which caused it to capsize quickly and caused the deaths of 429 crewmen, including Artley. Artley will be buried May 15, 2020, in Vancouver, Washington. Read about Artley:
Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that returning home for burial with full military honors is Navy Chief Water Tender Frances D. Day, 37, of Milburn, New Jersey, was stationed aboard the USS Oklahoma, which was moored at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, when the ship was attacked by Japanese aircraft on Dec. 7, 1941. The USS Oklahoma was hit multiple times which caused it to capsize quickly and caused the deaths of 429 crewmen, including Day. Day will be buried at the Punchbowl. The date has yet to be determined. Read about Day:
Gary T. Schreiber obituary
JWV’s 33rd Allied Mission to Israel March 22- March 31,
PHLgov TV – Philadelphia Government Access Television
Veterans Advisory Commission 9-11-2019
VA Dentistry - Improving Veterans’ Oral Health
Stormzy: UK is 'definitely racist' and Johnson has made
it worse. Grime artist says prime
minister’s racist comments have encouraged public hate
Holiday Message from the Under Secretary for Memorial
JWV Condemns the Anti-Semitic Attack in Jersey City, NJ
RAO Bulletin Update 15 December 2019
Here's the Guest Policy for Newly Eligible Commissary and
Exchange Shoppers
Veterans Can Attend Their VA Claims Hearings at Home
Starting Next Year
Walmart Partners with VA on Telehealth Project
VA Opens Gambling Addiction Center in Sin City
VA opens gambling addiction center in Las Vegas: VA opens
residential gambling addiction center in Las Vegas
'Millions' Stolen in Decade-Long Buying Fraud at Florida
VA Hospitals, Officials Say
Labor Dept. announces competition to better connect
transitioning service members and employers
Expansion project underway at Louisiana National Cemetery:
Cemetery serves as hub for all four VA cemeteries in state
#VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Leroy Paul Baker
Army Veteran shares his story to help others in crisis:
His advice is simple and straight forward: “Get help”
VA “Pink Out!” promotes breast cancer awareness:
Facilities across America show their spirit
VA geriatric scholar uses the power of story to improve
patient care
VA FARMS program trains hands, heals minds
#VeteranOfTheDay Navy Veteran Tyler Trahan
VA offers a variety of health-related mobile apps for
Veterans to help them take control of their health care from the palm of their
hands. Veterans with a My HealtheVet Premium account can access these apps that
will either be downloaded directly to a mobile device or through a
mobile-friendly website. Find some of the most popular ones listed below, or
visit the VA App Store for a full and detailed list.
Diabetes Over 50: Tips to better control your diabetes
Don't Hibernate: Stay Active this Winter. Benefits include lower blood pressure,
improved sleep, and less fatigue
Medication Questions: Get the Facts
Take Control of Your Stress: Manage everyday stress with
these tips and smartphone apps
Tips for Managing Stress Around the Holidays
Cough Cough... Is that Flu?
Turning 40: What to Know. Don't be blindsided by predictable health
How to Avoid Prescription Refill Mistakes: Best steps to
use when refilling your VA prescription
VA introduces new direct deposit options for Veterans,
beneficiaries: Partners with Association of Military Banks of America
Comprehensive Healthcare Inspection of the Coatesville VA
Medical Center Pennsylvania
Suicide Prevention: Resources
Postvention as Prevention: Understanding the Impact of
Empathy Integral to Working With Patients at Risk for
Comprehensive Healthcare Inspection of the Chalmers P.
Wylie Ambulatory Care Center Columbus, Ohio
Veterans serving Veterans: VA researchers who
served. A chat with Dr. Mark Logue
Borne the Battle #176: Commission on National, Military
and Public Service. Featuring Navy
Veteran Shawn Skelly and Marine Corps Veteran Ed Allard
Veterans find assistance, camaraderie at Vet Centers
Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association and VA partner for
Final Salute: The Last Mile
#VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Angie Holbrook
Veterans: Enjoy eating out when you have diabetes. Make restaurants a healthy part of your meal
Veterans Homes Healthcare Project Manager – Now hiring
Comprehensive Healthcare Inspection of the VA Butler
Health Care Center Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania to Honor Active Military, Veterans at 2020
PA Farm Show
System in place to combat veteran homelessness
This Call to Action – “Equality! Equity! Justice!” – by
the American Mental Wellness Association encourages everyone to seek a
healthier happier more humane America.
VIDEO: 75th anniversary of Battle of the Bulge
commemorated in Belgium
A new bill would cover the cost of service dogs for
veterans with PTSD
Federal regulators to set up three-digit suicide hotline
3-digit suicide prevention number approved nationwide
VA extends benefits to offshore Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans
January 1st. Law also affects
survivors of Veterans, certain dependents and Veteran homebuyers
2020 Census Jobs: The U.S. Census Bureau is recruiting to
fill hundreds of thousands of temporary positions across the country to assist
with the 2020 Census count.
Feds Hire Vets: Veteran employment resources
Programs for Veterans: Days of Reflection and Wellness
for Female Veterans: “Coming Home, Becoming Whole”
Comprehensive Healthcare Inspection of the Louis Stokes
Cleveland VA Medical Center Ohio
Comprehensive Healthcare Inspection of the St. Cloud VA
Health Care System Minnesota
Comprehensive Healthcare Inspection of the VA Southern
Oregon Rehabilitation Center and
Clinics White City, Oregon
At the CMC VAMC Veterans Advisory Council Meeting on
December 5, 2019,
Iris Roundtree presented a briefing on suicide
prevention. She discussed outreach
activities and wanting to be in as many places as possible. Last year the suicide prevention team did 123
outreaches, and their plan is to double that for next year. Veterans Crisis
Line receives over 2000 calls/day, and all local calls are followed up by staff
here. Every call is taken
Iris discussed working with gun shops on gun lock
initiative, and also partnering with first responders.
Another new initiative is “Freeze the Keys.” There is a small container to place the gun
lock key in and then add water and place in freezer. The idea that even the small amount of time
it takes for keys to unfreeze will be enough to discourage someone from
completing an attempt.
The new suicide risk assessment tool is more detailed in
an effort to promote safety.
Iris discussed TAPS-Tragedy Assistance Program for
Survivors and how important it is to just be there for family members and
friends of those who have committed suicide.
Also at the CMC VAMC Veterans Advisory Council Meeting on
December 5, 2019,
Rodney Wyatt, Executive Director/ Founder, Salute 2
Service, shared about upcoming toy and coat drive. If anyone knows of someone in need, please
contact him. He has a lot of items to
give away. He can be reached at or 267-554-7956.
Also at the CMC VAMC Veterans Advisory Council Meeting on
December 5, 2019,
George Perez said his Am. Legion Post 840 is sponsoring a
3 Kings Holiday party for kids in the neighborhood-5th and Lehigh in north
Philadelphia. Anyone who has extra toys,
please let him know. George can be
reached at .
Also at the CMC VAMC Veterans Advisory Council Meeting on
December 5, 2019,
Michelle Lockman of Congressman Boyle’s office shared
that the office has become a commemorative partner for Vietnam Veteran 5oth
anniversary program and is planning an pinning ceremony for March or April. She is located at his district office at 1318
W. Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19123, Phone: (215) 982-1156.
Also at the CMC VAMC Veterans Advisory Council Meeting on
December 5, 2019,
John Schfhausser made a pitch for volunteers in the
CLC. He also stated how much the
residents like receiving cards, especially those that are hand-made by kids.
Also at the CMC VAMC Veterans Advisory Council Meeting on
December 5, 2019,
Len Johnson reported that DAV is looking for van
drivers. Anyone interested can contact
him at .
Also at the CMC VAMC Veterans Advisory Council Meeting on
December 5, 2019,
Angel Arizmindi reported on the expansion of access to
commissaries on bases for those with a VA ID card. Here is a link to further information about
this program:
Starting January 1, the Department of Defense (DoD) and
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are expanding commissary, military
exchange, and morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) (e.g. bowling, golf, etc.)
retail privileges to Veterans who are Purple Heart recipients, Veterans who are
former prisoners of war, all Veterans with service-connected disabilities, and
individuals approved and designated as the Primary Family Caregivers enrolled
in the VA Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers.
DoD sets the conditions for access to DoD
installations. The following credentials
are approved by DoD:
· Veterans
can present their Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC) to gain entry to
DoD and Coast Guard installations and some commissary stores. The VHIC must display the Veteran’s
eligibility status (i.e., PURPLE HEART, FORMER POW, or SERVICE CONNECTED).
· Veterans
in category 8e who are not eligible for a VHIC may present their HEC form H623A
to demonstrate eligibility for the DoD benefit along with acceptable
identification (REALID) credential to gain entry.
· Primary
Family Caregivers will receive a letter from the VA Office of Community Care that
indicates they are the approved and designated Primary Family Caregiver of an
eligible Veteran under the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family
Caregivers and are eligible for these privileges. Eligible caregivers will need to show an
acceptable identification (REALID) credential along with their eligibility
letter to gain entry.
Veterans with questions about the VHIC or HEC form H623A
should be referred to speak to someone in the VAMC Enrollment/Eligibility
DoD’s fact sheet can be found here:!/detail/780
Caregivers with questions should be referred to their
local Caregiver Support Coordinators or, for caregiver support services, visit: .
Also at the CMC VAMC Veterans Advisory Council Meeting on
December 5, 2019,
Andre McCoy gave information about the Military Star
Card, a credit card exclusively for military personnel and their families. For more information see:
He also mentioned about closest commissary at the Coast
Guard station at the foot of Washington Ave.
Also at the CMC VAMC Veterans Advisory Council Meeting on
December 5, 2019,
Bernie Epworth of Jewish War Veterans
announced a Hannukah party at the State Veterans Home in
Vineland, NJ on December 17,
and at the Joint Base MDL on Dec. 23.
January 10, 2020-10 a.m. -2p.m. - the CMC VAMC will host a Veteran’s job fair in
the 3rd floor multi-purpose room.
January 14, 2010-11 a.m. – Veteran Town Hall at Crescenz
VAMC in 7th floor LVA Auditorium
January 17, 2020-8:30 a.m. – Delaware Valley Veterans
Consortium Quarterly Meeting at St. Joseph’s University.
January 10, 2020, the CMC VAMC will host a Veteran’s job
fair from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in the 3rd floor multi-purpose room.
The next Veterans Advisory Council meeting will
be on February 6, 2020.
This Is the 2020 Veteran Disability Pay Raise
Budget Deal Advances VA Private Care Program Backed by
Trump: President Donald Trump’s expansion of a program aimed at steering more
veterans to private health care is getting a $8.9 billion boost as part of the
massive government spending bill approved by the House.
VA must fill its 49,000 vacant jobs, senator tells Wilkie
When It Comes to Veterans, Democrats Parrot the Right
Wing’s Narrative: The Republican playbook to undermine universal health care
begins with their rhetorical attacks on the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Cancers strike veterans who deployed to Uzbek base where
black goo oozed, ponds glowed
University of Phoenix settles for record $191 million on
charges of deceptive advertising
National Museum of African American History to display
temporary exhibit on WWI’s impact on African Americans
GRANT PROGRAM HONORING VETERANS: The Memorializing Veterans Act to support the
Veterans Legacy Program, honoring the lives of our nation’s men and women who
Veteran Scenarios: Herbicide Exposure and VA Home Loan
VA Polytrauma patient thanks Texas golfers: Golfers hit
the fairways for Fisher House
Lead in Veterans’ healthcare as VAMC Executive Director:
Ensure excellence in healthcare for our nation’s Veterans by leading one of 14
VA medical centers looking for an Executive Director.
World War II hero led a memorable pro football life
#VeteranOfTheDay Marine Veteran John E. Foster
VinhSon Orphanage (VSO) December Newsletter 2019
Florida Nonprofit Wants to Build Monument for Women
Veterans at Old Amtrak Station
NewsBytes December 20, 2019. In this issue: Spending Bills and NDAA Pass;
VA Extends Benefits to Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans; GI Bill Improvements
Pass House; FRA Headquarters Holiday Schedule
Happy Holidays from VVA
Support Our Veterans: Donations collected by the Vietnam
Veterans of America help fund local programs and services to improve the lives
of U.S. veterans
Find volunteer opportunities with your local VVA Chapter.
Find your local Chapter at
Share your support of VVA’s mission with your friends and
family! Join us on Facebook at
Audit of VA’s Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 2019
and 2018
VFW Action Corps Weekly December 20, 2019
VFW Hosts 60 Wounded Warriors, Families for the Aleethia
Foundation’s Friday Night Dinner: ‘It is an honor to break bread, share
stories, and be part of the healing process for these resilient service men and
The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that
returning home for burial with full military honors is Army Air Forces 2nd Lt.
George M. Johnson, 23, was a member of the 38th Bombardment Squadron, 30th
Bombardment Group, stationed at Hawkins Field, Betio Island, Tarawa Atoll,
Gilbert Islands, when the B-24J bomber aircraft he was co-piloting crashed into
Tarawa lagoon shortly after takeoff. Johnson and the nine other servicemen
aboard the aircraft were killed. Interment services are pending. Read about
The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that
returning home for burial with full military honors is Army Air Forces 2nd Lt.
Lowell S. Twedt, 27, Twedt was a pilot assigned to the 71st Fighter Squadron,
1st Fighter Group. On Oct. 20, 1944, he piloted a P-38J “Lightning” aircraft as
part of an escort for a B-17 “Flying Fortress” bombing mission targeting oil
storage tanks in Regensburg, Germany. The mission encountered enemy
anti-aircraft fire around Bolzano, Italy. Three P-38Js, including Twedt’s, went
down as a result. An eyewitness account saw Twedt’s aircraft falling to the
ground in flames, and did not see him eject. Twedt’s remains were never
recovered. Interment services are pending. Read about Twedt:
The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that
returning home for burial with full military honors is Army Sgt. John V.
Phillips, 25, was a member of Headquarters Company, 31st Infantry Regiment,
when Japanese forces invaded the Philippine Islands. Intense fighting continued
until the surrender of the Bataan peninsula on April 9, 1942, and of Corregidor
Island on May 6, 1942. Thousands of U.S. and Filipino service members were
captured and interned at POW camps. Phillips was among those reported captured
after the surrender of Corregidor and held at the Cabanatuan POW camp. More
than 2,500 POWs perished in this camp during the war. Interment services are
pending. Read about Phillips:
The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that
returning home for burial with full military honors is Army Cpl. Jackey D.
Blosser, 21, of Randolph County, West Virginia, was a member of Dog Company,
1st Battalion, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division. He was reported
missing in action Dec. 2, 1950, in the vicinity of the Chosin Reservoir, North
Korea, when his unit was attacked by enemy forces. Following the battle, his
remains could not be recovered. Blosser will be buried April 24, 2020, in
Grafton, West Virginia. Read about Blosser:
The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that
returning home for burial with full military honors is Army Sgt. Maximiano T.
Lacsamana, 37, of Macabebe, Pampanga, Philippines, a veteran of the Philippine
Scouts during World War II, was a member of Company I, 3rd Battalion, 31st
Regimental Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division. His unite was engaged in intense
fighting with the Chinese People’s Volunteer Forces near Hagaru-ri, North
Korea. He was reported missing in action Dec. 3, 1950. Lacsamana will be buried
in the spring of 2020 in the Philippines. The exact date and location have yet
to be determined. Read about Lacsamana:
The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced that
returning home for burial with full military honors is Army Cpl. Jerome V.
Hummel, 23, of St. Louis, Missouri, was a member of Heavy Mortar Company, 31st
Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division. He was reported missing in action
Nov. 30, 1950, in the vicinity of the Chosin Reservoir, North Korea, when his
unit was attacked by enemy forces. Hummel will be buried May 7, 2020, in his
hometown. Read about Hummel:
Happy Holidays from VA, Feds Hire Vets, HIRE Vets
Medallion Program
Volunteers lay wreaths at national cemeteries
U.S. Department of Labor presents 2019 HIRE Vets
Medallion Awards
VA in 2019: A Year of Improvements and Continued Progress
VA Photos of the Week: December 20, 2019
#VeteranOfTheDay Air Force Veteran Aaron Burgstein
Navy Veteran took back her freedom: She lost 117 pounds
and is buying dresses again
VA’s Patient Statement portal now available online
VA receives high marks for communicating with the public
Lifetime of VA health care keeps Veteran going strong
#VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Larry Schwab
2019: Big year with big changes ahead for VA loan program
#VeteranOfTheDay Navy Veteran Marjorie Byrnes
All Veterans Would Get Dental Care Help Under This
Proposed Plan
Some New Commissary Shoppers Will Be Able to Use This
Letter for Base Access
Bill Would Cover Cost of Service Dogs for Veterans with
Your VA Bills Can Now Be Seen Online
From homeless to hired – a story of resilience and
dedication: Army Veteran and VA employee welcomes fellow Veterans
Operation Babylift Veterans receive retroactive benefits
through VA help: VBA and AFHRA employees go above and beyond to help hundreds
#VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Joelpatrick Victor Leger
Veterans gain freedom, fuller lives under foster home
Senate Passes Bill to Ban VA From Signing Settlements
With Doctors Fired for Medical Mistakes: A 2017 audit found VA was routinely
burying mistakes made by its medical providers.
Join the VSP (Veterans Service Program, Spring Creek
Chapter, Trout Unlimited), VA, and South Hill School of Business and Technology
for a luncheon on Saturday, January 11, 2020, at 11 AM. Location: 480 Waupeland Drive, State College,
PA. Briefings will be provided by DMVA
leadership and by Centre County Director of Veterans Affairs. Contact: Jeff at 814 234-7755.
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