Sunday, October 20, 2019

Economics and Corruption related links 102019

GM hiring scabs to replace strikers at Missouri and Texas assembly plants

Johnson’s obscene behaviour this week confirms the arrival of Trumpian Britain: The destination may be more dangerous than we yet understand

BREAKING Cabinet Ethics Probe into Johnson’s Hedge Fund Backers: Byline Times has information that the prime minister’s backing by hedge funds invested in a hard Brexit is coming under scrutiny by the Cabinet Office.

Look who's back: Spitting Image returns for our chaotic times. Twenty-three years after it last aired, the puppet satire takes on Trump, Putin and Zuckerberg

AOC’s Plan to Decommodify Housing: With a new bill that complements the Sanders campaign’s policy, the representative wants to protect renters, not landlords.

The Tories have lost their ideology. Now they are merely the party of resentment: After three decades of intellectual decline, the Conservative party stands for nothing but Brexit

Tories reveal themselves as party of lawlessness and disorder: It’s hard to find someone in the ‘party of law and order’ without serious form right now

SMHS Awarded $22 Million Grant to Support Collaborative AIDS and Cancer Research: The AIDS and Cancer Specimen Resource has been renewed for five years.

Bojohemian Rhapsody (Boris Johnson sings Queen)

Conservatives know Boris Johnson is a fraud. But he's their fraud: Tory MPs manage to forget the new ‘deal’ has many of the features of the old one they said they hated

Brexit: Boris Johnson faces fresh legal challenge after Supreme Court humiliation.  Court asked to appoint official to deliver extension letter to Brussels if the prime minister refuses

Another 4,200 truck drivers lost their jobs in September as a recession slams America's $800 billion trucking industry

Anti-Worker Lawyer Eugene Scalia confirmed as Labor Secretary: After decades spent attacking the rights of workers struggling for justice and safety on the job, corporate lawyer Eugene Scalia has been confirmed as the new head of the U.S. Department of Labor.

US service industries see job losses for the first time in 10 years as Trump's trade war rages

'Brexitspeak' growing too fast for public to keep up, say experts: Linguist calls for help to build glossary of Brexit terms and of ‘toxic terminology of populism’

Simon Schama: who speaks for the people? Liberal institutions are under attack from leaders who claim to embody the popular will

Oligarch of the Month: Joe Ricketts

The Enduring Myth of “The Economy”: Why politicians continue to pretend it's a living, breathing thing that can be nursed back to health

Crash Course: How Boeing's managerial revolution created the 737 MAX disaster

The Failed Political Promise of Silicon Valley: Tech was meant to help us transcend our most intractable problems. What went wrong?

How Succession Skewers the Rich: The HBO show is a study in the corrosive nature of extreme wealth.

The Green New Deal Meets Green Republicanism: Does an empire of consumers have any hope of saving the planet?

Spreading the Gospel of Modern Monetary Theory: Once the province of wonks, the MMT cause is being embraced by ordinary people in search of a more moral economy.

Health Care Policy Is Always a Human Interest Story: It does your readers no good to keep them at a remove from the partisan politics that built this calamitous system.

I Worked at Capital One for Five Years. This Is How We Justified Piling Debt on Poor Customers.  The subprime lending giant is a textbook case in creating a corporate culture of denial.

The Tyranny of Economists: How can they be so wrong, so often, and yet still exert so much influence on government policy?

33% of Parents Went Into Debt to Pay for Summer Childcare in 2018: This year’s back-to-school deals: pens, pencils, and… childcare?

How the U.S. Left Should Approach China: From trade policy to Hong Kong, progressives must oppose xenophobia and nationalism while advancing labor and human rights

A CAP Analyst’s Red-Baiting Book Accidentally Makes the Case for Socialism: Warren advisor Ganesh Sitaraman and Yale Law School professor Anne L. Alstott bend over backward to fix capitalism. And prove they can’t.

Unions Have Supported Democrats for Decades. It’s Time for Dems To Keep Their Promises.  Unions have played a critical role in helping Democrats get elected. What do they have to show for it?

‘Dream Big, Fight Hard’: Ady Barkan Will Inspire You.  The dying activist tells The Nation how he wants to be remembered.

The Student Debt Problem Is a Family Crisis: More and more parents are ending up trapped between what they feel is a moral obligation toward higher education and their financial reality.

The Very Soul of the Republic: Equality’s vexed meaning in Gilded Age America.

Either This World or the Next: Do we need to give up God to embrace socialism?

Time for the 2020 candidates to go after Trump on his supposed strength: the failing economy: Democratic candidates have veered away from direct attacks on Trump. That's a big mistake — he's getting weaker

Time for 2020 Democrats to Go After Trump on His Supposed Strength: the Failing Economy: Democratic candidates have veered away from direct attacks on Trump. That’s a big mistake — he’s getting weaker.

Fighting for Health Care in America’s Forgotten Towns: Life expectancy in my Western Pa. town is on its way down. But there’s hope — if we fight harmful myths about poverty.

Trump May Have Already Lost Iowa to the 2020 Democratic Candidates – Over Corn: Trump’s ethanol waivers have Iowa farmer fuming, and the Democrats have come calling with cogent rural agendas

WATCH: Coalition of 10,000 Farmers and Ranchers Call On Congress to Pass Green New Deal: "With a Green New Deal, we have a historic opportunity to break corporate control of farming, invest in rural America, and stand behind the hard-working people who grow our food every day."

President Trump: I’m One of the Workers You Lied To: Trump keeps giving tax breaks and federal contracts to companies that send Midwestern jobs — like mine — out of the country.

Striking GM Workers To Lose Company-Sponsored Health Coverage: The union will be covering the cost of COBRA during the lapse.

Google’s Chance To Do Good For Gig Workers

Removing the Profit From Our Pills: The Case for a Public Pharma System.  The American people are ready to extract the profit from our pills, and this new report shows us how to do it.

The Health Care Industry Poses an Existential Threat to the Middle Class

Healthcare Ad Spending Exceeds $65 Million in 2019 as Insurance Industry Ramps Up Effort to Kill Medicare for All: "The insurance companies are working hard to shift the blame and stop the movement for Medicare for All."

The Crazy in Economic Data

The Big American Bribery Scandal Isn’t Felicity Huffman’s $15,000: While bribing your child’s way into an elite college is pretty bad, it pales in comparison with the millions of dollars in bribes paid every hour in America at the federal and state level so billionaires and big corporations can get the laws they want.

Are We Healthier?

Is Trustworthiness Too Much to Ask?

Wealth That Concentrates Kills

Trader Donald Meets Adam Smith

Healthcare Even for the Worst Among Us

Surprise: Private Equity and Unforeseen Medical Billing

Where’s the clamor over our disastrous national debt?

Government debt from both sides of the ledger

Opinion - Trump Declares War on California: It’s a liberal state, so it must be punished.

The Trumponomics experiment is failing before our eyes

Stephen Schwarzman’s Lifelong Audacity: As a young man, the Blackstone CEO pushed his father to expand his store, badgered Harvard’s dean of admissions and insisted on a small salary bump to get ahead of a college rival

Steve Schwarzman Maps an Arc From Mowing Lawns to Advising Trump

The Growing Debate Over Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax

Bill Gates Is Right to Support a Wealth Tax: The money he pays could go to important projects that he wouldn’t fund himself.

Health Insurance That Doesn’t Cover the Bills Has Flooded the Market Under Trump: The administration’s moves to weaken the Affordable Care Act have taken hold, and companies are cashing in.

Striking GM workers say labor talks have "taken a turn for the worse"

Europeans in Britain used to feel at home. Now they have their doubts: Promises to protect EU migrants in Britain and Britons abroad have been broken too quickly

'It's okay to change your mind': Meet the Leave voters who have radically changed their views on Brexit

This 9-year-old was denied lunch on his birthday at school. Now the district is making changes

Treated Like Meat

Statement by David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament

Court delays decision on forcing PM to seek Brexit extension: Campaigners asked Scottish judges to order Johnson to write to EU if he fails to get deal

When pregnancy was a firing offense

Trump Tax Cuts Helped Billionaires Pay Less Taxes Than The Working Class In 2018

My ties to England have loosened': John le Carré on Britain, Boris and Brexit: At 87, le Carré is publishing his 25th novel. He talks to John Banville about our ‘dismal statesmanship’ and what he learned from his time as a spy

3 Win Nobel Prize In Economics For Work In Reducing Poverty

Britons in Europe face citizens' rights 'lottery' in event of no deal: Requirements and costs of staying put abroad after Brexit vary across EU member states

The rich are above us all, and below

Address given by Winston Churchill at the European rally in Amsterdam (9 May 1948): “We hope to see a Europe where men of every country will think as much of being a European as of belonging to their native land, and that without losing any of their love and loyalty of their birthplace. We hope wherever they go in this wide domain, to which we set no limits in the European Continent, they will truly feel "Here I am at home. I am a citizen of this country too". Let us meet together. Let us work together.  Let us do our utmost—all that is in us—for the good of all. How simple it would all be, how crowned with blessings for all of us if that could ever come, especially for the children and young men and women now growing up in this tortured world. How proud we should all be if we had played any useful part in bringing that great day to come.”

The Unmet Promises of a New Orleans Charter School: In 2012 almost all of Sci Academy’s seniors were heading to college. Seven years later, only 18 percent had graduated.

The Ethics of Eating: How our food culture is killing us.

Labour’s Big Gamble on Brexit: By dodging a decision on the issue, the party has ceded political ground to the right while demoralizing some of its own ranks.

A Tool to Improve Baseball Performance Has Become a Weapon Against the Players: How baseball’s numbers game threatens to strangle the sport.

The ‘Public Option’ on Health Care Is a Poison Pill: Some Democratic candidates are pushing it as a free-choice version of Medicare for All. That’s good rhetoric but bad policy.

Man pays off every child’s lunch debt at nine Florida schools

NHS doctor banned from coming back to UK over visa mix-up: Specialist stranded abroad after Home Office decision, amid chronic shortage of doctors

Bernie Sanders Says 3 People Are Wealthier Than Half of All Americans. Here’s Who They Are

Economic Update: Working Class History and the 2020 Election

Economic Update: A Growing US Left

The Michael Brooks Show

Brexit: Remain MPs head to Brussels to beg EU for delay beyond October 31. The Mirror travelled with the cross-party MPs as Dominic Grieve warned forcing any Brexit deal through parliament ahead of the deadline is 'fantasy'

Rising suicide rates at college campuses prompt concerns over mental health care

Girl, 2, faces being deported 'because she hasn't lived in the UK for 7 years': Lindsay Dutton's two-year-old daughter Lucy, who was born in South Africa, was given 14 days to leave the UK

Bernie Sanders Proposes Wealth Tax That Would Cut Billionaires’ Net Worth in Half

Jeremy Corbyn backs second referendum after ‘even worse deal than Theresa May’s’

Beyond the summit: Any deal struck between Britain and the EU should be put to voters.  The proposed Brexit agreement is quite different to anything advertised at the referendum in 2016

Northern blights: A massive money-laundering scandal stains the image of Nordic banks.  Danske and Swedbank will struggle to regain clients’ and regulators’ trust

 sober brawl: Alcohol firms promote moderate drinking, but it would ruin them.  Governments are growing more suspicious of Big Booze

25% of U.S. Health Care Spending Is Waste. Here’s Where to Find It.

Elton John: 'I am a European – not a stupid, imperialist English idiot'.   This article is more than 4 months old.  The singer says Brexit has made him ashamed to be British, while performing in Verona during his final world tour

So near and yet so far: Russia’s Chukotka and America’s Alaska are an era apart.  Despite being in spitting distance across the Bering Strait

Territorial claims: Is the board overseeing Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy unconstitutional?  If so Aurelius, a “vulture” hedge fund, could be in line for a big payout

Can Boris Johnson now see how to win Brexit after today's defeat? Robert Peston explains

Johnson’s withdrawal agreement: what happens next?  The PM is now legally obliged to apply for an extension. But his deal could still squeak through in the coming days

Rantin' Randy's Rant 10/19/19

Boris Johnson sends EU unsigned letter seeking Brexit delay along with another advising against it
Prime minister's gambit is denounced as 'pathetic' by MP who vows to bring legal action within days

Why U.S. farmers may be disappointed with latest China trade deal

Johnson defeated: It's now a guerrilla war to stop his Brexit deal

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