Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Economics and Corruption related links 041719

Dip into Social Security savings to pay for parental leave? That’s Marco Rubio’s plan.
Is it still paid family leave if you pay for it?

Indicative votes: A People's Vote just became much more likely

We can and should revoke Article 50: here’s how to do it

DeVos flips out at the press for reporting her cuts to Special Olympics

Combatting Vaccine Misinformation

UNICEF Raised More Than $1 Million on Facebook to Help Children in Yemen

Republican Kevin McCarthy warns Trump the latest attempt to kill Obamacare is a huge mistake

McDonald's finally promises it will no longer lobby against raising the minimum wage in the U.S.

Florida man and nephew who spent 42 years in prison cleared of murder: "When we have an opportunity to correct errors, we should do so," a prosecutor said.

Open thread for night owls: College admissions scam 'worked because whole system is corrupt'

Trump’s Budget Would Deny Food to 400,000 Children and Pregnant People

Brexit LIVE: Westminster gates SEALED OFF - thousands of Brexiteers protest for democracy

The humbling of Britain: The “enemies of the people” are not those opposing Brexit, but the reckless politicians who have brought us to this act of self-harm.

Brexit Day is cancelled: May's final deception falls to pieces

Philip Allott: Unexpected Denouement. The UK Remains in the EU by Mistake. The Brexit Saga Could Run and Run

The Scary Future of America! (2019-2020)

This is why I created the petition to revoke Article 50 and cancel Brexit: I didn’t expect much when I first created it but now the petition has 5.8 million signatures and counting I’m determined to keep the momentum going

This is why I created the petition to revoke Article 50 and cancel Brexit: I didn’t expect much when I first created it but now the petition has 5.8 million signatures and counting I’m determined to keep the momentum going

What Is Brexit? A Simple Guide to Why It Matters and What Happens Next

Special Olympics Live

The ‘soft corruption’ of City Hall’s secret $2 million grant fund: Council’s Philadelphia Activities Fund is one of the least-watched pots of money in the city — despite years of abuses.

Rick Scott’s Company Committed Historic Medicare Fraud. He Will Now Lead Trump’s Health-Care Push.

This is no time for a compromise with Brexiters: there is no middle way: A customs union is no better than a hard Brexit, and it’s a delusion that peace will break out if MPs are lured into the trap

The teacher shortage is real, large and growing, and worse than we thought: The first report in “The Perfect Storm in the Teacher Labor Market” series

Trump’s NAFTA 2.0 Puts Big Pharma First, America Second

Republican Blurts Out That Sick People Don’t Deserve Affordable Care

School district turns unused cafeteria food into take-home meals for kids

Take it from the Swiss: the Brexit referendum wasn’t legitimate.  With 400 national binding referendums over the last 50 years the Swiss have learned, sometimes the hard way, what works and what does not

5 essential recipes for a post-Brexit Britain

New Arkansas Law Defines Rice, Beef, Pork, and Meat

The Preexisting Conditions Debate Isn’t Over

Duke University to pay $112.5 million settlement for faked research

EU says it would not open talks with UK after no-deal Brexit until it agrees to divorce bill and Irish backstop

Flood of Comments Shows Public 'Utterly Repulsed' By Trump Plan to Take Food Stamps From 750,000 People: "This is a direct attack on the most vulnerable among us and this policy violence cannot go unchallenged," said Rev. William Barber

House of Commons suspended after water pours through ceiling: Leak soaks section of press gallery, fills light fittings and floods a cafe on the floor above

A Tory MP resigns then blows the lid on the myth of BBC impartiality

James O'Brien Says Everyone Needs To Know What Vote Leave Did On Friday

Cats in doorways getting tired of being used as Brexit metaphor

Cornish daffodils left to rot from lack of eastern European workers due to Brexit: Farms in Cornwall rely heavily on workers from eastern Europe - but this year has seen a sharp shortage

Why Labour's Brexit talks with Government are on verge of collapse

Brexit: Any EU country that vetoes Article 50 delay 'wouldn't be forgiven', Irish premier Leo Varadkar says.  Taoiseach says any attempt to block extension is 'extremely unlikely'

Time to halt big weed’s advance

Money management in marriage

Wendy’s Owner Gives Big to Trump While Refusing Farmworkers’ Demands

FBI director says white supremacy is a 'persistent, pervasive threat' to the US

Artificial Blood Business Takes a Hit

Trump administration to slash USDA pork inspections, including tests for salmonella, E. coli

What Leave voters want to happen in UK after Brexit

Is cancelling Brexit the Prime Minister’s new default?

'Why I changed my mind on leaving EU’ - Peter Oborne debates Melissa Kite on Brexit

U.N. report: With 40M in poverty, U.S. most unequal developed nation

Trump’s Fed threats meet a firewall: GOP lawmakers.  The president has railed against the nation’s central bank for removing the extraordinary economic support put in place during the last recession.

The Principles of Ray Dalio, A Radical Solution, Attu: Ray Dalio says wealth inequality is a national emergency; Air Date: Apr 7, 2019

Europe’s small, open countries brace for Brexit: Ireland, the Netherlands and Belgium are most exposed

UK likely to be offered Brexit extension until end of year

Brexit leading to the end of global Britain

Statement by the European Parliament ahead of the 10 April Brexit Summit

Third lien on Trump hotel brings alleged unpaid bills to over $5 million

UK immigration rules ‘deny’ NI-born Irish citizens access to EU rights: Activist calls for UK to clarify changes to law, says it creates ‘two tiers of Irish citizens’


Buying College Essays Is Now Easier Than Ever. But Buyer Beware

British governments could have allayed public fears about EU migration. They chose not to

Labour and Tories reluctantly prepare for European elections: Smaller parties hope to capitalise on anger over Brexit process – if poll is not cancelled

Measles Is Spiking Around The Globe. How Worried Should We Be?

Medical Anthropologist Explores 'Vaccine Hesitancy'

CHART: Where Disease-Carrying Mosquitoes Will Go In The Future

Shocking New Statistics About Water And Hygiene In Hospitals Around The World

Study Finds Racial Gap Between Who Causes Air Pollution And Who Breathes It

Greener Childhood Associated With Happier Adulthood

Scientific Duo Gets Back To Basics To Make Childbirth Safer

Stormy Daniels isn’t the only sex worker who matters

Big Bank Bail-Ins Legal in the United States

Ellen Brown interviewed by Thom Hartmann - Big Banks will take your cash - YouTube

Brexiteers are right to compare themselves to Spartans – but not for the reasons they think

Brexit extension: The EU just condemned migrants to seven months of 'flexible' uncertainty

Trump's Plan to Reduce Trade Deficit Falters as it Hits an All-Time High Instead

The complicated love-hate relationship of immigrants from former colonies with the British Empire cannot be ignored if lessons are to be learned in post-Brexit Britain.

Quantum Computing Explained — It’s Rocket Science: But rocket science is easier than you think

Life Isn’t Fair – Get Over It Or Get Frustrated. It’s Your Choice.

Tories are using Brexit to get rid of human rights, warns Amnesty

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: Here you can find out more about the European Parliament, including how it is made up and what it is responsible for.

Brexit backlash: Party activists fear hostility could turn sinister

Former MEP Ashley Mote jailed over expenses fraud

How Biases About Mental Illness Keep People From Seeking Help: A response to those misleading memes about “natural” remedies for depression

Bail In's How Banks Can Legally Take Your Money - Economic Collapse News

All the past British Prime Ministers since 1957 wanted Britain to be a member of the European Community. Could they all have been wrong?

What does the rest of Europe think about our Brexit shambles?  Five UK-based correspondents from European newspapers reveal their hectic lives and their readers’ views on Britain since the referendum

The European Parliament has launched a new mobile application designed to help citizens to discover what the EU has done, is doing and plans to do, is now available.

Insurance Industry Whistleblower Exposes Effort to Crush Medicare for All

Brexit: Corbyn told to back new EU referendum or lose millions of supporters.  A generation of young people could desert the party, says Richard Corbett, leader of Labour MEPs

How A Trump Proposal Could Reduce 'Happy' Disabled People

Trump's tax cuts added $3.7 billion to JPMorgan's profits

Not just Amazon: 60 big companies paid $0 in taxes under Trump law

40 Years Ago, Norma Rae Understood How Corporations Weaponized Race: The 1979 Sally Field–starring drama showed how solidarity between black and white workers was often targeted to undermine the power of labor unions.


Solidarity Forever

Chris Johns: Fantasy no-deal Brexit has cost UK equivalent of 22 hospitals: Brexit will stay mired in fantasy until economic reality is acknowledged

Nine EU states, including UK, sign off on joint military intervention force: The plan, spearheaded by Emmanuel Macron, allows for British participation post Brexit.

Betsy DeVos Gets SCHOOLED For Not Knowing How To Be Education Secretary

Bags Of Cash, Armed Guards And Wary Banks: The Edgy Life Of A Cannabis Company CFO

We're Living Longer ... But A Medical Journal Sees Many Causes For Alarm

Porcupine Barbs For Better Wound Healing

David Lammy MP on The Andrew Marr Show

Egypt: Vivid 4,300-year-old tomb belonging to Fifth Dynasty senior official unveiled. The L-shaped necropolis belonged to a nobleman known as Khuwy and featured special green resin which has kept colours intact.

CERL Book Talk: 3/13/19 Kathleen Hall Jamieson

Brexit: Jeremy Hunt says 'absolute priority' to avoid European polls

The independence of central banks is under threat from politics: That is bad news for the world

The EU gives Theresa May another six months: Brexit is delayed until October 31st. Mrs May might not even be prime minister by then

EXCL Theresa May tells Whitehall no-deal Brexit preparation will carry on after backlash

UPDATE: So Washington State just passed a Public Option while no one was watching...

Cutting off Puerto Rico's Medicaid is not a 'fiscal cliff.' It will push people off a cliff—to die

Truckers latest group to get screwed by GOP tax scam

In 'major breakthrough' scientists 3-D print first vascularized heart from patient's own cells

While anti-vaxxers throw 'measles parties,' Madagascar has outbreak of over 115,000 cases—1,200 dead

In a huge move, New York City Council votes to ban marijuana drug testing for job applicants

Iain Duncan Smith urges Theresa May to quit next month

Greta Thunberg: ‘Everyone and everything needs to change’.  “It’s okay if you refuse to listen to me… but you cannot ignore the scientists, or the science, or the millions of children who are school striking for the right to a future.” Climate activist Greta Thunberg implores politicians at the European Parliament to take swift action on climate change.

London Finance Job Openings Halve in Two Years on Brexit Jitters

Measuring medical care in 20-minute doses

President Trump’s impossible health care dream

How to jump-start America

‘Internet troll’ who sent ‘rape tweet’ selected as potential Ukip MEP

Facebook’s role in Brexit and the threat to democracy

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