Democrats Clash With Trump Cabinet Officials Declining To
Now We Know The Secret Of Kellyanne Conway's Success In
The Trump White House
Laura Ingraham rips Trump’s decision to postpone State of
the Union
Iowa Bans Most Abortions As Governor Signs 'Heartbeat'
Sarah Sanders on Stone arrest: 'Nothing to do with the
White House'
Biden Could Beat Trump. But He’s Defeating Himself
Instead. The coming primary isn’t likely
to end well for a man who took a six-figure check from a right-leaning group
and then praised a Republican just before Election Day last year.
Trump asks why Clinton, Comey not punished for lying
(Whataboutism on display)
US banker with ties to Putin’s inner circle sought access
to Trump transition: Sources. Robert
Foresman sought to meet with Trump’s team after the 2016 election.
Trump concedes to temporarily end shutdown -- without
wall funding
These Are The Most Disgusting Trump Supporters You'll
Ever See
Did Trump ‘Lose’ the Shutdown? Or Are Liberal Pundits
Preaching Delusional Idiocy? – Part 1
‘Rejection Killings’ Need to Be Tracked: Two more women
died this week after saying no
Kavanaugh Is the Face of American Male Rage: Men are
being held accountable — and it has them mad as hell
The Gillette Effect: What a Single Ad Reveals About
American Men. Conservatives decrying a
“war on men” are more dangerous than you think
Kids Don’t Damage Women’s Careers — Men Do: Stop blaming
motherhood for a problem created by fathers
Innovation Isn’t About Ideas: It’s about solving problems
and doing hard things first
Do Different Strains of Marijuana Cause Different
Highs? Cannabis researchers say popular
notions of indica and sativa are “nonsense”
Not a Man 2020: There’s no shame in wanting a woman to be
Trump just pathetically tried to deny his shutdown defeat
by offering up sad excuses
Nancy Pelosi just threw the perfect shade at Trump over
arrest of Roger Stone
Bernie Sanders set to announce 2020 presidential run
Bernie Sanders, 77, 'set to announce he will run for
president in 2020' three years after fighting Democratic primary race against
Hillary Clinton
The former Director of National Intelligence just
explained how Stone arrest implicates Trump in Russia probe
Nancy Pelosi just ruthlessly mocked Trump after forcing
him to reopen government in humiliating defeat
Roger Stone says he would consider cooperating with
Congress should subpoena translator from Trump-Putin
All signs point the same way: Vladimir Putin has
compromising information on Donald Trump
Obstruction Is Collusion: Here’s how prosecutors think
about the latest Russiagate revelations.
Why would William Barr take this job? The answer should
alarm Trump
6 key takeaways from Bill Barr’s testimony about the
Mueller probe so far: Trump’s AG nominee offered some reassurances — but dodged
on other questions.
Take William Barr’s Serious Opening Statement Seriously:
The attorney general nominee signals that his loyalties lie with Mueller and
the Justice Department, and not just Trump.
2nd Judge Blocks Trump Birth Control Policy Across The
Trump and his associates had more than 100 contacts with
the Russians before the election
Barr still refuses to pledge to release Mueller probe
Judge abruptly cancels ex-Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort’s
sentencing in Virginia case
Mueller team signals to Stone associate another
indictment may be in the works
The Trump Cult
William Barr: Concerns Over Trump’s Privacy Could Shield
Robert Mueller Conclusions. The likely attorney
general said prosecutors need “to be sensitive to the privacy and reputational
interests of uncharged third parties.”
Trump Amplifies Misleading Allegations Of Voter Fraud In
Texas: Texas officials said 95,000 non-citizens may be on voter rolls, but that
number is suspect.
"It Can't Be Warren and It Can't Be Sanders":
Wall Street Executives Make 2020 Preferences Known
"Wall Street likes Biden, Booker, Harris,
Gillibrand, and Beto. Guess who they hate? Sanders and Warren. All the rest is
After Standing Ovation at Sundance, Ocasio-Cortez Says
'All Hands on Deck' Against 'Systemic Injustices' That Led to Trump: "We
need to realize that our democracy does belong to us, and when we don't
participate in it, when we don't invest in it, when we don't put our own energy
into it, what we are doing is we are giving it away to somebody else."
Bible classes in public schools? Why Christian lawmakers
are pushing a wave of new bills
GOP official shames Sen. Sinema for taking Senate floor
'improperly' attired in dress and boots
Republican National Committee to make 'unprecedented'
move of pledging 2020 support to Donald Trump
Mick Mulvaney says Trump is willing to shut down the
government again in three weeks
Republican senators all disclaim shutdown as a really bad
idea that totally wasn't their fault
Nancy Pelosi comes straight at Trump on Russia
'It's your fault'—Republican slams Mitch McConnell to his
face, for the government shutdown
Nancy Pelosi does in three weeks what Republicans failed
to do in three years
Greg Sargent Details How Pelosi Had to Overcome Charges
of Bothsiderism to Make Trump Cave.
Trump thought throwing Flynn to the wolves would end the
Russia investigation, because Jared said so
Trump's Approach to Governing? A Utah man nails it
Watch Malcolm Nance Chuckle as Sarah Kendzior Lays the
Wood to Trump. Priceless!
CNN: "The numbers show Trump lost the shutdown and
Pelosi won" and the Numbers Are FANTASTIC
Trump undercuts negotiations, sets stage for shutdown,
part 2
Why they fear Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Stacey Abrams to give Democratic response to Trump's
State of the Union
Welcome to Act III of the Trump Tragedy
Blaming Masculinity Will Only Make The Male Crisis Worse:
While the American Psychological Association calls attention to male needs and
crises, which I celebrate as a researcher and practitioner in the field, it
then falls into an ideological swamp.
How 'traditional masculinity' hurts the men who believe
in it most
Grown Men Are the Solution, Not the Problem
Wall Street Democrats want you to hate Bernie Sanders
Jimi Hendrix "Pali Gap" - Horses wild &
Trump's lies on his business dealings in Russia were a
profound betrayal of the voters
Rudy Giuliani Is Possibly a Legal Genius, But Probably
Just an Idiot
The media’s ‘Gotcha!’ hysteria is shameful
The huge problem with Mueller’s Trump-Russia probe that
no one talks about | Will Bunch
Yes Minister - A Question Of Loyalty
Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial
Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy Kindle Edition
Sorry, but Trump is not tough on Russia
Don’t expect Trump to go quietly
A look back on two dismal years of the Trump
Trump and the obliteration of America
Russian DNC Hackers Launch Fresh Wave of Cyberattacks on
U.S.: Despite our best efforts at deterrence, the hits have kept coming even as
the 2020 election approaches.
Progressive Dems: ‘Not Another Dollar’ More in
DHS Funding. Reps. Ayanna Pressley,
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar just threw a wrench in
the border wall debate.
US leaving arms control treaty with Russia
Five takeaways on Trump decision to suspend nuclear
treaty with Russia
Pompeo announces suspension of nuclear arms treaty with
Miriam Adelson was awarded Medal of Freedom after
donating $500k to Trump aides’ legal expenses: The Adelsons were the biggest
donors to Trump's campaign other than Trump.
Elizabeth Warren Apologizes to Cherokee Nation for DNA
Trump blames former Speaker Paul Ryan for not getting
border wall funding
AOC Thinks Concentrated Wealth Is Incompatible With
Democracy. So Did Our Founders.
House Republicans block passage of anti-shutdown
resolution despite removal of language blaming Trump: Meanwhile, House
Democrats pass bill to increase federal employees’ pay for 2019
Contradicted by his own national security team, Trump
tries gaslighting
The Atlantic: Michael Bloomberg’s Secret Plans to Take
Down Trump
H.R.26 - No Work, No Pay Act To prohibit the pay of
Members of Congress during periods in which a Government shutdown is in effect,
and for other purposes.
H.Res.13 - Impeaching Donald Trump, President of the
United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors
Russia Is Attacking the U.S. System From
Within: A new filing by Special Counsel Robert Mueller shows how Russia uses the federal courts to go after its
Putin is secretly sending Russian troops to Venezuela.
The U.S. Formally Withdraws From Unesco, the U.N. Agency
That Aims to Build Peace Through Cultural Understanding
Russian troll accounts purged by Twitter pushed Qanon and
other conspiracy theories: The accounts’ tweets featured the hashtag #MAGA,
usually in support of President Trump, almost 38,000 times — the most of any
Trump Lifts Rusal, En+ Sanctions as Glencore Shuffles
Stephen Colbert Mocks Trump’s Rambling ‘New
York Times’ Interview in Mini-Monologue: “You
just babbled for two minutes. The only line you drew is through the kids menu
that is your brain,” Late Show host says in web exclusive
Trump Is Entering the Terrible Twos—the Tantrums Are
Going to Get Worse: His presidency reminds us that this country has relied for
too long on a “gentleman’s agreement” to maintain a civil society. We must
demand a thorough reconstruction of our politics.
Letters From the February 11-18, 2019, Issue:
Military-industrial complexity… Worth 1,000 words… Parsing the new NAFTA…
Greenspan’s historical amnesia…
How to Protect Yourself When Abortion Is Illegal: A
Q&A With Robin Marty. In her new
book Handbook for a Post-Roe America, Robin Marty provides a blueprint for
accessing reproductive-health care and fighting for your rights in a country
where abortion has become a crime.
Let’s Tally the Damage of the Past Six Months: We should
not lose sight of the real human cost of the manufactured border crisis.
How Pramila Jayapal’s Inside-Outside Strategy Is Changing
the Future of Progressive Politics
The congresswoman is a lifelong organizer—and now she’s
one of the key players in Congress.
An Equal Say: Where does truth fit into democracy?
Transcript: President Trump on "Face the
Nation," February 3, 2019
JIM HIGHTOWER: Progressive populism: A different kind of
political beauty
Letters to the Editor: Trump’s Gut May Betray Him
Shutdown Ripples through the Community
How Will Trump’s Presidency End? Seven Ways It May
Don’t judge Women’s March by headcounts alone
Exactly How Bad Is Trump At Making Deals? Even Worse Than
You Think. The shutdown stalemate
highlights how the president’s strategies contradict best practices,
negotiation experts explain.
Bill Barr remains a big mystery: Protect Bob Mueller or
shield Donald Trump's crimes? Incoming
attorney general says he's friends with Bob Mueller, but won't promise we'll
ever see the report
Robert B. Reich: On democracy and dictatorship
Trump’s flailing indicates a man in serious trouble
We Cannot Afford More Media Malpractice
Can Pelosi Dance with Ocasio-Cortez?
Washington's Perfect Storms, Inside and Out
Trump’s Crumbling Wall -- of GOP Political Support: Why
the government shutdown will end soon, as Republicans run for the exits.
Here Is the Progressive Agenda
Blue Waves in the Golden State
Songs of Resistance
Trump is a slapstick genius for the comically disastrous
way he runs this country
Best and Worst
Inside Roger Stone's Swinging Marriage Where He
Frequented Sex Clubs with His 'Insatiable' Wife
Beware the Moderate Democrat: Why the centrist extremists
are an incredibly dangerous political animal
'He's doing the enemy's job for them': Current and former
officials compare Trump to a toddler and say his attacks on the intel community
create a goldmine for foreign governments
Justice Ginsburg Has No Remaining Signs Of Cancer, Will
Return To Supreme Court
Pet Shop Boys lampoon Donald Trump and Michael Gove on
new song: Synth-pop duo’s Give Stupidity a Chance refers to Gove’s assertion
that ‘people in this country have had enough of experts’
Bernie Sanders Uses Rebuttal To Fact-Check Trump’s State
Of The Union Speech: “I hate to say this, but not everything Donald Trump said
tonight was true or accurate,” the senator said.
Trump to Democrats: Let’s Compromise — and Do It My Way!
President Trump Said His State of the Union Was the Most
Watched in History. It Wasn't
Accuser of Virginia's lieutenant governor details alleged
sexual assault
Trump administration fires all members HIV/AIDS advisory
Trump Ally Tries To Remove Parkland Fathers From Gun
Violence Hearing
Decades of Dirty Tricks Finally Catch Up to Roger Stone:
Trump’s longtime adviser said after appearing in federal court, “The only thing
worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
Uh-Oh: Roger Stone's arrest brings the Mueller
investigation one step closer to Trump himself.
Roger Stone indictment isn't good news for those seeking
Trump impeachment
The Peculiar Logic of the Trump-Russia Scandal Deniers
Mueller’s Real Target in the Roger Stone Indictment: It
was probably not Stone himself, but rather his electronic devices.
AOC What's Stopping Me?
What's stopping me from being a really bad guy? Can I pay people off? Is
there any restriction on PAC funding?
Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker to testify at House
hearing Friday
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos says National Enquirer
publisher tried to extort him
In 'Team Of Vipers,' It's Mr. Sims Who Goes To Washington
‘Team of Vipers’ Author Cliff Sims Tells Colbert Why
Trump Will Never Fire Kellyanne Conway
Former White House Staffer Cliff Sims on Trump’s
Emotional Life and the Fine Points of Leaking
Trump's Treasury Department Just Lifted Sanctions on
Three Businesses Linked to a Russian Oligarch
Paygo Pelosi and the austerity brigade
Kavanaugh’s dissent in abortion case makes a fool out of
Susan Collins
Howard Schultz faces hometown protests as he eyes 2020
Milbank: Trump "Trying To Create A Crisis" With
The Border
Dana Milbank: Government wastes resources trying to turn
Trump lies into truth
Trump and His Associates Had More Than 100 Contacts With
Russian Nationals and Wikileaks
Something's Got to Give
Bernie Sanders Is Ready to Rumble: The senator from
Vermont thinks he can prevail against the crowded Democratic field and then
beat Trump for president in 2020.
I Sat on the Other Side of Stephen Miller’s First Wall:
It was third grade. And things got messy.
GOP Warns That Releasing Trump’s Taxes Could Lead to More
Russian-Style Kleptocracy Is Infiltrating America: When
the U.S.S.R. collapsed, Washington bet on the global spread of democratic
capitalist values—and lost.
Dystopian democracy—and how the brave fight back: A book
excerpt and interview with Yascha Mounk, author of “The People vs Democracy”
Bureaucracy vs. Democracy: Diagnosing the bureaucratic
causes of public failure, economic repression, and voter alienation.
A Show Trial, and The Death of Putin
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez delivers devastating dissection
of US financial system and political corruption in congress speech: 'It’s
already super legal as we have seen for me to be a pretty bad guy. So it’s even
easier for the president to be one'
The Trump resist, delay, deflect plan
Killing the INF Treaty was a Gift to Russia: The decision
to withdraw from the INF was not based on a military necessity, but a political
Stacey Abrams Made This Famous Speech 26 Years Before the
State of the Union Response | NowThis
Religious Diversity In Congress Inches Upward
Johnson Amendment Undestroyed
12 Months In: Rachel Laser Became President And CEO Of
Americans United One Year Ago. Here Are Her Thoughts About Where Americans
United Is Headed.
Banishing Blasphemy
Symposium: Cross purposes — Why a Christian symbol can’t
memorialize all war dead
The Good Wall: Why We Need Church-State Separation More
Than Ever
Falwell Says Nothing Could Lead Him To Drop Support For
New York Religious Schools Refuse To Accept Government
New Mexico Town’s Plan To Honor Artist Roils Local
Religious Right
Americans United Joins Effort Expressing Concern Over
Attorney General Nominee Barr
Battling The Blitz: The Religious Right’s Latest
Initiative Seeks To Silence The Voices Of Millions Of Americans – So Speak Up!
New Mexico Court Approves Private School Textbook Aid
Wisconsin Governor Calls For Voucher Aid Transparency
Minnesota Nurse’s Flu Shot Objection Not Religious, Court
Indian Women Enter Temple For The First Time
One Year Anniversary
Mr. Trump’s Unsafe Neighborhood: 33 Ways Trump’s Cruel
Policies Are Bad for America’s Kids
Public Citizen News January/February 2019
Latest Public Citizen Press Releases
Nonpartisan Coalition Begins Push for Political Reform
and Sweeping Pro-Democracy Changes: The Declaration for American Democracy, a
Coalition of 125 National Groups, Calls for Passage of the For the People Act
to Rebuild America’s Democracy
Sweeping D.C. Anti-Corruption Reform Legislation to
Become Law: Statement of Aquene Freechild, Campaign Co-Director of Public
Citizen’s Democracy Is For People Campaign
New Bipartisan Momentum to Require a Special Counsel’s
Report to Be Made Public: Statement of Lisa Gilbert, Vice President of
Legislative Affairs, Public Citizen
House Judiciary Committee Considers the For The People
Act, Taking Us One Step Closer to Restoring Democracy: Statement of Craig
Holman, Government Affairs Lobbyist, Public Citizen’s Congress Watch Division
Rao Must Pledge to Recuse Herself in Cases Involving
Regulations She Reviewed at OIRA: Statement of Amit Narang, Regulatory Policy
Advocate, Public Citizen's Congress Watch Division
Public Citizen Supports House Committee on Oversight and
Reform’s Advancement of the For The People Act: Statements of Public Citizen
Disclosure Legislation Would Hold Companies Accountable
for Secret Political Spending: Companies Should Be Compelled to Meet Investor
Demand for Disclosure
Court Denies Motion to Dismiss Public Citizen v. Trump:
The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia today denied the government’s
motion to dismiss Public Citizen v. Trump, a case challenging the Trump
administration’s executive order directing federal agencies to repeal two
federal regulations for every new rule they issue.
‘Self-Funded’ Trump Now Propped Up by Super PAC
Who Are The Super-Rich People Backing the Trump Agenda?
Oh my: Acting AG Whitaker concedes he’s seen the pardon
House Judiciary Committee gasps and laughs after Trump’s
Acting AG brazenly disrespects Democrats
Vanity Fair: Everyone inside the White House hates Trump
Family fire strikes again: Seattle 4-year-old finds gun,
shoots pregnant mother
Democratic Rep. blows AG Whitaker's hair back with rapid
fire questioning
Federal prosecutors to review whether the National
Enquirer violated agreement in Trump-related case
In less than 5 minutes, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez exposes
exactly how and why the government is corrupt
Jeff Bezos Has Maybe Outdone The Great Carol Burnett
FOX News Primetime Shows are Bleeding Audience,
Advertisers, and Revenue Due to Excessive Assholery
Speaker Pelosi wore a symbol of her authority on her
The MAGA Agenda? Naked Eliminationism!
The Cult of Trump
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