Saturday, November 10, 2018

Politics related links 111018

Newly published files confirm plan to move Assange to Russia

Trump a new incarnation of Faulkner's Snopes family

Column: Trump calls Stormy Daniels 'horseface' — Melania, we have a Be Best emergency

Counting to Two Thirds: How Close Are We to a Convention for Proposing Amendments to the Constitution?

Provisional Ballots

FBI investigating whether Manhattan DA who refused to prosecute Ivanka and Donald Jr took bribes: report

The 9 most important state legislature elections in 2018, explained: Democrats lost a lot of statehouse power under Obama. In 2018, they could start to win it back.

The Ballot and the Battles to Come: Undoing the harm that Donald Trump has done will require continual struggle, involving much more profound commitments than just making it to the polls.

‘I Want Us to Be that Party Again’: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez talks about her win and what inspires her going forward.

What Fearlessness Looks Like: “Nicaragua isn’t like Cuba. It’s not like Venezuela. People here aren’t scared. If he does something the people don’t like, they’ll take him out.”

How Voter Suppression Imperils the Midterms: Blue wavers may find it harder to cast a ballot this fall, due to a counter-wave of policies meant to suppress the Democratic-leaning votes of the poor, the young, and minorities.

Evolution or Death: The midterms are a battle for the soul of both parties.

A Progressive Tide: The centrist strategy of trying to win over moderate Republicans backfired miserably for Democrats. Now progressive energy is pulling the so-called Blue Wave left.

Trumpism in Europe: The American president offers hope to growing far right forces overseas.

‘Protest Is the Work of Hope’: New books chronicle the insurgency of Black resistance.

The End of a Dream.  Reason 17 from “Trump Must Go: The Top 100 Reasons to Dump Trump.”

The Midterm Intervention

Saudi Arabia ‘Coincidentally’ Wires $100 Million To U.S. Amid Khashoggi Controversy: The payment, which the Saudis had committed to in August, reportedly arrived on the same day that Pompeo landed in Riyadh.

Jamal Khashoggi’s apparent murder is Trump’s first tough foreign policy test — and he’s failing

We need higher political standards for men

Grow the Vote! -- In Numbers and in Wisdom

If You’re Not Scared About Fascism in the U.S., You Should Be

Voting in Person on Election Day

For U.S. Senate: Beto O'Rourke

What Is Democracy, Anyway? Let’s Talk: Above all, democracy is a cultural journey—not an end stage—headed towards widely dispersed power and away from concentrated control

The Kavanaugh Hearings Just Won't Leave Me Alone: The media’s moving on, but I’m not

UPDATED: In Latest Fit of Censorship, Facebook Deletes Video Detailing Brutal Legacy of Christopher Columbus.  This piece of "journalism was about the airbrushing of history. Therefore, there is a great irony in the fact it has now been airbrushed" from Facebook's platform.

Doubt It Can Happen Here? Tell It to Berlin: A note to those who think it unfair to compare the Trump White House and the GOP to what happened in Germany 85 years ago.

The Future of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid Is on the Ballot This November: Right-wing extremists have never been subtle about their goal to eliminate all three programs

Republicans Have a Secret Weapon in the Midterms: Voter Suppression.  After losing in 2012, the GOP enacted the harshest limits on voting since Jim Crow. It could make the difference this year from Florida to North Dakota.

Opinion: The true voting fraud

The President of the United States Asks, ‘What’s an Ally?’  In a wide-ranging interview with ‘60 Minutes,’ Donald Trump revisited one of his favorite themes.

Trump on '60 Minutes': A master class in deception and denial

Incivility Isn’t What’s Wrong With American Politics

Sorry, Democrats, Progressive Mob Action Is a Real Problem

Civility Is for Suckers

Calling Democrats the ‘Angry Mob’ Is Trump’s Biggest Lie Yet

Civility Is Still the Best Policy for Democrats: The short-term gains from adopting Trumpian tactics are not worth the long-term damage to American government.

TYT Attack Ad Against Ted Cruz

Dana Rohrabacher Vowed To Protect Constituents From The Homeless. His Opponent Harley Rouda Opened A Homeless Shelter.  Rouda is the Democrats’ best chance in years to unseat Rohrabacher, a longtime California congressman known for his ties to Russia.

How the Anti-Trump Resistance Is Organizing Its Outrage

Democrat Joe Manchin faces firestorm at home after voting for Kavanaugh

Nicola Sturgeon quits BBC event over Steve Bannon invitation: Scotland’s first minister objected strongly to inclusion of Donald Trump’s former aide

‘Get out of here’: Mitch McConnell confronted by angry constituents at Louisville Cuban restaurant

8 years of suffering under Barack Obama

More Americans believe Ford than Kavanaugh, according to new poll

Paul Krugman Warns Trump Is Poised To Disregard Democratic House Victory: The president’s complaints about “voter fraud” could be used to deny legitimacy of Democratic victory in the midterm election.

Carl Bernstein: Trump preparing to call midterm elections 'illegitimate' if Democrats take power

Congressman: Nunes hid evidence on Trump and Russian meddling

The Democrats Have a Latino Problem: Hispanic voters were supposed to be the party’s future. It’s not working out that way.

Time to fight back: Those who live together in society have no time for demos. But when hatred spreads, Democrats have to take to the streets - as with #unteilbar.

Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights and the US - EDITORIAL

World watches as Khashoggi case puts Washington on the spot

Saudi Arabia's influence-buying in Washington under the spotlight following Khashoggi affair

Saudi's powerful Crown Prince seen as covering up Khashoggi's case, but it may backfire

Kushner gave the Saudi Crown Prince a "hit list" of enemies from US intel, including Khashoggi?

Minority Rule Does Not Have to Be Here Forever: Arguing that the Framers intended it is specious and ignorant of history.

Minority Rule: Why Our Undemocratic Republic Must Give Way To Something Else

What if the Republicans win everything again?

Les Mis "Do You Hear The People Sing"

Exclusive: In Leaked Audio, Brian Kemp Expresses Concern Over Georgians Exercising Their Right to Vote.  The Republican gubernatorial candidate spoke to donors about the growing threat of the Stacey Abrams campaign as the midterm elections approach

LIVE 🦌 Trump Shills for Saudis Over Jamal Khashoggi Killing

Donald Trump’s strategy as midterms approach: lies and fear-mongering

Trump's midterm campaign of fear

Women Are Furious. Now What?  In her new book, Rebecca Traister invokes rage to unify women in a battle against men. But being mad can prove divisive, too.

MSNBC reporter blames Republican conspiracy theories for bombs targeting Clinton and Obama

Conn. GOP nominee for governor: We shouldn’t vaccinate kids ‘for no reason’

Trump to forgo presidential duties and hold two rallies a day leading up to election day: report

Fact checkers identify increasing rates of false claims by the president

Why the Golem Is a Perfect Metaphor for Donald Trump

Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Mark Ruffalo reads Eugene Debs

Trump Campaign Sends Out Anti-CNN Fundraising Email Shortly After Bomb Scare


Here’s a peek at just how aggressively Robert Mueller is moving behind the scenes

Trump Foundation hauled into court in New York

Here comes that long awaited new Trump-Russia evidence against Roger Stone

Democrats Have a Shot at Winning the Senate -- and Blocking Trump's Court Picks: Yes, they have a real chance to grab a majority. No, it won’t be easy.

Mean Drunk Justice

Will Durst: Senate committee harassing the harassee

Conservative Christian Cabal Rules

Trump just made an appalling joke while justifying holding his rally after shooting

George Orwell's 1984- Two Minute Hate Video

New California Poll: 61% of Likely Voters Think Third Party is Needed

You Know the Type. Do You Want Him on the Court?



We Need to Talk About Masculinity: If we taught men better ways of ‘being a man,’ we wouldn’t have to teach women to cover their drinks.

The Toxic Public Unraveling of a Would-Be Justice

The Mean Drunk and the Mendacity: I fear the Senate will conclude that boys will be boys — and sometimes sexual predators — but they can still grow up to be Supreme Court justices.

Brett Kavanaugh Does Not Have the Proper Judicial Temperament or Neutrality to be a Supreme Court Justice

A Tipping Point: Kavanaugh and Trump

The Rich Want To Take Away Your Right To Vote

Democrats, don’t get complacent about the “blue wave”: Have we learned nothing from 2016?
Steve Bannon called them the “hammerheads,” and they saved Trump’s bacon last time. It could happen again

Sanchez: Senate Judiciary Committee sets a new low

Out of Time

Under Cover of Kavanaugh, Republicans Passed Huge Tax Cuts for the Wealthy: While Americans watched the Senate, House Republicans passed an extra $3 trillion tax cut for rich people and corporations.

Daddy’s boy: New York Times investigation exposes the breadth of Trump’s lies and corruption.  Donald Trump’s image as a self-made billionaire was always a lie. New Times exposé makes clear it was a whopper

America’s Bullies

Don’t Count Out Ben Jealous and His Progressive Message for Maryland
A massive mobilization of an anti-Trump, heavily female, and African American base in a very blue state could lead to a November surprise.

Is Kavanaugh the Kind of Guy You’d Cast as a Judge?

A Republic … If You Can Keep It

Wages of Trump: The Sequel

Discrimination Against Female Workers in Asia: A Neoliberal Paradigm

The Taint on Brett Kavanaugh Keeps Growing: Beyond that alleged incident in suburban Maryland, Kavanaugh is accused of having expo sed himself to Deborah Ramirez, a Yale University classmate, at a party there when both were undergraduates; and he is further accused by Julie Swetnick of having participated in abusive behavior toward women during his high school years, along with Judge and others.

In the Room Where It Happened, Flake Stole the Show

Trump Has Revolutionized Politics. Can Democrats Catch Up?

Undoing Patriarchy

What the Worst of Sports Taught Brett Kavanaugh—and What It Still Teaches Today

Women Demand Justice, Not Kavanaugh

Our Memories Are Long, Our Resolve Unshakable

DANA MILBANK: I, too, majored in beer at Yale

The Supreme Court Is Broken. Here’s How to Fix It.  Progressives need to take back the Senate, and then consider constitutional reforms.

I’m Dying. Here Is What I Refuse to Accept With Serenity.  Voting is not nearly enough. We need to become organizers.

‘Foreign Policy Is at a Point of Complete Crisis’: A Q&A With Jeffrey Sachs.  With his new book, the economist turns his focus to America’s international relations.

This Arizona Swing-District Slugfest Will Test Democratic Turnout: Can disgust with Trump overcome anti-immigrant fervor among Republicans?

The Most Important Office in the Trump Era Isn’t at the Top of the Ballot
State attorneys general are the key to holding the White House to account—and Democrats are making a strong showing in several races.


House majority leader deletes tweet saying Soros, Bloomberg, Steyer are trying to 'buy' election

Letters From the November 5, 2018, Issue: Inequality, Inc.… Overruling the Court… A flaming outrage…


How Obamacare Became a Winning Issue: Eight years ago, the plan cost Democrats Congress. Now it’s going to help them take it back.

Can Change Wait?  How a campaign slogan captures the promise and impatience of today's Democratic Party

Can State Courts Save the Liberal Agenda?  Trump has seized the federal bench, but there's hope for Democrats in the lower judiciary.

Why the Left Needs Nancy Pelosi: The former speaker is still Democrats' best option to lead the House—at least for now.

Mind Games: How campaigns are using marketing, manipulation, and "psychographic targeting" to win elections—and weaken democracy

Nihilist Nation: The Empty Core of the Trump Mystique

The Promise of Polarization: Ideological division was once seen as the solution to America’s political gridlock. What went wrong?

Disobedient Media: Truth has no bias

Cynthia McKinney On How The United States Creates “Sh*thole” Countries

Evolution of the Russian-Collusion Narrative

Evolution of the Russian-Collusion Narrative ─ Part Two

Evolution of the Russian-Collusion Narrative ─ Part Three

The Critical Difference Between Tim Canova And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Trump Isn’t Going To Save The United States

Forensicator’s Analysis Supports Assange’s Statements On The DNC, Podesta Emails

Recusal Of Mystery Judge Stalls DNC Fraud Lawsuit Appeal

Opinion: The Death Of Hope And Why It Is Crucial For An American Awakening

Decipher You: Mining gems hidden in plain sight

Metro to Offer Free Rides on Election Day

Trump rips the media as critics call for him to 'tone it down': The president resumed his attack on the press as the "enemy of the people" just days after a pipe bomb was sent to CNN.

Support the Rule of Law, Not Autocracy

Voters Ready for Nonreligious Candidates

Parodies of Power: Why Satire Is Needed Now More Than Ever

CHURCH & STATE | Values Void: How the Religious Right Learned to Love Sex Offenders

Eric Holder: "Make America Great Again" Mindset Is Rooted In Fear Of Future

US Congress Rejects Anti-LGBT Adoption Amendment: Exemption for Religious Providers Pulled from Final Bill

Court of Appeals Strikes Down Alabama D&E Ban


Judge's ruling enables Kentucky's last abortion clinic to stay open


Bearing Witness at Trump's Missoula Rally

Trump’s Approval Rating Plunges Amid Wave of Pre-Midterm Violence

Kellyanne Conway: Trump trying to heal country

Pittsburgh Mayor Tells Trump To Stay Out Of His City And Let The Families Mourn In Peace

George F. Will: Stacey Abrams gives Democrats a tantalizing sense of 2020 possibilities

Yes, Voter Suppression Is Real. But Young Voters May Bridge the Gap.  The midterms are rigged against people of color and the poor.

Why I’m Sick and Tired of Hearing About Russiagate: Mueller won’t save us from the deep flaws in our democracy that brought us Trump.

How Pro-War Democrats Use Russiagate To Bloat the Military—And Why That’s Dangerous
Russia became the bipartisan justification for an $716 billion defense budget and nuclear build-up.

What Russiagate Skeptics Get Wrong: The Left can call for military deescalation while still holding Putin accountable for electoral meddling.

We Believed Anita Hill: In 1991, an alleged sexual harasser was appointed to the Supreme Court. Let’s not repeat history.

Serial Misogyn-Neigh: The New “BoJack” Explores How We Let Famous Men, And Horses, Off the Hook.  Season five of BoJack Horseman turns a critical eye on its characters and itself.

Supreme Court hands loss to Catholic foster care agency in dispute with city of Philadelphia

New Lawsuit Demands Taxpayer Funds for Religious Education in Maine

The Satanic Temple Protested a Ten Commandments Monument in Arkansas With Its Baphomet Statue

Expansive Invocations: Americans United And Allies Score Key Victory in Pa. Case Challenging Exclusionary Prayer Policy

Confirmation Bias: Trump Supreme Court Nominee's Hostile Views Of Church-State Separation Displayed During Senate Hearings

Coerced School Religion: Kavanaugh And The Issue Of Compelled Piety

All The Presidents' Men And Women: Members Of President Trump's Evangelical Advisory Board Are Hard At Work Changing Public Policy - But They'd Rather You Not Know About It

Narrow Agendas, Secret Meetings: The Problem With Trump’s Evangelical Board

Trying Times: AU's New Timeline Tracks The Trump-Pence Administration's Relentless Attacks On Church-State Separation

Unhappy Birthday: The Last Iteration Of President Trump's Muslim Ban Is A Year Old – And It Has Not Aged Well.

Americans United In Action! Staff Members And Activists Work To Support Church-State Separation

Appeals Court Reluctantly Strikes Down Display Of Cross In Fla. City

Homeless People Can’t Be Punished For Refusing Religious Shelters, Court Rules

Pa. Report Exposes Government Complicity In Clergy Sex Abuse Scandal

Study Says Vouchers Show Poor Outcomes In Sweeping Ind. Program

Mo. Couple Claims Discrimination In Retirement Housing Case

Church Official Says Pope Francis Wanted To Meet With Kim Davis

Access Denied? The Supreme Court Last Term Dodged The Question Of Whether Religion Can Be Used to Discriminate, But The Issue Is Far From Over

Oregon Man Fired Over Refusal To Attend Bible Study

Boston Doesn’t Have To Fly Christian Flag, Court Rules

Ireland’s ‘Baptism Barrier’ Removed In Religious Schools

The Kavanaugh Fight: Why It's Worth It

Alleged plot to falsely accuse special counsel of sexual misconduct referred to FBI

Stacey Abrams: The Deep South woman vying to make history

Midterm elections 2018 predictions MAPPED: Who will win the US midterms?  MIDTERM elections take place next week but who will win, Democrats or Republicans?

Will QAnon Go Down as the Dumbest Story of the Year?  The political quackery doesn’t just create an alternate reality using existing conspiracy theories — it ties them all together

Leader Nancy Pelosi Makes A Midterm Prediction

Bill Maher - millennial vote

A Trump rally can feel like an alternate universe

Sanders Claims ‘A Number Of Legal Scholars’ Told Trump He Can Gut Parts Of Constitution With Executive Order

CNN Poll: In final days, Democrats maintain advantage

Georgia's GOP Secretary of State accuses state Democrats of trying to hack registration

Trump: Nobody’s Done More For Religion Than I Have.  The president touted actions he has taken for America’s religious groups in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network.

Trump Accuses Oprah of Burning Tapes That Don’t Exist to Hide Interview That Never Happened

Fact check: Trump's false and misleading claims on health care in final midterm campaign blitz


Forget the ideological trinkets, Dems, and focus on the economy

'It's depressing as hell': Dem win would spell misery for Trump White House aides

Progressives, Keep an Eye on These 10 Races: From Andrew Gillum in Florida to marijuana legalization in North Dakota, wins in these elections would be game changers.

Bankers of the World, Unite!  To stabilize our economy, we should unionize the financial sector.

Why Do the Media Keep Parroting Trump’s Falsehoods?  The circle of lies begins with Trump, continues through Fox News, and ends up in the mainstream media.

Stacey Abrams Always Knew They’d Try to Cheat: But here’s her plan to win anyway.

Can a Group of Scrappy Young Activists Build Real Progressive Power in Trump Country?  Through a mix of “inclusive populism” and nonstop organizing, Lancaster Stands Up is betting it can reclaim its corner of Pennsylvania.

The Blob: Ben Rhodes and the crisis of liberal foreign policy.

The Dual Defeat: Hubert Humphrey and the unmaking of Cold War liberalism.

A Taxing Day at the Polls

With Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, How Far Will the State’s Attacks on Women Go?  Another reader asks about weathering a public #MeToo event with PTSD.

Elizabeth Warren Meets the Left’s Circular Firing Squad: The release of her DNA test might not have been the best idea, but it shouldn’t be disqualifying.

If You Build a Left Movement, the Candidates Will Come: The “what” and “why” of politics are more urgent than the “who.”

The GOP and Voter Suppression

A Den of Braggarts and Brawlers: Politics on Capitol Hill was never civil.

The 2018 Midterms Have Exposed a Democracy in Crisis: And we need radical reforms—now.

Trump facing unfriendly Democratic House and specter of investigations

Attorney General Jeff Sessions resigns at Trump’s request

Democrats planning to examine Trump’s tax returns after the midterms
A nearly 100-year-old statute allows the chairmen of Congress’ tax committees to look at anyone’s returns.

Can Truth Catch the GOP?

Front-porch politics

What If We Made Voting Fun?


Letters to the Editor

The Kavanaugh ‘Victory’

Lyons: That angry left-wing mob? They’re on ballot

Voting Matters, But Staying Engaged Matters More: Real change means staying active long after Election Day.

Do Republicans Hate All Protesters?

The GOP is writing off young women, and will suffer for it

Georgia’s gubernatorial race soiled by conflict of interest

America’s Conservative Judiciary

Democratizing the Court—and the Entire Body Politic

Let’s Start a Kavanaugh Watch to Check All Five Corporate Judges

Brett Kavanaugh and the Politics of Emotion-Shaming

Don't Bother. They're Here

The Midterm Elections Are a Referendum on Donald Trump: Explosive devices were sent to prominent critics of the President at a moment of national division—one generated by the President himself.

U.S. Elections Are Neither Free Nor Fair. States Need to Open Their Doors to More Observers.

Robert Mueller's Office Asks FBI to Investigate Allegations That Women Were 'Offered Money to Make False Claims' About Him

Mueller examining conflicting accounts of Stone’s ties to WikiLeaks: report

New lawsuit accuses Trump and 3 of his children of conning ‘thousands’ of people in marketing ploy

Battle for the GOP’s Soul? Trump Has Won.  Conservatives who disdained Trump and considered many of his views heretical are increasingly drifting toward him

New Mexico's Deb Haaland likely to be first Native American congresswoman

700 Wrapped Voting Machines Found In A Georgia Warehouse

We posed as 100 Senators to run ads on Facebook. Facebook approved all of them.

GOP Lawmaker Matt Shea Releases Christian Manifesto Calling For Biblical Law

Voting machine errors changed votes in Cruz-O’Rourke race, group says

Ivanka Trump gets initial approval from China for 16 new trademarks—including for ‘voting machines’

Ohio’s Congressional Map Is Broken. Here Are 3 Ways to Fix It.

IRS unlikely to pursue tax fraud allegations against Donald Trump and family, experts say

Socialists in the House: A 100-Year History from Victor Berger to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
American socialists have a long and proud tradition in elected office. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib are the latest to carry the torch.

Democrats Won the House. To Keep Winning, They Need to Move Sharply Left.  Democratic operatives will use the midterm results to preach centrism, but the future of the party lies in its left flank.

Why Chicagoans Just Fired a Judge For the First Time in 28 Years: Taking a cue from progressive lawyers and racial justice activists, Chicago voters ousted longtime judge Matthew Coghlan.

Native Americans Scored Big Election Wins in Washington State and Beyond: On Tuesday, Puyallup tribe members celebrated a landmark police accountability initiative, as well as Native victories nationwide.

Mariame Kaba: Social Movements Brought Down Rahm—Now They Can Transform Chicago.  A conversation with writer and organizer, Mariame Kaba.

Trump responds to Michelle Obama's comments

AUTHORITARIANISM Angry Trump Warns ‘Loser’ Reporters To Show Him ‘Respect’ Or Risk Losing Press Credentials

Mueller Homes In On ‘Elusive’ Russian Mentored by Manafort, Says Report

Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Continues Receiving Threats, Lawyers Say

Zinke prepares to leave Trump’s Cabinet: The news comes just a day after Trump told reporters that word on Zinke's fate may come 'in about a week.'

Trump’s Appointment of the Acting Attorney General Is Unconstitutional: The president is evading the requirement to seek the Senate’s advice and consent for the nation’s chief law enforcement officer and the person who will oversee the Mueller investigation.

Matthew Whitaker, Mueller’s New Boss, Said There Was ‘No Collusion’ With Russia: The new attorney general spent a few years in right-wing media repeatedly making that claim.

Whitaker backlash prompts concern at the White House

Sessions’ job is hard to fill. Enter Chris Christie.  After two people approached said they were not interested in the job, the former New Jersey governor — who has tried to 'mend some fences' with Jared Kushner — emerges as a top contender.

Thousands in NYC Protest Trump Firing of Sessions: President Trump's firing of Jeff Sessions has potentially ominous implications for special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russia

Broward and Palm Beach counties are at the center of a brewing Florida recount. Again.

GOP election losses make it easier for Rep. Kevin McCarthy to finally nab leadership post

Democrats’ House Victory Complicates Passage of New Nafta, Trade Deals: Split Congress gives Trump’s political opponents power to demand concessions

‘You’re Going to Know My Name! I’m Richard Ojeda!’  A Democratic populist in a deeply red state loses a race but won’t concede to Trump.

As Florida Races Narrow, Trump And Scott Spread Claims Of Fraud Without Evidence

These 14 Democrats Are at Core of What Bernie Sanders Calls the 'Most Progressive Freshman Class' in Modern US History.  "The political establishment notwithstanding, the future belongs to progressives."

The Legal Precedent That Could Protect Jim Acosta’s Credentials: A 1977 court ruling said that administrations cannot bar correspondents from the briefing room without “due process.”

“THIS COULD TARNISH WHITAKER FOR LIFE”: HOW FAR WILL MATTHEW WHITAKER GO TO PROVE HIS LOYALTY?  Justice Department ethics laws are toothless, and a constitutional challenge would be a nightmare. In the meantime, sources say, the most powerful force preventing Matthew Whitaker from blowing up the Mueller probe may be Whitaker himself.

“I’m willing to bet…Devin Nunes is headed to federal prison”, Says Top Legal Expert

Report: Scores Of Ballots Discovered In Florida Mail Distribution Center

Trump's acting attorney general involved in firm that scammed veterans out of life savings.  Matthew Whitaker was paid advisory board member for WPM.  Veteran: ‘I spent the money on a dream. I lost everything’

670 ballots in a precinct with 276 voters, and other tales from Georgia's primary

Supreme Court agrees to hear Maryland cross memorial case

Historic Invocation: For The First Time Ever, A San Antonio City Council Meeting Began With A Secular Reflection - And Americans United Activists Led The Way

Values Void: Annual Summit Of The Religious Right Encourages Far-Right Voters To Undermine Church-State Separation And Use Religion As A Weapon To Discriminate

Bracing For The Blitz: The Religious Right Has A New Game Plan To Make America More To Its Liking – And If It's Not Already In Your State, It Will Be Soon

She Stood For Science: Fifty Years Later, A Defense Of Evolution By ‘The Biology Teacher Next Door’ Still Resonates

Americans United In Action: Staff Members, Chapter Leaders And Activists Spread The Word About Church-State Separation

Kavanaugh Controversy: The Religious Right Hits An Appalling New Low

Kavanaugh Confirmed To Supreme Court After Close Vote

AU Advises IRS To Close Voucher Funding Loophole In Tax Code

Philadelphia Officials Don’t Have To Allow Discrimination In Foster Care, AU Tells Court

Roy Moore Tells Alabama Schools To Allow Football Game Prayers

AU Case Challenging Louisiana School’s Religion Policies Will Go To Trial Next Year

Indiana Private School Dropped From State Voucher Program

Houses Of Worship Seek Taxpayer Aid In Wake Of Hurricane

Maine Clergy Protest Library’s Banned Books Display

Colorado Firm Didn’t Violate Muslim Rights, Court Says

Women Can’t Be Barred From Temple, India Court Rules

Keeping The Faith(ful): Continuing to Unite For Separation

The Latest: Judge orders county to accept late ballots

Opinion: Trump shows his contempt for the men and women in uniform

Nurses, surgeons fire back at NRA with pictures of gun trauma: '#ThisIsMyLane'

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