Restaurant’s Sanders snub snowballs into partisan fight
Jimmy Fallon responds to Trump’s tweet: ‘I’ve never
called this human in my life’
Feud over civility in politics escalates amid Trump
READ: Donald Trump Accuses Maxine Waters of Wishing His
Supporters ‘Harm,’ Tweets ‘Careful What You Wish For’ So, that happened.
WATCH: MJ Hegar is Running Against John Carter in TX-31
and Her New Ad ‘Doors’ Is Going Viral
Powerful AF.
Our Revolution
Rep. Maxine Waters Goes On Live TV And Reads Actual
Quotes Of Trump Inciting Violence
Democrats see major upset as socialist beats top-ranking
US congressman: Joe Crowley, 10-term Democrat expected to be party’s next House
leader, loses to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, in New York
'Seismic Political Upset': Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a
Landslide Over Wall Street Favorite Joe Crowley. "He had the machine. He had the money.
He had the power. We had the people. Now we have the power. And we're here to
stay... Welcome to the political revolution."
Top Democratic Congressman Loses Seat To N.Y. Democratic
Socialist In Huge Upset: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won an unexpected victory
against powerful incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley, all but guaranteeing her a seat in
the U.S. House.
Ocasio-Cortez WINS, The Establishment Crumbles, The Left
Clueless Hannity Attacks Ocasio-Cortez By Citing Her
Awesome Policies
Tuesday Was The Best Primary Night For Progressives This
Year: Progressives won in Maryland, New York and even Oklahoma.
Sarah Sanders to receive Secret Service protection
Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert and Conan O'Brien unite
against Donald Trump
Anthony Kennedy retiring, giving Trump opening to reshape
Supreme Court: The departure of the 81-year-old Kennedy has the potential to
radically reshape the court on issues such as abortion and affirmative action.
Anthony Kennedy Announces Retirement From The Supreme
Court: The justice’s departure will likely tilt the balance of the court
further to the right.
Ex-Republican Operative Steve Schmidt: 'The Party of
Trump Must Be Obliterated. Annihilated. Destroyed'. A candid conversation with the former GOP
power player
Support for Donald Trump's Impeachment Is Higher Than His
Approval Rating, Poll Indicates
Are Trump’s Belligerent Tweets Against Critics Also An
Attempt At Censorship? The digital age
has created new forms of censorship and speech control for dictators and
democratically elected leaders alike.
House to escalate Mueller document demand with Thursday
vote: The resolution is unenforceable but would for the first time put the
Republican-led House on record demanding sensitive documents.
GOP advances bill demanding documents from FBI
Mueller Poised to Zero In on Trump-Russia Collusion
Russian company seeks to dismiss U.S. charges brought by
Echoing Trump, indicted Russians contest Mueller's
Special counsel obtains Trump ally Erik Prince's phones,
Daily movement news and resources
From guns to gay rights, Justice Anthony Kennedy was the
Supreme Court's swing vote
John Roberts Will Probably Be The Supreme Court’s Next
Swing Justice
The Last of the Small-Town Lawyers: Justice Anthony
Kennedy’s retirement marks the end of an era on the Supreme Court—and a turn
toward hard-edged partisanship.
Anthony Kennedy’s Retirement Has Sparked a Push to Get
IUDs: A flurry of tweets urged women to stock up on birth control amid worries
that Roe v. Wade might get overturned.
The End of Roe: Anthony Kennedy’s retirement ensures the
Supreme Court will allow states to outlaw abortion.
'We have a chance to take down Roe v. Wade!' Iowa
evangelical kingmaker predicts Trump's next Supreme Court pick will 'revert'
federal law to ban gay marriage and abortion
Justice Anthony Kennedy got cold feet and kept abortion
In Supreme Court pick, Trump can push conservative social
Kennedy’s Retirement Hands Conservatives Their Best Shot
To Weaken Same-Sex Marriage Rights: "It's only a matter of time until one
of these cases comes back to the court.”
Justice Kennedy’s Travel-Ban Opinion, in Light of His
This Has Been The Best Week For Trump But The Worst Week
For America: And it’s only Wednesday.
Anthony Kennedy hands Trump the keys to the future: The
high court may soon accelerate to the right
Liberals freak out over Supreme Court Justice Anthony
Kennedy's retirement
Why Justice Kennedy’s Retirement Is Even Worse Than You
Think: The coming fight will shape the Supreme Court—and American politics—for
decades to come
Justice Kennedy Retires, and the Legal and Political
Ramifications Are Immense
Anthony Kennedy’s Great Legacy: His Exit. The timing of the Supreme Court justice's
retirement will shape policy for a generation.
In 18 months, abortion will be illegal in 20 states
Manafort had $10 million loan from Russian oligarch:
court filing
GOP Strategist & MSNBC Contributor Blames Kyle For
MSNBC Attacks Ocasio-Cortez's 'Dishonest Progressivism'
& Compares Her To Trump
Shooting at Maryland newspaper marks 154th mass shooting
this year
Michael Moore just revealed his brilliant plan to block
Trump Supreme Court nominee
Jake Tapper just humiliated Trump with devastating fact
check in real time
Fox News Losing An UNBELIEVABLE Amount Of Money
The Anatomy of Trumpocracy: An Interview With Noam
Want to overturn Roe, Republicans? Get ready for what
comes next.
Stop mourning, Democrats
The survivors of the Capital Gazette massacre just sent
Trump a warning he can’t ignore
A new report just exposed how Melania Trump is abusing
her First Lady position to make a fortune
Trump just used the official White House account to
launch a despicable attack on Elizabeth Warren
Two Pa. House and Senate leaders (sorta) defend our
lackluster legislature | John Baer
Casey talks high court, tariffs and immigration in Erie
Schumer: Forcing Vote on Kennedy‘s Replacement Before the
Midterms Would be ‘Absolute Height of Hypocrisy’
John Oliver on the future of the supreme court:
'extremely grim': The Last Week Tonight host discussed the retirement of
Anthony Kennedy and the implications that a Trump pick will have on the US
Inside the White House’s Quiet Campaign to Create a
Supreme Court Opening
Steve Schmidt's Political Analysis Is Terrible
Why Supreme Court justices serve such long terms: The
most recent retirees have served almost three decades
Why the world should adopt a basic income: UBI improves
lives, enhances freedom and is a matter of social justice, writes Guy Standing
It is high time to cast aside illusions about the normal
Can the A.C.L.U. Become the N.R.A. for the Left? The suit
filed on behalf of families separated at the border was just the latest action
against the administration by the civil liberties group.
July 4: What Might America Declare Today? July 4, 2018: Independence Now! from
Corporate Domination and Governmental Despotism
Shameless Mainstream Media Ignoring 17-Year-Old Wàr
Radical Democrats Are Pretty Reasonable
Top Republicans just celebrated the Fourth of July with a
visit to Russia
Michael Cohen just ruined Trump’s 4th of July with a very
telling move
A top Trump ally just got caught up in a serious sex
assault scandal
The Times finally gets to the bottom of Trump supporters:
It turns out they're garbage human beings
Abraham Lincoln Warned Us About Donald Trump.
Huge News! Civil Rights 1- Voter Suppression 0
Abbreviated pundit round-up: Ocasio-Cortez—climate
hard-liner; making Trump's tax returns public
Heckle away—it's called democracy
Examining NATO’s Progress: Common Goals, Shared Burdens
GALLUP POLL: 47% Say They Are Extremely Proud to Be an
American, the Lowest It’s Ever Been
Can you really blame them?
PHOTO: New York Daily News Cover Portrays Donald Trump As
a Clown King
Democrats: Quit listening to “civility” scolds and
concern trolls: This is an emergency.
Nothing can be gained by Democrats trying to play nice with the current
GOP. But everything can be lost
The 'McConnell Rule' is law, and Senate Democrats should
sue to enforce it
Giuliani Accidentally Confirms Trump Asked Comey To Give
Flynn 'A Break' -- After Trump Vehemently Denies It
Scarborough Blasts "Mean" Trump Rally Crowd: To
Cheer When Trump Mocks John McCain, George Bush Displays "No Decency
McConnell Tries to Nudge Trump Toward Two Supreme Court
'This Week' Transcript 7-8-18: Trump Adviser on Judicial
Nominations Leonard Leo, Sen. Richard Blumenthal and President Trump’s Personal
Attorney Rudy Giuliani
Government Work Done, Tax Policy Writers Decamp to
Lobbying Jobs
Flake: 'Concern' about what Trump might promise Putin
The Sum of Trump’s Fears: Though the president frequently
accuses others of cowardice, he tries his best to avoid people and places where
he might encounter criticism.
Will Trump Be Meeting With His Counterpart — Or His
Handler? A plausible theory of
mind-boggling collusion.
Giuliani: Mueller probe ‘most corrupt investigation I
have ever seen’
Trump lawyers call Comey ‘Machiavellian’ in note to
Details emerge on Justice Department meeting with
reporters on Manafort
Sasse tempts Trump’s wrath by refusing to bow: The
Republican senator and persistent Trump critic stokes speculation about his
intentions with a soon-to-publish book and new nonprofit.
Life As A Young Woman Candidate: Fending Off 'Older Men'
And Being An Outsider
First-Ever Congressional Freethought Caucus Established
Huffman Introduces National Day of Reason Resolution
The Religious Right Is Selling Its Soul: How far are the
leaders of the religious right are willing to go in their support of President
Humanists File Suit Against Ten Commandments Display
AHA Legal Victory in Appeals Court Ruling on Bladensburg
Judge Rules in Favor of Humanist Group in Case
Challenging Prayer Vigil Led by Florida City Officials
Humanists Score Major Victory in Federal Court on Behalf
of Humanist Inmates
Humanists File Brief in Congressional Invocation Appeal
On the Hill: FADA Reintroduced on Capitol Hill
AHA Joins Over 110 Orgs Urging HHS Not to Reinstate
“Domestic Gag Rule”
Five Fierce Humanists: Unapologetically Black Women
Beyond Belief
Target Practice: Troubled Teens, First Person Shooter
Games, and the US Military
Respecting Religion, Rejecting Discrimination: Does
SCOTUS decision manage to have its cake and eat it too?
Why “Five Fierce Humanists”? A Comment on White Supremacy
and the “Movement”
White Privilege and Humanist Leadership
Dance with the Donald: What Evangelicals’ Infatuation
with Trump Portends for Religion in America
Theocratic Mercenary Erik Prince and the Christian Right
The Humanist Interview with Greg Epstein
A Pervasive Impression of Our Depravity: William T.
Vollman’s Carbon Ideologies
Betsy DeVos Wants You to Pay for Someone Else’s Religion
Beethoven and His Ninth Symphony
Threads of Humanist History
A New Day
Leonardo da Vinci
Americans who voted against Trump are feeling
unprecedented dread and despair
Red or blue? These 6 Pa. counties will offer a test for
Casey, Barletta in Senate race
Caught on tape: Georgia lieutenant governor
says he backed ‘bad’ school bill to hurt governor’s race rival
Secret recording shows Cagle backed ‘bad’ bill to hurt
gov race rival
Collins, Murkowski signal comfort with Kavanaugh
Why do Catholics hold a strong majority on the Supreme
Kavanaugh’s four hurdles to the Supreme Court: Trump’s
nominee will have to convince swing-vote senators he’s on their side on several
key issues if he’s going to get confirmed.
Another former OSU wrestler says Jim Jordan knew about
alleged abuse
EXCLUSIVE: The Russian pop star who set up Don Jr.’s
infamous Trump Tower meeting tells all
Ex-FBI lawyer plans to defy GOP subpoena to testify on
anti-Trump texts
GOP Senators Tell Contradictory Stories About Moscow
Trip: A key Republican came back from the Kremlin seemingly shrugging off
Russian aggression. His colleagues are confused as hell by his talk. Inside a
controversial mission to Moscow.
Green Day's 'American Idiot' climbs UK charts ahead of
Trump visit
Democrats take big step towards a smaller role for
superdelegates: Committee vote would limit influence
Nicaragua is following Venezuela toward the rocks
Its democracy at risk, Nicaragua can’t become the
region’s next Venezuela
That day the Vice President raised money against a native
Who is the most disgraceful pundit?
Manafort finds a way to sneak emails out of jail
Russian State TV thrills over Trump's ghastly NATO
The Supreme Court is poised to make GOP gerrymandering
worse. Democratic governors can fight back
Diversity among SCOTUS justices is abysmal. Here's why we
don't need another white male on the court
Scotland's national newspaper slams Trump as an
'appalling human being' as he visits UK
Brits Don't Mince Words: The Most Irreverent and Radical
Signs From UK's Historic Anti-Trump Protest.
From "Nazi Trump F**k Off" to "Pussy Grabbing
Pervert," the U.K. didn't hold back in its massive demonstrations against
the American president
I Couldn’t Help But Wonder…Is Democratic Socialism
Catching On? Sex and the City star and
New York gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon is now a democratic socialist.
The NATO Summit Wasn’t a Victory for Trump—It Was a
Victory for Militarism: Major media outlets are so focused on Russiagate they
are missing the dangerous international military buildup taking place.
Melania’s spokeswoman just got owned by a reporter after
helping Trump lie to the British
House conservatives prep push to impeach Rosenstein
John McCain just sounded the alarm bell about Trump’s
upcoming meeting with Putin
Donald Trump immediately breaches royal protocol twice
after meeting Queen: US leader first fails to bow then walks in front of
monarch, breaking with tradition
Indictment: Russians tried to hack Clinton around when
Trump publicly asked them to
New indictment shows link from Russian hackers to Trump
pal Roger Stone: The indictment against 12 Russian agents for election meddling
shows a direct path to Roger Stone, the dirty trickster who has been personally
guiding Trump on politics for decades.
Trump just stunned the British media with unprecedented
gaslighting attack on his own interview
Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin regrets endorsing Hillary and
is open to backing Trump in 2020
Trump says he inherited a mess. What's the world think?
Can Tom Steyer Make America Care About Impeachment? The billionaire wants President Trump’s “high
crimes and misdemeanors” to be a voting issue this November.
Their New Slogan, To The Roars Of Laughter
LETTER FROM A PATRIOT (What is wrong with you?
A thousand Russian hackers can't be wrong....
The End of the American Experiment? Its up to YOU!
Questions for a Constitutional literalist
Restoring Representation to the House
The current president of the United States has helped to
cover up a serious attack on the nation
The GOP got flattened by a runaway Strzok.
FBI agent at center of the Russia investigation
absolutely obliterated congressman at sham hearing
DOJ's criminal division to be led by Sessions staffer
with ties to Russia and no criminal experience
The American president lambasts his allies: But at least
he endorses a tough communique
Why We Must Stop Kavanaugh From Becoming Trump’s Next
Supreme Court Justice
It's now impossible not to wonder how much Trump knew
about Russian hacking and when he knew it
Another day, another political pardon from Trump
Indictments clearly show Russia meddled in our election.
Trump promises to 'firmly' ask Putin about it
Grand Jury for the District of Columbia charges: COUNT ONE (Conspiracy to
Commit an Offense Against the United States)
Director of National Intelligence Dan Coates holds firm
on Russian election meddling after Trump denies it during Putin summit
The President Is Mentally Unwell — and Everyone Around
Him Knows It
Maddow: Time for Americans to face 'worst case scenario'
on Trump. Rachel Maddow notes that what
ultimately explains a host of inexplicable developments in the story of the
Donald Trump campaign is the worst case scenario that Trump is compromised by
Russia, and points to the unfolding legal case as a guide for how to understand
what has happened and what to do about it.
Trump's Refusal To Back U.S. Intel Over Russia At Putin
Summit Sparks Bipartisan Ire
U.S. Intelligence Chiefs, Current And Former, Fire Back
At Trump
'Disgraceful,' 'Pushover,' 'Deeply Troubled': Reaction To
The Trump-Putin Summit
Trump's Helsinki Bow To Putin Leaves World Wondering:
Maria Butina Case Bolsters Understanding of 'Infiltration'
In Russian 2016 Attack
Putin: I wanted Trump to win the election
Russia Hawk Axed From National Security Council Right
Before Trump-Putin Summit: Retired Col. Richard Hooker is pro-NATO, skeptical
of Russia, and out at the White House.
The missing middle of the Trump-Putin meeting: The summit
offered up a graphic reaffirmation of what was already known
Hillary Clinton's response to Trump's shameful press
conference just might break Twitter
Update: Trump's Most Fervent Supporter Cancels TV
Appearance, Refusing to Defend #TreasonSummit
The. New. York. Daily. News. Cover.
Today Jonathan Lemire is a National Hero
Democrat asks the right question: Is Trump a Russian
Michael Beschloss: “We are Living in a National
Former FBI Director: 'Patriots need to stand up and
reject behavior of this president'
Russian spy worked with Trump, the NRA, and a who's-who
of Republican politicians at all levels
Former CIA Director calls Trump's comments at Putin press
conference 'nothing short of treasonous'
Abbreviated pundit roundup: Trump chooses Putin over
Facebook says it's battling fake news, but defends
refusal to ban InfoWars
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