Sunday, March 11, 2018

Politics related links 031218

Trump Will Not Act Against Russia Because He Is Very Likely Being Blackmailed By Russia.


There’s a Pretty Good Chance President Trump Is Being Blackmailed


What it means that Russia may have donated to the NRA to help Trump


Trump Criticizes Everyone But Russia for 2016 Election Meddling


Trump’s first year in office was so bad that scholars already rank him as the worst president ever


Trumps went straight from Parkland to Studio 54- themed ‘disco party’ at Mar-a-Lago: report


Students who survived massacre refuse to pose for photo op with Trump


White nationalists and Twitter bots fueled the war against Al Franken — and the Democrats fell for it    


How an Alt-Right Bot Network Took Down Al Franken


Trump demands credit for not golfing on day murdered kids are buried: Trump apparently thinks he deserves credit for staying away from the golf course as victims of the Florida mass shooting are buried.


FBI investigates whether Russia banker used NRA to fund Trump campaign – report


In Conversation: Robert Reich and George Lakoff, Language and Politics


High School Students Lead Protest Against Gun Violence In Front Of White House: Several student-led demonstrations also erupted across Florida on Presidents Day.


Robert Mueller charges Russians with election interference: The special counsel says that agents posed as Americans to support Donald Trump and undermine Hillary Clinton


Pennsylvania Supreme Court releases new congressional map


Russia Attacked U.S. Troops In Syria And Trump Kept It Quiet, Gen. Mattis Reveals


As Mueller Hits Stride, Conservatives Urge Trump To Consider Pardons


Trump/Manafort/Russia Scandal Revealed as “Much Worse Than Anyone Imagined”


“I Hate Everyone in the White House!”: Trump Seethes as Advisers Fear the President Is “Unraveling”.  In recent days, I’ve spoken with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president who seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods.


‘How much are they being paid?’ Fox News fans trash teen Parkland survivors who demand stronger gun laws


The far-right smear campaign against students who survived the Parkland massacre: They are being targeted because they don't want more of their classmates to die.


Trump Miraculously Won Wisconsin, Then a Suspicious $1 Million Money Trail Surfaces


Stormy Daniels: I Have DNA Evidence That Confirms My Affair With Trump


Ban the AR-15.  It’s a no-brainer: Taking the mass killer’s weapon of choice off store shelves would save lives.


Mayor’s Labor Liaison Resigns, Eyeing Congressional Race


Mueller's office just unsealed a charge against a new player in the Russia investigation


House Republicans Just Voted to Eliminate the Agency That Makes Sure Voting Machines Can’t be Hacked


White House Official: School shooting gave us a ‘reprieve’ from being ‘pummeled’ on the Rob Porter scandal


President Trump: Have Education Department Mandate Active Shooter Protocols


This European comedy sketch explains how the world sees America’s gun problem: From the outside, it’s just baffling.


Banning Bots, Punishing Troll Farmers, and Hardening Voting Machines: Here’s How to Stop Russia From Wrecking Election 2018.  There’s a playbook for keeping the Kremlin out of our next election. Will Trump put it into action?




Putin Isn’t a Genius. He’s Leonid Brezhnev.  Why Russia’s strongman economy can’t reform.


Global leadership void stares us in the face: Under President Trump, America is increasingly perceived as abandoning its role as head of the liberal international order it created


America Is Under Attack and the President Doesn't Care: Trump’s gravest responsibility is to defend the United States from foreign attack—and he’s done nothing to fulfill it.


John Oliver Reveals How People Around The World Feel About Trump


How We Fight Fascism


The Real Purpose of the U.S. Government’s Report on Alleged Hacking by Russia


Drain on Democratic voter rolls signals trouble for midterm elections


Poll: Democrats Open 15-Point Lead Over GOP In Generic Ballot


Dem wins Kentucky state House seat in district Trump won by 49 points


America is an oligarchy, not a democracy or republic, university study finds


Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy


Is the United States of America a Democracy or a Republic?


New Sealed Charges Brought In Case Against Paul Manafort, Rick Gates: The charges are part of the criminal case brought by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.


Trump's solution to school shootings: arm teachers with guns: ‘It is the gun, it’s the person behind the gun and it’s about helping people before they ever reach that point,’ said a mother whose daughter died at Sandy Hook elementary


“The Canaries Are Dying”: How Trump Is Making Republicans Pick Their 2018 Poison.  Caught between the president’s rabid, loyal base and suburban women, Republican candidates may not survive a blue wave election.


If We Want Kids to Stop Killing, the Adults Have to Stop, Too: America's rage-sickness trickles down from the top


Florida massacre survivor just spoke out about her phone call with Trump and it’s sickening


This chilling NRA ad calls on its members to save America by fighting liberals


Nearly 500 Days After the Election, CPAC Crowd Chants ‘Lock Her Up’


‘They weren’t buying what he was selling’: Wayne LaPierre stopped speech to ask young conservatives why they weren’t cheering


The NRA is being supported by these companies: Come for the discounts, stay for the opposition to common sense gun laws.


Three major car rental companies dump the NRA: The backlash is growing.


New Yorker: NRA lobbyist in FL has ‘unprecedented power and influence’


‘Burn her’: NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch claims she needed guns at CNN town hall because they wanted to kill her


What Is "Stop NRAmazon"? Amazon Is In Hot Water For Its Choice To Stream NRA Events


U.S. Companies Abandon the NRA as Boycott Call Grows: Symantec, MetLife, and others offering benefits to the group’s members dropped their association following the Parkland massacre


FedEx, Norton, And Wyndham Hotels Just Dumped The NRA As Backlash Intensifies


Gun Manufacturers Can't Be Sued For Crimes Committed With Their Products? (True or False?)


Nationalism in heart of Europe needles EU


Former Trump aide tells loved ones of plans to plead guilty, cooperate with special counsel


Additional deputies did not enter Florida high school during shooting: report


Amnesty International just officially declared Trump a human rights violator


Trump calls for military parade to take place on Veterans Day: report


The  NRA Russia Connection


L.A.’s Mayor Deserves a Presidential Hearing


Within minutes of each other, state Senate and House agree to shield many of their records from the public


CNN just destroyed Donald Trump with a response to coaching accusation


The Daily Show Identifies a Real “Crisis Actor”: Tomi Lahren.  And launches a new hashtag: #TammyMustGo


The media don't love mass shootings, but the NRA absolutely LIVES for them


WH official: Peña Nieto calls off visit to White House after confrontational call with Trump


Democratic intelligence memo released with redactions


Nunes vs. Schiff: Five key areas where they disagree


2018 Election Vulnerability: Voter Registration Systems


School shooter threatened others with a gun, first host family told police


Poll: Support for stricter gun laws rises; divisions on arming teachers


This rural Kentucky lawmaker is turning his back on the NRA and supporting students


Wayne LaPierre’s Cynical Exploitation of Outrage: The NRA executive vice president’s pugnacious speech on Thursday provoked an indignant response—exactly as he’d aimed to do.


Donald Trump Will Never Cross the NRA


Wayne LaPierre's speech: a reminder of the paranoia that gave us Trump.  Wayne LaPierre followed the NRA’s customary post-mass shooting moves in his CPAC speech – and at times sounded like Trump’s twin


Trump Just Praised an NRA Official With a Long History of Appalling Statements: “Jack-booted government thugs” in “Nazi bucket helmets.”


Uresti, Cain found guilty on all charges in end to salacious month-long fraud trial


Sources: Mueller probe stymies Kushner security clearance


Winner-take-all electoral college system is unconstitutional, say suits led by Boies


APD shoots Faith City Mission student who’d taken gun away from hostage-taker in facility’s chapel


Knowing Russia intends to hack Midterms, GOP fires key election official battling cyber attacks


Massacre survivor calls for spring break boycotts in Florida


Paulette Jordan's Historic Ride: The Idaho gubernatorial candidate talks politics, basketball and Cher


Ivanka Trump Faces Backlash Over Olympic Closing Ceremony Gig: “Daddy is gonna let her pretend to be an Olympian for the closing ceremony. Yaaaay!”


California Democrats Decline To Endorse Another Term For Sen. Dianne Feinstein


Parkland Survivor Lauren Hogg Asks Melania to Tell Trump Jr. to Stop Cyberbullying


Kamala Harris positions herself for White House run


Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Seem to Think They're Actually Vice Presidents: A New York Times correspondent explained the situation to MSNBC.


Where Was This Outrage When Cops FAILED Black People Tammy?


Free Speech Champion Ben Shapiro Triggered By HS Survivor’s Free Speech


Unrolled thread from @SethAbramson


Dick's Sporting Goods curbs some gun sales, urges Congress to act


Dems surge in generic ballot as economy fades from spotlight


How Defective Guns Became the Only Product That Can’t Be Recalled: Taurus sold almost a million handguns that can potentially fire without anyone pulling the trigger. The government won’t fix the problem. The NRA is silent.


Mueller asking if Trump knew about hacked Democratic emails before release


Trump Nobel Peace Prize nomination probed amid fakery concerns


GOP won’t follow the money: Republicans refuse to investigate Trump’s finances: Republicans are openly refusing to look into Trump’s financial connections to Russia


In Russia probes, Republicans draw red line at Trump's finances


Trump Calls Jeff Sessions ‘Mr. Magoo’ And Twitter Can’t Get Over It: Trump’s reported new nickname for his attorney general has people divided.


Why the rise of the independent voter is a political myth


Infowars’ Alex Jones accused of sexual harassment, racism and anti-Semitism: report 


Mueller preparing charges against Russians who hacked Dem emails: report


Rick Gates tells judge he's canceling trip due to threat invoking Russian mafia


Exclusive: FBI counterintel investigating Ivanka Trump business deal


Top U.S. Ambassador To Resign; Can’t Deal With Trump’s White House Any Longer


Georgia Legislature Punishes Delta for Cutting Ties With the NRA: “Corporations cannot attack conservatives and expect us not to fight back.”


McConnell shelves gun bills for banking reform


How Beto O’Rourke Explains America: Most voters have never heard of him. He’s running against Ted Cruz. And a Texas Democrat hasn’t won a statewide election in nearly 25 years. So why the hell does the El Paso congressman think he has a shot to win a Senate seat?


A Democrat no one's heard of just raised triple the amount Ted Cruz did, despite rejecting special interest money


Steve Bannon warns that women are going to 'take charge of society'


For the first time, Mueller looks to be moving 'up the food chain' to ensnare Trump in the Russian collusion probe


Leaked: Secret Documents From Russia’s Election Trolls.  An online auction gone awry reveals substantial new details on Kremlin-backed troll farm efforts to stir up real protests and target specific Americans to push their propaganda.


Democrat Joe Manchin Refuses to Support AR-15 Ban: ‘I Don’t Know Anyone Who’s Committed a Crime With It’


On the Battle for Truth


Abraham Lincoln and American Destiny in a Divided World


Report: Trump Wants His Chief Of Staff To Get Rid Of Jared And Ivanka.  The president reportedly wants his daughter and son-in-law out of the White House.


Accused child molester and failed GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore complains that he's going broke


GOP Ignores Its First Black Chairman Michael Steele At Its Own Awards For African Americans


Why the World is Giving Up on Freedom: Or, Why Neoliberalism is Ending in Authoritarianism Rising


Russia Recruited Me as a Spy. Here’s What They Wanted.  As Robert Mueller begins indicting Russians, he may be looking to find Americans they recruited to help in their attack on the 2016 elections, writes a former U.S. double-agent.


Robert Mueller Is Just Getting Started: Special Counsel Robert Mueller may finally be getting to the biggest issues—and getting closer to the president.


Do you know how anti-Christian Ayn Rand really is?


Why Christian Conservatives Love Jesus-Hater Ayn Rand: Economic greed appears to trump Christian charity.


Arming teachers isn’t just a ridiculous idea. It’s a deliberate distraction.  When something like this consumes attention, the public and lawmakers don’t talk about the real issue.


Republicans just punished Delta for ending NRA discount. Delta’s response broke the internet


Trump just stabbed Ivanka and Jared in the back in stunning betrayal


Texas Democrats just scored a significant victory at the ballot box


Pennsylvania couples clutching AR-15 rifles renew wedding vows


Trump on China's Xi consolidating power: 'Maybe we'll give that a shot some day'


Maxine Waters: Stormy Daniels should give her interpretation of Trump's mental health


Fmr. Watergate prosecutor: There is proof Jared Kushner lied


Anti-Child Bride Bill Stalls in Kentucky, Where Girls Aged 13 Can Marry


7 state election systems were hacked by Russia prior to 2016 election: NBC News has exclusive new information tied to Russia’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential race showing that seven state election systems were compromised before the election. NBC White House correspondent Kristen Welker reports for TODAY.


Devin Nunes Calls Colbert’s Jokes About Him A ‘Danger’ In This Country: The left “attacks people trying to get to the truth,” the congressman told Fox News.


One big problem with the idea of arming teachers: Insurance companies won't play along, and for good reason


Sen. Ben Cardin: Russia Is Trying To "Bring Down Our Way Of Government... They Want Corruption To Reign"


The Kids Are Alright: In scorning millennial “snowflakes,” older generations are revealing their guilt about the world they’ve made


Left faces off with Dem establishment in primary fights


Perhaps a shorter Post headline: Trump is losing it


Mueller questions whether Kushner's desperate financing search drove Trump policy


Obama Chief of Staff: Sen. McConnell demanded Russia warnings be 'watered down' before 2016 election


Mueller subpoenas emails, texts, and everything else from Trump and his campaign back to 2015


Cartoon: Post-traumatic discourse


The Second Amendment was created and ratified to protect and preserve slavery and white power


Alabama Senate passes amendment that would allow Ten Commandments in schools—to stop shootings


‘Let him arrest me’: Former Trump aide Sam Nunberg called before Mueller grand jury — but refuses to go


He disarmed a possible church shooter — then the police arrived and shot him


Sam Nunberg interview: Former Trump aide refusing to comply with Mueller subpoena


Trump May Have Violated the Law By Reportedly Putting Presidential Seal on Golf Tee Markers


‘No one is really hiring people with Trump White House experience’


Clarence Thomas: The Case To Impeach Supreme Court Justice Over His Alleged Sexual Misconduct


Ex-Trump aide says he’ll likely cooperate with Mueller


Texas Republican Attorney General threatens schools for taking students to polls on election day


Paul Ryan is a Trump Lackey for One Reason


Water is an American Strategic Resource You Can't Drink Oil!


Florida Senate rejects ban on assault weapons, votes to arm teachers


Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Received Inside Info From Russia Probe: Closed-door testimony before the House Russia probe is supposed to stay behind closed doors. Somehow, it got into the hands of another witness—and key Trump confidante—instead.


Gary Cohn to Resign as Trump’s Top Economic Adviser


Kellyanne Conway found to have violated Hatch Act


Trump tweets: There are people in the White House 'that I want to change'


Nunberg: I would go before House Intel Committee


Trump credits 'biting' U.S. sanctions for progress on North Korea: But the president warns that he is 'prepared to go whichever path is necessary.'


The Trump Show is addling our brains and blinding us to what matters: A dozen stories with real impact on people got ignored during the memo fracas.


Is It Now Too Hard To Prosecute Politicians For Corruption?


Who is Carter Page, the Trump ex-adviser at the center of the memo furore?  The memo describes how the FBI conducted surveillance on Page, who was a foreign policy adviser on Trump’s campaign


Why Carter Page Was Worth Watching: There’s plenty of evidence that the former Trump campaign adviser, for all his quirks, was on suspiciously good terms with Russia.


Carter Page, the star of the Nunes memo, explained: 9 questions about the former Trump adviser you were too embarrassed to ask.


The Other Russia Scandal This Week: What you missed while you were obsessing about #ReleaseTheMemo


Trump's Refusal to Condemn Putin as a 'Killer': The real significance has nothing to do with Russia.


How Not to Design Russia Sanctions: Russians met the much-anticipated “Kremlin Report” with relief, mockery, and confusion.


The White House Didn’t Ignore the Russia Sanctions Law: Why won't Trump tout his record on Russia?


What David Brooks Misunderstands About Abortion: In his latest column, Brooks tries to barter essential health benefits for more votes. But he fundamentally misunderstands his subject.


“Jane Roe” Has Died. Abortion Rights Might Not Be Far Behind.  Norma McCorvey’s passing comes at a time when Roe v. Wade is in jeopardy.


Critics tap decades-old law to stall Trump bid to undo Obama regulations


Paul Ryan Is the Silent Partner in Trump’s War on the Rule of Law


New Survey Shows Young People Are Staying Liberal and Conservatives Are Dying Off


From Fibs to Fraud: Why Lying Is a Slippery Slope


U.S. 2018 elections 'under attack' by Russia: U.S. intelligence chief


Trump’s NSA Director Admits US Hasn’t Done Enough to Deter Russian Hacking: “President Putin has clearly come to the conclusion that there’s little price to pay.”


Trump's Biggest Potential Conflict Of Interest Is Hiding In Plain Sight


John Kelly was supposed to be ‘the adult in the room.’ He’s anything but


Chief Defender: John Kelly’s handling of Rob Porter shows how similar the chief of staff is to Trump.


Why Didn’t the White House See Domestic Violence as Disqualifying?  That the president’s staff was unable to recognize the seriousness of the allegations against Rob Porter may reflect how many members of his team have faced similar claims—including Trump himself.


Donald Trump became president of the United States of Men today | Will Bunch


A Reckoning with Women Awaits Trump


Democrats Need to Start a Real Fight on Guns:  Incrementalism has been ineffective as policy and as politics.


Why the NRA Always Wins: It’s not the money. It’s the culture.


How Political Pessimism Helps Doom Tougher Gun Laws: Saying ‘nothing will change’ has empowered the NRA and ignores its declining punch.


“We’ve Got Another Shoe to Drop”: Why Mueller’s Charges Don’t Vindicate Trump.  The Justice Department’s latest indictments don’t implicate the Trump campaign. But the president is far from exonerated, either.


Trump Spoke to Witnesses About Matters They Discussed With Special Counsel


Trump's never-opened hotel in Azerbaijan is possibly a money-laundering bombshell


Russian Trolls Are Flooding Social Media With Messages Meant To Increase Tensions In U.S.


Privacy & Civil Liberties


The New Blacklist: Russiagate may have been aimed at Trump to start, but it's become a way of targeting all dissent


I'm a Republican who served under Bush and Whitman: Let's ban AR-15s | Opinion


Hey Muslims, Let’s Join the NRA. We Could Help Solve Gun Violence.


One Nation Under a Gun: Mass Shootings in 40% of House Districts in 2017.  There are no boundaries to gun violence. 180 house districts experienced a mass shooting in 2017.


How the White House Gamed the Security-Clearance System: Even when the FBI recommends against granting a clearance, there’s nothing to prevent a president from simply overriding the system.


John Kelly overhauls White House security clearances: It might have big implications for Jared Kushner.


Commentary: The other people to blame for the Rob Porter mess


Trump's Jerry Springer administration


The Stormy Daniels saga just got a lot more interesting: Stormy Daniels says that she is now free to talk about her alleged affair with President Trump


There’s a Pretty Good Chance President Trump Is Being Blackmailed


Top longest serving Republican Senator just announced his retirement


Former CIA director says Trump is 'unstable, inept, inexperienced and unethical' in scathing interview


Putin Publicly Praises Trump, Blames Democracy For Trump’s Problems


Pain turns political in Parkland after school shootings


Editorial: NRA feels the pressure as corporations sever partnership ties


Why the GOP Might Finally Pay a Price for Its Pro-NRA Extremism


White House Watch: Kushner Gets Downgraded. The president's son-in-law has a tough day at the office.


The Deep State Takes Out the White House’s Dark Clown Prince: Jared Kushner had a very bad terrible no good day. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.


Jared Kushner's fall from Secretary of Everything to ¯\_()_/¯


The Second Amendment is a human right — ignorance toward it is troubling


Arming teachers to prevent school shootings is insane


Indiana teacher explains in Washington Post why she will never carry a gun in her classroom


Let's value our children like the treasure they are and guard them accordingly


Cocaine seized at Russian Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina


Russian Escort Nastya Rybka Offers to Reveal Trump-Russia Links in Exchange for Jail Release


What Exactly Is Ivanka Doing?  The first daughter makes a mockery of anti-nepotism laws.


The Teens Are Coming For The NRA, And They Can’t Be Stopped: We are witnessing history.


Four reasons the NRA should fear the Parkland student survivors


Are We Putting Too Much Pressure on the Parkland Survivors? We shouldn’t expect quick wins on gun control—we should be preparing these kids for a long, bitter fight.


The Soul-Crushing Legacy of Billy Graham: "I would torment myself for another 20 years trying to 'reform,' never quite able to shake the voice of Billy Graham promising me eternal damnation"




KIRKUS REVIEW OF ENLIGHTENMENT NOW: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress


Unenlightened thinking: Steven Pinker’s embarrassing new book is a feeble sermon for rattled liberals


Is the world getting better or worse?  For Steven Pinker, the good news is clear. But progress depends on critics as well as cheerleaders, argues Jan-Werner Müller


Evangelicals Are Optimistic That Trump Will Bring About The Apocalypse


Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Implicated in Murder: Sworn statements filed in Federal Court allege that Blackwater founder Erik Prince launched a “crusade” to eliminate Muslims and Islam.


House GOP Floats Tax Credit for Armed Vigilantes Who Prowl Schoolyards


Letters From the February 26, 2018, Issue: A rose is a rose is a rose?… Lawyers, yes, but Christian?… Dishonorable mention…


Teachers Are Being Trained to Shoot Their Students: But we can’t shoot our way out of America’s gun-violence crisis.


The Large Policy: How the Spanish-American War laid the groundwork for American empire.


The Reasons Why White Women Vote Republican—and What to Do About It: White women do not—and likely will not—constitute the progressive base. But many more of them might vote Democratic in the coming elections.


When Harassment Is the Price of a Job: As decades of activism meet the #MeToo moment, could the food-service industry be poised for sweeping change?


Policy Overload: Has the American presidency become overwhelmed by its ever-expanding powers?


The Memo: Dangers multiply for Trump in Mueller probe


Sweet words we may soon hear: 'Mr. President, you are a target for obstruction of justice charges'


Flynn forced to sell his house to pay his legal bills


Letters From the March 12, 2018, Issue: The art of nonviolence… California dreaming… In defense of male feminists… The president cuts a rug… What this country needs… Charles Murray, creationist… We’re with Kap… About time… Missed opportunity…


It’s the End of the World Desk as We Know It: And with so much focus on Trump, foreign reporting will not be fine.


Life Among the Bundists: Through his family history, Mark Mazower maps the upheavals and dislocations of 20th-century Europe and Russia.


Somewhere in Between: The rise and fall of Clintonism.


A Court Filing Just Showed That Trump Is Probably Hiding An Abortion With Mistress


NSA Director Held Closed Staff Meeting; Admitted Trump Colluded with Russians


‘We’re going to burn down your store!’: Trump supporters caught on camera threatening California book shop


Mountain of Evidence Handed to Mueller, Mike Pence May Be Next to Go


‘He doesn’t give a f*ck’: Trump plans to oust Kelly, Ivanka and Jared — and then go ‘Full MAGA’


Trump seek interview deal with Mueller to speed end of Russiagate


Democrats Are 3 Times More Likely to Unfriend You on Social Media, Survey Says


MSNBC Beats Fox News As Rachel Maddow Has One Of TV's Top Shows Thursday


The NRA's Russia Connection Is Deeply Enmeshed In Organized Crime


How the Koch brothers plan to keep America red in November


Drudge’s Russian propaganda pipeline pushes Daily Caller op-ed by close Kremlin ally Oleg Deripaska: Drudge Report has linked more than 400 times to RT, Sputnik News, TASS since 2012


Putin: Maybe Jews Are Behind U.S. Election Meddling


STEVE LOHR: Why we're easily seduced by false news




Letters From the March 19-26, 2018, Issue: Heartbreaking foresight… Corrections (alas)… Off base [web only]…


The Gun Industry Is Weaker Than It Looks: It’s vulnerable when it comes to the one thing it cares about most—money.


Has the NRA Finally Met Its Match?  After Parkland, a generation is rising up, giving hope for a bold new gun-control movement.


Out of Bloodshed, Hope for Gun Control.  Three reasons why the aftermath of the Parkland shooting is different.


Russian Meddling


What We Don’t Talk About When We Talk About #MeToo: There are other, unattended stories, ones that do not deny men’s age-old power over women.


Libraries Are a Space Where Everyone Belongs: No wonder the Trump administration is gunning for them.


Republicans Have an Ingenious Plan to Stop Losing Special Elections: Don’t hold them.


Utah teacher shoots herself in the leg while at school


Local News Anchors Are Being Forced to Deliver Pro-Trump Propaganda


Davy Kettyles - More Than Thoughts And Prayers


Goodbye, Patriarchy!


“One Nation, Indivisible” features excerpts from The Sun’s archives that speak to the current political moment by giving readers perspective on the past and determination to face the future.

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