Sunday, February 18, 2018

Ecology and Pollution related links 021918

White House to ask for 72 percent cut in renewable energy programs: report


Groundhog Says: 6 More Weeks of Winter! NOAA Says: Not So for the Southern U.S.


Coastal states to Trump: why is Florida exempt from drilling and not us?  Ryan Zinke confirmed Florida would be exempt from massive offshore plan – which other states claim is simply a favor for Republican governor Rick Scott


CDC chief joins long list of Trump departures


Et Tu, Newsweek? Another Media Outlet Caves to Monsanto's Minions


Iowans Fight Back Against Factory Farms--So Can You


Farms could slash pesticide use without losses, research reveals: Study shows almost all farms could significantly cut chemical use while producing as much food, in a major challenge to the billion-dollar pesticide industry


20 Common Chemicals and Pollutants That Can Increase the Risk of Cancer--Particularly in Children


Oceans suffocating as huge dead zones quadruple since 1950, scientists warn: Areas starved of oxygen in open ocean and by coasts have soared in recent decades, risking dire consequences for marine life and humanity


U.S. crude hits three-year high as prices climb in tight market


Dakota Access pipeline protester injured in blast sues government for return of evidence


Let’s Sink Trump’s Offshore Drilling Plan | Dive Into Democracy


Cape Town is drowning in confusion over the drought crisis


Op-Ed: Cape Town, a city drowning in incompetence


US set to overtake Saudi Arabia and rival Russia in crude output: ‘Explosive’ expansion in shale offsetting Opec-led supply cuts


Huge Water Reserves Found All Over Mars: New NASA images show layers of ice peeking out of eroded cliffs—a potential boon for future humans on the red planet.


EPA head Scott Pruitt says global warming may help 'humans flourish': EPA administrator says ‘There are assumptions made that because the climate is warming that necessarily is a bad thing’


See for Yourself: How Arctic Ice Is Disappearing


The Big Thaw: As the climate warms, how much, and how quickly, will Earth's glaciers melt?


The Zombie Diseases of Climate Change: What lurks in the Arctic’s thawing permafrost?


The Resistance to Trump Will Be Local: Strong community makes it harder to win by being a jerk and a bully.


The Caribou in the Copper Mine: Mining companies seek to carve up Native lands and wildlife habitat to build a $350 million access road.


The 38 Dakota Warriors Lincoln Hanged: Native riders commemorate a forgotten massacre.


Does the Natural World Needs Its Own Bill of Rights?  Why environmentalists are working to grant rivers and mountains legal status.


Your Carbon Footprint Doesn’t Matter (Unless You’re Michael Bloomberg): Consumption shaming is bad science—and bad politics.


A Socialist Case for Curbing Consumption To Stop Climate Change: Combating extractive capitalism is crucial. So is taking the bus.


These Candidates for Congress Want to Win in 2018 on a Platform of Decisive Climate Action: More than 100 U.S. House and Senate candidates pledge to move off fossil fuels.


Ford Claims “All-In” on EVs, but Continues to Lobby Against Clean Car Standards


At the D.C. Auto Show, Ford should put the pedal to the metal for clean cars


Stanford engineers develop a new method of keeping the lights on if the world turns to 100% clean, renewable energy: Researchers propose three separate ways to avoid blackouts if the world transitions all its energy to electricity or direct heat and provides the energy with 100 percent wind, water and sunlight. The solutions reduce energy requirements, health damage and climate damage.


First-class travel distinguishes Scott Pruitt’s EPA tenure


Woman Dragged Out of West Virginia House Hearing For Listing Oil and Gas Contributions to Members: "The people who are going to be speaking in favor of this bill are all going to be paid by the industry."


Climate Friendly? Congress Passes Carbon Capture and Storage Tax Breaks: Nestled inside the U.S. budget lawmakers passed Friday morning were tax breaks for an array of energy sources, including some struggling and controversial projects and technologies.


Trump Still Hasn’t Chosen A Science Adviser — After 390 Days In Office: The White House may be having a hard time finding someone for the job.




EPA Head Says He Needs to Fly First Class Because People Are Mean to Him in Coach


BDI — BioEnergy breaks ground for algae facility

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