Jeff Sessions Just Dug Himself a Deeper Hole in
Trump-Russia Testimony to House Intel Committee
JUST IN: Resignation Calls For Mike Pence As It Was Proved
He Covered Up Mike Flynn
Rachel Maddow Blows Open the Latest Russia Shocker: Betsy
DeVos Is Right in the Middle of It
‘HE HAS TO GO!!!’ Fox fans furious after Shep Smith blows
up right-wing conspiracy about Uranium One
Trump Says He’s the Most Popular President Ever Around
the World; the Reality is Very Different
Bernie Sanders's Socialist Revolution Is Happening, Very
Slowly: Last week more than a dozen socialists won office around the country
after taking inspiration from the 76-year-old Vermont firebrand.
Turzai Running For Governor
Pa. House Speaker Mike Turzai joins 2018 gubernatorial
Fetterman v. Stack v. Dean: Will this be a Pa. race to
remember? | John Baer
Democrats Just Scored A Major Victory In Tonight’s
Oklahoma Special Election
Trump Just Made History In Congress In Truly Humiliating
Trump Just Broke A Presidential Nobel Prize Tradition
Cautious Steps On Philly Feet Of Clay
Morning Digest: GOP Rep. Lou Barletta will challenge
Democratic Sen. Bob Casey in Pennsylvania
The GOP Donor Class Is a Pack of Ungrateful Brats
One Year After Trump’s Victory, the Democrats Aren’t in
Sessions: I Can Remember Only the Parts of 2016 That
Exonerate Me
Where Have All the Protests Gone? Lost visibility,
increased strength.
Yes, Virginia, There Is a Wave: Podcast: Digging out from
the tsunami.
‘Winning’ Isn’t Winning
The 4 most important stories in politics this week: Tax
cuts and GOP chaos.
It’s not just Virginia: Maine has a crucial lesson for
Democrats: Old-fashioned big government can win back (some) working-class
A simple, boring lesson from Democrats’ landslide in
Virginia and beyond: There’s no microtargeting magic — when you win you do
better everywhere.
Democrats picked up 2 seats in the Georgia state
legislature, too: A wave that’s bigger than Virginia.
The Democratic Civil War Is Getting Nasty, Even if No One
Is Paying Attention
Finally, the Real Majority Pushes Back Against the Bitter
Third: Trump’s presidency isn’t over, but Wednesday morning we woke up for the
first time able to imagine what life after Trump will look like. Hallelujah.
Surviving The Enormous Emotional Toll of Trumpism: Every
day it’s something. Or 10 somethings. Can we really live with three more years
of this, let alone seven?
Donna Brazile’s Bombshell Isn’t That Hillary Clinton
Rigged the Race, But That the Democratic Party Blew It: The Democratic Party
has no discernible message, no recognizable plan and no real response to Donald
Trump’s serial rending of basic decency and honor.
Could It Be that Both Parties Are Doomed?
DNC: No cisgenders need apply
U.S. Commerce chief Ross divesting shipping interests:
Trump commerce secretary's business links with Putin
family laid out in leaked files: Wilbur Ross stands to profit from company run
by Russians, some of whom are under US sanctions
Our criminal justice system is not a ‘joke.’ Yet.
America’s pathetic autocrat: Donald Trump’s authoritarian
instincts have been checked by his incompetence.
Trump And Authoritarian Propaganda
The Anti-Trump Wave Has Come, and Republicans Can’t Stop
Cambridge Analytica Denies Working With Russia,
Why Does Trump Talk About Putin Like Putin’s His Boss?
GOP Silence on Trump's Press Threats Is Shameful
Papadopoulos Repeatedly Represented Trump Campaign,
Record Shows
Why the White House Dreads a Flynn Indictment: Unlike the
Paul Manafort case, charges against the former national-security adviser would
touch the White House itself and could ensnare the president.
Trump's Mueller Problem
Why Facebook and Twitter Can’t Be Trusted to Police
This Week in Trump-Russia News: Don Jr. may have
suggested quid-pro-quo with Kremlin-linked lawyer
Trump Advisers' Meetings In 2016 Bear The Hallmarks Of
Russian Intelligence, Experts Say: “This just smacks of a classic intelligence
operation,” said one retired CIA officer.
Sessions confirms Trump could pardon allies and family
members involved in Russia probe
Jeff Sessions says he now recalls Trump campaign meeting
where Russia discussed: At issue is meeting attended by George Papadopoulos,
who has pleaded guilty to lying about Russia contacts
Former intelligence officials say Trump is being
manipulated by Putin
Trump chooses Putin's word over the US intelligence
community’s — again: “I really believe that when he tells me that, he means
Christopher Steele believes his dossier on Trump-Russia
is 70-90% accurate: The respected ex-MI6 officer told Guardian journalist and
author Luke Harding that his FBI contacts greeted his intelligence report with
‘shock and horror’
NRSC poll: Moore trails Jones by 12
The FBI is examining why Russia transferred nearly
$400,000 to its embassies 'to finance' the 'election campaign of 2016'
Gretchen Carlson rips Trump for attacking Franken: What
About Your Accusers?
Are You Ready to Call This Man ‘Your Honor’? Republicans
Are About to Hand Unqualified Brett J. Talley a Lifetime Appointment to the
Federal Bench
Peduto to state: It's time to remove Pittsburgh from
financial oversight
In historic vote, a divided SRC moves to abolish itself
States: Seize this Moment to Compel Congress’ Help in
Shoring Up Voting Systems. Since last
year's election we’ve learned disturbing details about Russia’s attempts to
interfere with American democracy. The scope and sophistication of the attack
demands urgent action from Congress, and state election officials can help make
that happen.
Feminist author: ‘I don’t want Al Franken to resign’
Trump’s Tweet Condemning Al Franken Assault Allegations
Backfires Spectacularly. The president
conveniently failed to mention his own troubled past.
Trump-branded building in Panama City reportedly
connected to Russian mafia, drug trafficking
Trump's war on the media helps keep Moore in play: Two
years of attacks on "fake news" media give the Alabama candidate a
strategy for countering abuse allegations.
Leak Investigations Rise 800% Under Jeff Sessions: ‘In
the history of the country, there have only been about a dozen prosecutions for
leaks,’ the ACLU says. Jeff Sessions has 27 investigations going at once.
Why Internet Trolls Enjoy Making You Feel Bad: A study
confirms they're sadistic and psychopathic. Don't play into their hands.
Here's the first evidence Russia used Twitter to
influence Brexit: Russia-based Twitter accounts that targeted the US
presidential election also used divisive and racist rhetoric in an attempt to
disrupt politics in the UK and Europe
New Yorker Just Put Trump On Cover Of Magazine And
Trump’s About To Lose It, Here’s Why
At Snopes, a Peek Down the Right-Wing Rabbit Holes: Fake
news is a perfect marriage of corrupt capitalism (make-a-buck pranksters) and
corrupt constitutionalism (people who lie under protection of the First Amendment).
NEW: Trump extends his Thanksgiving stay in Palm Beach
White House aides feed Trump ‘delusional’ higher poll
numbers to keep him happy: report
Our view: Roy Moore grossly unfit for office
The depravity of defending Roy Moore
Is the Trump administration afflicted with 'Moscow
The stupidity of Donald Trump Jr.
The American President and American Values
Column: Trump goes to China and gets played
North Korea Is No Laughing Matter
Editorial: Sessions must search his memory and remember the
oath he took
British PM to Russia: 'We know what you are doing'
More Photos Emerging From Franken & Tweeden's USO
Tour. They speak for themselves.
Coordinated Hitjob Against Dems is Underway and Al
Franken Won't be the Last
In Post-Weinstein Era, Trump Sexual Assault Accusers
Await His Downfall: One woman said it’s “disturbing” that supporters still
can’t see the “president is just as guilty as Roy Moore.”
The Koch brothers (and their friends) want President
Trump’s tax cut. Very badly.
Russian oligarch docks yacht in Palm Beach ahead of Trump
And Now… the far right defends pedophilia, AND attempted
rape, as MORE Roy Moore details emerge:
Roy Moore supporters? Seriously?
Donald Trump and the Erosion of American Greatness: Some
say Donald Trump's presidency does not present an existential threat to the
American Republic. But after a year of MAGA, it has become clear that a
disaster is unfolding whose consequences for humanity and decency will be
CNN host lists women who've accused Trump of sexual
assault: 'People in glass White Houses shouldn't throw stones'. Jake Tapper slams Trump for “rank hypocrisy”
Trump is Leading the Most Corrupt Administration in U.S.
History, One of First-Class Kleptocrats
Mark Caserta: Uranium One relevant to US-Russia relations
Howard TV On Demand - Leeann Tweeden FHM
BREAKING: New Evidence Reveals Jared Kushner Lied About
Wikileaks During Congressional Testimony
GOP Senator Didn’t Know His Mic was Still On – Says
Republicans are “Toast”
Luke Harding
Franken isn't the target
State Department hires security company with KGB ties
Voting Rights Roundup: Virginia elections are a win for
voting rights and a blow to gerrymandering
Pennsylvania Supreme Court orders Congressional district
gerrymandering case to court
v. THOMAS W. WOLF, Governor of Pennsylvania, PEDRO
CORTES, Secretary of State of Pennsylvania, JONATHAN MARKS, Commissioner of the
Bureau of Elections – in their official capacities
Diamond v. Torres
Hillary announces she is resigning … as Fox News's
president of the United States
New Zealand's prime minister shuts Trump down with a
'joke' about popularity
The Trump–Russia story is a story about money laundering
in real estate. Full stop.
Vicente Fox Just Came Up With The Best Nickname for
President Trump
James Comey Sends A Cryptic Tweet About The President
'Women Are Chasing Young Boys Up And Down The Road' Says
Alabama Pastor About 'War On Men'
"Smell Of Alabama, He's Not Going To Be Able To
Escape It" Bannon Going Down In Flames
Roy Moore Lied When He Asserted Beverly Young Nelson
Appeared Before Him During Her Divorce.
more secret Kushner meetings to be disclosed, latest
omitted is one with Russian mobster
Russian Worker at "The Factory of Lies" speaks
out about the Troll Farm Operation
Reckoning With Sexual Harassment
Overcoming Sexual Abuse
When shame turns into toxic shame.
Treating Toxic Shame: Toxic Shame is a neurotic,
irrational feeling of worthlessness, humiliation, self loathing and paralysing
feeling that has been inflicted onto an individual through repeated, traumatic
experiences often, but not always, rooted in childhood.
Overcoming the Paralysis of Toxic Shame: An essential
step for cultivating healthy anger
Shame and guilt in child sexual offenders
The Effects of Sexual Objectification on Women's Mental
The sexual offender: Monster, victim, or everyman? The nature of sexual offending is considered
and it is concluded that offenders are more like other people than they are
different. It is concluded that they are neither monsters nor victims and
should, as a consequence, be treated like all other clients. Treatment
implications are considered and it is suggested that we shift our focus away
from a preoccupation with procedures and instead give attention to process
features of treatment. Various therapist styles are discussed and it is
proposed that a style that enhances the offender's self-esteem may be best. The
value of this approach is outlined and tentative data are offered suggesting
its value. Considerations for future developments are noted.
Common Characteristics of Sex Offenders
Rape, rape culture and the problem of patriarchy
What connects rape in war, domestic violence and sexual
harassment? Patriarchy
Sociology: Sexual Violence. Some realizations of sexual violence are
always necessary
How to Overthrow the Patriarchy as a Working Mom
Will the Harvey Weinstein Scandal Change America?
bell hooks on the Roots of Male Violence Against Women:
David Remnick talks with the feminist thinker bell hooks, who sees the roots of
male violence in patriarchal culture and the way that boys are raised into it.
If we don't understand the male psyche and how we deform it, hooks argues, we
will never solve the problem. In the wake of the Weinstein scandal, an
ever-widening stream of accusations against powerful men has prompted a
considerable amount of soul-searching. On Twitter and elsewhere, one book that
has been mentioned is bell hooks’s "The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity,
and Love," from 2004. The book was somewhat controversial among feminists
because, rather than excoriating the worst behavior of men, hooks analyzes
masculinity as a kind of regime that oppresses everybody, including men. She
sees child abuse, sexual abuse, and shaming as rampant conditions that
predispose psychologically damaged boys to violence. hooks tells David Remnick
that if we don’t try to understand the male psyche we cannot solve the problem.
Heal Inner Shame: The Key to Wholeness
John Bradshaw's BEST SELLERS
Increasingly Partisan Americans Don’t Want ‘Unity’
Roy Moore Accuser Speaks Out on Today: He ‘seduced me’ at
age 14
Sessions and Franken go at it again: Attorney General
Jeff Sessions and Senator Al Franken had a tense exchange today, but it wasn't
the first time.
Stone & Infowars knew before, Putinbots all over it:
how to deal with the horrific possibility
The Hidden History of Trump’s First Trip to Moscow: In
1987, a young real estate developer traveled to the Soviet Union. The KGB
almost certainly made the trip happen.
After Trump-Russia witness appears to flip on him, Rudy
Giuliani mysteriously surfaces in Ukraine
Eric Trump Goes On Live TV, Blames Democrats For Russia
Probe; Makes A Fool Of Himself
Rudy Giuliani turns up in Ukraine with pro-Russia
official linked to Paul Manafort’s clients
Rigged election: Steve Bannon and Paul Manafort “knew”
which swing states Donald Trump would win
The Rest Of The Photos And Videos From Franken And
Tweeden’s USO Tour Just Emerged
EXCLUSIVE-State Dept revolt: Tillerson accused of
violating U.S. law on child soldiers
Trump’s presidency is tanking his brand — and his hotel
Trump Impeachment Threat Grows as Obstruction of Justice
Investigation Deepens
Trump Just Used the Pardoning of a Turkey to Attack
President Obama, Is Nothing Sacred???
It’s Time to Start Calling Evangelicals What They Are:
The American Taliban
Beware of Running with the Al Franken Story — Consider
Where That Leads: Don’t help blur the difference between bad manners and rape.
Trump Finally Made A Decision About Accused Sex Predator
Roy Moore
Roy Moore's own story of meeting his wife tells you what
you need to know about Moore and teen girls
Leaked documents reveal sexual harassment by John Conyers
... and Congress' broken system
Voters given ballots for wrong district in race that
could determine control of Virginia state House
Trump should prepare for 'a long winter' as Mueller asks
about Russian contacts 'not yet public'
FIRST LOOK: SEATTLE’S DEMOCRACY VOUCHER PROGRAM. Reducing the Power of Big Money and Expanding
Political Participation
Trump on Roy Moore race: We don’t need a Democrat in that
Russia considers GOP lawmaker an intel source worthy of
his own code name: report
The general's speech is the one we wish the President
could make
Trump Touts Leadership During Military Call
The best way to fight Trump is to challenge his narrative
Democrats emerge from the year of living angrily |
After Tuesday, Democrats Still Need a Winning Message.
How About 'Respect'? For all the
euphoria over Tuesday’s result, the Democratic Party is still in trouble. But
the victories could point the way to the message it desperately needs.
Democrats spoil Trump’s one-year anniversary of winning
the White House
There Is No ‘Without Trump’: Trump is the main issue in
American politics.
Editorial | Democrats have more reasons to worry than to
be happy
Speculation grows around Flynn and Mueller probe
Flynn Kidnapping Plot Is Like Teapot Dome With a Dash of
Investigators probe Trump knowledge of campaign's Russia
dealings: sources
Thanks to politics, Americans are more stressed out than
US at 'lowest point we can remember,' survey finds:
Future of nation most commonly reported source of stress
Rereading: Hans Fallada's Alone in Berlin. Written in two months in 1946, Alone in
Berlin, Hans Fallada's bestselling account of a working-class couple's
resistance to the Nazi regime, poses profound moral questions.
Thread Reader is happy to present an unrolled Twitter
story with 41 tweets
Another Baldwin Just Attacked Trump…And This Time It’s
Law expert John Bonifaz just won big in Florida — now
he’s working to oust Trump from the White House
For every Moore there's a Franken, for every Clinton
there's a Trump
When Virtue Carries a Cost: Why it’s so difficult to hold
politicians accountable for their misdeeds
Bill Clinton should have resigned: What he did to Monica
Lewinsky was wrong, and he should have paid the price.
We Were Young: But 2016 wasn’t all that long ago
The Clintons held the Democratic Party hostage for 2
decades — and the sudden revisionism is inconveniently late
We deserve to know what Congress is paying out
settlements for
Liberals’ Sudden Concern About Bill Clinton’s Behavior Is
Cynical And Self-Serving: It takes no courage to retroactively condemn the
former president.
The Danger of Knowing You’re on the ‘Right Side of
Of Course Putin's Heroes Are Too Good to Be True: His
attempt to glorify Ivan the Terrible and other historical figures isn't going
so well.
Tsarstruck: Bloggers Say New Alexander III Statue Is
Riddled With Errors
It’s Long Past Time For Congress To Stop Writing A Blank
Check To Wage War: U.S. counterterrorism operations are active across the globe
all under the authority of a 2001 authorization intended only to sanction
individuals directly involved in the 9/11 attacks.
At Snopes, a Peek Down the Right-Wing Rabbit Holes: Fake
news is a perfect marriage of corrupt capitalism (make-a-buck pranksters) and
corrupt constitutionalism (people who lie under protection of the First
Tony Norman: Killers of elephants, enjoy your trophies
Roy Moore's Future Is an Ugly Fight in the Senate:
There's little precedent for a trial to expel a lawmaker in such a partisan
moment with changing cultural norms.
Roy Moore and the Alabama paradox: Vote for him to get rid
of him
Don’t Be So Quick To Expel Roy Moore from the Senate
Would Republicans Be Better Off If The Democrat Won In
Trump Leaks Israeli Intel To Russia – The Donald Just
Made His Biggest Mistake Ever
Trump: I turned down Time's 'Person of the
Time Magazine: We Never Spoke With President Trump, He’s
Lying About The Whole Thing
Trump 'incorrect' over Time person of the year claims,
magazine says
Lewandowski: Trump is the right choice for Time “Person
of the Year”
Not Over Yet: Russian Involvement Confirmed, Electoral
College Should Deny Trump The Presidency
Bernie Sanders will Face Donald Trump in 2020 Election,
Democrats Say
Did Kellyanne Conway’s Roy Moore Comments Violate Federal
Ethics Law?
Dominionism Rising: A Theocratic Movement Hiding in Plain
How the tax package could blur the separation of church
and politics
Trump says the IRS regulates churches too much. Here’s
why he’s wrong
Rational Security: The "Mother May I Launch a
Missile" Edition
Senator Asks Ashton Kutcher About Sex Slavery. Actor’s
Response Leaves Entire Room In Tears
President Trump's earliest appearance in Panama Papers
Johnstown Never Believed Trump Would Help. They Still
Love Him Anyway. In a depressed former steel town, the president’s promises
don’t matter as much as they once did.
Resistance Strikes Back
Blurred Theological Lines
From Real Estate to the Presidency and Back
Whitman: Can a ‘progressive’ ever win election in the rural
West? (column)
Not All Sexual Sins Are Criminal
Gun Control Shouldn't Be This Hard
Democrats Want to Ditch Leaders and Move Left; They're
Forests and Trees
Non-disclosure agreements don’t silence the victims of
sexual predators
American Voices: The Resistance, Year One. Donald Trump
rode a fake populist campaign to a narrow victory that shocked the Democratic
establishment and unsettled the world. A year later, public voices reflect on
the popular resistance to the new president.
Yes, it was a referendum on Trump: Reason for hope, a
year after the catastrophe. After
Tuesday’s Democratic sweep, can anyone doubt the Republican brand is tarnished?
More payback is coming
Trump’s Most Damning Legacy: A president who has
sacrificed the processes and institutions of American democracy to achieve his
own selfish ends.
Have Democrats learned their lesson? There’s reason for
Now We Know John Kelly
Trump was on the ballot in Virginia. He lost.
Virginia, a Ray of Light on a Rainy Day
Stars, Survivors, Relatives Remember Hollywood
Blacklist’s 70th Anniversary
#MeToo in Sports: Moving From Revelations to Policy
She Took On the Bully, and She Won
Commentary: Donald Trump is done
WILL DURST: It’s beginning to look a lot like Watergate
Anger at Mueller burns hot on the right
So You’ve Sexually Harassed Or Abused Someone: What Now?
A 'Toothless' Old Law Could Have New Fangs, Thanks To
Robert Mueller
How To Apologize For Sexual Harassment (Hint: It Takes
More Than 'Sorry')
Jeff Flake’s Son Just Dragged Joe Arpaio Back To Federal
Conyers steps down as ranking member of Judiciary
Committee amid sexual harassment investigation
‘Some actions can’t be forgiven’: Strategist says GOP will
pay dearly for supporting Roy Moore
Can You Be Friends With A Trump Supporter? NYTimes
Columnist Says 'No'
Watergate Prosecutors Slap Trump With Catastrophic News,
His Days are Numbered
Russia Wanted Trump As President And It Got Him. Now What
Does America Do? Despite a year of his
denials, the evidence of collusion between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russian
intelligence is looking clearer.
How Trump is slowly destroying America's national
security agencies
Exposing America’s Biggest Hypocrites: Evangelical
Christians: It’s okay to prey as long as you pray.
Trump Said He’s ‘Not Surprised’ Democratic Leaders Bailed
On Meeting: Schumer and Pelosi refused to meet with Trump after he tweeted he
didn’t “see a deal” coming together.
Another Woman Accuses Democratic Rep. John Conyers Of
Sexual Misconduct: Deanna Maher, his former deputy chief of staff, says the
veteran congressman inappropriately touched her and asked to have sex with her.
NBC fires Matt Lauer for alleged 'inappropriate sexual
behavior in the workplace'
President Trump Literally Cannot Think! - George Will -
Americans Need to Know!