Reporter in Government Protection Is 9th Journalist
Killed in Mexico
Court orders company to produce data on anti-Trump site
Witness backs explosive Trump dossier: Glenn Simpson
provides about 40,000 pages to back claims
Russian ambassador found dead in swimming pool
A GOP senator wrote a bill to protect Robert Mueller.
Trump called him to try to kill it. The president wants to keep his option to
fire Mueller open.
How Trump's FCC aided Sinclair's expansion: Use of a
regulatory loophole will allow Sinclair to reach 72 percent of U.S. households
after buying Tribune’s stations.
Confirmed: US Attorney Brings Trump To Court For
Violating KEY Constitutional Oath
Ex-Clinton aide reveals how the Arpaio pardon is Trump’s
way of ‘sending a signal’ to Mueller’s targets – and it’s jaw-dropping
Ryan breaks with Trump on Arpaio pardon
I was detained for protesting Trump. Here's what the
Secret Service asked me. | Commentary
Bernie Sanders Voters Helped Trump Win and Here's Proof
The Myths Democrats Swallowed That Cost Them the
Presidential Election
Court Admits DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schulz Rigged
Primaries Against Sanders
What the Leaked E-mails Do and Don’t Tell Us About the
DNC and Bernie Sanders: Thousands of e-mails show that the committee came to
loathe Sanders’s campaign. But there’s no evidence that they rigged the
Trump Just Committed And ‘Impeachable Offense’, Harvard
Law Professor Says Of Arpaio Pardon
Trump’s Pardon of Joe Arpaio Is an Impeachable Offense:
The president has the power to pardon, but he’s misused that power. The
Constitution is clear.
Phoenix Newspaper Tears Into Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio In
Brutal Twitter Thread: The Phoenix New Times did not hold back after Trump
pardoned the Arizona ex-sheriff.
The Media Is the Villain – for Creating a World Dumb
Enough for Trump: Yet another TV executive says Trump is "good for
business." Is sudden good fortune of news media by accident or design?
It Appears As Though Hillary Clinton Was Ultimately Done
In By Low Democratic Voter Turnout
Florida judge dismisses fraud lawsuit against DNC
Progressives Prepare to Serve Bernie Sanders Petition to
Start New Party: Supporters believe party would be competitive and attract
At 34 percent, Trump setting new records for low
presidential approval
Cruz, Cornyn back Texas gov's request for disaster
Trump Divorces the GOP Congress: Republicans need to
think of Trump as a political independent
Trump Discovered Pocketing Gov’t Funds From 7 States, 5
Million People Affected
NBC Unloads a MASSIVE BOMB, Confirms that Trump is Under
PERSONAL FBI Investigation [Details]
Trump asked Sessions about closing case against Arpaio,
an ally since ‘birtherism’
Arpaio Pardon May Be Opening Act of a Constitutional
Crisis: Trump's move Friday night shows the same disregard of the rule of law
with which he's trying to quash the Russia probe.
Special Counsel Subpoenas Trump Bank Accounts, Phone
Calls, Trump Threatens To Fire Him
Welcome to the ‘Breitbart White House’
Things are going to get much, much worse
Do Sanctions Work?
Democrats' unexpected money problem
What pardoning Arpaio would mean to the worst
people in government
Evidence Says Republican Party Was Officially in on
Russian Plan to Rig Election
GOP Leaders No Longer Hiding Their Feelings About Trump
How Will the Supreme Court Respond to the Arpaio Pardon?
Though its major import is President Trump’s official endorsement of racist
discrimination in law enforcement, a flagrant contempt for judges is the
“Nation” Writer Claims Pence Is Far Worse Than Trump
Famously book-shy Donald Trump recommends tome by 'great
guy' Milwaukee sheriff David Clarke Jr (who said he'd 'choke a Democrat' and
has been accused of massive abuses of power'
Kasich: Trump used Arpaio pardon as a ‘political wedge’
Fmr. President Obama Tweets About Houston Flooding, Now
THIS Is How A President Should Act!!
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow
while he ran for president
Trump is a novice protectionist
How D.C. Lobbyists Helped Paul Manafort Prop Up a Putin
Puppet: For years, the influence-peddlers’ work for a pro-Kremlin party flew
under the radar. Then Bob Mueller’s Trump-Russia probe got rolling.
Mexico offers to help Hurricane Harvey victims in Texas
Exclusive: How a request about Russians made its way from
West Virginia to Trump's team
Russian Mobster Felix Sater Advised The Trump Campaign
Donald Trump's cyber-security advisers resign warning of
'insufficient attention to the growing threats': 'Your actions have threatened
the security of the homeland,' experts tell President
Why Donald Trump Pardoned Joe Arpaio
Trump being warned by advisers about impeachment
FLASHBACK: Trump abruptly walked out of interview after
being asked about Felix Sater connections
Mueller Team Asking if Trump Tried to Hide Purpose of
Trump Tower Meeting
Trump signed 'letter of intent' for Russian tower during
campaign, lawyer says
Trump Reportedly Fed Up With Rex Tillerson: ‘Rex Just
Doesn’t Get It’
Why People Still Support Trump: It's not all about
bigotry and ignorance.
How a New Generation of Progressive Activists Is Leading
the Trump Resistance: Grassroots progressives are rising up and fighting Trump
– with or without the Democratic Party
Hatch would vote yes on release of dossier testimony
transcript: Rachel Maddow reports breaking news that Senator Orrin Hatch has
told TRMS that he would vote in favor of releasing the transcript of the Senate
Judiciary Committee testimony of Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson on the
Trump dossier.
Another wave of top State Department officials quit this
week in ‘Black Friday’ mass resignation
Michael Moore: Donald Trump on track to win re-election
"Bbbbut what do we do with this economic
Republicans Will Let America Burn While Holding Out for
Tax Cuts: The core principle of the GOP is to make the rich richer, and that's
more important to its congressional leaders than any U.S. institution
As Kelly Cracks Down, Trump’s Isolation Is Growing:
Without allies in Congress, the president is losing control of his West Wing.
Televangelist Jim Bakker: Christians will start a civil
war if Trump is impeached
‘This is not what he signed up for’: Confidant says
Trump’s mood ‘worst it’s ever been’
Trump Pal Bought IAmAF**got.Com and VaginaBoy.Com, Then
the Sites Attacked Their Mutual Enemy
Trump Just Got Slapped In The Face; Landslide Win For
Democrats In Fairfax County Tonight
Republican attempts to undermine Mueller with bill severely
limiting investigation
What is the history of "third parties" in the
United States?
Mueller teams up with New York attorney general in
Manafort probe: The cooperation is the latest sign that the investigation into
Trump's former campaign chairman is intensifying.
A Judge Just Gave Trump And Arpaio Bad News About Pardon
Grand Old Party's Over. Make Way for the Trump Party:
Donald Trump refuses to dance with the Republicans who helped get him to the
LETTERS to the EDITOR of The Progressive Populist
Look Among Ourselves for Leadership
6 Months of Trump, 6 Lessons Learned
Talking About a Media Revolution
Movements are Driving Democratic Party Debate
Chuck Schumer’s New New Deal
Will The Federal Civil Service Defend Us?
Socialists See an Opening for Change
All That Glitters is Not Good for Democracy
Living Well is the Best Revolution
‘Donald Trump is afraid’: Dan Rather says Mueller probe
is Trump’s ‘Hurricane Vladimir’
Chances of Trump impeachment at high point as Mueller
calls the president’s bluff and focuses on the family business
‘Mueller is playing chess — Trump is playing Donkey
Kong’: Morning Joe panel mocks outmatched president
Republicans Propose Cutting $1 Billion From Disaster
Relief to Help Fund Trump’s Wall
Robert Mueller's Latest Strategic Move Is a Game-Changer:
It's on.
Post-Truth Trump And Why Humanism Is The Answer To
Anti-Facts: No, Trump didn’t invent the regressive ideas he promotes, but he is
ushering in a new acceptability for backward thinking.
AHA Joins Groups to Express Concern about Judge Neil
The Sanctity of Human Life Act: Politicians Playing God
Church, State, and Taxpayer Support: Is America Moving
Toward a European Model?
Read the Letter Trump’s Attorney Michael Cohen Sent
Investigators About the ‘Golden Showers’ Dossier: In narrowly tailored answers,
the president’s longtime lawyer denies allegations that he went to Europe last
year to work with the Kremlin.
90 Pages of Suspicious Voting Machine Errors in Major
Swing State Found
Kushners’ China Deal Flop Was Part of Much Bigger Hunt
for Cash
If You Think Trump’s Summer Was a Bummer, Wait ’Til Fall
Starts: The five factors that are going to combine this fall to create a
perfect storm that will drive Trump crazy and bring our nation to the brink of
Barbara Streisand Just Took Trump Bashing to a New Level,
Donald’s Fragile Ego Can’t Handle This!
Exclusive: Mueller Enlists the IRS for His Trump-Russia
Investigation. Will the accountants take
down key members of Team Trump? Or force the president’s tax returns into the
GOP campaigns took $7.35 million from oligarch linked to
How Russia Pulled Off the Biggest Election Hack in U.S.
History: Putin, Wikileaks, the NSA and the DNC email fiasco that gave Trump and
Clinton another reason to be at odds.
Donald Disappears After AP Uncovers Likely $17Million
Hurricane Insurance Fraud At Trump Property
EPA defends action on flooded Superfund sites in Houston
House Republican subpoenas Justice and FBI seeking
dossier information
Could this Russian-born Trump donor be the key to a
cryptic Manafort note?
Naomi Klein: How to Resist Trump's Shock Doctrine
Russian firm tied to pro-Kremlin propaganda advertised on
Facebook during election
Fox News Is Now Attacking Republicans While Praising
Trump and Democrats
Trump's Early Christmas Gift to Democrats: In a surprise
blow to GOP leaders, the president strikes a short-term fiscal deal with Nancy
Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, handing them leverage ahead of the next round of
negotiations in December.
McCain, Whitehouse Make Bipartisan Appeal To SCOTUS
Against Wisconsin Gerrymandering: “Americans do not like gerrymandering. They
see its mischief, and absent a legal remedy, their sense of powerlessness and
discouragement has increased.”
Michigan Gambled on Charter Schools. Its Children
Lost. Free-market boosters, including
Betsy DeVos, promised that a radical expansion of charter schools would fix the
stark inequalities in the state’s education system. The results in the
classrooms are far more complicated.
Is Mike Pence guilty of obstruction of justice? I asked 7
legal experts. The vice president has a
lot of questions to answer.
Russian firm tied to pro-Kremlin propaganda advertised on
Facebook during election: According to people familiar with Facebook's
findings, company officials told congressional investigators on Sept. 6 that
they discovered political ads on its site bought by a Russian company during
the 2016 election.
BREAKING: Virginia Board of Elections Votes Unamimously
to Remove All Paperless Voting Machines
What Happened?! — Video Emerges of Hillary Clinton Saying
Illegal Immigrant Children Have to Go: Video Emerges of Hillary Clinton Saying
Illegal Immigrant Children Have to Go
Letters From the September 11-18, 2017, Issue: Hacking
democracy… Make America democratic… Dems: remember the base… Action and words…
In defense of prog rock…
Steve Bannon Is Gone, Leaving Behind Only His Worst
Ideas: The “Party of Davos” shot down any motions toward economic populism.
Disdain for Liberals Drives the Jewish Pro-Trump Right:
It’s not the issues that matter; it’s the shared hatred.
How the Democrats Can Take Back Rural America: Party
leaders must take direction from actual rural Democrats and independent
What Really Happened: Bernie Sanders Refutes Hillary
Clinton’s Book
Horsemen of the Trumpocalypse: The most dangerous people
in America.
GAO to investigate Zinke’s alleged Alaskan threat: report
Russian network RT must register as foreign agent in US
CDC tells employees not to talk to the press: report
How Russia Created the Most Popular Texas Secession Page
on Facebook: When is a Texan not a Texan?
Fork In The National Road: A New Progressive
Supermajority Party Is Forming. How will
Senator Bernie Sanders react? Which path will you take?
Trump lawyers wanted Kushner to step down over Russia
probe: report
Michigan Republican announces retirement, opening up
pickup for Dems
ALEC Exposed: Through ALEC, Global Corporations Are
Scheming to Rewrite YOUR Rights and Boost THEIR Revenue
Nestled in House Spending Bill: Campaign Finance
Deregulation: House package is unlikely to advance in the Senate, but
provisions easing rules for companies and churches could become bargaining
The Day the Russia Data Machine Kicked into Turbo!
How Donald Trump Lied to Conceal His Moscow Business
Partner: Perhaps this was his greatest deception of the 2016 campaign.
Flynn refusing new request to speak to Hill committee
Miss Texas Tears Into Trump In A Blistering 15-Second
Takedown On Live TV: The Miss America contest took an unexpected turn.
House Dems: Michael Flynn May Have Lobbied For Nuclear
Deal Inside White House
In Free-Range Trump, Many See Potential for a Third Party
How Russia-linked groups used Facebook to meddle in 2016
Christian Author Unleashes on Evangelical Trump Voters:
“You don’t like that I’ve “gotten political,” huh?”
Trump’s Press Secretary Just Urged The Justice Department
To Prosecute Fired FBI Director Comey
Fair Maps, Fair Elections, and Fair Representation
It's an alpha male thing: what dominant chimpanzees and
Donald Trump have in common. When it
comes to US presidents, we expect to see a combination of prestige and
dominance. Donald Trump’s Twitter tirades and demands for fealty show he
prefers the latter – an ape-like strategy for success
Oklahoma Republican Claims That Rape Is The ‘Will Of God’
Trump Says Jump. His Supporters Ask, How High?
Trump Just Launched A Petty Attack On Hillary. Her
Response Is Classy
Sean Spicer Just Revealed A Trump Secret That Explains
All Of His Lies On Jimmy Kimmel
The White House Just Told Its Biggest Lie Yet About Obama
And Trump
Former judge to admit payments from Brady campaign,
lawyer says
Why Is Bob Brady Still in Charge? Bob Brady has used personal charm to rule
Philly’s Democratic Party. But with one politician after another heading to
jail, how’s that working out for
Philadelphia Woman Pleads Guilty to Charges of Causing
False Statements to The Federal Election Commission
Feds say Philly Dem's campaign paid rival $90K to drop
primary challenge, report: Wednesday Morning Coffee
Redoing the Electoral Math: I argued that demographics
favored the Democrats. I was wrong.
Running on Hope: Ravi Gupta is recruiting a fresh slate
of candidates to take down Trump. But
can a former Obama staffer forge a new path for Democrats?
How Silicon Valley’s Monopolies Abet Conservative
Propaganda: Two companies—Facebook and Google—dominate the way we consume
information online. And they are saturated with right-wing lies.
Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Get It: "What Happened"
is proof that she doesn't understand the lessons of the 2016 election
#AlwaysTrump: No matter how he leaves the White House,
we'll never be rid of Trump—and all that he represents about America.
Political opponent wants FBI to investigate Rohrabacher
in wake of Assange meeting
Nancy Pelosi Will Not Let The White House Mansplain To
Her: The House minority leader reportedly told the men at the table to zip it
during her dinner with Trump.
Democrats Have Attacked Trump Every Which Way, But It's
Not Working
Did Jared Kushner’s Data Operation Help Select Facebook
Targets for the Russians? The Russians used social media to rile the
electorate. Investigators wonder if they had inside help.
The Wall Street Journal Just Shattered Trump’s Ego into a
Million Little Pieces, There’s No Recovering from This!
A Russian propaganda group purchased ads on Facebook
during the 2016 election. Here’s what that means.
Money-Laundering Prosecutor Joins Trump-Russia Probe
Sarah Huckabee Sanders broke a law that carries up to 15
years in prison (Details)
Donald Trump Jr. told Senate investigators he met with
the Russian lawyer to evaluate Hillary Clinton's 'fitness' to lead
Trump's fiercest supporters don't actually want
him to be president
Mueller is coming for the Trump syndicate
Presidential pardons, explained
DACA is alive. Is the GOP dead?
Why I welcome Hillary Clinton's anger and
The architecture of trust
Flynn, Bannon, Kushner secretly met with Jordan's
king days before inauguration
Trump is about to sabotage the GOP on tax cuts
Paul Manafort's spokesman testifies before
grand jury Friday in highly unusual turn
High Ranking CIA Agent Blows Whistle On The Deep State
And Shadow Government
Another prominent Russian has suspiciously dropped dead
in midst of Trump-Russia scandal
Donald Trump Asks Bill Gates To Shut Off Internet Because
The curious rise of Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian
lawyer who met Team Trump
House Bill Will Make Churches Dark Money Super PACs
18 U.S. Code § 879 - Threats against former Presidents
and certain other persons
Invoking Cloture in the Senate - Cloture is the only
procedure by which the Senate can vote to set an end to a debate without also
rejecting the bill, amendment, conference report, motion, or other matter it
has been debating.
Listen to Diane Ravitch clearly explain how public
education is being damaged by the billionaires who want to destroy your
community public schools.
Huckabee lines up Trump as first guest on new talk show:
Trump-Russia Investigation and Facebook: Why Mueller’s
Counterintelligence Effort Is Just as Important as His Criminal Probe
Russia's Hand Is Visible Everywhere in the
Middle East
Bill Moyers: Renowned Psychiatrist Warns That Trump Is a
Danger to Us All. "We have a duty
to warn if someone may be dangerous to others."
Trump Speaks at UN Reform Meeting
Taxpayers Foot Mysterious Mar-a-Lago Bill, But Why?
Report: Trump Lawyers Clash Over How Much to Cooperate
With Russia Probe
How to Have a Productive Phone Call With Your
Legislator's Office
Time: US Caught Russian Spy Boasting of Election Meddling
The Fake Americans Russia Created to Influence the
What Russian trolls could have bought for $100,000 on
The Info Wars to Come: Russia is weaponizing social
media. It’s time we started defending
Hillary’s Tour of Petty Proves She Cares More about
Herself than Her Party
‘Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire,’ by Kurt Andersen
Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire: A 500-Year History
Fantasia on a Theme: Ordinary delusions and the madness
of crowds in Kurt Andersen's unreal America
The party's over: Republicans and Democrats are both
•Trump's election and his increasing comfort in shifting
from right to left prove that the Republican and Democratic parties as we know
them are finished.
•Never before have we seen the leadership of both major
political parties so humbled.
•Here's how this power vacuum will play out in the coming
US Government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman
Turzai Sets Date for Special Election to Replace McNeill
Bloom Officially Enters the Race for PA-11
Dan Rather Just Gave Just A Brutal Response To Sean
Spicer’s Emmy Appearance
Sean Spicer Got A Cameo At The Emmys. Actor Ron Perlman’s
Response Is On Point
Senate Cancels Meeting With Trump Lawyer
Michael Cohen
JUST IN: Fmr. President Barack Obama Just Shook The
Nation With Major Announcement
Dems fear lasting damage from Clinton-Sanders fight
Ryan Zinke tells Trump to shrink at least 4 national
monuments, modify several others: Interior secretary "sold out" the
people who rely on public lands, Sierra Club says.
Scorched-Earth Politics: Bernie Sanders and the Dishonest
Campaign that Gave Us Trump
Fair Maps, Fair Elections, and Fair Representation
Giant Monument to Kalashnikov, Creator of AK-47, Is
Unveiled in Moscow
US officials intercepted conversations between Manafort
and Russians: report
Deputy AG interviewed by Mueller's office: report
Mueller investigating Manafort for decade-old crimes:
Edward Snowden Explains Who Really Rules The United
States - September 2017
Trump tried to diss socialism at the United Nations but
everyone laughed at him
Anderson Cooper hilariously mocks Trump for ‘straight up
making up’ a country during UN lunch
Lies, Propaganda, and Fake News: A Challenge for Our Age
35 Other Things Donald Trump Has “No Choice But To
Totally Destroy”: It appears that North Korea will not be the only casualty of
Mr. Trump’s presidency
Manafort planning to leave US — as Mueller’s team
prepares to indict him in Russia probe
Try Running Like a Democrat for a Change: A human rights
campaign needed for Western Iowa
Hillary Doesn't Owe Us Any Apologies
THE PUBLIC EYE: Trump’s Big Deal
Steve Bannon’s game of thrones: Jilted genius vows
“bloody September”. Ousted White House
Svengali plotting with far-right House members to undermine Trump, sow chaos
and destruction
Trump Sanctions on Venezuela Will Cause More Harm
How Trump Is Changing America: The presidency has not
transformed him; he has transformed the office.
Apparently, it’s illegal to laugh at Jeff Sessions
Progressive, Heal Thyself
Trump and the Generals: Are Kelly, Mattis and McMaster
Keeping the Tweeter-in-Chief Under Wraps?
When a red state gets the blues
President Trump Inc.: The Report
Kris Kobach Defends Using A Private Email For Government
Business: The Kansas secretary of state and vice chair of Trump’s voter fraud
commission said using his government account would be a “waste of state
Russians targeted 21 election systems, U.S. official says
10 Months After Election Day, Feds Tell States More About
Russian Hacking
INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE: How the right lost its mind, sold
its soul – and embraced Donald Trump
The Lord's Loathing
Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy
Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy
18 states, consumer groups sue DeVos over delay of
student loan protections: The lawsuits accuse DeVos of illegally delaying the
regulations aimed at predatory colleges.
Donald Trump’s Cabinet is Complete. Here’s the Full List
Here's a List of the Trump Team's Potential Conflicts of
Nevada Is 19th State to Call for a Constitutional
Amendment to Overturn Citizens United; Half the States Needed Are Onboard
Kurt and Gladys Lang Biographies