“We Are Not Winning in Afghanistan,” Admits Mattis
Troop plan for Afghanistan seeks to regain battlefield
Qatar Buys U.S. F-15s Days After Trump Says Country Funds
We all were innocent bystanders in baseball-field
Don't jump to blame mental illness: Hodgkinson was an
abuser with a history of domestic violence
I’m O.K. — You’re Pure Evil
Shootouts where good guys win only happen in the movies —
bad movies
Russia Warns U.S. After Downing of Syrian Warplane
Only Mass Deportation Can Save America
White House Takes Muslim Travel Ban To Supreme Court:
Acting Solicitor General Jeff Wall said the lower courts had wrongly
second-guessed the president.
Oregon Governor Forbids ALL State Employees, Including
Cops From Aiding ICE Agents
Saudi Arabia’s King Promotes His Son—and Ousts the Best
Counter-Terrorist in the Mideast: The aging Saudi monarch and his ambitious,
reckless 31-year-old heir may have taken the Trump summit as a green light to
remove America’s best friend in the royal family.
Proposed Law Will Jail Passengers for 4 Months for Riding
in a Car Without an ID
In The Event Of Attack, Here's How The Government Plans
'To Save Itself'
A Dangerous Choice: Handing control of Afghanistan policy
to the Pentagon could put more Americans in the line of fire.
Trump’s Policy Is Clear: Civilian Casualties Don’t Matter
in the War on Terror. Multiple air
strikes on cities and the use of white phosphorus—a probable war
crime—guarantee a growing death toll.
Taliban Says U.S. Must Quit Afghanistan for Peace
A Cyberattack the “world isn’t ready for”
Judge in Michigan blocks deportation of 100 Iraqis
Water Wars: The South China Sea Security Dialogue That
Trump supporters call for “liberal genocide” and deportation
of Jews at Arizona rally: Things get ugly fast at a "March for Trump"
in Phoenix, Arizona
Supreme Court allows most of Trump's Muslim travel ban to
go into effect until further review: The court will take a fresh took at the
order when it reconvenes in October
Trump Administration to Rescind Obama’s Foreign-Born
Founder Rule: Closing a potential pathway to citizenship for highly-skilled
immigrants could rankle Silicon Valley
How An Entire Nation Became Russia's Test Lab for
President Trump's Dangerous Syria Wag The Dog Holds Many
Jay Sekulow’s Made Millions From His Charity And That Has
A Lot Of Experts Very Concerned: Over $60 million in donations to his
non-profit have gone back to Sekulow and his family.
Man mistakenly detained is tenth immigrant to die under
ICE custody this year
U.S. denies visas for Afghanistan’s all-girl robotics
Where the battles to retake Mosul and Raqqa stand
Saudi Arabia Moves to Silence Deposed Prince, Dissidents:
Royal court limits movements of Mohammed bin Nayef, infiltrates social-media
accounts of activists and religious figures