Wednesday, June 1, 2016

General and Miscellaneous related links 060216

The Philly POPS Memorial Salute Concert


Who am I who's asking who am I? (Sung to music)


What Does It Mean To Say "Know Yourself"? Ask Deepak Chopra!




The Power of I AM


Young Adult Blood Cancer Survivorship Assembly


018 The Sleep Revolution


Insurance Options Dwindle in Some Rural Regions


‘Forest bathing’ is latest fitness trend to hit U.S. — ‘Where yoga was 30 years ago’


When the drugs don’t work


Cold Mountain- Wayfaring Stranger


Cold Mountain- Like a Songbird That Has Fallen


Cold Mountain- I Wish My Baby Was Born


Cold Mountain- You Will Be My Ain True Love


Cold Mountain- Great High Mountain


Cold Mountain- Ruby With the Eyes That Sparkle


Cold Mountain- Christmas Time Will Soon Be Over


Cold Mountain- Never Far Away


Cold Mountain- Ada and Inman


Cold Mountain- Ada Plays


Cold Mountain- Anthem


Cold Mountain- Love Theme


Pantera - Suicide Note Pt 1


America - A horse with no name (clip HQ)


Best of Times (Music collage)


Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes - Wake Up Everybody


How to feed a happy, healthy gut

Military related links 060216

WWII Footage of USS Laffey Enhanced voice over


The German High Command Signed the Unconditional Surrender of all German Forces


Who Raised the Flag at Iwo Jima? A 70-Year-Old Controversy, Reignited


Are the Special Forces Stretched Too Thin?


Act Now to Help Military Survivors


Ten Things You Need to Know About the Defense Bill


MOAA Answers Your Top Questions


With China pressing south, U.S. ships return to the Philippines’ Subic Bay


Army Has Fewest Active-Duty Soldiers Since 1940, Report Says


The 13 Kinds of Craftsmen It Takes To Build a Navy Destroyer: ​Meet the people who made the John Finn​


SEAL trainee dies during basic training


House set to weigh in on drafting women


Philadelphia Soul Military Appreciation Day


Blue Star Families has asked the VFW to help distribute their 2016 Military Family Lifestyle Survey to active duty, Guard, Reserve and veteran families. The data collected provides real-time feedback from military members and families on issues ranging from operations tempo to pay and benefits, stress, caregiving and employment. The survey closes on May 31. Take it online now at:


Stop Saying "HAPPY Memorial Day"


US Navy Poised to Take Ownership of Its Largest Destroyer


Navy SEALs secret medals reveal heroism during past 15 years


Air Force Gen. Lori Robinson becomes first woman ever to lead U.S. combatant command


Marine said to be obsessed" by Anne E. Marimow


Military News: Blue Star Mothers support troops, honored by county council


Women one step closer to registering for military draft after House committee vote


House drops plans to make women register for draft


Bergdahl trial faces delay over legal wrangling


Expert questions Silver Stars for SEALs in Lynch rescue


Correction: Stealth Destroyer story


House advances defense budget plan despite veto threat


Senators renew attempt to privatize commissaries — and one vows to stop it


Senate Confirms Eric Fanning, First Openly Gay Service Secretary


'Hack the Pentagon' Payouts Coming Soon


Chinese fighters buzz Navy patrol plane


Tolerance and Effectiveness of Forced and Prolonged Smoking Cessation Among French Submariners


The Invisible Wound: Moral Injury and Its Impact on the Health of Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Veterans


Outrage in Japan as U.S. Marine veteran arrested in connection with death of woman on Okinawa


Duty, Justice and Discipline


Wall of Honor at Radnor High School to be unveiled May 26; opens to the public May 27


Senate Panel Raises Fees and Caps Pay, but Helps Survivors - See more at:


Will House Defense Bill Changes Affect You?


Bergdahl to be court-martialed under new commander-in-chief


Marine cyber warriors will mess with their enemies' heads


The man who seduced the 7th Fleet


The Burden of War


Freedom Isn’t Free


MOAA President's Memorial Day 2016 Message


Injectable sponges used for first time to stop soldier's bleeding


Navy's Highest-Ranking Female Officer to Command Europe, Africa


McCain Amendment Boosts Pay


Senators File Hundreds of Amendments to Defense Bill 


Old Guard soldiers reflect on their mission at Arlington National Cemetery

Terrorism related links 060216

Passenger thinks Penn prof from Italy is terrorist, flight is delayed


Ivy League economist ethnically profiled, interrogated for doing math on American Airlines flight


The secret pact that became a scapegoat for all of the Middle East’s problems


Syrian hacker who urged Marines to refuse orders extradited to US


U.S. strikes top Taliban leader in Pakistan


For 70 Years, A Mug In Auschwitz Held A Secret Treasure


Feds: Teenager tweeted names, addresses of service members


I’m That Jew


'Mirror Test' Reflects On The Consequences Of The Wars In Iraq And Afghanistan


Five Days And Five Nights With Doctors Without Borders


Saving 6-Year-Old Ameera, Shot In An Afghan Firefight




Shakespeare and America


Senators push to authorize 4,000 more visas for Afghans

Politics related links 060216

5 not-totally-crazy electoral maps that show Donald Trump winning


Arianna Applauds Lindsey Graham For Rejecting Donald Trump


Republican Party Unravels Over Donald Trump’s Takeover


Trump’s poor fundamentals


The Second Part of Trump's Answer That Got Audible Gasps From the Audience


Update: Texas, Where Are the Judges?


Few stand in Trump’s way as he piles up the Four-Pinocchio whoppers


What My Mom Taught Me


One World Observatory


No, a Conservative Third-Party Candidate Can’t Steal the Electoral College


We The People Stimulus Package


Study: 95 percent of taxpayers would save money under President Sanders


Can Donald Trump unite the Republican party?


The Facts Have A Well-Known Center-Left Bias


Another Koch ad attack on a Democrat, another backfire


‘Not about bathrooms’: Critics decry North Carolina law’s lesser-known elements


Jon Stewart perfectly diagnosed the problem with Hillary Clinton’s candidacy


Paul Krugman Explains Trump: "The Making Of An Ignoramus"


Politics In Real Life: Dying From Overdose While Waiting For Treatment


Trae Crowder: The Liberal Redneck the Whole Country Needs to Know


Could America’s Decline be linked to Fewer Veterans in Office?


Read every horrible thing Donald Trump has said about women and tell me he's not a sexist


Practicing Mindfulness Meditation to Cope with Stress


PTSD and Families: PTSD Monthly Update, May 2016


Why I Won't Vote for Trump: Donald Trump reflects the traits of a bully, not an American president.


Obama in Vietnam Will Focus on Future, Rather Than the Past


Deeply Moving Sanders Ad -- Why the Campaign Still Matters


A sustainable, progressive revolution requires patience and reality-based pragmatism


This is how fascism comes to America


The Latest: Clinton campaign slams Trump Supreme Court list


A fractured Democratic Party threatens Clinton’s chances against Trump


Powering Bernie’s Political Revolution


Facebook and the Return of the Fairness Doctrine


Key G.O.P. Donors Still Deeply Resist Donald Trump’s Candidacy


Trump said he raised $6 million for veterans. Now his campaign says it was less.


Senate Approves New Army Secretary After Guantanamo Delay


Primed to fight the government: A fast-growing U.S. movement armed with guns and the Constitution sees a dire threat to liberty


Liberals are more likely to unfriend you over politics — online and off


Obama Considers Arms Sales to Vietnam As the Last American Combat Flag from Vietnam War Is Offered at Auction


The Despicable False Narrative Of Violence In NV


2 theories for why Donald Trump is now neck and neck with Hillary Clinton in polls


Bloomberg Politics


Donald Trump—a psychiatrist's opinion and concerns


Turns out Trump lied about raising $6 million for veterans and is maybe still lying about it


60 Ways to Fix the Economy


EXPOSED: Trump Fans Divide Democrats By Posing As Sanders And Hillary Supporters Online


Productive budget discussions must include realistic proposals


Hillary Clinton Is Criticized for Private Emails in State Dept. Review


This might be the darkest theory yet about why Donald Trump keeps winning


In business and politics, Trump stokes internal rivalries


In campaign chaos, Donald Trump shows his management style


Sanders: Primary isn't 'rigged,' just 'dumb'


Hard Pressed: Will the Boston Herald Survive


Judge bashed by Trump orders release of company records


Mackubin Thomas Owens: Handing away our birthright of freedom


The most depressing moment of the 2016 race


A graying generation founded on peace and love finds its champion: Bernie Sanders


I am a Hillary supporter, and I can admit that Bernie was right


Yesterday a farmworker in tears said "We love you Bernie, we really do". Here's why. w/update 2