Donald Trump Leads an Insane White Cult — and Pat
Buchanan Just Explained How It Works
Can Kshama Sawant Build an Actual Socialist City in
Rethinking the Think Tank
Birth Control That Works Too Well
This Is What Happens When You Slash Funding for Public
Neo-McCarthyism and the US Media
How Long Have We Really Been One Nation Under God’?
Anxiety Itself
Why Public Silence Greets Government Success
A New Formula for a Real Democratic Majority: The new
American electorate could offer a durable majority--if Democrats address
economic needs with progressive policies, not centrist ones.
No Cost for Extremism: Why the GOP hasn't (yet) paid for
its march to the right.
A Radical Pope: Francis has challenged the Catholic
Church. How much can he change it?
The High Road Wins: How and why Minnesota is outpacing
Hahahahaha! Scott Walker Has Some More Problems.
Bernie Sanders Has Filed More Bills For Veterans Than Any
Congressman In The Past 30 Years
The Politics of Offense and Defense
Piety and Politics in America
The Evolutionary Roots of Altruism: Do altruistic groups
always beat selfish groups? A new book claims they do.
8 Signs You’re an Authentic Person (So, how many
presidential candidates appear authentic?
It is hard to appear authentic when you know you are lying.)
Why the Christian Right Is so at Home With Donald Trump's
Bloated Narcissism
TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More
Michael Moore on Why America 'Needs a Little Time in the
Timeout Room,' and Whether Hillary Will Start a War
Why We’re Disowning Jim Webb
Inside the GOP's Fact-Free Nation
When did it become OK for politicians to lie?
So You Want to Buy an Election? (Flowchart)
Wanna Buy an Election? Mother Jones Exposé on Dark Money,
Citizens United (Pt. 2)
Why Sarah Silverman Is Scary: It’s the Cultural Power of
Celebrities That Drives Conservatives Insane: Over-the-top reactions from
conservatives to celebrity progressivism makes a lot more sense than you might
Chris Hedges: The Illusion of Freedom - The longer
fantasy is substituted for reality, the faster we sleepwalk toward oblivion.
Rep. Paul Ryan Selected to be Speaker of the House
President Signs NDAA into Law (S. 1356)
Deal Lifts Defense Spending, Extends Debt Ceiling and
Stops Medicare Premium Increase (H.R. 1314)
FRA's 2016 Legislative Agenda
Can social democracy survive?
Home Organized Personal Education - Government
Information / Corporation Abuses
Founding Fathers: We Are Not a Christian Nation
I am not a Christian. I am Jewish. Before becoming Jewish, I was Buddhist.
As a child, I was Baptized as a Christian, but converted
as an adult, while serving my country in the U.S. Navy. I went on to serve my country in the military
for nearly 24 years.
Many times, I took the oath of office to protect and
defend the Constitution of the United States.
Since I took that oath, I made it my business to learn about the history
of our nation and about the Constitution.
When I see it written that the United States is a
Christian nation, I feel unwelcome and I feel that my service to my country was
wasted on fellow citizens who have no idea of the sacrifices that have been to
preserve the Constitution, as amended.
The very first amendment makes it clear that we are not a Christian
In that spirit, I submit the following for your reading
President Obama Drops The "U" Word On The
Republican Party
Meet The Lawmakers Who Sleep, Shower, Work — All On
Capitol Hill
2016: The Year of the Billionaire - This presidential
election could show how private capital and secrecy conspired to take the
political process away from the American people.
15 Times President Obama Was Completely Hilarious: Our
most media savvy president knows the value of a good laugh.
Ethics: it's not just a good idea ...
My educational challenge to the FM community: do what's
Back to Basics: Ethics of a Financial Manager
Armed Forces Comptroller – Ethics, Responsible Action,
and Moral Courage
Financial ethics: a systems perspective: a major fiscal
consideration is the expense/investment threshold and sometimes the trouble
comes from understanding it too well ...
Ethics ... one person's perspective
Plan for Restoring the American Dream for Working
Families by Admiral Joe Sestak Candidate for U.S. Senate
The difference between self-love and narcissism
Self-Esteem Versus Narcissism
The Narcissism Debate: Is It Selfish to Love Yourself?
Narcissists vs. Sociopaths: 11 Key Similarities &
Are You a Magnet for Narcissists?
WTAJ-TV: Admiral Joe Sestak Discusses Health Care for
Working Families in Johnstown
WSEE-TV: In Erie, Admiral Joe Sestak Presents Plan for
Working Families
Union Edge Radio: Admiral Sestak Discusses Manufacturing
and Workforce Retraining
WILK 103.1FM: Admiral Sestak Discusses Plan for Restoring
the American Dream for Working Families
FOX66 WFXP: In Erie, Admiral Joe Sestak Discusses Plan
for Working Families
Hillary Clinton Rips The Heart Out Of Donald Trump’s
Attacks On Bill Clinton
Donald Trump Humiliates Himself By Getting The
Constitution Wrong On Meet The Press
Dem chairman: Fetterman would be toughest vs. Toomey
Uncovering Sen. Toomey’s Newsletters
Inspiration from the Suffragettes
Bernie Sanders Will Win the Democratic Nomination and
Presidency in a Landslide
Bernie Sanders Nabs Endorsement From
The NAP Guide to the 2016 State of the Union Address
Bernie Sanders' Plan to Tame Wall Street Riles Team
Those We Served: Admiral Joe Sestak Walks in the Shoes of
a Young Immigrant Going to College
WFMZ-TV: Admiral Joe Sestak discusses Iran detainment
incident, immigration reform in Reading
A voice in the wilderness